Offer To The CEO

Chapter 704: Back in Action - Part 1

704 Back in Action - Part 1

Monday morning

As Anna awoke and dressed to head to court this morning, she recalled the call from the police late yesterday.? Given the disregard that her mother and grandfather showed for the Intervention Orders and the attitude when being interviewed by the police, they were refused bail and had to go before the Court today.? They viewed the threats to her, and Little Jang's safety were significant if they were not detained.

While she was still involved in the matters before the court, for Anna it was in some way comforting.? This was a legal environment that she knew and could deal with.? It held logic to her, rather than the system she had been in for months.? If followed a process and felt comfortable, plus she knew that she would be able to influence the outcome, which back home was something that she could not do.

As she reached into the cot to pick up little Jang, Hou Yi stirred in bed, and said "Give me enough time to get ready as I want to be with you today."

Moving over to Hou Yi, Anna leant down and gave him a kiss before saying "Well hurry up, we need to be at court by 9:30am."

Hou Yi knew that Anna was distracted and said, "Well the longer you are here the longer it will take me to get ready."

As she headed out Anna laughed and responded "Well someone is frustrated…"

Recognising that Anna wanted to mess with him, Hou Yi responded "Who is to blame for that."

Anna paused at the door to their suite and said "Me," quickly leaving and shutting the door behind her.

Anna headed to the casual dining area; she could not believe how Georgina had excelled herself.? Just after she had settled Jang into his highchair Georgina entered the room, and Anna said, "Georgina could you sit down."

"What is it?"

"How are things going with your ex?"

"Anna, I have to thank you.? Giving me this job and putting me in contact with your colleagues at ANX.? It has made a huge difference.? His arguments about him being able to provide the better home were dismissed by the courts.? They made an assessment about what both of us could provide, and with your affidavit in support, details of what happened in Hong Kong, our family situation and most importantly for me this job and decided that the best thing was that Alice remained living with me but limited his time with her."

"How do you feel about it?

"Relieved.? Following the advice of your colleagues I also detailed in my court material the money I had paid to him over and above the financial settlement as well as his non-payment of child support.? From what I am told it was extremely unusual, the court made orders in regarding that and other money I gave him requiring him to pay me but also imposing a condition that he cannot return to court for anything with respect to Alice unless he has paid the money to me."

"I bet that did not go down well."

"No.? As the judge made the order, he yelled out about how unfair such orders were as it denied his rights as a father, and that the court was blinded by not only my money but your money as well.? That ended up with the judge warning him if he continued, he would be in contempt of court.? That shut him up, but after we got out of court he continued, and has tried to appeal the decision.? The appeal hearing is pending, but …"

"My colleagues are sure that the decision will stand.? They will do the best, and do not worry about the legal fees as we will pay them.? Yi and I care for our employees, and while you are one, you are someone I can trust, and I am willing to back you and make sure your legal fees are paid.? He has messed with you too much, and…"

Hou Yi interrupted "You cannot forgive his witch of a wife for what she has done.? Anna, you are too predictable, when you feel someone is wronged you want to avenge that." Turning to Georgina, he said "Georgina, Anna says we can trust you and so far, you have done a wonderful job managing our home here, so we will make sure that your legal fees are paid.? That is the least we can do as we have asked you to alter your arrangements for us and be a live-in housekeeper."

"Thank you.? Now, I better get back to the job you pay me for."

Anna responded "Georgina, there is no worries about this.? You are doing a wonderful job so far."

Nodding Georgina quickly left the dining room, and as she did Hou Yi said "You wanted to know what was happening with her case.? Anna, can you let things go?"

"Yi, looking back I held a grudge against her for the wrong reasons, and I want to ensure that the right thing happens for her."

"Anna, focus on today.? ANX have sent reports to me as to the court outcomes for Georgina, on the basis we are paying her legal fees.? They also emailed you them, so stop pushing her for information when there is a neutral source."

"Spoilsport, you know I…"

"Like to push to get the information directly.? You forget you are on maternity leave."

"So, I am still a lawyer."

Smiling, Hou Yi replied "You will never change, and thinking like a lawyer means you push everyone for information."

"But you love me for it."

Shaking his head Hou Yi added "Sometimes I wonder why, but I know I will love you to the day I die."

Anna turned and said, "Me to," before allowing Hou Yi to give her a quick kiss.


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