One Helluva Fox

Exes and Oohs

Inside the IMP office we see Moxxie, holding his signature mug, and Loona is texting on her phone. Sylvester is laying is head on the table with his eye closed.

Moxxie softly claps twice. "You know, I checked the scale today." He inhales. "And it said I lost two pounds this week." Loona looks at him, then rolls her eyes back to her phone, much to his annoyance. "I. Am not. FAT!"

Suddenly the door is kicked open by a furious Mille as she stomps around the office, mumbling angrily. "Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!"

Upon coming up to the table, Millie slams her coffee cup on the table, disturbing Loona, and waking up Sylvester as his right eye snaps open. Millie then passes Loona and hits a button titled "Nut button!!" that summons a cardboard cutout of a human saying, "Hi! I'm a Hooman!" then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout. Moxxie looks at her, disturbed.

Sylvester lowers himself down and his ears flatten in fear.

Loona gives Sylvester a questioning look. "I thought you weren't scared of anything."

"I'm not." Sylvester states, then points to the furious Millie. "But an angry Millie, is a reason everyone should be scared." He goes under the table and his eyes barely peek over. "I never want to make that woman mad."

"Millie, honey." Moxie calls out. "Is everything okay?"

Millie hisses back at Moxxie in response, disturbing him even more, but she manages to calm down. "Yeah." She responds. "Just... bumped into an ex." Her tail twitches.

"Oh! Oh..."

Sylvester sits back in his chair. "Eh, I know that feeling. My ex tried to kill me... Well, she kinda did, but that's not important." Loona gives him the side eye.

Millie grabs her knife out of the cutout. "He just kept going on about how he has money now, 'a bright future,' and 'a bigger cock.'"

"Wait, what?" Moxxie questions.

Millie then raises her voice as Moxxie walks over to her. "Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to---" Millie punches a filing cabinet beside her in frustration.

The cabinet falls over and several photos fall out.

Blitzo then enters the room on his phone. "Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned--"

Moxxie kneels down to the photos. "Sorry sir, I'll get this all cleaned-" He holds up a photo of two imps kissing in horse costumes.

"Sorry sir, I'll get this all cleaned-" He holds up a photo of two imps kissing in horse costumes

"Uhh... Research." Blitzo grabs the photo. "For science... Put it back correctly, okay?" Blitzo walks out of the room, throwing the photo on the ground. "Alphabetize them."

Sylvester looks over the table and at the photos. "That's..." He picks up a photo of the ground and gains a small blush and coughs into his hand. "Interesting." He puts the photo into his shirt pocket.

"Just how many of these photos does he have?!" Moxxie questions.

"Some of them are kinda hot." Millie states.


"What? Just saying."

Suddenly a helicopter flies past the windows and Blitzo runs into the room. He runs over to a window and the helicopter hovers not far from him. Moxxie, Millie and Sylvester all jog over to get a look.

"What the fuck is that?" Blitzo questions. 

The helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window, breaking the wall down. Look looks on without a word.

"Satan's ass crack!" Blitzo shouts. "Enough with the walls shit, we have a door!"

"That's like the third one in the past, what? Six months?" Sylvester questions.

With the damaged wall, a wind gusts through the office and distributes all the photos Blitzo had been saving across the town. Sylvester puts a hand on his hat to prevent it from blowing away.

"My research!" Blitzo yells.

Two imp children grab one of the photos and are visibly disgusted; one is crying, and the other is vomiting from the result. The helicopter approaches Blitz, creating a bridge for them to walk upon, and the pilot steps out.

"I.M.P?" The Pilot questions. "Right this way, pleeeaaasseee." He walks back to the helicopter.

Sylvester starts pulling his gun out, but Blitzo stops him.

"Uhh sir... What's going on?" Moxxie asks.

Millie and Moxxie pull out their weapons.

"Oh no worries, just some fancy shmuck from Greed-" Sylvester eyes slightly widens. "-wanting to do business with uuus." Blitzo walks over to the helicopter.

Moxxie, Millie and Sylvester follow Blitzo over to the helicopter.

"Uhh Sir?" Moxxie calls out. "I don't think this is a good idea."

"It'll be fine." Blitzo states.

"You say that a lot, but it never really is." Sylvester points out.

Blitzo points a finger at Sylvester. "Quiet." He then addresses the three. "Now get your asses moving."

The four enter the helicopter. 

