Nuwa System

Chapter 64 – Party Starts

After some quick organization of food, drinks, chairs, and sofas in the throne room by the servants and the Dai Li, Nuwa makes the rounds to personally invite over all her friends in the Palace into the throne room.

While notifying Mai and Zuko, she notices that the usual contingent of Dai Li agents near them are suspiciously missing. With a smile on her face, she calls out to the distance, “I heard Kristen picked up a stalker on the way, but I didn’t think that she would be this persistent or skilled enough to get through the guards.”

Zuko flinches and twirls his head around rapidly looking both fearful and enraged, while Mai sighs with annoyance, despite a slight blush. June jumps down from a poorly lit section of the hallway. Her presence was so thin that it seemed that it looked like she appeared from nothingness, as if she had a natural ability to blend into the darkness.

It helps that her entire outfit, hair, and lips were pitch black. Nuwa has to admit that she pulls off the sexy goth look well. She has high cheekbones, plump lips, C cup boobs, long hair fully covering one eye, pale skin like a vampire, and a vicious looking whip coiled around a harness on her waist. She’s wearing a sleeveless outfit displaying shoulder tattoos giving an intimidating yet beautiful first impression to Nuwa.

June focuses her unhidden eye on Nuwa and oogles her body with admiration momentarily before returning her gaze to Mai. She is about to speak, but then Nuwa manifests her [Vibe] and disperses her Tier 2 soul force into the surroundings. June shivers as she feels life-threatening danger from the newcomer and gets into a combat ready stance.

Nuwa takes no further action and says, “You could have asked to come into the Palace and I would have let you. Don’t think that a mere bounty hunter is invincible in these parts, even if you are the best.”

June grits her teeth in frustration as she feels her senses screaming at her not to antagonize this woman, who looks even younger than her. ‘Wait, that weapon in her hand? Is that a dildo?’

June looks at the dildo with a weird look in her eyes. Nuwa follows her line of sight and also realizes that holding a [Vibe] may be counterproductive to the tyrannical and fear-inspiring routine she’s trying to pull. There’s an awkward silence for a moment before June throws her head into the air and starts cracking up.

Nuwa puts on a wry smile as she tries coming up with other ways to intimidate, but chi-blocking is too little known to be scary and it’s easy to counter if aware. Internally, she’s considering a more badass outfit like June’s, but she doesn’t want to mar her perfect skin with tattoos. Seeing as it’s been awhile, Nuwa complains to June, “Alright, alright, you laughed enough. Follow me to the throne room, we’re throwing a party.”

Ever since seeing the dildo-wielding scary woman, June feels that they would make for good friends, so she nods and slowly stifles her laughter to follow her away from the couple. Nuwa tells the Dai Li following her to make sure the Dai Li knocked out by June are settled down and promises them some wage hikes to look the other way on the enemy turned ally.

Zuko flips a bird at June’s back, but as if she had eyes on the back of her head, June turns around and blows a raspberry at him. Mai shakes her head with exasperation as she tries to calm down Zuko. Nuwa observes the interaction with intrigue, ‘Why is he so mad? It’s obvious she’s just trolling.’

June gives him one last evil smirk before leaving with Nuwa. Despite Nuwa’s fully clothed and armored form, June still follows the sway of Nuwa’s ass like a shamelessly perverted boy.

Nuwa smiles and laughs internally as June’s sexual fantasies are transmitted to her mind. ‘She acts all perverted and dominant with that dominatrix getup, but all her fantasies are straight out of fairy tale girly novels. Judging by her fantasies, it’s clear she’s never considered having sex with a man or using dildos. Moreover, they’re all so tame and full of her gently caressing Mai, Katara, and even me! How embarrassing! How cute!’

Nuwa forcefully controls her widening smile as she walks ahead of June and says, “My name is Stella, June. I’m not sure how much you’ve heard about me, but Lee’s my little brother and Kristen is one of my best friends, so don’t go too far. Currently, I’m under the impression that despite your stalkerish behavior, you’re just lonely and playing around.”

June betrays some mild surprise on her face, but then snorts and says, “Fine, you’re right. I’m just bored and Kristen’s reactions are the cutest. So, you’re saying that she’s under your protection and I’m not allowed near her?”

