Offer To The CEO

Chapter 706: Back in Action - Part 3

706 Back in Action - Part 3

Monday, continued…

From the dock, her grandfather interrupted "That is a damn lie.? You were doing actions you had no right to do and all I was doing was telling you the wrongness in your behaviour, as I should as your elder."

Anna paused further as she could see the magistrate was angry at the interruption.? However, knowing her grandfather she made her statements because he would not be able to stop himself in reacting.

The Magistrate turned and said "Sir, I will give you and your daughter one warning.? You do not interrupt these proceedings.? You have lawyers representing you, and they will speak for you, not you."

"Well I want to speak, so I do not want that so-called lawyer.? I need to be heard and her lies need to be stopped now."

"While I will encourage you to retain your lawyer, you are entitled to make that decision about your representation, but if you interrupt again, you will be removed.? Do you understand?"

"That is not fair, but as long as she does not lie, I will do that."

Turning back to Anna, the magistrate nodded, and she continued "My mother in coming breached orders protecting my father and my sister-in-law which I understand this court granted.? They are both here in the court." ?Anna paused, and continued "They forced their way into Christ Church where my husband and I were holding a private christening service for our son Jang, as well as a funeral service for our other son Yi, who we call Aaron, who died a couple of months ago the day after his and Jang's birth.? After the service we interned part of his ashes in the niche wall at the cemetery so he would be here with his Australian family, with the other part of his ashes returning home with us."

"That, despite the presence of my husband and my bodyguards frightened me.? They are around us as of my husband's business but neither of them demonstrated any respect for us in not inviting them to those ceremonies let along the court in breaking the orders, whether they agree with them or not.? I know my grandfather was clearly explained the terms of the order and his ability to contest or appeal the conditions on it as the magistrate when it was imposed made that explanation in court in front of me."

"And before anything is said, I am fearful that my mother will increase her behaviour targeting me, and my husband and my property here in Australia without the order.? That is in addition to his family company investments here in Australia, which at the last count amount to around fifty billion dollars and growing.? The nature of the company structure is that my husband and I control over sixty percent of the company shares jointly and the rest is controlled by other family members.? We could withdraw that investments if it becomes necessary for our and that investments protection from my mother and grandfather.? In speaking to my sister-in-law and father, they are concerned that without the amendments the police are seeking to their orders that her behaviour will continue.? As to the application regarding my grandfather, I seriously believe that further control is needed on his behaviour."

"Mrs Hou, in terms of the police applications, what do you and your client's say."

"As to my father's order, he is now living in the property my brother and sister-in-law own, as when my parents separated, he let my mother remain in the family home.? That is now his residence.? As to my sister-in-law's order, the address needs to be altered to the address that will be reflected in the police applications regarding me and my son.? Additionally, and it may be a tricky order for the court to have, is that the restriction of being within the distance of that property must only apply when my sister-in-law, my son and I are at the residence.? My older half-brothers, being the son's from my father's first marriage, operate a farming business on the property and a blanket restrictions impacts their ability to invite her to be at the property.? The orders are needed to protect us and prevent ongoing actions that they have demonstrated with their actions yesterday.? And before anything is said about me not being in Australia since my marriage, I fell pregnant quickly and it was a risky pregnancy, as evidenced by the death of our younger child one day after his birth.? The one trip we made here after I fell pregnant was broken into flights of no more than 4 hours length with breaks between each leg."

Turning to the Dock the magistrate said, "What do you have to say sir?"

"Other than everything coming out of my ungrateful granddaughter's mouth is a lie, that the orders are unnecessary.? When she was given the order against me, it was simply a targeting of the religious group I belong to due to our beliefs.? The court should not be granting an order simply she does not like my beliefs.? The court should simply throw out the order, as it should never have been made, plus tell the police to abandon the charges against me."

Anna sat there not wanting to react.? She knew that the religion card would be played by her grandfather, so she should not be surprised.

After her grandfather sat down, he turned to her mother and said, "Your father has opted to represent himself in these proceedings, what do you want to do."

Anna could see her mother, was becoming the meek woman her religious background told her to be, and said "I want to dismiss my lawyer, and have my father speak on my behalf.? He is better at this than I am."


From the Author.

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