Millie holds a broken seat belt. "Is this thing safe?"

"Don't worry, we are professionals!" One of the Pilots calls out.

"Well, if we do go down, I'll be fine." Sylvester claims. "Buuuuut, I think you'll all die."

The pilots proceed to take out a huge chunk of the wall as they fly off, leaving Loona to play on her phone in the office.




The helicopter flies out of a hanger in the Greed Ring as they fly over Loo Loo Land, which is going under reconstruction, along with other carnage as they fly over a sign reading "Welcome to Notamafia Town; No Mafia here! We're Mafia-free!"

Several signs post about Mammon watching everyone. And how they need to pay their taxes, with several Mammon Industries signs. Sylvester lets out a low growl as he sees those signs. 

Moxxie lets out a disdained groan. "I hate this place."

"Oh yeah, this is your old stomping ground, isn't it Mox?" Blitzo asks.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Moxxie then points out the window. "I grew up just over there, swore I'd never come back and uhhhh...." He notices they're flying towards the nicer part of town. "uh uh— what— what, where are we going?" He starts to grow more and more anxious. "What— Blitzo, who did you say this meeting was with?"

"I'm not sure... Just some rich somebody or other who wants to discuss biz at his place."

The helicopter finally lands, and Moxxie grows heavily worried after realizing where he's landed. Sylvester's eye widens in realization.

"Oh, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Moxxie shouts.

The place in question is revealed to be a huge mansion, dark smoke fuming through both chimneys. 

Moxxie shivers in fear of the place, as Blitzo shoves him to move forward

Moxxie shivers in fear of the place, as Blitzo shoves him to move forward.

The four walks towards the door.

The client opens the door and stands in the doorway. "Thereeee heeee issss! Theres my boy! Get over here and give ya Daddy a hug!"

"Thereeee heeee issss! Theres my boy! Get over here and give ya Daddy a hug!"

"Shit." Sylvester mutters and lowers his hat over his eyes.

"DADDY?!?!" Millie and Blitzo shout in question.

"I only let Moxxie call me that." Moxxie's father states. He then smiles. "Unless, ya pay me!" He laughs as he walks over to the four.

"Guys, um..." Moxxie clears his throat. "This is my father, Crimson." He motions to Blitzo. "Sir, this is my boss, Bltiz." He motions to the taller hellfox. "This is my friends Sylvester."

"Hmmm." Crimson stares at Sylvester, and the fox starts to sweat a little.

Moxxie then motions to Millie. "And my-"

Millie holds her hand out to Crimson. "Millie! I'm his wife!"

Crimson grabs Millie's hand and kisses it. "And what a beautiful wife you are." He looks at his son. "Mox, where you been hiding this pretty little thang?"

Millie takes her hand back. "Oh I'm sure he would've introduced us, eventually..."

"Oh, I'm sure." Crimson then looks at Sylvester. "Haven't I see you somewhere before?"

"No sir, I'm just a simple hitman Hellfox." Sylvester states as he hides his face with his hat.

Crimson just raises an eyeborw, before moving to Blitzo. "You gotta be Bltzo with the silent O." He shakes Blitzo's hand. "Right?" he puts an arm around Blitzo. "I've heard a lot of things about you and your work."

Blitzo and Crimson walk past Millie, Moxxie and Sylvester.

"Really?" Blitzo questions. "What kind of shit has Moxxie been spreading about me?" He looks back at Moxxie. "I'll fucking kill you Moxxie- don't you FUCKING test me!"

"No! No! From all over!" Crimson states. "Looks like you're building a bit of a name for yourself, ya kid."

"Realllly? Huh, well I guess it's about tome folks recognize my talent."

Crimson laughs and lightly hits Blitzo on the arm. "I like your attitude. Well I hope you're all hungry we put together a FABULOUS dinner for ya." He and Blitzo walk towards the mansion. 

"Fuck, this is gonna not be an easy day." Sylvester groans as he pulls out a carton of cigarettes and opens it. Only to find it empy and a note inside that reads 'Sorry, took your last few, promise to buy you more, love you. Loona~' Sylvester groans in frustration and puts the carton back in his pocket. "I hate my life."

Sylvester walks towards the mansion.

Millie turns to Moxxie. "Hey baby, why haven't I met your pa before?"

