Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 The Lost Wand

They followed the dark path deeper and deeper into the woods, continuing to search for Fred, George and Ginny.On the way, they saw a group of goblins chattering and laughing at a bag of gold coins, as if indifferent to the commotion in the camp. These gold coins were undoubtedly won by gambling in the game.They walked a little further and entered a soft silver light.Looking through the woods, they saw three slender and beautiful Veela standing in a clearing, surrounded by a group of young wizards, all talking loudly.

"I earn a hundred bags of gold coins a year!" one of them shouted, "I work in the Dangerous Creatures Disposal Committee, specializing in killing dragons!"

"Bah! You're not!" his friend yelled. "You're a dishwasher at the Leaky Cauldron... What about me? I specialize in hunting vampires. I've killed more than 90 of them."

A third wizard chimed in, the pimples on his face clearly visible even in the faint silver light from the Veela: "I'm going to be the youngest Minister of Magic ever."

At this moment, Ron stepped forward and shouted at those people: "Did I tell you that I invented a broomstick that can fly to Jupiter?"

"Oh, why are you like this!" Hermione said.

She and Harry grabbed Ron's arms, turned him around, and led him away.When the voices of the Veela and their admirers were completely lost, they had arrived in the middle of the woods.There seemed to be only a few of them here, and the surroundings were much quieter.

Harry looked around and said, "I guess we might as well wait here, how about it? We can hear someone coming from a mile away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ludo Bagman emerged from a tree in front of them.

Although the light emitted by the three wands was very weak, Aaron could still see that Bagman had changed a lot.He no longer looked cheerful, his face no longer rosy, and he no longer had springs under his feet.He appeared pale and nervous.

"Who is over there?" He blinked hard at Aaron and the others, trying to identify their faces, "What are you doing here alone?"

They looked at each other, surprised.

"Well, there was a riot over there," Ron said.

Bagman stared at him and asked, "What?"

"In the camp, someone caught a family of Muggles and made fun of them." Aaron briefly told the situation.

Bagman cursed loudly: "Damn it!"

He looked distraught.Then, without saying another word, he disapparated with a pop.

"Mr. Bagman doesn't know anything about the situation, does he?" said Hermione, frowning.

"It seems so," Aaron said. "If officials from the Ministry of Magic are like this, no wonder things like this happened today. The response was too slow."

"But he used to be a great hitter." Ron said, leading the way, walking along the path into a small clearing, and then sat down on a piece of hay under the tree. "He was When we were at Wimborne Wasps, that team won three consecutive championships."

He took the small statue of Klum out of his pocket, laid it on the ground, and watched it move around.This little model is like the real Krum. He walks a little splayed and his shoulders are a little bent forward. His splayed feet are on the ground, which is much inferior to the way he looks when riding a broomstick.Aaron listened to the sounds from across the camp.Everything seemed calmer, maybe the riots were over.

After a moment, Hermione said, "I hope everyone else is okay."

"They'll be fine," Ron said.

"Imagine if your father had caught Lucius Malfoy." Harry said, sitting down next to Ron and watching Krum's small statue walking listlessly on the fallen leaves. " He always said he was going to catch Malfoy."

"That's right, that way, that annoying Draco will never be able to smile like that again." Ron said.

"While it's a nice image, to be honest, it's unlikely," Aaron said. "Lucius Malfoy seems like a shrewd guy. Believe me, if things go wrong, he'll be the worst." The group of people who escaped first.”

"Indeed." Ron thought for a while and said, "When the mysterious man fell, he was one of the first people to come over."

"Oh, those Muggles are so pathetic," Hermione said uneasily, "What if people can't get them down?"

"No," Ron assured her, "They'll find a way."

"It's really crazy to do such a thing, you know all the officials from the Ministry of Magic are here tonight!" Hermione said, "I mean, do they expect to escape easily? Do you think they drank? Too much wine, or..."

She stopped talking suddenly and turned to look behind her.Aaron, Harry and Ron also quickly turned their heads.From the sound, it seemed like someone was walking towards their clearing with one foot high and one foot low.They waited, listening to the stumbling footsteps behind the dark trees.However, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Hello?" Harry called.

No sound.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked behind the trees.It was dark all around and they couldn't see even a little further away, but they could feel someone standing just out of sight.

