Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 105 Quidditch World Cup II

Krum's bright red robes were speckled with nosebleeds.He lightly rose into the air, raised his fist high, and a golden light appeared between his fingers.

Bulgaria: 160, Ireland: 170 flashed on the scoreboard, and the audience didn't seem to realize what was going on.Then, slowly, like a jumbo jet accelerating, the Irish supporters grew louder and louder, culminating in countless shouts of joy.

"The Irish won!" Bagman shouted, seemingly as confused as the Irish audience by the sudden end of the game. "Krum caught the Golden Snitch, but the Irish won! Oh my god, who do I think? I didn’t expect it to end like this!”

"Why is he going to catch the Golden Snitch at this time?" Ron shouted in confusion even though he raised his hands and jumped up and down cheering, "He ended the game when the Irish team was 160 points ahead. It was so stupid. !”

"Maybe it's because he knows they will never catch up!" Aaron said, "After the Irish team led by more than 150 points, the Bulgarian team had no chance of winning."

"Yes." Harry agreed from the side, "The Irish team's chasers are great...Krum just wants to end the game according to his own situation, that's it..."

"He's really brave, isn't he?" Hermione leaned forward and watched Krum land on the ground, "He looks really embarrassed..."

Aaron put the panoramic telescope against his eyes again.A large group of wizard doctors broke through a passage among the grappling leprechauns and veela and rushed towards Krum.Krum's face was very gloomy, and he refused to let the doctor clean his wounds and wipe away the blood.His teammates gathered around him, shaking their heads and looking dejected.Not far away, the Irish players were dancing with joy as their mascot ecstatically darted across the field, tossing them showers of gold coins.Flags were waved throughout the stadium and the Irish national anthem was played from all directions.The Veela returned to their original beautiful appearance, but each one looked downcast and frowning.

"We fought bravely." A heavy voice behind Aaron said.He turned around and saw that it was the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.

"You speak English!" said Fudge, in a very annoyed tone, "but you make me sign here all day long!"

"Hey, that's fun." The Bulgarian minister shrugged.

"Now, with the Irish players walking around the field in the company of their mascots, the Quidditch World Cup trophy is delivered to the top box!" Bagman said in a bell-like voice.

Aaron was suddenly blinded by a dazzling light, and the top box was magically illuminated, allowing all spectators in the stands to see what was going on in the box.Aaron squinted at the entrance and saw two panting wizards carrying a large gold cup into the box and handing it to Cornelius Fudge.Fudge still looked unhappy because he had been gesticulating all day in vain, trying to make the Bulgarians understand him.

"Let us applaud warmly and welcome the defeated Bulgarian players to the stage!" Bagman shouted.

The seven defeated Bulgarian players went upstairs and entered the box.The audience below applauded and cheered to show their appreciation.Aaron could see the lenses of countless panoramic telescopes flashing toward them.

One by one, the Bulgarian players walked between the two rows of seats in the box and took turns shaking hands with their minister and Fudge.Bagman called out everyone's name.Krum was last in line, still clutching the Snitch in his hand.He looked very embarrassed, with two dark circles under his eyes standing out on his blood-stained face.But when Bagman announced Krum's name, the entire stadium gave him an extremely warm and deafening cheer.Aaron noticed that Klum's legs were slightly splayed out and his shoulders were noticeably bent forward.

Next on the stage were the members of the Irish team.Aidan Linzey was being supported by Moran and Connolly when he fell to the ground for the second time and seemed to knock him unconscious. His eyes were wandering and confused.But when Troy and Quigley raised the trophy high and the audience burst into thunderous applause, Linzi grinned.

Finally, the Irish team left the box and rode around the field on broomsticks (Aidan Linzy sat behind Connolly, hugging Connolly's waist tightly, still with a silly smile on his face).

At this point, Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and whispered, "Whisper."

"This game will be talked about for several years." He said hoarsely, "What an unexpected turn... It's a pity that the game didn't go on longer... Ah, by the way... By the way, I should How much is it for you...?"

Fred and George had rolled over the backs of their chairs and were standing in front of Ludo Bagman.They smiled happily and held out their open palms.


"Don't tell your mothers about your gambling," Mr. Weasley implored Fred and George as they slowly descended the burgundy-carpeted stairs.

"Don't worry, Dad," Fred said happily, "We have big plans for this money. We don't want it to be confiscated."

Mr. Weasley hesitated, presumably to ask what their grand plans were, but then thought better of it and seemed to decide not to ask.

Soon, they were surrounded by a flood of people leaving the stadium and returning to the camp.As they walked back along the passage illuminated by the lanterns, rough singing came from the night sky, and the little leprechauns kept flying in and out of their heads, waving the lanterns in their hands, and laughing.Finally, we arrived at the tent, but no one wanted to sleep.Considering that the surroundings were too noisy, Mr. Weasley agreed that everyone should drink a glass of cocoa milk before entering the tent.Immediately, everyone started arguing about the game just now.Mr. Weasley and Charlie were at loggerheads over the issue of foul play.Finally Ginny fell asleep at the small table and spilled a cup of hot chocolate on the floor. Mr. Weasley ordered everyone to stop arguing about the game and go to bed.Hermione and Ginny ducked into a nearby tent while Aaron, Harry and the Weasley boys changed into their pajamas and crawled to their bunks.At this time, they could still hear singing and strange crashing sounds from the other side of the camp, echoing in the night sky.

"Oh, it's a good thing I'm not on duty," Mr. Weasley muttered sleepily. "It's a good thing I don't have to tell the Irish to stop celebrating their victory, otherwise it would be unimaginable."

Aaron slept in the same room as Harry and Ron.In the middle of the night, he suddenly heard Mr. Weasley shouting: "Get up! Ron, Harry, Aaron, get up quickly, there's an emergency!"

Aaron sat up suddenly and hit his head on the canvas.

"What happened?" he asked.

Vaguely, he heard something was wrong in the camp.The singing stopped, and he heard screams and the sound of people running in panic.

Aaron slid off the bed and reached for his clothes, but Mr. Weasley said: "It's too late, just grab a coat and go out, hurry up!" Mr. Weasley himself put his jeans directly on his pajamas Up.

Aaron obeyed and hurried out of the tent, Harry and Ron following behind him.

By the light of the few fires still burning, Aaron saw people running toward the woods, as if fleeing from something moving toward them on the campground.The thing shone strangely and made a sound like a gun.Loud jeers, wild laughter, and drunken shouts also moved towards them.Then, a bright green light flashed, illuminating everything around it.

Aaron squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and saw a group of wizards huddled tightly together. Everyone pointed their wands upward and moved forward together, slowly moving on the field.They all had hoods on their heads and masks on their faces.Above their heads, four struggling figures were floating in the air, twisted into various weird shapes.It was as if the masked wizards on the ground were puppeteers, and the figures above them were marionettes, controlled by invisible strings rising into the air from their wands.

More wizards joined the advancing group, laughing loudly and pointing at the bodies floating above.As the parade grew, the tents collapsed.Once or twice, Aaron saw a marcher lighting a tent on the roadside with a magic wand.Several tents were burned.The screams grew louder.

When the few people floating in the air passed over the burning tent and were suddenly illuminated by the fire, Aaron recognized one of them as Mr. Roberts, the camp manager.The other three seemed to be his wife and children.A marcher below used a wand to knock Mrs. Roberts upside down.Mrs. Roberts' nightgown hung down, exposing her loose panties as she struggled to cover her body.The crowd below screamed and hooted with joy.

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