Moxxie fiddles with his bowtie. "Well uhhh... ya know... it's its' its just never been uh---"

"Hey you two, move it before it gets cold." Crimson shouts as Blitzo and Sylvester walk into the mansion, and Crimson follows behind.

"Look, look Millie we can talk about it later."

Millie grabs Moxxie's hand and the two walk into the mansion. Crimson smiles as he watches the two enter, then frowns as they go around a corner. Crimson snaps his fingers as he walks inside.

The two tall guards standing outside walk in and slam the door shut.

Inside Crimson pours a drink. "So, Blitzo, ya always been a hitman?"

"Oh no, not always." Blitzo says, and Crimson hands him a drink. "I was in the circus for a long time."

"Show business, good money in that." Crimson sits down across from Blitzo.

On a nearby couch sits Moxxie and Millie. Sylvester leans on the couch behind them.

Blitzo takes a sip from his drink as Crimson pulls out a cigar

Blitzo takes a sip from his drink as Crimson pulls out a cigar.

"What are we doing here... Sir..." Moxxie asks.

"Mooooxxxieeee, I raised you better than that." Crimson states, and he pulls out a lighter. "Ya know there's no business before dinner." He lights up the cigar and Sylvester stares at it. "Besides, were still waitin' on one more."

The front door is slammed open. "WOOHOO! What is up party people!?!"

"CHAZ!" Moxxie and Millie shout in shock

"CHAZ!" Moxxie and Millie shout in shock. There's a pause between the two, then they look at each other. "WAIT... WHAT?!"

"You know him?" Moxxie asks Millie.

Millie groans in anger. "You remember that ex I was talking about?"

"He looks like a prick." Sylvester states, and he's suddenly pushed out of the way by Chaz.

"Looks like I have two big sex reunions today!" Chaz hugs Moxxie and Millie. "How lucky am I????" Sylvester growls at Chaz. "Who's the hot fox, looks like you'd be fun to ride."

Sylvester growls loud and glares at Chaz, as he reaches into his coat.

"Did you date him too?" Millie asks Chaz as she motions to Moxxie.

"Heh Yeah...." Chaz states. "No big deal but I usually bone half the people in any room I'm in."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Blitzo shouts in anger. "There is someone who has fucked BOTH of you??

Moxxie pushes Chaz's arms off him and Millie. "It was a looong time ago.

"But I still remember it like it was yesterday..." Chaz states. "You a fledgling Mafioso, ME the dashing and extremely sexy muscle! It was like it Was Written in the Stars!"

"HAH!" Blitzo laughs. "Moxxie in the Mafia, that's fuckin' rich."

Blitzo looks around and sees several pictures. One of them of Moxxie, Crimson and Moxxie's mother.

Someone knocks on the door and it's slammed open, and two guards drag a dead body past the group

Someone knocks on the door and it's slammed open, and two guards drag a dead body past the group.

"Ooohhhh shiiiit." Blitzo mutters.

Sylvester huffs smoke out of his nose into Chaz's face. who was trying to get close to him.

"You've never told me this before." Millie looks at Moxxie.

"I-I don't really like to talk about this part of my life. But..." Moxxie takes a deep breath in, and starts talking dramatically. "I first saw Chaz at my induction.

Flashback to Moxxie's time in the mob. Moxxie gets a handshake and a kiss from Crimson, welcoming him into the business. Moxxie looks around the room and stops upon seeing Chaz grinning and applauding at him. Moxxie blushes at the attention Chaz is giving him

Moxxie gives a narration. "-in the family. Our eyes met from across the room. And there was just something about him. Something that was magnetic!"

Moxxie finds himself hiding behind a car in the middle of a mob turf war. He throws away the Tommy gun and pulls out a grenade, but it slips out of his hands before he can pull the pin. Moxxie runs after it and catches it the same moment that Chaz grabs it, touching his hand. Both share a smile before Moxxie picks up the grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it away. Chaz and Moxxie stare fondly at each other as the grenade explodes in the distance, the smoke forming the shape of a heart.

The scene switches over to Moxxie greeting Chaz at the door. Chaz is holding signs that he lets fall from his hands. The signs say "TELL YOUR DAD IT'S A SALESMAN" "I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU" and "MOKSIE, WILL YOU BONE WITH ME?" Moxxie blushes fondly and lets Chaz in.

Another scene has Moxxie polishing a rifle when Chaz comes up from behind and assists. Moxxie grows aroused by the interaction.