Nuwa turns her head slightly towards her, which causes June to immediately avert her eyes from Nuwa’s butt. Nuwa replies, “She’s 6 months pregnant and has enough things to worry about. Why don’t you let me play with you instead?”

Nuwa summons the [Vibe], turns on its vibration feature for the first time in months, and gently licks the tip, “I’m sure we can think of plenty of things to do..”

June shivers as she imagines that strangely buzzing dildo inside of her pussy instead of a wiggling finger. For the first time, she’s aroused at the thought of losing her virginity. Despite Stella’s plain face, June feels an innate nobility in her mannerisms, but it doesn’t make her feel repulsed like the nobles who hire her usually. Rather, she feels like conversing casually with an old friend. An old friend who happens to be extremely experienced at sex and peer pressure. But remembering the awe-inspiring power displayed earlier, she also feels like she’s staring into a pit of vipers.

The fear and arousal compound and she dips into a momentary confusion. Nuwa chuckles at her reaction and teases, “Didn’t you say you were bored, Miss #1 Bounty Hunter?”

June blinks and crosses her arms before saying, “Fine!”

Then she blushes, lowers her head slightly, and softly says, “I’ll be in your care.”

Nuwa raises her brows.

June shouts, “Don’t get the wrong idea! I’m only going to try once to see what the big deal is, then leave after I get bored!”

Nuwa returns a big smile and internally squeals, ‘Tsundere - GET!’

June grumbles under her breath about how her fun was ruined and about how anything could possibly be more fun than teasing Kristen and provoking Zuko.

Now that Nuwa thinks about it, Aiwei and June would be a great item. Although she would be slightly jealous watching her cute little seer fall in love with someone other than her, Nuwa knows that Azula is the one for her. Aiwei is the type who prefers vanilla sex just like June, and they are both quirky loners.

Notwithstanding how strange it is to ship a 14 yr old with a 22 yr old, both of whom don’t even know one another, Nuwa mentally pats her own back at how well their personalities would fit. She’s particularly eager to see him get whipped when he tries to point out June’s tsundere lies. ‘Kekeke, little seer, I found a hottie for you. Should I save her virginity for a few years until you’re of age? Hmm..’

Meanwhile, Aiwei, who is hundreds of kilometers away in the middle of a standing piss, sneezes. His aim into the bush is disrupted and he gets urine all over his pants. ‘Fuck me!’

Toph and Dan finally make it back from their party with the military. Toph seems rejuvenated despite her chi exhaustion with her narcissism fully satisfied. Dan seems dead tired, because he’s too introverted for huge public parties. He was an otaku in his former life, after all.

Soon the youths are gathered in the throne room making merry and chatting while eating. Iroh and all the other servants are kicked out. There’s a few games set up and Azula is explaining pai sho to Aang. Dan seems much more comfortable now that only his friends are around. Ty Li is hanging on his arm, but he’s throwing glances to Toph, who seems fine hanging on Haru’s arm.

Nuwa notices that something is up with her dao disciple and feels guilty that she hasn’t been properly teaching him. Having to sort through problems of her own with Azula put a damper on some of her other plans. She notices these as she walks into the party with June.

Aang sees June and automatically gets up to run away, before realizing that no one else is moving. Nuwa chuckles and says, “Guys, meet June. She’s here as a friend to join the fun and not be a creepy stalker anymore.”

Katara and Aang accept her company with mild annoyance, while the rest don’t know her. After Zuko and Mai arrive, Nuwa asks how Team Avatar met June as a sort of icebreaker. Aang scratches his head with an innocent smile, “I guess you could say it was Appa’s fault.”

Katara sighs with defeat and says, “We had forgotten to brush Appa’s teeth or scrub his tongue for a full week since we were busy dealing with pregnancy issues. We had stopped at a pub to get something to eat and left Appa nearby outside, intending to get food to go. Inside, we saw June.”

June leans back on a sofa to get comfortable and crosses her legs, “Oh? That’s right, I had just finished arm-wrestling the strongest men in that village and earning some coin. I didn’t even notice them at that time. I only heard Nyla’s cry of despair.”

Aang winces, “Hey June, it can't have been that bad right? Nothing a bit of airbending wouldn’t fix?”

June yells, “You’re the only airbender here! Shirshu can track scents across a thousand full kilometers! Although it is rather funny in retrospect, at the time I thought she was injured!”

Nuwa asks, “So what really happened?”

