Oath of the Survivor

Chapter 203

“What a mess.  How do you want to handle this, Wallace?” Iska asked, releasing another volley of arrows at Kyle.

“There’s not much else we can do at this point.”  Wallace replied, stamping on the ground in an attempt to catch Kyle in an explosion.  “The job included provisions to compensate for losses, they’ll just have to pay a little more to cover the brat’s death.  After all, it’s his fault for not being strong enough to protect his own damn territory.”

Kyle narrowly avoided being trapped inside another cage of force as his mind raced.  He couldn’t see any worry on their faces at the thought of killing Ma’Sai.  Unfortunately, Kyle didn’t think their analysis was off-base.  Each of the 3 opponents he faced were more powerful than the young ruler.  If he had Go’Wree, it may have been more of a fight.  As things stood, however, Kyle didn’t think Ma’Sai stood much of a chance.

As if on cue, Kyle heard the droning of the phantasmal wasps, zipping through the air to surround the trio of assailants.  Arrows filled the sky a moment later as Iska peppered each of the insects, none of the creatures able to close within 20 meters. 

All the while, Kyle felt the approach of the phantom styxlions.  While Iska launched her attack, and the moment they appeared he made his move.  Wallace was able to slice one of them apart before it could attack, but the other took Iska to the ground.  Its jaws opened wide, aimed directly at the woman’s throat before it was blown away by a powerful blast of wind. 

The lion landed on its feet, and Wallace was on it before it could activate its stealth skill.  At the same moment, Kyle made his move.  While Wallace was handling the styxlion, Kyle burst toward the two ranged combatants, tendrils of Parasitic Resonance extending to their maximum range. 

He heard Nergal swear, and felt a surge of mana as the Mage activated the same skill that destroyed Kyle’s residence.  Storm Shelter sprang to life around him, preventing him from being blown away.  Nergal’s quick activation kept Kyle just outside of Parasitic Resonance’s range, and Kyle’s heart fell as he saw the larger plates of force and air appear outside the boundaries of Storm Shelter.

Nergal was breathing heavily, hands clasped together with arms outstretched as Kyle felt more layers wrap around the barrier.  I should have just run, Kyle thought.  He’d hoped to at least take out Nergal and Iska, giving him an opportunity to help Ma’Sai and still pursue C.H.A.D.D.  It was a foolish idea, and now he was contained.  Impotent.  Anger bubbled in his chest as Storm Shelter dissipated.  Nergal barked something to Iska, who moved to support Wallace.

With Identify active, Kyle began to look over his prison.  He could see the constant infusion of mana from Nergal, which meant the man wasn’t confident in his skill’s ability to contain Kyle.  Instead, he was relying on brute force.  That meant there was still a chance.  His eyes roamed over each seam, each connection, until they finally landed on Wallace and Ma’Sai.

The young man glowed like a star in Kyle’s vision, enchantments and power on full display.  His golden eyes were wide, expression focused as he danced away from Wallace’s broadsword.  A dozen transparent blue swords floated around him, each bearing the same look as the other summons from his cards.  The blades intercepted a constant barrage of arrows from Iska, who was constantly retreating from the lumbering assault of the large crocodilian summon Kyle saw before.

Each swipe of its claws ripped trenches into the ground below, though it simply wasn’t fast enough to keep pace with the Archer, who kept a stream of attacks focused on Ma’Sai.  To his credit, the young man fought far better than Kyle expected.  His steps were purposeful, and he didn’t miss opportunities to launch a barrage of mana bolts at both Wallace and Iska, burning flesh and scorching armor wherever they hit.

Still, it was a losing battle.  3 of the 12 swords had been broken, and the remaining blades each showed spiderweb cracks.  As impressive as they were, the constructs were ultimately E Grade skills.  They weren’t designed to stand up to a prolonged D Grade engagement.  Similarly, the enchantments on his fine suit were beginning to fizzle out.  From what Identify could show, Kyle saw boosts to Dexterity and Perception weaved into the material.  When they ran out, so would Ma’Sai’s time.

Of course, The master of Torrel knew that too.  He leapt over one attack from Wallace, taking an arrow  in his shoulder from Iska.  If he was bothered, he didn’t show it.  Instead, his hands flashed, drawing out 2 of the silver cards.  He held them facing Wallace, who was too close to dodge.  Kyle heard Ma’Sai’s voice, clear as a bell above the din of battle.  “Imperial Flame!” 

A blinding eruption of fire lashed out with a sound like a jet engine, engulfing Wallace at nearly point-blank range.  Kyle felt the temperature rise, even insulated inside his cage.  A moment later, the roaring fire abated.  A crater a meter deep and 3 across was left in the wake of the attack, with a smoldering lump of earth in the middle.

As Kyle watched, the stone crumbled away, revealing a burned but standing Wallace in the center.  The large man was panting heavily, stumbling for a moment before regaining his footing.  Ma’Sai flashed toward the man, blades arcing to carve into his opponent.  A flurry of arrows was already on the way from Iska, intercepting the attacks and shattering more of the spectral weapons.

Ma’Sai tried to backstep and change course, but Wallace was ready.  Kyle’s hands pounded furiously at the barrier as he watched Ma’Sai take a deep cut across his chest.  The masterfully crafted fabric of his suit blunted much of the blow, though Kyle saw the glow of the enchantments wink out after the attack. 

Wallace swiped at the young man 3 more times, each strike destroying Ma’Sai’s blades.  Iska, seeming satisfied things were well in hand, turned her attention to the pursuing beast.  In moments, she turned the crocodilian creature into a pincushion, its form fading away.  Kyle looked back to see a pommel strike send Ma’Sai sprawling to the ground. He retaliated with a mana bolt, which Wallace simply blocked with his free hand, barely registering the attack.  His footing stabilized as he approached the prone form of Ma’Sai, and Kyle could see the contempt in his posture.  