In another scene, Moxxie poses nude, except for a necklace and his socks, on the couch while Chaz paints him before the flashback fades back to the present.

"It's been 84 years..." Moxxie states.

Blitzo is confused. "Isn't that from that boat movie?"

"That was more sexual than it needed to be." Sylvester states.

"Did any of that stuff actually happen?" Millie asks skeptically. 

"Oh, yeah!" Chaz licks his lips. "But, he skipped over the jizz-covered parts."

"Anyway..." Moxxie gets back on topic. "Things changed when we went on a heist together."

Flashback to the heist, Moxxie, carrying a bag of money, is running with Chaz to the exit as the security gate begins to drop. Moxxie throws the money out of the bank and catches the gate with his shoulders to give Chaz time to slide under. Moxxie tries to escape but his leg and tail are caught under the gate when it drops to the floor.

After struggling to get out he turns to Chaz for help. Chaz suddenly hears the police sirens and grabs the money, giving Moxxie a final look before running off, leaving a betrayed Moxxie devastated and in tears. Moxxie is thrown inside a jail cell. He sadly climbs into the bottom bunk of the bed.

"So, what're you in for?" A familiar voice is heard.

Moxxie quietly pulls his tail closer to him. His cellmate, Blitzo, is lying on the top bunk

"Okay, not much of a talker, are you?" Blitzo hops down and shakes Moxxie's hand. "I'm Blitzo, the 'O'is silent." He then points to the cell across from them. "And that's my son, Sylvester."

Across from them Sylvester is in an orange jump suit and he raises his hand. "Sup."

"I'm sure we're going to get along just fine. So, what's your deal? What'd you do? Who'd you diddle? You look like someone good with a gun. You look like someone who could shoot up an office-"

Moxxie attempts to speak.

But Blitzo just keeps talking. "- -and I hope you are 'cuz I got a plan to get us out of this dump but I'm going to need some help, you think you can give me a hand? I need to get out to my daughter. The babysitter will kill me if I don't get back soon. Do you like kids? 'Cause lemme tell 'ya. They're a-fucking-dorable"

Moxxie tearfully smiles as Blitzo continues talking about his escape plan. The scene returns to the present day.

"Once I got out, I never looked back." Moxxie says.

'Heh, sounds familiar.' Sylvester says in thought.

Blitzo sits worriedly as Millie glares and growls viciously toward a nervous-looking Chaz. Crimson frowns in his chair. Sylvester lets out a yawn.

"Wellllll heh, like you said, it was a loooong time ago." Chaz nervously chuckles.

Millie yells at Chaz in pure rage. "I'll fucking KILL YOU!!"

Sylvester hides behind the couch.

Millie leaps onto the top of the couch, missing Chaz as her knife pierces through the fabric. Chaz hides behind Crimson's chair

"Whoa, the fuck- Crazy bitch!" Chaz shouts.

Millie tries to lunge at Chaz again but is intercepted by Moxxie and Blitz. Crimson stands in between I.M.P and Chaz as Millie holds up her knife angrily, pointing it at Chaz.

Sylvester peaks out from behind the couch.

"Hey,  hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY! Hold on!" Crimson yells.

"You're going to die, bitch!" Millie yells at Chaz.

A maid camly enters the room. "Dinerrr isss seerrvedd."

Several minutes later everyone is in the dinner room. Crimson and Chaz at one end, and I.M.P at the oter. Sylvester sits next to Blitzo. Millie is viciously cutting through her food and glaring at Chaz, but the room is completely silent.

 Millie is viciously cutting through her food and glaring at Chaz, but the room is completely silent

Sylvester calmly eats his food.

Blitzo breaks the silence. "Sooo, this is aggressively uncomfortable."

"I suppose you wanna know why ya here." Crimson states.

"Yeah, so what gives? Ehh I mean... ya know we kill people on Earth, right? We don't normally do contracts for locals... So, if you wanna do business with us... you gotta-"

Crimson waves his fork. "I don't wanna do business with I.M.P. I wanna do business with ~Moxxie~"

Me?!" Moxxie shouts in shock.

"Yeah kid. I summoned I.M.P to be sure you'd show." Crimson picks up his wine glass. "Because welll, we're bringing Chaz into the family."

Chaz smiles at Moxxie as Crimson sips his wine.

"What?" Moxxie questions. "Since when can just anyone join the family?"

