Object of Obsession

Future Projects

  • What is happening?

First of all... Don't Panic! Nothing is happening yet. Object of Obsession is my main project and will continue on as it has been no matter what else I decide to do. I will not take on another project if it will negatively impact my release schedule, so don't let that influence your feedback.

  • Why ask now?

I want to stress that the reason I am asking this now is NOT because OoO is anywhere close to done. There's still quite a lot of story to tell, so rest easy knowing that this series will continue for a while yet. That being said, OoO is a finite story with a clear ending in mind, so I want to take the time to be prepared before we actually get there! These project concepts are not going to be published any time soon. I just wanted to gauge interest so I can prepare for my next series in the background. I will allow you to vote for any number of series you find interesting, rather than just one.

Side note: You will probably notice from these concepts that I like a particular kind of character in my stories, there's just no avoiding it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Without further ado, let's begin!


Title: God's Yandere

Concept: In a world where conviction is power, one nun's devotion to God goes far beyond fanatical. As Els discovers corruption rooted ever deeper in the foundations of her church and society at large, can one Yandere's love for her deity be enough to beat back the darkness?

Main tag: Action. Unlike OoO, romance will not be a major focus of this story, though it may take place in the background among other characters. There will be comedic undertones, but the plot will take itself slightly more seriously. Vote for this series if you want to see an overpowered Yandere protagonist fight against an endless tide of equally overpowered enemies between bouts of diplomatic intrigue.

Fun fact: Because of how magic/psionics work in this world, it is unclear whether Els' god actually exists and grants her power, or is just the form her overwhelming magic shapes itself into because of her delusional devotion!

Rough Example (Not finalized!):

Els is a nun at a small church, having been abandoned there as an infant for her albinism - a sign of misfortune and woe in her society. It is clear her devotion and faith are much more extreme than is considered normal, even among the clergy - the other nuns either respect or fear her, keeping her at arm’s length in either case. Mother Superior runs into Els in the halls and asks her to take a break from her ministrations despite knowing how she will answer.

“But serving God is the highest pleasure of all, Mother Superior. I would never want to stop, even for a moment.”

Mother Superior sighed. 

“I sometimes wonder if it was an accident that the last Mother Superior gave this title to me instead of you. It doesn’t feel right that I am leading these women when my faith is so lacking, compared to your own...”

“There are no accidents in God’s world, Mother Superior. I could not do your job. All I have going for me is my love for the Lord, and love cannot be taught.”

“Well, I suppose there is some truth to that… Thank you, Els. I will strive to see it your way.”

Els bowed to Mother Superior and was about to turn away before she was stopped again.

“Ah, before I forget! Bishop Heim wanted to meet you in my office. It seems they’ve heard of Sister Els even in the big cities, and he’s travelled all the way to our humble church to meet you for himself.”

“Oh, but… 16:00 is when I read my scriptures...”


“Of course, Mother Superior. I’ll head there now.”

Els enters the office.

“Ah, if it isn’t the illustrious Els herself, in the flesh. It is good to meet you, my child - I am told there has never been a more devoted nun in all of Arden. That’s quite the praise, isn’t it? And so I had to come and see you for myself.”

He looked over her pale skin, pure white hair, and exotic red eyes with more than mere curiosity. Els didn’t make eye contact, instead looking at the clock every few seconds or so.

“As Bishop, I am of course quite close to God. I speak for Him, and He wanted me to assure you of something - that to serve me is to serve Him. And, my sweet child, I have a few ideas about what form this service could-”

“Are you done?”

“Wh - Excuse me!?”

“It doesn’t matter, I won’t suffer any more of this drivel. You are a disgusting man - God is perfection. It is clear that you don’t even understand the word of God, let alone speak for Him.”

“You bitch! How dare you…!”

He swung without thinking, hitting her in the face with force that would have knocked a full grown man on his back. But this teenage girl stood firm, eyes widening as a strange smile grew on her face even as the blood pooled out from her nose.

“Call me whatever you like, but if you ever make a mockery of God’s good faith again, I will help your wretched soul right out of your body-”

After wiping the blood off of her face she began walking towards him, entirely unhurried.

“-slowly. So very, very slowly....”

Something in the sureness of her twisted gaze kept Bishop Heim rooted on the spot, and when the sensation of her skin he’d been longing for came at last, it was from her fist around his pinky finger. Before she could even apply any force he lost consciousness, his head colliding loudly with the stone wall on his way down.

Is that really all he could take? How disappointing...

Els took a step back as the door flew open. Mother Superior rushed into the room, looking from the unconscious bishop to Els in confusion.

“W-what happened here!?” she asked in a panic.

“He had an accident,” Els said, with nothing like concern on her face.

“...I thought you said there were no accidents?”

Els smiled at her and walked out the door.


Title: Paladin and Succubus

Concept: Pretty much what it says on the tin. A high-ranking, steadfast paladin and a shy succubus end up travelling together due to certain circumstances. The unlikely pair need to contend with people, both mortal and demonic, questioning the nature of their relationship. Hilarity ensues.

