On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 74: Step 1, become friends.

It is said that during winters, the days and shorter and nights are longer. And what do you do at those times? Have you ever wondered about it? Now think about your life, if you find someday that there is a fact like this, that your prime days are short and old days are long? What would you choose to do during those prime days? 

The storm came to an end. The sun was out finally after few days. People stepped out of their houses to soak in the sun and greeted each other. Everybody was glad to step out and continue with their daily life. 

Works piled up at offices and hotels and bakeries had to start their routines from level zero throwing out the stock and taking the new fresh ones. 

There were many break in and theft cases reported but two looked too surprising to the owners. Leaving gold coins after taking the things. Hence the authority didn't know how to solve the case, since it wasn't robbery either. No cameras had recorded it either. 

Fariya got ready for work and decided to step out without having the breakfast. She put on her formal black  and white pant suit and heels. She covered up her dark circles and hickey with makeup. She kept cursing the storm the reason for everything. She was still not able to accept a love relationship with Aizen though she had agreed to it. "Why ? Just why did the storm had to come and cancel my boating that led to everything else, and I can't believe I was so lustful satisfying the body's need. God what a horrible person am I?" She kept talking to herself. "Why couldn't I say no? why did I hesitate and accepted it in the end? I cannot betray or hurt him now? What if I lose the passion slowly once fire cools down between us?" She had so much going on inside her head. The true fears about relationship. Being single for too long had totally ruined her ability to be with people in respectable two way relationship. 

Fariya blow dried her hair and put her hair up. Milan sat on the bed watching her in wonder. She found how women are same everywhere.  Mortals or immortals, the thoughts sounded too similar for everyone. The bed spread was changed into fresh ones with colourful stripes of various pink and green in them. 

Fariya was running later and rushed out taking her handbag. "But have the breakfast atleast for the child growing, " Milan said as she walked out. After sometime, Milan walked around the city and stayed outside Milan's office. She then ordered food for Fariya with the money she exchanged for a gold coin.

The nice and hot lamp chops and fried rice along with some salad and a vanilla milkshake reached the reception. Fariya was surprised to get food as delivery. It even had a note. "Don't work in an empty stomach," Milan wrote in it. Thinking Aizen must have sent it, she walked into the cafeteria and had them. Milan sat opposite her in the table and looked around the place. Looked neat and spacious for the employees to rest and eat well. 

"Hey Fariya, good morning," colleagues greeted her as they passed by. It then occurred to Milan to not stay in the shadows anymore. She searched about the company and learned in detail what they are into. The event management company looked like it is doing really well except for Fariya's position. Even her juniors had got promotion but she failed to. 

Milan decided to work and stay full time with the girl she is keeping her eyes on. Milan made her visible and walked into the office. She applied for various jobs and asked for an interview since they were hiring.  Milan was given a date to attend the interview with her resume and sent off. She didn't know what a resume looked like searched around. And she pretended to accidentally run into Fariya. 

"Excuse me, " she said. Fariya greeted her with a smile sitting and carrying on with work in her desk. 

"Yes, how may I help you?" 

"Am actually new to the city and on my journey, I lost my luggage and missed all my documents and files. So am having trouble finding a job in this city and a place for shelter. But here since they don't know about it, they asked me to attend an interview for sales executive's post. But I don't have a resume and am fresh out of college. Am afraid to ask others and don't feel welcomed. You look kind, can you help me with it?" Milan put on a great show. 

'Why not,  let me complete this report, please wait here," Fariya asked Milan to sit down and completed her work quickly. "What's your name?" She asked inbetween.

"Milan," Milan replied.

"That's a wonderful name. You look really young, how old are you? 21? Fresh out of college did you say?" Fariya asked her.

"Yes, I flew in recently after college hoping to land in a job but found myself doing absolutely nothing. Am running out of my savings, if I fail to find a job I might end up on streets, and get deported or something, "

'Don't worry, apply for the documents and wait, we will do a resume now and you can attend many interviews with it," Fariya consoled her.

"You are so nice," Milan said. 'You're really a warm person like my sister,' she thought inside her head. Fariya soon finished wiritng her report and asked Milan to move the chairs and sit next to her while preparing the document. 

"Tell me in detail okay. You name? DOB? Address? Qualifications?" Experience? Achievements? Hobbies?" 

"One at a time?" Milan asked her. 

"Sure," Fariya said. Milan needed a little bit of time to come up with all of it, make it up and fill the form. .

"Arghh, address, I don't have a place here, what do I do sis," Milan asked looking at Fariya. 

"Where do you live here now?"

"Nowhere, I just stay up all night ," Milan whispered. 

"My god," Fariya exclaimed.  "I will fill my address now, stay with me till you find a place. How can a girl be safe in a strange city, why didn't you book a hotel?"

"If I do, i won't have money for food," she said looking down in the floor. 

"Alright fine, I have filled out my address and will reccomend you, just do well on the interview," Fariya said handing her the resume. 

"Okay I will come and find you in the evening," Milan said.

"Do you know where I live for that?" Fariya questioned her. It only then occurred to Milan that she should pretend like she doesn't know about her home.

"Err....no," Milan said sweating. 

"Dumbo, wait till I finish work and clock out, we will go together, You don't have any criminal history do you?" Fariya asked her funnily. 

"I assure you that am neat and very decent. I don't even drink much except rarely, you can trust me," Milan assured Fariya and bowed and took her leave.

On her way out, she saw Aizen at the reception waiting for Milan. He was carrying a bag with him. 

"Is he going somewhere, " Milan talked to herself, smiled and left. He smiled back but wondered if he knows her. Thinking she must be a colleague, he dismissed his thoughts and waited for his woman. He wanted to inform her about the business trip he is going to go on before he took off. 

Milan walked out of the office very excitedly and decided to watch a movie people were boasting about. She bought tickets and food and watched a romantic action thriller movie.

Then she ordered for a very heavy lunch consisting of chicken, meat and prawns all grilled and had them with different breads. 

Milan didn't keep track of time but weeks ran too fast on earth which are only days back in heaven. 

Fariya had yet to show the signs of pregnancy and she kept avoiding meeting with Aizen in the name of having a roommate ever since he came back from the long business trip. He wondered if she is upset about him gone for longer than expected. 

The girls were having a lifetime of fun. Eating together, watching movies, singing karaoke and even shopping and beauty appointments together. Milan tried to enjoy the days with Fariya trying to understand how much she misses her sister and wants her back. Milan has been avoiding the thoughts about her feelings towards her sister ever since it happened, convincing herself eventing happened for good until she started living with Fariya who treated her so well. Milan one day ended up crying confessing to her friend about her feelings when she got drunk. Human life started to influence her a little too much.

"I used to have a sister who was just like you, I realise that I miss her so much, it hurts me, i kept telling myself that i should get over the past but I have not, not even a little," 

"There there honey, don't worry, am there for you, don't cry," Fariya consoled her. Aizen sat watching them that day. 

"Enough girls," he said and took the beers away. 

Life never goes as you expect it to. But there is one thing you can do. Living in the moment. Worries may come and go. Pain will be constant in different stages of your life, but as long as you choose to live in the moment a little, you can make your day end beautifully. Nothing can stop you then.

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