Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 45: Another Ball

I walked around aimlessly for an indeterminate amount of time as I pondered my predicament.

One of my maids managed to track me down before Al did, shrieking about how there wouldn't be enough time to beautify me for the ball. Joy. More of the Barbie doll treatment.

My stare was blank and my expression emotionless as they stuffed me into an even larger cage than usual and an elaborate sky blue gown studded with jewels that trailed down the skirt from a large cluster around the bodice.

It was so heavy I could hardly breathe.

My hair was twisted into an intricate series of braids, leaving just enough space for the tiara that boasted a sapphire in the center that matched my dress.

I had never worn a real tiara before. Wearing a fake one and prancing around in a princess costume with Abby one Halloween as kids had never seemed farther away.

Mariela wouldn't look me in the eye when the royal family gathered together in front of the grand ballroom to make a dramatic entrance.

She pointedly clung to her husband's arm and ignored me. He noticed and shot me a confused look before smiling softly down at her as she gazed up at him.

Rosenia looked as excited as she was capable of—usually she had such a bored, disdainful expression. Of course. This was her chance to show off in front of everybody.

She stood near her husband but did not speak to him. I couldn't help but wonder if those two had any sort of relationship at all or if it was entirely political.

Al approached me hesitantly, looking every bit the dashing prince in a formal blue coat that went well with my dress.

"Are you alright? I haven't seen you much lately."

"I'm not but now isn't the time or place to discuss it," I sighed.

I didn't have an adequate explanation for why I had been so distant. At this point, I didn't know anything.

Should I just give up and accept my fate in this fantasy world? Could I afford to?

"But…you are willing to discuss it?" His gray eyes met mine earnestly and my heart sunk.

He looked so hopeful but that couldn't overshadow the same despair that radiated from him when we first met. How one pair of eyes could express so much at once was beyond comprehension.

"Yes," I said quietly.

It wouldn't be so much of a stretch to put it down as nerves, would it? Didn't everyone get cold feet before they got married?

Especially since I was becoming a princess…that was a lot of pressure. Al would probably buy it.

My guilt increased. He didn't deserve to be lied to like this. He trusted me. Lying to someone who trusts you is worse in a way than lying to someone who doesn't.

Al gave me a sad sort of smile before offering me his arm. "It's starting."

I took a deep breath and placed my hand daintily on his inner elbow. Show time. The herald announced the king and queen first and descended by order of rank until it was our turn.

"His Highness, Prince Alpheus Randolph McLeod of Annalaias and Her Ladyship, Catherine Arabella du Pont, future princess of Annalaias."

My grip on Al's arm tightened as we stepped onto the dais. Hundreds of eyes were on us. I got the vibe that he wanted to comfort me somehow but couldn't since he was frozen in position with everyone watching.

We descended the grand staircase slowly so I wouldn't trip in my many layers of skirts and high-heeled dancing slippers.

Everyone wanted a piece of us—it wasn't every day a ball was held in honor of a new princess—but thankfully a familiar face got to us first.

"Eddie!" I cried with delight, about to go in for a hug before I realized Madame Chalaise was probably watching from somewhere and would kill me for breaching etiquette in such a way at my very first outing as part of the royal family.

Instead I opted for reaching out and clasping his hands in my gloved ones. "I thought you were at school!"

"Well," he said with a teasing glint in his eye. "When you get a letter that says your sister is about to become a princess certain exceptions get made. You should have seen the dean's face when I told him! You've been the talk of Calabaster Academy. I even got to miss exams for this!"

"Of course that's all you care about," I said with a laugh.

Since I left Edmund honestly believing we would never meet again, this was unexpectedly nice.

"Oh, where are my manners. Eddie, this is my…fiancé…Alpheus. Al, my brother Edmund."

Al stuck out his hand to shake. "I've heard a lot about you."

"And I've heard almost nothing about you but it's nice to meet you anyway," Edmund said cheerfully as he accepted it. "I still can't believe you of all people ended up with a pri—"

"Edmund." Percy's curt voice cut him off. "I believe you are holding up the line."

I frowned. I wasn't nearly done talking with one of the only people in this room I actually knew and liked.

It was a bit awkward seeing Percy after all this time. The countess had taken full advantage of visiting with the queen on a regular basis under the pretext of wedding planning but Percy was too busy with the earl trying to learn the ropes for when his day in court came.

I had only seen him once since the day I arrived at the palace. It didn't help that I was basically being held hostage. I hadn't left the palace at all since security was so tight.

"Percy, I only talked to him for a minute," I complained.

He gave me a wry smile. "It is nice to see you too, Catherine."

It almost sounded like he was blaming me for our lack of contact. I pouted.

"Hey, I haven't been able to leave. You could have come to see me if you wanted."

"That is true," he conceded. "But really, you have many more people to talk to. Edmund is staying with us until after the wedding. I can bring him by to see you tomorrow if you have time."

My lessons were virtually over. I had nothing BUT time. "Please do."

"We could all play cards," Al suggested, finally rejoining the conversation. He was so quiet I had nearly forgotten he was there.

Edmund grinned. "So she taught you too, huh? I look forward to it. See you Katie! Your Highness!"

Al sighed as we moved on and grumbled under his breath. "You get to be Katie but I'm stuck being Your Highness."

I gave him a strange look. "You realize that less than ten people in this entire country call me Katie. I'm just as sick of being called 'Lady Catherine' as you are of 'Your Highness.'"

"At least you'll be joining the ranks soon enough."

The reminder of our impending marriage made my expression darken ever so briefly before we were greeted by the next set of guests. It seemed like we were stuck talking to people for a lifetime before the music began.

As the engaged couple, we started off the first dance of the night.

"Can you talk now?" he asked as we began whirling around.

I shook my head. "Too many people. Somebody might hear us."

"Can you at least tell me if it's because of something I did? I've been worrying about what I could have done for days."

There was that wounded expression again. It cut me to the core.

This wasn't really his fault. How could I blame an incredibly bored, lonely person for latching onto the first one to show them fun? My mistake was getting involved with him in the first place.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's nothing you did, promise. Sorry for worrying you."

He practically wilted with relief before resuming his dance posture. "Thank goodness. I had to wonder…but why were you avoiding me then?"

"I needed some time alone to figure things out," I admitted. "Can we not talk about this here? The last thing I need on my plate is more gossip."

"Alright, what do you want to talk about then?"

I don't know! I'm barely trying to get through this ordeal, okay?! "Do we have to talk?"

He squinted at me in concern. "My Katie, not wanting to talk? That's new."

"Who's yours," I muttered.

"Look around us. This whole ball is to celebrate that you're mine," Al said almost smugly.

I wanted to protest but the song ended and it was time to change partners and he disappeared into the crowd.

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