Obsidian Blade

Chapter 1 – From Baby to Gambler

Three Years Later

Trying to move he grumbled as his mother, he suspected this was his mother and god she was a hottie, and it was not appropriate of him to think of his own mother that way. She had long, jet black hair and equally black eyes combined with the palest of skin and dressed in rags, she still looked like a princess. 
She smiled and caressed his cheek, next to him was another girl, she was older, barely six or seven with snow-white eyes and equally black hair. Not only that, but she smiled softly and was showing signs to be as beautiful as her mother. 

Considering the beak surroundings and the fact that there was barely anything in this room, Charles was rather certain the beauty those two held was not a good thing, rather a bad thing, a disaster introducing thing, plainly said he wanted out of there. With them preferably, since the two woman grew to him by now. 

Crawling over the bare ground he tried to search for something, anything really, to occupy his time with, but there was literally nothing to do but to draw a chessboard into the ground with his finger and then moves stones on it playing chess against himself. After doing a Spanish opening he decided it was time to do something else he was about to go nuts. 

His sister sometimes brought him underground, into a small earth hole they covered with a makeshift carped like rag thing and held her ears closed while their mother earned their food, aka she sold her body. Their mother was surprisingly careful about it and never went for any of the truly dangerous man of the slums. Even when she got less out of it for her daughters safety. A life here was worth nothing. 

At some point a few years back Charles realized the people here were actually Japanese of all things, and to his shock he even understood them, at some point he also realized that his name was apparently Miko, a girl's name it dawned on him and after a rather quick check on where his crown jewels were supposed to be and let out a wailing eek he acually realized, he was female now. He tried to work out how, how the ever living, he had reached the state of being reborn a girl, a girl of all things, a girl. Thankfully he was still Bi, having had plenty of female and male lovers before he met his Sophia, less social discrimiation then being Lesbian.
Somewhere in afterlife, he was certain Anuk his bud was laughing off her ass while his ex-wive and honeybun would just conclude it with a served him right, the bastard. 

Good he admitted to being a bastard, and an asshole, and he may or may have not been a mass murderer responsible for a genocide or two, but really getting reborn as a girl had been very low down the totem pole of his imagined possible punishments. 

Well the least he could make certain was that his family had enough to eat and to get them out of this damn hovel, he did certainly not like how some of the guys here eyed his sister Tsukiko. It gave him headaches, alongside the fact hat he was pretty much helpless to act against it at three years of age. 

He growled at them but all that came out of his throat was some gurgled half witted something that was unworthy of being called a growl, it frustrated him to no end. At least he could actually walk by now, there was always a thing for the small favours in life to be appreciated. 

On his sister's back, whenever she went to wash their clothing and do whatever errant she could find for a bit of food, he learned in between naps the who are who of the slums. 

Big scar guy, small scrawny fast knife guy, wannabe Ninja guy, although he called himself a Shinobi, well, Charles guessed a man needed goals in life. Not that it stopped him, wait her, and by now she got used to being female, from wanting to kick the slimy cretin into his shins hard, very hard, she was pretty proud of herself she managed to bite him rather painfully when he tried to damn well feel up on her damn ten-year-old sister. 

Female Pronouns were also something she handled by now. 

Rotten Bastard.

She had reached the age of three and a half when she had a as a first a two penny pieces in hand and first stepped a foot into a gambling house. After some searching she found a Shogi board and settled down in Front of it. There was a paid by the casino player who quickly left shaking his head, putting her small copper on the table she waited patiently. 

"Plaw me." she said, and the man looked at her as she was a ghost, but then he shook his head and moved the first piece. 

A bit rusted at Shogi, she needed longer than usual, but ten draws later she had two choppers on her and bet again. Her opposite in disbelieve of that placed two choppers of his own on the table, and they started another round. 
How long it went she had no idea, she didn't know but the chopper on her side of the table accumulated, and slowly she started to raise attention, more and more of the foul, stinking, partly toothless gamblers started wanting to try their look against the small poorly dressed nothing of a girl thinking they could win.  


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