"Come on, Mox." Crimson starts. "You had responsibilities here that I had to pick up once you left. Now Chaz is going to lighten the load."

Moxxie hits a fist on the table. "Wait, I thought you always hated his guts."

Blitzo and Sylvester just calmly eat and watch the interaction.  Millie just continues to glare at Chaz.

"Well, I don't know if I exactly hated him.." Crimson states.

"You called him a friendless horse fucker and said he lived a 'sissy life style'." Moxxie points out.

"Yeahhhh... well I was wrong. You've been gone a long time, Mox. A man can change, and so has Chaz."

"Yeahhhhh, I've Grownn, Maturedd." Chaz states. "And recently, came into MILLIONS." He nervously looks around. "But, ya know, mostly the mature thing."

"Ohhh okay okay." Blitzo starts. "So the horseless friend fucker over here gets a little moola, and suddenly its worth wasting our time over?"

"Well, I'm the wholeee package!" Chaz states as he points down at his crotch. "If you know what I mean."

I.M.P is speechless.

"I got a big dick." Chaz speaks confidently. 

"What does any of this have to do with Moxxie?" Millie asks.

Crimson finishes eating and sets his silverware down. "There's gonna be a ceremony tomorrow." he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Moxxie here is going to officially release his holdings in the organization." He speaks bitterly. Then, you can get back to ignoring ya family to ya heart's content." 

Crimson sips his wine.

Millie stands up. "Maybe he wouldn't ignore his family if they didn't force him to rub elbows with a no good Shark-Toothed FUCK FACE!"

Chaz smiles at Millie, while she glares at him in anger.

"Hey, look everybody, relax." Crimson calls out, Millie pulls out her knife and puts it under Chaz's throat. "I know tensions have been high tonight. Say, why don't ya stay here and get some rest. We'll have the ceremony tomorrow, and then you will be free to leave." He motions to a nearby guard. "I have your rooms all prepared."

Millie is about to object, but Moxxie speaks first. "Yes, sir."

"Mox?" Millie calls out.

I.M.P. and Chaz start to leave the room.

"A moment, Moxxie." Crimson orders.

Moxxie looks to his father, then to Millie. "Just give me a minute, Millie." He walks back into the room. "I'll be there."

Sylvester huffs in annoyance as Chaz tries to hug Millie, but she growls at him. A guard shuts the door, leaving Moxxie and Crimson in the room along.

Sylvester looks around the entry way and he finds a large painting. He walks up to the painting and glares at it.

In the painting Crimson and Mammon are sitting in chairs next to each other. Next to Crimson is an adult Moxxie and next to Mammon is a teenage Sylvester, in his prince look. Sylvester has a dead look in his eyes in the painting, as he frowns.

Moxxie looks nervous, while Mammon and Crimson both have smiles.

Millie walks over and looks at the painting. "Hey, that kid in the painting kinda looks like you."

'Oh, you have no idea.' Sylvester says in thought. "I really don't like it here." He says to Millie.

"Neither do I, I just can't wait for tomorrow to come and be over."

Suddenly dildos appear from the tops of the walls and on the chairs around the area. Sylvester and Millie blink a few times in surprise.

"What the fuck?" Millie and Sylvester question.

"Hah!" Blitzo laughs as he points at all the dildos. "There're dicks on the walls! Oh, that is fucking hilarious!"

"This is... disturbing." Sylvester mutters and he looks back at the painting and stares at his younger self.

Memories start to play through Sylvester's head.

A very young Sylvester runs down the halls of his old home. He holds a book in his hands with a large smile. But he starts to cough and stops and puts a hand on the wall as he continues to cough. After a few seconds a few seconds he gets his bearings and continues to run down the hall.

Sylvester's tail wags as he reaches a large door and he opens it up to reveal his father's study. Mammon is reading over a book and looks up to see Sylvester run towards him, a frown forms on Mammon's face.

Sylvester reaches Mammon and holds up a book that's called "The Little Imp that could."

Mammon growls as bats the book out of Sylvester's hand and starts to yell. Sylvester cowers back in face as his tail drop and his ears flatten.

Suddenly, Sylvester's mother, Sitiri, walks into the room and pushes Sylvester behind her and starts to yell at Mammon. Sylvester hides behind his mother, only for her to fall over as Mammon slaps her in the face.

Mammon yells at Sitri, then points to the door. Sitri growls as Mammon and stands up, and brings Sylvester out of the room. Malina stands outside with a worried look.