June responds, “None of us know. Nyla is a bit dumb when it comes to investigating new things so she probably became curious seeing an air bison.That air bison either farted or burped right in Nyla’s nose and made her go into a frenzy smashing up everything in sight trying to get the scent off! I hope she learns her lesson after this.”

Zuko yells at June, “None of that destruction was our fault! You chased us for a whole week after the villagers made you pay reimbursement! We had already paid you double what you gave them! Nyla even paralyzed me with her tongue!”

June smirks, “Nyla was mad at Appa and made me follow you guys to get revenge at first. Later, I felt like following you guys because it looked like fun. You guys are hard to catch while riding that bison.”

Nuwa put her hand on Zuko’s shoulder, “No worries June, it’s all water under the bridge now. You can have plenty of fun here with us. Zuko, play a game with June to make up.”

Zuko is still angry, but when he hears Nuwa reassure June, his intuition automatically fires, telling him that Nuwa is definitely up to something. Most of the group know by now that Nuwa never does things for no reason, so to forgive and befriend June just like that seems awfully suspicious to them. Nevertheless, they don’t show much reaction to it and wait eagerly to see what scheme she’s cooking up now.

June nods her head at how Zuko swallows his anger and her smug grin widens. She says, “That’s right. You should pay less attention to me and more to your.. um, wife?”

Zuko freezes. Nuwa laughs and dips out at that point. No way is she going to help Zuko clarify his relationship with Mai. Even she wants to see him turn into a trainwreck now and then!

She hears Zuko say, “I pay plenty of attention to my wife!” followed by a menacing response from Mai, “Oh? Who’s this wife I’m hearing about? I don’t see any rings. I didn’t even think you were engaged yet, darling.”

Nuwa nopes right on out of there. She walks over to the sofa where Ty Li is discreetly rubbing Dan’s crotch under a blanket. Ty Li blushes and pulls her hand back when she notices Nuwa come over. Nuwa removes her full body armor, leaving her in a skintight dark green cheongsam with a heart-shaped window for her cleavage that just barely covers her whole ass. She then jumps invasively right between Ty Li and Dan on the couch, much to Ty Li’s consternation.

Nuwa whispers in her ear, “Sorry to interrupt your reunion with your favorite cock, sister dearest. There will be plenty of time to catch up later tonight.”

Ty Li blushes fully red with her hands to her cheeks and nods happily.

Nuwa kisses Ty Li’s hand on her cheek and turns to Dan, who’s still looking at Toph. Currently, Toph’s being fed by Haru and laughing at Zuko.

Curious, Nuwa asks, “What’s going on, Dan? Did something happen between you and Toph?”

Dan jerks in panic, opens his mouth, and freezes, unable to explain and unwilling to lie. Nuwa becomes even more suspicious after this. She knows Dan well enough that he would never intentionally hide something from her, so it must be that he doesn’t know how to say it.

Nuwa suspects that Dan might be in love with Toph since they did spend a lot of time together. ‘It would be great if he found love. He deserves his own happiness. He shouldn’t be forsaking his own feelings out of loyalty to me.’

Although Nuwa does frequently treat Dan poorly when they have sex, she only does that as a play to turn them both on. Their relationship outside of sex is that of a liege and a vassal. It just kind of turned out that way after they fucked for the first time and she saved his soul. They haven’t clarified the boundaries yet, but Nuwa hopes that Dan can serve her in a professional capacity while also having his own life as a dear friend to her.

Due to Dan’s continued silence, Nuwa loses patience and snakes her hand into his pants to grasp his dick. E-Nuwa reads the targets and notices that Toph’s hands are closer to her belly than she usually keeps them. She reads this and the changes in Toph’s overall demeanor before swapping to Dan, who shows more obvious signs of guilt and confusion.

E-Nuwa concludes that Dan lost control in some way and got Toph pregnant. They both know about it, but neither of them love each other. It’s a strange situation.

E-Nuwa then notices microexpressions of happiness on Dan’s face whenever he perceives Ty Li looking at him.

Judging by Ty Li’s eye gaze patterns, E-Nuwa concludes she seems to have a crush on Dan’s dick and Dan, approximately 70% and 30% respectively.

