Object of Obsession

Chapter 16

This is not how I imagined it would be.

When Quin offered to come down to see Norma, she thought she would be comforting her in a dark room, offering a shoulder to cry on in order to bridge the gap that had opened up between them over the years. This time was supposed to be for reminding Norma how good they were together.

Instead, Quin felt like an extra. She sat at the dinner table with Norma... along with five other people, including the girl she'd just finished making out with, who somehow seemed even less comfortable here than Quin herself. The mere sight of her was enough to elicit violet urges in Quin, but there was no way she could act on them and come out with Norma's favour.

Of course Norma fell for her... Luna's a charity case, broken beyond repair, and my sweet Norma's nothing but a bleeding heart.

But I won't allow you to bleed her dry.


"Hmm? Yes?"

It was Norma's father. Norma seriously adored him, and it kind of made Quin sick to her stomach whenever she went on and on about him. But while Quin was still here, she needed to keep up appearances.

"I was just asking about how you're doing in school. From what I hear you're pretty handy with computers."

The man was a charmer, but even he didn't know how to salvage this awkward atmosphere, trying desperately to keep some semblance of conversation going. When this many people were silent, hosts started to panic. Unfortunately, Quin was in no mood to contribute more than the bare minimum.

"Yes, sir, that's right. I hope to secure an information technology career some day."

That ought to be generic enough to get him off my back.

"You better be careful! Those jobs land a lot of people in the hospital for third degree burns."


"Yeah," he continued with a stupid grin on his face. "They ended up getting too close to the firewall."

Ugh, seriously? I just about threw up in my mouth...

Quin's distaste must have shown because Norman made a mollifying gesture.

"Ha ha, sorry, that was bad. I don't know much about computers myself, but from what I hear the best way to learn is bit by bit."

Faye was giggling like a schoolgirl and even the twins seemed amused, to say nothing of Norma.

I-I can't take much more of this...! Save me RNGesus! Or kill me... Either would be a mercy right now!

"And what about you, Luna? What's your favourite subject?" he asked, mercifully turning his attention away at last.

"Norma," she answered immediately. Quin sat staring at Luna with equal parts awe and contempt.

T-this girl is completely shameless! There's no way she can get away with being so direct-?

Norman seemed a bit taken aback, but the answer eventually brought a smile to his face.

"Is that right? I'm glad to hear my daughter is so popular. Speaking of, where's Mae tonight?"

Quin narrowed her eyes as Norma answered stiltedly.

"She, uh... Doesn't like crowds."

After dropping everything to drive here in a panic, Quin hadn't had the opportunity to go through the last couple day's worth of files her program had been collecting from Norma's devices. There was definitely something going on between Norma and Mae, but Quin still didn't know what, exactly. Norma had made her (misguided) feelings for Luna obvious today, so perhaps Quin had jumped the gun when assuming the 'best friends' were something more. Even so, she couldn't shake the sense that something was very wrong with their dynamic...

This whole situation is so needlessly complicated!! Almost as if fate itself were intervening yet again. Why must there be so many obstacles to our love...? Why!?

Quin's thoughts became increasingly frantic as they spiraled downward into ever darker places.

What if all of these people are just a burden on you? No, of course they are, just look at them. They're unnecessary, superfluous. Always vying for your precious attention. They are undoubtedly obstacles not only to my happiness, but to yours as well. So what if I just... removed them?

For the first time during this unpleasant dinner, Quin found herself smiling...


I wasn't sure what was going to happen after that painfully awkward meal, but to my surprise things ended up just resolving themselves. Dad said not to worry about cleaning up and to go enjoy our evening. Fes and Ves made an uncertain introduction to Luna, very clearly wondering as to the precise nature of our relationship, before getting a ride home with Faye. Quin merely said she had stuff to do tonight and retired to the guest room with all of her computer equipment. And just like that, I was left alone in the upstairs hallway with Luna.

"Norma... It was nice of you to invite me to dinner, but I really think I should-"

"Please stay. Please..." My voice was a pathetic whisper, reeking of desperation. Luna looked into my pleading eyes, her own wracked with conflict as she brutalized her lips with her teeth.

"I have... a curf..."

When Luna saw my tears, she closed her eyes along with the distance between us, gently enveloping me in her arms.