Several years go by and we see a slightly older Sylvester helping his mother in the library. Suddenly a loud thud is heard and he looks over to see his mother on the ground coughing.

Sylvester growls worried as he runs over and helps his mother up. She smiles, only to cough into her hand. She looks down at her hand and her eyes widen in fear, blood coats in her. Sylvester looks up with a worried look, oblivious to the blood.

Sitri smiles down at Sylvester and pats his head. Standing in the entrance of the library is Sitri's sister, Seere. She glares at Sitri, before leaving.

A while later we see Sylvester help feeding his mother as she lays in her bed, looking very sick. Malina walks in with some books and Sitri smiles at her children.

A couple years go by and we see slightly older Sylvester and Maline standing in front of a grave in the back of Mammon's mansion. Malina is crying as Sylvester looks very sad.

In the distance we see Seere with a smile on her face as she walks back inside the mansion. Mammon is watching from a second floor window, a look of indifference on his face.

A few hours later, night soon approached. Sylvester and Malina walk into their shared bedroom, but suddenly Sylvester is pulled out by Mammon.

Mammon starts to drag Sylvester down the hall and Malina goes to follow, by their maid, Scarlatti, stops her. Malina looks up to the fox maid, only to see her shake her head.

Mammon pushes Sylvester into a room and shuts the door. Sylvester looks around to see he's in a large bed room with gold adorned stuff everywhere. He walks over to the bed and lays down under the covers.

Suddenly a bright flash goes off outside and thunder shakes the room. Sylvester whines as he goes under the covers and hides.

Sylvester is brought back to the present as Millie tugs on his jacket. He looks down at her. "They want us to head to our rooms."

Sylvester grunts and follows a guard upstairs with Millie and Blitzo. The guard shows everyone their rooms, Sylvester and Millie are next to each other.

Sylvester opens his door, but stops and looks over to Millie. "Hey, if you need anything, just ask. Okay? I know today's been hard for you, so I want to help a friend."

Millie grows a soft smile. "Thank you Sylvester, your a real pal."

Sylvester shrugs his shoulders. "Eh, I try to be at least once a month." Millie laughs. "Good night, Millie."

"Good night, Sylvester."

Sylvester heads into his room and shuts the door. He lets out a groan and tosses his hat to the side and takes off his coat as he walks to the bed.

Sylvester sits down on the bed and loosens his tie. He takes out his phone and finds a message from Loona with an image attached.

'What do you think of the new dress?'

'What do you think of the new dress?'

Sylvester gains a small blush. "Fucking gorgeous."

'You look amazing!' Sylvester replies

Sylvester undoes his tie and tosses it on the ground and unbuttons his shirt. He takes it off, revealing a large scar over his heart, and many smaller scars around his body. He lays down and continues to scroll on his phone.

He scrolls through social media, sees several posts from Octavia, Loona, Beelzebub, Stolas and Blitzo. 

Sylvester then sighs as he sets his phone to the side and puts an arm over his eyes as he starts to fall asleep.



Sylvester finds himself in a dark forest with a cabin in front of him. The lights shine on the inside and an eerie feeling creeps through him.

Sylvester shivers as his fur stands on end.

"Here again." Sylvester mutters as he looks to the side and sees clear skies in the distance, he then turns back to the cabin. 

He then enters the cabin and finds a Hellfox that looks nearly exactly like him, dancing around the cabin.

The female has a red right eye while her left is closed. She has black hair that's tied into uneven pony tails. She wears a crimson and black frilled dress, that's an elegant Gothic Lolita. On her head she wears a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck.

"Zahav, you've come back to me~" The female fox dances over to 

The slightly smaller female hugs Sylvester tightly.

"Not like I wanted to come here, girl."" Sylvester pushes the female off him.

Sylvester walks over to a chair and sits down, picking up a cigar, that's resting on the table next to it and lights it up.

"Awww~ You do know I have a name, you should use it~" The female dances over to Sylvester.

"Tch, fine Kurumi." Sylvester grunts.

Kurumi giggles and hops onto Sylvester's lap. "I know you enjoy seeing me~ We never really get to talk."

"I hardly ever want to talk to the thing that causes me pain."

Kurumi talks in a baby voice. "I don't cause you anything but joy, my power can grant you nearly anything." She trails a finger over where Sylvester's heart is. "You just need to use it more~"

"I refuse."

