Offer To The CEO

Chapter 682: A Surprise Arrival - Part 1

682 A Surprise Arrival - Part 1

Friday, three weeks later

Sitting in the home cinema, Anna put on a movie to watch.? It was better than nothing having officially gone on Maternity leave at the completion of the working day on Wednesday.? While it was already challenging sitting down, doing little Anna understood the reasoning.

The interesting thing was that Amanda announced that she and Yao Tan were expecting a baby. While they had the triplets, and legally Amanda was their mother, this was their first child. Having been through her ups and downs during the pregnancy, Anna had picked up that Amanda was scared.

Anna realised when Hou Yi and her had dinner with Amanda, Yao Tan, the triplets and James, Yao Tan seemed the calmest of everyone. ?Anna realised that there was a simple reason for this.? He had been through it all before, when the triplet's birth mother was pregnant with them.? The difference for him was that the life of their child would be completely different.

Yao Tan and Amanda's child would not want for a thing, and they both had their established careers and they knew what they were getting into.? The triplets, despite Yao Tan sacrificing everything for them when they were babies, all seemed to have their own scars. Alecia through her marriage and Ton with his girlfriend were dealing with those issues, but Junior was still stubborn. Well, only time would tell.

As she was about to change the movie, Anna heard this voice from behind her "You are definitely lazy girl, I never thought I would see it."

Anna turned around, and to her surprise Rosemary was in the doorway. All Anna could do was squeal in delight, before saying "What in the world are you doing here? You were not coming for a few weeks. There is about four to six weeks before I am due …"

"Calm down girl. As to that last statement, I doubt it, based on what your obstetrician tells me."

Those few words scared Anna, and all she could do is say "What do you mean?"

Taking a seat, Rosemary said "You know that due dates are not an exact science, regardless of what we tell you. After your appointment on Wednesday the obstetrician called me.? Your plan always was unless it was an emergency delivery or your labour progressed too quickly I was to be here.? He has informed me what he has said to you and Hou Yi but he suspects you will go into labour in the next week or so.? Slightly early, but nothing too dangerous for the baby." Rosemary paused and continued "No let me correct that babies.? And before you say anything, I have known for months you are pregnant with twins as your obstetrician told me."

Rosemary watched Anna, and as she spoke could see that she was relaxing. "Damn you for panicking me."

"Just calm down. I am guessing being not able to do any work is driving you insane? You are so use to being busy."

"True and True. I had simply planned to relax today, watch a couple of movies and read."

"Perfect plan, keeping quiet and calm will hopefully ensure that you have as much time as possible before giving birth. Now, what is this I hear about James working in a clinic? That damn idiot has no skills for that."

"Grow Up Rosemary, he has the skills. When he and Alecia returned, he started the process of having his qualifications recognised here, and between Yi and his father-in-law he spoke to several hospitals about the prospect of nursing there. He made the decision despite having taken huge leaps in learning the language, that his language skills were not enough for him to work in a hospital environment."

"I had not known until recently that around eight years ago Yi's father started the process of developing a medical clinic for Hou Enterprises staff.? It has taken until recently not only to get the regulatory approval but for the building work to be done. Unlike home where you can get the treatment on the state at little or no costs at some stage unless it is purely elective surgery, the medical system here is a complete user pays system."

"Father Hou decided that for his staff and their families he wanted a system where they could access the best possible medical treatment. The system has three levels. A basic level where they are simply covered for basic treatment in the clinic. Every employee gets that. The mid-range level, where for two percent of their wage for a single person and three percent for a family, to cover not only the clinic treatment, but base level hospital treatment and outpatient specialist treatment."

"The top tier, which employees from management level upwards are required to have and all other employees can opt for, covers all medical treatment, paying four percent of their wage for a single and five percent for families. Surprisingly about eighty-five percent of employees have opted for the top level, knowing that there will not be out of pocket expenses for them."

"Yi offered James a job in the clinic. He decided this was the best option as, unless it was an emergency, his language skills would always be adequate as he continued to develop them. When we had dinner with him, Alecia and Alecia's family on Tuesday night he said that he was enjoying it, like working in the emergency department but with him being allowed to take his time to help people. Anyway, you should not look down on him as you work in a doctor's clinic."


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