"...okay. I'll stay."

Before she could change her mind, I led her to my room and closed the door, pulling her back into my arms. We stayed like that for as long as it took for both of us to calm down. I was only able to keep track of time by the trail of blood dripping from Luna's lips as it rolled down my neck and chest.

 Gradually I felt able to talk to her, even if I still had no idea what to say. I had questions of course, but I wasn't going to interrogate her. The details weren't important. The only thing that really mattered was making sure she understood how I felt.

"I don't want you to leave, Luna." She knew I wasn't only talking about tonight.

"Neither do I."

'Then why!?' was the obvious question, but I doubted she was ready to answer and I was too exhausted to stop her from trying to leave again if it came to that. The relief of knowing she wasn't any happier than I was about the idea was relief enough.

It was obvious we were both emotionally drained, so I led Luna to my bed to lay down with me.

We said nothing, and didn't need to. What started as companionable silence subtly shifted as the reality of our proximity finally sank in. Our bodies came together as if fated to collide, beginning with a gentle caress and thereafter crashing onward as if carried by rapids of desire. We couldn't fight their pull now even if we tried.

Luna's pale complexion caused her blush to dominate her entire face, and yet the all-consuming look of desire she stared me down with came off as nothing short of lewd. A throbbing need radiated from between my legs as they entwined with hers. Her hands - once used to comfort me by rubbing circles on my back - now ran circles around my breasts, teasing them with the promise of more.

Kissing her 'smiling' lips... Honestly? It would take some getting used to. But the way they tyrannized my own as if I were fighting a desperate, hopeless battle against the sheer conviction of her need? It was driving me mad with hunger.

I slid her dress over her head and took my appetite out on her nipples, working one into a malleable putty between my fingers as I alternated nibbling and sucking the other. Luna had tried to fight as I undressed her out of shame of her scars, but I gently passed the fingertips of my free hand over their expanse, reading her painful past like braille. Once she realized I wasn't going to lose my aching need for her over them she gave herself to me completely, guiding my head lower and lower until I could see her sex, practically dripping in anticipation of my approach.

 "Luna... I want you. Do you want me?"

Her melodious voice rang out in response with such delirious fervor it sounded like a mantra.

"I don't want you - I need you - only you could ever satisfy me - no one else - I'm yours do with as you please - oh god please-!"

Not able to deny her pleas any longer I buried my face between her legs, savouring her sweet scent as I brushed my lips against her folds, kissing up and down as her hips shuddered from the pleasure.

 Now, I had no experience with this sort of thing, but I tried to make up for it with passion. Whether I was actually talented or Luna's mania for me was responsible I had no idea, but within minutes of tasting her she began rocking back and forth against my tongue, her whole body bucking in orgasm.

"Ahh, I can't~ You've already given me everything, I can't take any more~!"

I continued to dutifully drink from her fountain, putting her claim to the test. She was able to endure my tongue for only a minute more before writhing out of my grasp, but she surprised me the next moment by flipping me onto my back and straddling me, holding my wrists above my head. Her chest heaved as she looked down at me in near-hysteria, deciding exactly what she was going to do with me. She leaned down to whisper into my ear in the way that had driven me to touch myself after our first 'club meeting'.

"I hope you know what you've done, darling. I was prepared to walk away from you forever, to free you from my love..."

Though her words were dripping with absolute devotion, their weight was incalculable.

"But now there is no escape, do you understand?"

In spite of her deadly serious tone, I laughed in her face, then leaned up to whisper my own sweet nothings.

"Even if I wanted it, escape was never an option, was it? Honestly..."

Luna trembled at the sudden confidence in my voice.

"If you really intended to leave forever, you wouldn't have been waiting for me where we first met... would you~?"


In the next room, Quin was poring over all of the information she'd collected.

It's bad enough that Luna's a hopeless, pathetic waste of your time. But if this article is to believed... She's incredibly dangerous, too.

And Mae... just what is with this insane conversation they'd had over the phone? The ominous texts? She was clearly losing her mind.

Faye and her children forcing themselves into Norma's life, claiming themselves be treated as family!? And her oblivious, weak father, too blinded by a trophy wife to put a stop to it?

It was so patently obvious now - Quin was the only sane one left. To save Norma from them for good, there was only one option available...

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