“How much will you pay me to leave you alive, brat?”  Wallace asked, pointing his sword.

“What an odd question, given you have just made an enemy of not only Ma Enterprises, but the Ma Family as well.  Pray tell, why do you think I would be willing to pay you anything?”  Ma’Sai spat back.

“Because I’d hoped you would be smart enough to set your pride aside and move on.  Doesn’t look like that’s the case though.  Have it your way.”

Kyle could see the muscles in Wallace’s arm tense as he prepared to move the sword, when a wave of power made all the hair on Kyle’s body stand on end.  Wallace swung his weapon with purpose, but it encountered a coalescing wave of spectral energy, blocking it entirely. 

All around Ma’Sai, energy condensed, and Kyle could barely make out a golden card in his right hand.  Iska fired more arrows at the young man, though none were able to cross the maelstrom of mana wrapping around him.  Kyle heard Nergal swear, though he was too transfixed by what he was watching.  This has to be it.

Green wisps of power wove together, crackling with electricity.  As the tendrils joined, their power magnified, the color growing brighter with each passing second.  Wallace tried to flee, though it was already too late.  With a crack like thunder, everything above his hips was simply… gone.  Kyle’s eyes widened as he took in the form coiled around Ma’Sai.  An emerald snake easily 50 meters in length surrounded the young man, its bloodstained head swaying gently in the air above them. 

Iska screamed, the sound a mix of desperation and anguish.  Deep black arrows arced towards the beast, which only served to earn her the predator’s gaze.  Another sonic boom broke the air, and Iska was gone.  The creature’s speed was incredible, and Kyle found himself staring in awe.  Its attacks were so fast that he couldn’t register them – a feat Kyle hadn’t experienced in a very long time. 

The barriers around him disappeared as Nergal released his skill, instead using his levitation to fly away.  In his defense, it wasn’t a bad idea.  The snake was powerful and fast, but Nergal was well outside of its striking range.  Even it if wasn’t a great chance, he couldn’t be blamed for thinking he had a window to escape.

That hope was quashed.  Lightning surged through the long serpentine body as it charged its attack.  There was a single, terrible moment of stillness.  Then, the snake exhaled.  A stream of emerald lightning ripped through the air, its light outshining the glow of the city.  Nergal was caught in the heart of the beam, vaporized in an instant.  The attack continued on as though nothing happened, ripping a deep furrow into the cavern ceiling above the city. 

Kyle could hear the crash of falling stone, even as he moved to get to Ma’Sai, who he could still see beyond the wall of translucent scales.  He froze once he felt the serpent’s gaze rest upon him.  “Can you dispel this thing?  You need healing.”  Kyle asked.

Ma’Sai coughed, blood staining his hand.  “I’m afraid not.  This one is still beyond me, it seems.  Go, find your drone.  My aides know to come to my side when they are able.”

“Wait, you’re telling me you can’t control this creature?”

“That is what I’m telling you.  It is protective of me, but I cannot direct it entirely as I wish.  Now, go.”  Ma’Sai put more emphasis into the last word than before, and Kyle simply nodded before dashing toward the tunnel.  He could only hope that he could get to C.H.A.D.D. in time.



“For the hundredth time, shut up!  If you weren’t worth so many blasted credits, I’d have broken you already.”


The man was silent, and C.H.A.D.D. considered its options.  Based on empirical evidence, it seemed highly unlikely that simply asking to be returned would be sufficient to persuade the captor. 


The man winced, holding a hand to a bleeding injury on his left side.  “He can’t afford it.  Now, shut up.”


The thief simply ran, bleeding from his left side as he moved through the tunnels.  Go’Wree was able to land one good shot, and C.H.A.D.D. sincerely hoped that Dr. Mayhew would get there in time to stabilize the gruff soldier before he succumbed to his injuries.  While his bedside manner could use quite a bit of work, Go’Wree reminded C.H.A.D.D. of several other doctors from its time on Earth. 

Unfortunately, those doctors were now dead.  And C.H.A.D.D. knew it faced a similar fate if it wasn’t able to find a solution to neutralize the thief, or at least slow them down.  Dr. Mayhew was faster when he used his boosting skill at full power, though not by much.  The slender man carrying the drone seemed to have a class tied to speed, misdirection, and stealth.  C.H.A.D.D. was confident that Dr. Mayhew would be able to win in a direct conflict, but that was meaningless if he was unable to catch up to the thief.

 An idea formed as they turned down a familiar tunnel, one C.H.A.D.D. knew led to a chasm.  Still, there was something that needed to be confirmed before taking action.  [AM I TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WILL NOT BE DISSUADED, AND INTEND TO SELL ME TO AN UNKNOWN ENTITY OFF-WORLD?]

“Yes, you idiot drone.  Why anybody would pay so much for such an annoying robot is beyond me.  I just hope that they scrap you when they’re done with whatever they need.”


“More and more every moment,” the thief snarled.

That was what C.H.A.D.D. needed.  Fortunately, Dr. Mayhew had been quite generous in his supply of mana for the World Tree Seed, and with a minor effort C.H.A.D.D. tapped into it.  The vines inside the scant space within the pack began to twist, straining against the bonds in a few key areas.  THERE WILL BE SOME DAMAGE TO THE PACK, BUT IT CAN’T BE AVOIDED.  DR. MAYHEW WILL NOT BE PLEASED.

The tunnels were silent for a moment, only to be filled with the screech of breaking metal.  And then the screams started.

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