Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 19: Chapter 75

“I wasn’t afraid!”

The youngster trembled while in between the black dragon scales. His voice and identity weren’t necessities anymore. The monarchs of two nations, a Princess and three enormous dragons were present, so what was the point of him being there? What was the point of what he said in their situation? Having said that, his proclamation made Liu Yue’s ears stand up.

Confused, Sylvanas wagged her tail. Sylvanas turned her head to look at Troy. They should’ve left already, but Troy’s body froze on her back. He had a displeased look on his face.

Liu Yue tilted her head. Noticing her turn around to look at him, the youngster emotionally took a few steps toward her. He declared, “I wasn’t afraid, Liu Yue. I wasn’t afraid back there. I was shaking, but I still chased you. I’m not afraid of you, and I don’t think you look scary. That is who you are. It’s a part of what makes you complete. You’re a fox!”

Vera looked at the spot next to her foot with a hint of surprise. Her sister and she were already very tired. In fact, Liu Yue struggled to stay steady on her feet. Her pretty and soft tail hung down as if it was dead. After hearing the youngster, nevertheless, her tail began to wag side to side as if it was revived.

“Is Liu Yue happy to hear that?” wondered Vera.

“So, please don’t be angry with me. I’m your friend, Liu Yue. I can accept everything about you. I’m happy to see everything related to you. I want to continue staying in contact with you! I know that we might never get to meet again. Even if we do, it’ll only be for a few short days; however, I think it would be a pity if I didn’t take a step forward just because we can’t be together. Even if we’re not fated to be with each other, I’d rather part with a smile than regret, so… so…”

The youngster grew more and more emotional. He closed the gap between him and Liu Yue, but nobody stopped him. He was a battered, unarmed, thin young man, yet not even Sylvanas had the confidence to stop him. A horde of dragons couldn’t stop his determination. Humans weren’t able to use magic as elves could, nor did they possess bodies as tough as dragons, but humans could overcome seemingly insurmountable through sheer courage and determination.

Liu Yue didn’t move. She watched him come closer and closer while wagging her tail faster and faster. Her tail swept up the dirt on the ground alongside excitement and tension. Troy wanted to call out, but Sylvanas sternly shook her head to indicate for him not to speak. Sylvanas seem to realise what the youngster wanted to do.

The youngster gently took hold of Liu Yue’s soft hands with his scarred hands. Their hands were glued together with dirt and mud. She reacted in a startled manner. She panicked, but his gaze was clear and firm, thereby erasing her panic and shyness. As a matter of fact, she didn’t even know what to say.

The youngster loudly stated, “I like you, Princess Liu Yue!! I love you! I swear on my name and honour that I sincerely love you! If it is possible, I am willing to go with you. I would be fine with finding another random job and throwing away everything I currently have. = I want to be with you, Princess Liu Yue!!”

The youngster determinedly confessed to the girl with pointy red ears and a furry tail before an audience of two monarchs, countless guards and three enormous dragons. If you considered the place and time, his confession really would be one of the least romantic confessions. Around them were ruins, dead people and even the groans of the wounded. Nevertheless, it was the first touching confession Liu Yue received.

“Say what?! I… I…” exclaimed Troy.

As soon as Troy cried out, Sylvanas launched up into the sky before he could finish, taking her son away and leaving behind two dragons to look at each other. Irina then tenderly rubbed her face against Liu Yue’s with an incomparably loving expression, which was her way of telling Liu Yue to do as she saw fit. The two dragons then spread their wings and took off to chase after Sylvanas.

Vera gasped. She was aware he had feelings for Liu Yue, but she never expected him to have the courage to confess. Even Liu Yue didn’t expect it. That said, her tail was spinning in the air.

Liu Yue revealed a gentle smile. She lowered her head. Voice quiet, she replied, “Thank you for your confession. I’m very happy. Honest. Lots of others have confessed to me in the past, but I never felt so happy before. I agree with you. I should still take a step even if we’re destined to part. If one is afraid of losing, then one will never have would they could. Thus, my hands would be empty.”

“So… So…”

The youngster brimmed with excitement and nervousness. Liu Yue didn’t outright reject him, and she had a smile. Not to mention how bright and gentle it was. His mind raced: “Doesn’t that mean, mean…”

The youngster was prepared to go to the North in spite of it not being a place he was familiar with. It didn’t matter to him what job he’d have to take as long as he could be with Liu Yue. Unfortunatel, Liu Yue gently shook her head: “Unfortunately, I’m sorry. I still don’t want to have a boyfriend or whatnot at this point in time… I don’t hate you; it’s just that my fondness for you isn’t love. You could say I already have someone that I like at this point.”

The highs and lows of life were too stimulating, so stimulating that the youngster was almost in a trance.  He didn’t know what to say. Liu Yue gently pulled her hands out of his then softly laughed: “But that doesn’t mean that you won’t become a man I like. Don’t rule out the possibility of meeting again. Do your best to become a man I like while we’re apart. If you can impress me, I’ll be your girlfriend. I’m sure Dad would agree, too.”

Liu Yue took a small step back. Although she rejected the youngster, she had an amazingly cheerful smile on her face. She narrowed her eyes and softly giggled. She quickly leaned in and said, “Goodbye, then.”

Liu Yue suavely spun around. Her red tail gently teased the corner of the youngster’s mouth. He pressed his finger to his lips. The blissful suppleness and warm sweetness vanished in an instant. He, in fact, forgot to savour it.

“Is that my first kiss..? Is that a fox’s kiss?” wondered the youngster.

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