Aaron pointed his wand behind the tree and asked, "Who's there?"

Then, without warning, a voice suddenly cut through the silence.The sound was unlike any other they had heard in the woods. Instead of a nervous cry, it sounded like a mantra.

"Bone reappears!"

Then something huge, glowing green, emerged from the darkness.It suddenly jumped up to the treetops and flew into the air.

"What is this..." Ron jumped up nervously and stared up at the thing that had just appeared.

At first, Aaron thought it was another figure made of leprechauns, but then he discovered that it was a huge skeleton, made up of countless green star-like things, with a large python emerging from the skull's mouth. , like a tongue.As they watched, the skeleton rose higher and higher, glowing dazzlingly in a cloud of green smoke, like a new constellation against the dark night sky.

Suddenly, the woods around them erupted with screams.Aaron didn't understand the origin of the cry. The only possible reason was the sudden appearance of the skeleton.It was now high up, lighting up the woods like a terrifying neon sign.Aaron looked for the person who had transformed into a skeleton in the dark, but he didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" he called again.

"Aaron, come on!" Hermione grabbed his collar and dragged him back.

"What's going on?" Aaron saw Hermione's face turned pale and she looked extremely frightened.

"This is the Dark Mark!" Hermione groaned, "You-Know-Who's symbol!"

Harry said in surprise: "Voldemort's..."

"Let's go!" Hermione said in a panic.

Aaron and Harry turned around, Ron quickly picked up his Krum figurine from the ground, and the four of them began to cross the clearing.But they had only taken a few steps in a panic when they heard a series of popping sounds, and twenty wizards descended from the sky and surrounded them.The wizards took out their wands, each pointing at Aaron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Careful!" Aaron shouted, raising his wand, "Armour for protection!"

Harry grabbed the other two and dragged them to the ground.

"Collapse!" Twenty voices shouted at the same time.

As soon as an invisible position was formed around Aaron, he saw streaks of burning red light shooting out from the wizards' wands, intersecting with each other in mid-air.Then it hit the ground around Aaron, and a series of dazzling flashes of light erupted.Then it was bounced and hit a tree trunk, and then bounced into the darkness.Aaron's hair seemed to be blown by a strong wind, constantly swaying.

Seeing Aaron blocking twenty stun spells with an iron armor spell, the surrounding wizards couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

"Are you done? Then it's my turn."

Aaron was about to fight back when he heard a familiar voice shouting: "Stop! Stop! That's my son!"

They saw Mr. Weasley striding towards them, looking very frightened.The wizards surrounding them had lowered their wands.Aaron also stopped fighting back.Harry, Ron and Hermione all stood up again.

"Ron! Harry! Aaron! Hermione!" Mr. Weasley's voice trembled, "Are you all okay?"

"Get out of the way, Arthur," said a cold, emotionless voice.

It's Mr. Crouch.

He and other wizarding officials from the Ministry of Magic gathered around.Mr. Crouch scowled with anger.

"Which one of you did this?" He asked sharply, his sharp eyes scanning between the four of Aaron, "Which one of you conjured the Dark Mark?"

"We don't!" Harry said, pointing to the skeleton above.

"We didn't conjure that mark." Aaron still held the wand tightly.

"We didn't do anything!" Ron rubbed his elbows and looked at his father angrily and said, "Why are you attacking us?"

"Don't lie, sir!" Mr. Crouch pointed his wand at Ron, his eyes almost popping out of his head. "You were found at a crime scene!"

"Barty," whispered a witch in a long woolen dressing gown. "They are still children, Barty. There is no way they..."

"You four, where did this mark come from?" Mr. Weasley asked anxiously.

"Over there," Hermione said in a trembling voice, pointing to where they had heard the sound, "there were people behind the trees... they were talking loudly and saying a spell."

"Oh, they were just standing there, weren't they?" Mr. Crouch turned his bulging eyes to Hermione again, his face full of suspicion. "They also recited a spell, didn't they? You seem to have no idea how to conjure it. I know the mark very clearly, miss."

But except for Mr. Crouch, other wizard officials seemed to think that it was absolutely impossible for Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione to conjure skeletons.After listening to Hermione's words, they each raised their wands again, pointed them in the direction she pointed, and squinted their eyes to peer into the dark trees.

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