Main tag: Romantic!? Comedy. It takes place in a high fantasy setting in the midst of a demonic invasion and centers on the interaction between the titular characters as they try to determine exactly how they feel about one another, even as their worlds are at war. It's much more lighthearted than it sounds, I promise! Expect a lot of rejection from our stick-in-the-mud paladin, but you might not expect that when push comes to shove, it won't be the succubus who fights hardest to keep them together!

I just came up with this one today! Given the more straightforward nature of the plot of Paladin and Succubus, I think it's probably okay if I don't show an example yet. Hopefully you have a vivid idea of what the story might look like already.


Title: Horizon Academy

Disclaimer: It's about to get weird!

This one's a little different. The original concept was for a Choicescript game (Basically a programming language to write choose your own adventure style stories) which I thought I could adapt for Scribblehub, either as a choose your own adventure by allowing readers to vote, or by picking my favourite route and publishing it as a normal story. I could also release multiple routes but I'm not sure how I feel about that idea just yet. I prefer to write GL but I might let the readers vote on genders here, not sure yet.

Concept: -A story taking place in a futuristic military academy belonging to the newly founded World Government!

-Design your Sentinel from the ground up with customizable parts! (Yes, you can build a mech!)

-Tailor your pilot to your liking! Between your personality, skills, and secret training, you just might have what it takes to oppose the powerful megacorporation, Monad!

-Find love or form lasting friendships with your fellow cadets, from the distant, overworked student council president to the frighteningly affectionate loner with a dark past, plus many more!

Main tag: School Life. Expect healthy doses of romance, mecha, action, sci-fi, and slice of life as well.

Rough Character Guide (Not finalized!):

I feel your fellow students are one of the main draws of this story. I tried to make them as complex as possible, so whatever form the story would end up taking, we can look forward to getting to know them well. Here comes a very brief rundown (I have fine details of personalities and backgrounds picked out already but this will do for concept purposes):

“Nerd” - Coda Sloan: Meme/game references. Intelligence. Shy. Tends to have great ideas and no confidence to voice them. The childhood friend you reunite with at the academy who you can trust to always have your back when the chips are down.

Appearance: Brown hair, ‘plain’ build, glasses, latest tech.

Sentinel: Heavy, Ranged build. Special ability: Hacking.


“Goth” - Umbra Obsidere: Yandere who has to try and hide that they are yandere from you for spoiler reasons. Dismissive to others, but not to you. You can decide to help them move on from their obsession… or not, if you don’t mind all that attention. They can make the difficult decisions that no one else wants to make. Into hard music. Had a rough past, which gives them a tough front. They want to be loved but don’t think they deserve it, so they love others twice as hard.

Appearance: Long black hair covering one eye, piercings, eyeshadow, dark clothing. Lithe build.

Sentinel: Light, Speed build. Special ability: FTL drive.


“Jock” - Phoenix Morgan: Tsundere. Serious about sports and exercise, enjoys cooking and taking care of others, but due to a misunderstanding when you first meet, you're the exception. Not afraid to shoot down bad ideas or pick people up when they need it. Sensitive, but doesn’t want anyone to make a big deal out of it. There is a good reason for their prickly exterior.

Appearance: Medium length red hair, freckles, tall, built.

Sentinel: Medium, Melee build. Special: Groundbreaker.


“Artist” - Kai Haven: Philosophical, even foppish. Talks big to hide that they don’t know how to make small talk. Surprisingly reliable and perceptive.

Appearance: Short, dyed blue hair, eyebrow piercing, ‘hipster fashion’. 

Details: They march to the beat of their own drum, not caring what the masses think. Likes talking about big heady subjects such as ethics, metaphysics, and beauty. They have a constant half-grin, as if they’re in on a secret no one else knows, and somehow they always do seem to understand more about the current situation than anyone else. Interactions always lead in interesting, if strange directions, but if you can navigate the labyrinth of their mind and keep up with their pace, you’ll find a deeply passionate soul yearning for connection.

Sentinel: Medium, Energy build. Special: Energy Shaping


“Student council” Niveus Agnelli: Kuudere. Serious, unapproachable. Not especially talented, and works extremely hard to make up for it. Much more stressed than they let on. Still the one everyone looks to in a crisis.

Appearance: Albino with white eyes and hair. Medium height, somewhat shapely. Dresses appropriately as a student in or out of the classroom to ‘represent’ Horizon Academy. 

Sentinel: Heavy, Defense build. Special: Rally


“Class clown” Florian Vaughn: Relaaaaaaaaxed. Naturally talented, coasts through life. Comes from money and will return to money, so not particularly motivated. Even without effort, their marks are still unbelievably high. Actually the heir to Monad's rival corporation, Prosperitus, but became disillusioned with the title and purposefully got themselves discharged by their parents to Horizon, a military academy, for their own purposes.

Appearance: Brilliant blonde hair and designer eyes of gold. Perfect body, dresses just barely in line with the bare minimum in uniform and surprisingly humbly otherwise.

Sentinel: Medium, Synergy build Special: Overclock


And that's all for now! Keep in mind these are just ideas - I'm rather likely to go with something else entirely, in the end! Something freeing and fun to write, like OoO is, just... different. ;p

If you actually read all this, thank you so much. I'm very curious to see your feedback, and I will use it not necessarily to write one of these stories as I've presented them but to get a sense of what kind of story it is that you'd all like to see from me in the future. See you next chapter ♥

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