Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 49: A Random Observation

I was a bit too full of cake to notice anything off about what had just happened. I wanted to get Al to talk to Marcy a bit more and then go lie down and let my cake digest.

To my dismay, it was difficult to get an opening. Edmund was busy chatting with her about other kinds of fillings that went well with chocolate cake. He really did love his chocolate. I hadn't been around him enough to notice that before.

Al stood back and watched the two of them with a quizzical expression on his face. "Is Edmund always this talkative?"

I shrugged. "As far as I've seen."

"Hmm. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was interested in her."

I choked on the water I just sipped to try and wash down some of the cake. He immediately rushed towards me to make sure I wasn't dying and held my shoulders as I doubled over with coughs.

"What did you just say?" I wheezed out.

"Oh, it's nothing. Merely a random observation."

Random observation my foot! He couldn't be serious. Al had spent less time with Edmund than I had, though admittedly not by much. There was no way he would be able to gauge that so quickly.

Edmund was simply being Edmund. He may not be as uptight as Percy but he was still an earl's son. He knew his duty was to finish school, work with the steward under the earl's direction, and marry one of the gentry.

The earl—and more to the point, the countess—would be appalled if they knew he was even being friendly to a servant.

Edmund and Marcy were so engrossed in their conversation about chocolate cake that they didn't even notice my near death experience. Through watery eyes, I tried to get a better look at them.

Edmund was talking animatedly but that was his natural state. Actual-ray-of-sunshine Marcy was doing the same. With two such bright people it was impossible to tell if there was infatuation on either side.

I squinted at my brother. I wouldn't call Edmund handsome per se but he was definitely cute. Cute enough that back in my world he'd have at least a couple of girls crushing on him in the hallways.

Marcy was practically angelic—anyone would have to be blind not to notice her. Like my dumb, blind friend the prince. What part of Catherine du Pont was better than Marcy Grandin?

She reminded me of this actress back home that was everyone's dream girl so she was way out of Edmund's league. At least, she would have been if not for the class system in Annalaias.

As it was, Edmund was far out of Marcy's league. But hey, she'd married a prince in the book. She was the poster girl for dating out of her league.

What was I thinking? Marcy was meant for Al. Al was meant for Marcy. Edmund du Pont wasn't even a character in this book just…like…me. I screwed up again.

"Edmund, we need to go," I said weakly. "I feel sick."

Marcy frowned apologetically. "I'm so sorry, Katie! It's entirely my fault."

"Don't apologize for something tasting too good," Edmund chided. "It's her fault for being such a pig."

"Don't talk to your sister like that," Al practically snapped, his eyes blazing. "She is not a pig."

He may tease me a lot but he wasn't beyond being offended on my behalf. I was oddly touched but at the same time I was afraid he might start an actual fight with my brother.

To lighten the mood, I let out a soft 'oink.'

"Sorry Al, Miss Piggy here needs her royal beauty sleep," Edmund said with a wink.

He had gotten into the habit of calling the prince that way because of me. He turned his gaze back to Marcy as Al supported me out the door because I looked about as good as I felt.

"It was a genuine pleasure meeting you, Miss Marcy. I do hope we'll meet again."

"As do I," she said with a smile. "Come visit again while you're still here!"

"I will. I haven't tried nearly enough of your baking. Katie was right, you do make the best sweets in the kingd—"

"Eddie!" I cried, already out of the kitchen. "Hurry up!"

"Coming! Until next time." he hastily bowed in Marcy's direction before following us out the door.

I sent both of them off once they deposited me to my room. I did feel sick to my stomach but I didn't think it was just the cake.

I made too many waves here. First with Al, then with Mariela, and now possibly with Edmund. I tried my best to get the story back to how it should be but what if all I was doing was making things worse?

Lying in bed with my silky nightgown on and the curtains drawn, I wondered if it was even possible to untangle the web I had unintentionally woven.

Even if Al was right and Edmund did like Marcy…there was no way she'd like him back, right? Even if she did…there was no way the earl or countess would accept a marriage with anyone less than a baronet's daughter. And even if they did…what about Al?

Marcy was meant to take my place—her original place that I had accidentally stolen—once I left.

Edmund had no dealings in the capital. He had a bit less than a year left in school and once he was done he would go back to the earldom to continue his training as Percy's aide. Marcy worked and lived in the palace. There wasn't the slightest chance a relationship could work between them.

I was overthinking things. Why did I put any stock into what Al said? He didn't know squat about people or relationships since he had spent so much time alone.

I was being paranoid. Nothing more.

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