Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 19: Chapter 43

Though Ying was strongly opposed to it, the kids drank the youngster’s drinks. Owing to her habits as an outstanding guard, Ying wouldn’t allow her protectee to drink a drink of unknown origins in a foreign nation under other circumstances. However, the girls’ trusted the youngster more after going through the ordeal together. After all, they witnessed him fearlessly stand next to Miss Vera. Nobody would hate and suspect a warrior, albeit the youngster not showing them any courage.

“Are you asleep, Liu Yue?”


Liu Yue sighed. Nona hugged Liu Yue tightly around her neck. Liu Yue tried to push her away but failed. Liu Yue didn’t mind cute Nona hugging her. In saying that, Nona’s huge knockers affected her breathing, subsequently impacting her sleep.

The four sisters slept together due to the debacle that transpired in the afternoon. Daisy, who looked most nonchalant, started to cry in a half-asleep, half-awake state, which surprised them. They had to comfort her for a long time before she settled down. Liu Yue strongly suspected the drink was just a regular fruit juice without any calming affects. Perhaps it was just a placebo effect.

“Sleep, then. We have to wake up early tomorrow. Miss Vera invited us to breakfast.”

“Mm.” Liu Yue nodded then shut her eyes.

The heavy feeling pressing on her contained her sister’s scent and warmth. It was heavy, but Liu Yue felt warm. Suddenly, she felt a sensation on her tail, causing her entire body to go limp. She tried to vigorously yank her tail back. To her chagrin, those hands wouldn’t let go. She furiously opened her eyes. She saw Vera’s desperately trying not to laugh. Because she didn’t want to wake her sisters, Liu Yue suppressed her voice to fume, “What are you doing?”

“Sorry, let me hold it. Having something warm to hold in my hands calms me.”

“I’m already considerate enough to let you sleep in my room with me, so don’t try to take a yard now!!”

“Come on, just a touch. We’re both girls; it’s no big deal. Besides, I’m your sister. We don’t share the same mom, but I treat you all as well as I treat Nona, don’t I?”

“I don’t see you treating us equally well, but I certainly do see you tricking me as much as you trick Nona and Daisy. Actually, you’re even crueller to me. All right, all right but remember this: I can put up with you grabbing my tail, but I can’t stand you caressing my tail. My tail is reserved for Dad, clear?”

“I know. I know.”

Even Vera knew Liu Yue’s taboo, so she wouldn’t offend her in that regard. She cheerfully grabbed onto the soft and fluffy tail. Liu Yue shuddered, and her expression looked gentle. For the Moon Fox Tribe’s foxes, their tails were, indeed, their most sensitive body part. She felt aroused even if it was her sister who touched it.

Liu Yue was first to wake up the next day. She soon regretted letting her sisters sleep with her. It rained last night during their sleep, so the room was colder. No maids came to add wood to the fire as everybody was asleep. As a result, the room was freezing.

When one feels cold during their sleep, they subconsciously move closer to the warmest thing next to them. Liu Yue’s tail was comparable to a big flame. Thus, her three sisters subconsciously clung to her. First it was Nona, which was plenty. Then, Vera and Daisy joined. Breathing? Does wheezing count?

Liu Yue heaved a big breath. Her sisters’ faces that indicated they were all deep asleep but didn’t say anything. She suddenly recalled the mornings after the night raids she launched on her dad. She thought to herself, “Dad must’ve felt the way I feel, particularly when he has to shoulder the weight of four people, hihi.”

Liu Yue slowly shut her eyes. She didn’t know what time it was, but nobody came to wake her, while she wasn’t willing to separate from her warm mattress and blanket. She didn’t want to leave one second earlier than she had to. Although she had her three sisters’ weight and warmth on her, she eventually fell asleep. Unfortunately, somebody knocked on the door the moment she went to close her eyes.

The maids came in with hot water and gently woke the sisters up. Her three sisters rubbed their eyes. They were somewhat reluctant to leave Liu Yue. They intuitively wanted to grab the warm and fluffy tail. Liu Yue pulled her tail back and sternly declared, “Wake up. We need to have breakfast with Miss Vera.”

“Oh… Right…”

Vera was the first to sober up. The four sisters dealt with their sleepiness and foggy minds upon just waking, and then they followed the maids to the dining hall. From their time in the North, it was evident breakfast held the most weight among all meals since only those most trusted and had the right would be allowed to join the master at breakfast.

Miss Vera was already waiting for them. Smiling, she enthused, “Good morning, Princesses. I’m very happy to see you. I thought you would’ve planned to go home last night.”

“Actually, we did consider it.”

“That’s understandable, but you chose to stay, didn’t you? I’m eager to know your reason for staying. Can you tell me? Or rather, could you stroke my ego, and let me know you’re staying for my sake?”

Vera forced a smile: “Uh… That is partially true, but it is not the main reason. We do not want to leave our first adventure as a regretful memory. It was dangerous yesterday, but if there was no danger, it would not be an adventure. We can bear with it. Our father went through much more dangerous ordeals, after all.”

Miss Vera spread her napkin and expressed, “You do not disappoint as King Troy’s daughter. Princesses, it is not appropriate to drink wine at breakfast, or I would’ve toasted to your courage. Since it’s breakfast, though, I shall not waste any more time. Nobody’s mind can function at full capacity in the morning, so I don’t want to do any thinking myself. Let us cheerfully replenish our empty mind and bellies. I can arrange for someone to take you on a tour through the city today. Sadly, the city isn’t as fun as it once was now as it is under martial law thanks to those people.”


“…if there was no danger, it would not be an adventure.” – This quote is based on the fact that “adventuring” is written as “taking a risk” in Chinese.

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