Dan is already hard from when Ty Li rubbed his crotch. However, Dan is fully erect now due to his Mistress’s direct and gentle touch. He groans softly at the tightening of his pants and briefs. Ty Li knows what’s going on under the blanket. She knows all of Dan’s expressions, so she starts drooling slightly imagining it inside her again.

Nuwa smiles warmly and reaches to stroke her hand down his dick until she reaches the tip where she pinches a bit of precum on her thumb and index fingers. She says to Dan, “Don’t worry, we’ll discuss the matter regarding Toph as a group later.”

Dan’s whole body stiffens, then relaxes, letting out a little bit more precum. Toph’s pregnancy has been on his mind all day and he has no clue how to continue forward. As a former Otaku, he isn’t very good at interpersonal interactions.

He does know what love is and knows that he doesn’t love Toph. Every time he looks at Toph, he would be annoyed because of how hard she made his life in the military. He doesn’t know how to tell his Mistress, but hearing that his Mistress is already aware and is reassuring him with her ever-confident voice, he knows that she would help him through this.

E-Nuwa notes that Dan has to learn to better handle stressful situations. As long as he can calm down and come up with a list of thoughts he has on the subject as well as a list of options available to him, he could probably work his way to a temporary solution to his dilemma. In general, action towards some end goal, even if it’s asking for help, is better than freezing up and waiting for others to be proactive in giving their orders.

Pulling her hand out of Dan’s pants, Nuwa offers the slightly golden fluid to Ty Li, who licks it carefully off of Nuwa’s fingers with an entranced expression. Nuwa checks if anyone notices Ty Li’s finger blowjob. Only Kuei does, and he appears to be blushing while changing his sitting position for playing cards to cover his boner. Azula also does, but she’s always extending her senses in Nuwa’s direction, so that’s to be expected. She continues playing pai sho without any reaction.

Nuwa whispers to her sister, “Thanks for lending me Dan for a moment, sis. Would you like to finish him off? No one will notice.”

Ty Li’s eyes light up and she dreamily nods her head. Ignoring the physics of the lack of proper leverage involved in such a maneuver, she somehow handstands to the top of the sofa and tries to contort herself in between the tightly squished Nuwa and Dan. She’s close. She ends up on Dan’s lap absentmindedly rubbing herself on his erect dick through their clothes and a blanket.

Nuwa does some quick damage control by reclining the sofa to make their actions less obvious, putting a second blanket on top of them from the chest down, and moving the first blanket that is obstructing their genitals into her [Inventory]. She nods in pride at her work before also helping both of them pull down their pants under the blanket.

Once again, Azula and Kuei are the only ones paying attention to their situation. Azula gives a knowing smirk since she can guess what Nuwa has planned for the second half of the party.

Kuei goes bug-eyed at the audacity of those two to get intimate under a blanket. He can clearly tell from the movement of the blanket that they are pulling their pants down! Kuei drops out of the card game he’s playing and pulls a pillow from nearby to casually hold over his crotch.

Although he didn’t have any expectations for Ty Li to develop feelings for him, he did have the best sex of his life with her several times over the past few months. It stung his pride a little to see her make such a genuinely lewd face next to Dan.

Unfortunately, even when he was having the best sex of his life, Ty Li was relatively impassive and he could tell she wasn’t thinking about him when they fucked. Most of the women he had sex with as a King threw themselves at him and made fake expressions, so maybe that was why his sex with Ty Li was so memorable.

Kuei resolved to learn how to please women better just so he doesn’t have to see those hateful fake orgasm faces. After getting to know Nuwa these past few months, he had a feeling that Nuwa would be OK with teaching him.

Back on the reclined sofa, Dan and Ty Li end up on their side facing Nuwa, with Dan’s cock extending between Ty Li’s thighs and rubbing on her vulva. Hummy flits out of Ty Li’s blouse into Nuwa’s heart-shaped cleavage window to get a better view.

With everything lined up, E-Nuwa gently guides the head of Dan’s penis into Ty Li’s sopping wet hole from under the blanket with a single finger. Since Dan is taller and has wider shoulders than Ty Li, Nuwa can see both of their eyes dilate with lust and pleasure as they try to stifle any sounds from leaking.

She smiles and thinks, ‘They definitely have the sexual attraction part down.’

Nuwa changes to a serious face and says, “I don’t mean to rain on your parade guys, but it’s time for Dan’s first lesson in the Dao.”

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