Offer To The CEO

Chapter 700: The Karma Bus - Part 4

700 The Karma Bus - Part 4

Thursday, continued…

Anna realised that James was attempting to mess with her and quickly replied "I have always been smart.? Tell Alecia is she needs to speak about the challenges just call me." Anna paused and continued "When are you working today?"

"I have a half day starting at lunchtime.? Why?"

"Yi wants us to employ a nanny to help care for Jang, and I need help …"

"You want some support?"

"True, Yi otherwise will not pay attention to what I say…"

"Anna, he has for months let you walk over him.? All because he did not want to add to your stress and impact your pregnancy.? Do you think he will risk hurting you simply to force something on you?"

"James, despite all the issues we have with mother, she managed to work full time and care for five children with only dad's and Adam and Ben's maternal grandparents help.? Why should I not be able to care for my son?"

"So, we get to the heart of the problem, you want to emulate mother.? Anna, you have a completely different sense of our childhood.? I remember when I was in Grade 3, her hitting and verbally abusing you simply because you had fallen at school and gotten a grass stain on your uniform.? She called you an ungrateful brat who made her life difficult by not being careful, and then forced you to handwash the uniform with a scrap of soap, before using a towel to try and dry the uniform for school the next day.? Do not try and emulate her.? Be the best you and work with Yi, to be the best parents you can.? Remember you have the money to hire help so do it."

"But Mum…"

"Anna, you know what she is like.? She should not be your role model.? Look to our siblings and their spouses, who put their children first.? The work together regardless of what they are doing and have a support network of not only each other and family, but carers that they can call on, and what are they all like as parents?"

"Great.? None of our nieces and nephews are spoilt brats."

"That is what you want.? Children who are generally well behaved, not causing trouble, but enjoy being a parent.? Alecia and I are waiting for children, but I can tell you I will emulate my father-in-law in being willing to sacrifice myself for my children, rather than our selfish mother who ultimately only cares about herself, not her children."

Anna turned and observed Jang starting to stir "James, Jang is waking so I need to go and deal with him."

"Promise me you will remember what I said."

"I will." With that Anna ended the call and moved over towards Jang, who had seemed to drift back to sleep.

As she sat down, Hou Yi came out of the ensuite and said, "I gather you were talking to James?"

"Yes.? Could you do me a favour for these interviews?"

Reluctantly Hou Yi said "Depending on what it is?"

"Could you arrange for James to have the day off to be with us for the interviews.? He has the medical knowledge that we can use to test the potential nannies about first aid and the like.? That would make me more comfortable."

"Give me ten minutes, but head down and I will bring Jang with me."

"Thank you.? By the way, when are we moving to the Villa?"

"Jang has another paediatrician appointment tomorrow, but given we are over thirty minutes closer to the hospital, and James is only downstairs, I feel more comfortable being here in case there is a problem for him.? But, if the paediatrician is happy, we could think about the move in the next couple of weeks."

Nodding, Anna checked Jang before heading downstairs.

By the end of the nanny interviews, Anna was grateful that she had convinced Hou Yi to arrange for James to have the day off to be with them for the interviews.? It quickly allowed them to eliminate all but three of the potential nannies, the two Norland trained nannies, and one locally trained nanny.

After James left, Hou Yi turned to Anna and asked, "If there a standout for you or are you not sure?"

"Yi, you know I want to try and do everything, but after going through that process I am not certain what to do."

"You can consider what you want, we can look to interview more potential nannies.? Time is with us, but as I said it has to be your choice."

"In other words, you are going to indulge me?"

"Absolutely.? Now my darling do you have a answer?"

"I liked the second Norland trained nanny, as much as the locally trained nanny, but …"

"You are not certain?"

"Yes.? What about you?"

"My thoughts are the same, but one interesting thing was the locally trained nanny indicated that she would have no problems if she shared the job.? The benefit with her is that we can make sure Jang grows up multi-lingual, but…"

"You like the idea of a Norland Nanny." After pausing to think Anna added "How about we get the two of them here, talk to the two of them, see how they interact with other nannies.? That may allow me to reach a decision on whether or not they are the right fit for me."

"Anna, you are in control.? We both know that despite my good intentions in the end you will be the one who interacts more with the nanny than I will, simply because of business demands, so the person in the end needs to be right for you, not solely my preference."


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