Kurumi frowns. "You know you will die if you don't use my powers more. Your adventures are getting more and more dangerous, your princely powers alone won't be able to keep you alive." She plants a kiss on Sylvester's cheek.

Sylvester huffs and turns to the side. "So what if I do die? I'll finally be rid of this curse."

"If you die, I will die. So we're in this together, boy." Kurumi rubs Sylvester's cheek. "So do be a good kid, and start using my powers more~ Trust me, it's worth it."

"I'll think about it."

Kurumi giggles. "You don't have the time to."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll see soon, but now it's time to wake up~" 

Kurumi brings Sylvester into a kiss.



Sylvester's right eye opens up as the sun peeks through his window. He grunts as he rubs his tired eye and props himself up.

"Fuck me..." Sylvester groans as he grabs his shirt off the floor and puts it on. 

Sylvester stands up and grabs his tie and puts it on. He goes over to a nearby mirror and fixes his hair a little, then grabs his coat and hat and puts them on.




Millie, Moxxie and Sylvester enter the dinning room where Crimson and Chaz are talking.

"HEY HEY, The man of the hour!" Crimson greets Moxxie. "You ready to get started?"

"Where's Blitzo?" Sylvester questions.

"I think I saw him head outside." Chaz informs. "He said soemthing about 'needing some fresh airrr' Err somethin' Pshhh."

"Why don't ya grab him so we can get movin'?" Crimson asks.

Sylvester puts a hand on Millie's shoulder. "We'll be right back, Mox." 

Millie and Sylvester head outside.

"This is strange?" Sylvester states.

"How?" Millie asks.

"Usually Blitzo's pretty loud when he gets his energy in the morning." Sylvester states. "And I haven't heard him yell profanities yet."

"You're right."

Sylvester and Millie walk around outside looking for Blitzo. They then regroup where all the cars are parked.

Suddenly a loud thud is heard in the trunk of one of the cars. Millie and Sylvester glances at each other and nod. Sylvester pulls his flintlock pistol out as Millie grabs her knife.

Millie, with Sylvester backing her up, shimmys the lock open and the trunk opens up, revealing Blitzo. Who is pretty drugged up.

"Oh Millie! Sylvie! You found me!" Blitzo cheers. "Who's your friend?"

Behind the two are a pair of guards that go to grab them.

"Friend?" Millie questions.

Sylvester throws Millie up as he ducks down. Millie lands on the back of one of the guards and stabs him in the eye and rips it out, before shoving the eye into his mouth and cutting his throat open.

Sylvester slams his tail into the crotch of the second guard, who yelps in pain, only to get his head blown up by Sylvester's musket. He then kicks the body to the ground and spits on it.

Millie helps Blitzo out of the trunk. "What is going on?"

"That seductive dickhole is trying to marry Moxxie and he's not even rich!" Blitzo states.

"MOXXIE!" Millie yells as she lets Blitzo go.

Blitzo falls to the ground, and Sylvester helps him up. Millie runs to the front door. Suddenly metal shutters block off all doors and exit the house, including the front gate to the estate.

Millie runs back to the two. "Everything's locked down! How're we gonna get in?"

Blitzo feels around the jacket until he finds Chaz's car keys. He grabs Millie and pulls her to his car and opens the door to climb in the driver's seat. Millie then goes into the passenger seat. Sylvester gets into the back.

Blitzo turns on the radio.

"Buckle up you two!" Blitzo orders and they do just that. "We're doin' a Shrek!"

"Oh, I like that Mo-" Sylvester stars and Blitzo slams on the gas and they drive backwards. "-oovvvieee!"

The car crashes through a stone wall and Blitzo climbs out. "I OBJECT!!" He falls over.

Millie jumps out of the car and slides in a pose. "You want my husband? You're going to have to fucking kill me!" She looks up with threatening eyes.

Sylvester suddenly emerges from her shadow with a big smile on. He holds both his weapons. "You may think you're scary, but you haven't seen an angry Millie."

Crimson groans and snaps his fingers, ordering his goons to kill the two.

Sylvester smirks and starts tapping his foot to the song on the radio, as goons start to surround him. "La-la-la, la-la-la-la. La-la-la, la-la-la-la. La-la-la, la-la-la-la." Sylvester smirks as his right eye glows red and he opens up his left eye, revealing the golden clock.

