Obtain the Divine Light Rod from the start of the attack

Chapter 11

"Uncle Mikasa, Uncle Hannes, you're back!".

On a large wooden boat on a river by the inner wall, Alan and Carula's mother and son were already standing at the bow of the boat, and next to him stood a young man with short yellow hair, it was Armin.

Seeing Hannes return safely with Mikasa from a distance with a three-dimensional maneuver, Alan couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"I've brought you back, I need to go back and save other civilians!"

Hannes landed on the bow of the ship, handed the hollow-eyed Mikasa into Carula's arms, and then activated the three-dimensional maneuver and flew towards the Higanshina area.

However, at this time, Carula suddenly shouted to Hannes, who was already flying in the air

"Hannes, isn't there supposed to be another teenager, didn't you bring him back!".

"There is no boy, only Mikasa is one..."

Hannes, who had faded away, just dropped such a sentence.

Alan was directly stunned: "There is no teenager, how can it be..."

Armin said with concern: "Did you say it, the boy who saved Auntie?" "


Carula shook Mikasa's shoulders and asked with an anxious look

in her eyes

"What's the matter, aren't you with him, but what about the others?".

“... people..."

Mikasa raised his head sluggishly, his face expressionless, as if he was demented.

Seeing her like this, Alan was almost in a hurry:

"Mikasa, what's wrong with that young man, answer your mother's words, didn't you lead away the giant together!".

In an instant, hearing this loud question, Mikasa seemed to come back to his senses.

Immediately after, her parched cherry mouth trembled slightly.

Inadvertently, even the eye sockets were slightly moistened.

"He for... He tried to save me... Was..."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Mikasa!!What happened to that young man!".

Allen's temperament is very unstable, after all, he is still young, and he will be impatient when he encounters trouble.

This is about the benefactor who saved his mother, so when he saw Mikasa's hesitant appearance, he couldn't help but start a fire in his heart.

"Alan. "

At this time, Armin, who was a friend of the two, glanced at Alan and motioned for him to calm down first.

"Mikasa must have encountered something we can't imagine, so let's wait for her to calm down. "


Alan slammed his fist into the board next to the boat

"He must be in danger somewhat! I'm going back to save him! Mikasa!".

He turned his head again and looked at each other angrily, but his tone was a little calmer:

"Tell me, what's going on with him!".

Mikasa's eyes were slightly red, and she slowly raised her pretty face.

Suddenly, seeing her expression, Alan and Carula instinctively thought of something bad.

"He was crushed under the rubble of the church to save me, and he was... sacrificed!".

Allen's mind was stunned for a moment.

The same goes for Carula.

Mother and son's eyes widened in disbelief.

How could it be....


"He... It's just a kid..."

Carula couldn't help but cover her mouth, and she whimpered.

Alan even grabbed Mikasa's shoulders and asked loudly

"How could he die! Aren't you together! There's no reason why something could happen so easily!".

Mikasa couldn't answer, but her body trembled slightly, and she lowered her head to hide all her expressions.

Armin pulled Alan's arm: "Alan, something has happened, and Mikasa has also been frightened a lot, you calm down." "

Alan shook Armin's arm away, and then threw a few more punches at the board.

He's angry.

An impotent rage that transforms due to powerlessness.

They saved their mothers and their best friends, and in the end, such a good person actually died!

This world is really unfair!


Suddenly, a slight cannon shot rang out, attracting the attention of everyone on board.

Immediately, a soldier stationed on the shore shouted with a frightened face

"I'm afraid the giant is about to be killed!"

As these words came out, the thousands of civilians queuing up to board the boat on the shore at this time instantly rioted.

"Let me get on board first!".

"The giants are coming!

"Get up with Lao Tzu! I'll go first!".

"Hurry up and squeeze in! If you don't get on the boat, it's too late!"


The crowd suddenly and unstoppably rushed towards the dock like a flood.

There are even people who have the misfortune of being squeezed out of the river.

Fear quietly took over their minds at this moment.

The civilians here have escaped from the hands of cruel giants, and they know how terrifying giants can be.

Therefore, they are more afraid of giants.

However, at this time, the soldiers on the ship did not care whether these civilians lived or died.

I saw that the two soldiers quickly put back the only splint on board, after all, their own lives were more important than these untouchables.

And that's not even the most desperate.

What is even more chilling is that some of the civilians on board did not express any opinions, not even a trace of sympathy for the actions of these soldiers on board.

Just watched the crowd on the shore and shouted.

Human nature, at such a moment, is really ugly to the extreme.

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