Obtain the Divine Light Rod from the start of the attack

Chapter 24

The total strength of the royal government within the city walls is one brigade, which is equivalent to the strength of three corps.

The total number is about 5,500.

It is divided into the Gendarmerie Corps, the Garrison Corps, and the Survey Corps.

Of the three corps, the Gendarmerie Regiment has the highest status.

For no other reason, this is an army that revolves around the security of the royal government and has the interests of the royal government as its own responsibility.

In other words, in the ancient Forbidden City, the emperor's guards were general.

Naturally, the salary is also very high.

You can live within the safest third wall, protect the royal government, and never have to worry about the invasion of giants.

Provided, of course, that the giants haven't attacked yet.

The number of people is generally 2,000.

This is followed by the garrison corps.

The total number of garrison corps is about 3,000, and it is under the command of the gendarmerie regiment on a day-to-day basis.

Its function was to fortify the walls and defend the various city fortresses.

Although the treatment is not as good as that of the military police, it is fortunate that I can work under the government and do not have to worry about hunger.

Of course, there are very few opportunities to go head-to-head with the giants.

For civilians, it is already a very good choice.

Finally, there is the legendary Survey Corps, which carries the hope of humanity.

The number of people is about 500.

Its specific job is to conduct a search outside the city walls to find out the mysterious origin of the giant.

Because of the perennial need to go out of the city to fight the giants, its combat experience is unbeatable by the other two corps.

It can be said that every soldier who has been baptized by war has the ability to face giants alone.

Of course, if you survive.

It is also for this reason that the casualty rate of the Survey Corps is the largest in the whole brigade, and the danger is also very great.

And this is the main reason why Carula insists on not letting Alan join it.

It is also one of the reasons why the number of survey corps is so small.

In general, joining the Corps, according to the thinking of ordinary civilians, must be the main purpose of the Gendarmerie Corps, followed by the garrison Corps.

As for the Survey Corps, it is not in the minds of most people at all.

So if you want to choose your favorite corps, what kind of consideration policy should the government set up?

Thus, the training corps came into being.

Name implies.

It is a regiment where trainees before formal assignment, that is, recruits, are waiting for them, and they receive various trainings.

From among the recruits of the training corps, the top 10 with the best results can have the right to choose to join the gendarmerie regiment.

And the rest can only choose the garrison corps and the survey corps.

Of course, although the status of the garrison corps and the survey corps is not as good as that of the gendarmerie corps, they are not easy for ordinary people to enter.

In the training corps, instructors set up layers of exams and honing.

Only the recruits who have persisted until three years later and have not been eliminated are eligible to choose the above three corps.

And this is why Chen Yanqiu worked so hard to improve his physical fitness before.

After the Wall of Mary was breached, the second wall.

That is, the Wall of Rossi.

Tens of thousands of refugees poured in.

In order to obtain the government's iron rice bowl, the selection of recruits in recent years can be said to be several times more.

Naturally, the screening conditions are much more demanding.

Fortunately, Chen Yanqiu and Allen are all prepared, and they are still very confident in the next three years of the training corps journey.


It was two days ago to say goodbye to Carula in the refugee camp.

After crossing the entire three urban districts, Chen Yanqiu and his entourage of four people had already followed the convoy to the territory of the training corps.

It is a huge camp that resembles an ancient schoolyard.

There is a standard playground in the camp.

Fighting area.

Study areas, as well as living areas such as canteens, barracks, etc.

Of course, there is also the training area of the three-dimensional mobile device, which the soldiers rely on the most.

It is said to be a three-dimensional motorized device area, but in fact it is just a simulator connected by two wooden stakes.

At this moment, the recruits who came to report from various urban districts got off the carriage one by one, forming a flow of nearly a thousand people.

Among them, there are Chen Yanqiu, Allen, Mikasa, and Armin.

After all the recruits had disembarked from the station, they entered the camp in turn according to the instructions of the soldiers next to them.

At the entrance of the camp, there is a special reception desk to help register the information of the recruits.

Uniforms of the training corps are also issued.

A dark brown wallet jacket with the unique logo of the Training Corps engraved on the back---- two long swords crossed over a shield.

A crisp white pair of military trousers.

A pair of plain black military leather boots, and a special belt for equipping a three-dimensional motorized device.

The above is a soldier set exclusive to each soldier.

"Take the dormitory numbers assigned to them!Change into soldiers' uniforms and gather at the playground!".

A bald-headed non-commissioned officer with a murderous face shouted such a sentence with confidence, and Convenience Suo turned around indifferently and walked away.

Its voice was so loud that all the recruits present could hear it clearly.

At this time, Chen Yanqiu had already received his soldier's clothing.

And probably because it is the same district of Higanshina, he and Alan and Armin are assigned to the same dormitory.

As for Mikasa, she was assigned to another dormitory because of her female students.

"Let's go, that instructor doesn't look like it's easy to handle, try not to touch his brow. "

Chen Yanqiu did not forget to remind.

Alan and Armin nodded, and the three of them walked together in the direction of the camp dormitory.

(PS: There is a plus update later.) Thank you again for the monthly pass of [139***1292] brother. )

(ps: About the heroine, I want Ani, Mikasa's, and the author of Hrista can understand, but what's special, what do you mean by mentioning Ellen's mother??? the author is confused, and the protagonist is only 12 years old!!


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