Sylvester holds up his musket to the sky. "ZAFKIEL!"

A massive golden clock, without hands, appears behind Sylvester. 


The goons all look on in worry and caution. Sylvester aims his flintlock at 1. "Aleph!"

Black and red mist seeps into the barrel of Sylvester's pistol and he aims it at his head. He starts to laugh psychotically as he fire, his body pluses a few times.

"This asshole's crazy!" A goon shouts.

Suddenly Sylvester appears behind him. "Oh you have no idea!"

The goon goes to turn around, but Sylvester snaps his jaw around the back of his throat, and pulls, ripping out his spine.

Sylvester ducks down as a knife flies above his head. He then aims his musket to the side and fires, before firing his pistol in the opposite direction. 

A couple goons try to jump on him, but he disappears and reappears behind them and slams his feet into their backs, where a loud crack is heard.

A goon runs up behind Sylvester with a baseball bat, but said hellfox turns around and glares at the goon as a red and black aura covers him. The goon stops and cowers in fear.

Sylvester smiles and kicks the goon onto a seat, where a bouncing dildo goes up, you know where.

Sylvester throws up his musket and holds his hand and grabs Millie, who's flying past. He sets her on the ground and Sylvester's musket falls into her hands.

Millie smiles as she flips it around and smashes the stock of it into a goon face, before flipping it back around and blowing his brains out. She tosses it back up into the air and pulls her knife out.

Sylvester grabs his gun mid-air and fires onto another goon. Blitzo guns past, screaming as he wields a pipe.

A couple goons run towards Sylvester as he smirks and jumps up, revealing Millie driving a car towards them. They all scream as Millie runs them over and Sylvester lands on the roof.

Millie stops the car before it crashes into the altar. Sylvester laughs as he hops off the roof and leans again the car as he closes his left eye.

As Millie leaves the car and angrily approaches the alter, a goon tries to suckerpunch her, but a several pale hands come out from his shadow and grabs him.

He starts to scream as the hands drag him down into his own shadow, and disappears. 

Millie wipes her tail and glares daggers at Crimson, who begrudgingly allows her to take Moxxie. She grabs Moxxie and hoists him over her shoulder

"Hey!" Chaz yells out. "What about my wedd-ugh!" Millie shoves a dildo down his throat.


"This ass is MINE." Millie spans Moxxie, causing him to blush.

I.M.P. regroups.

"By the way, ya'll should probably know, Chaz isn't even rich, okay?" Blitzo calls out as Millie grabs him and carries him off, with Sylvester following. "Check his car. He played you like a fuckin' rube!" Crimson's eyes slightly widen. "Later, losers!"

Blitzo flips them the bird.

I.M.P hop the destroyed fence and takes a waiting helicopter while throwing Chaz's car keys on the ground. The helicopter flies away with a banner saying "WE'RE Married BITCH" over the original words "Got Married" using blood and extra taped fabric. While Chaz is trying to dislodge the dildo, Crimson slowly turns to glare at him

Chaz pulls the dildo out of his mouth and sees an angry Crimson glaring at him, nervously shrugging and laughing.




The helicopter arrives back at the I.M.P headquarters and Loona is still sitting in the same chair as the day before.

Blitzo, Sylvester, Moxxie and Millie disembark the helicopter, which quickly crashes. Sylvester walks over to his seat and sits down beside Loona, putting his head on the table and closing his eye.

"Millie, thank you for saving me." Moxxie thanks his wife. "You're amazing."

Millie smiles. "Next time, just tell me if your dad is a psychopath --- I can handle it."

Well, I'm glad everything ended up okay. Good to know we both have daddy issues, Mox." Blitzo ruffles Moxxie's hair. "Also, I got to plow your ex-boyfriend; isn't that great? Now we ALL fucked the same guy." He hugs Moxxie and Millie tightly.

back to Crimson's mansion. He goes into the dining room where his trophy wall is located and places the torn-out jaw of Chaz, implying that he ordered the latter's death for lying to him. Crimson then growls angrily and throws a dagger at his family portrait, the knife landing squarely on a young Moxxie's forehead.

A deep chuckle is heard and Crimson turns around to see Mammon sitting in a nearby chair with a glass of scotch. "Someone's having a bad day."

"Sir." Crimson nods, then he smiles. "I may have found out where your son likes to hide."

Mammon smile turns to a frown. "Do tell."

Crimson gains a devious smirk.



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