One piece : Celestial Rose

Noble steed

Mark's ship had finally reached the Navy headquarters.

Their dock was now visible and people were waiting for him, observing this Mark decided to get up from his chair and walk down.

Well, he was about to, but he was stopped by his personal guard, Who's who.

"Saint Mark, you can't walk! You are a noble celestial dragon, this is beneath you."

Mark's eyebrows jumped and he resisted a sigh, he cannot even walk now? 

He knew this kind of thing was common for celestial dragon's who were visiting the lower realm, but the thing is-

"It's too embarrassing Who's who, and besides what would I even ride on if I don't walk? I didn't bring any suitable steed."

Mark tried to reason with Who's who, but Who's who patted his muscular chest and grinned.

"You shall ride me as horse of course! "

After saying that he quickly got on all fours and he presented his back to Mark, who was resisting the urge to to kick Who's who away.

Thee sheer shame Mark was feeling couldn't be put into words.

But Who's who was his subordinate, and he was not that crass, so Mark decided to tell him exactly what the problem was.

"Listen, this is completely unnecessary, human's are not supposed to be walking on all fours, especially not with another person on top of them!"

Looking at Who's who, who was about to argue further, Mark added.

"Who's who, I only do things that are perfect in nature, I am a god, I can't ride a subpar ride you know."

Mark put it in a way that sounded very celestial dragon, he did this so that Who's who leaves him alone, the man was a good subordinate but he was getting too carried away.

Who's who became silent after hearing this and thought for a while, then nodded seriously.

"That makes sense Lord Mark."


As soon as he said this, he transformed into his full beast mode, his now saber tooth tiger face was grinning at Mark.

"How about now? A pure four legged creature. The best of the best, a saber tooth tiger."

Mark was at a loss of words, but who's who pressed on, he was born and brought up in the CP agency, he knew exactly what happened to celestial dragons who don't follow the rules of celestial dragons.

Even celestial dragon's could be killed or cast aside by other celestial dragon's, and Who's who didn't want Mark to go through the same thing.

If a holy knight decided to judge Mark because he was not acting like a celestial dragon by being kind to others, Who's who would be very sad.

His lord Mark was a good boss, and Who's who had taken it upon himself to make sure he isn't judged for that.

"Lord Mark, think about it, do you want to go down walking like normal person, or would you rather go down riding on a badass saber tooth tiger?"

Mark stopped his thoughts after hearing that, okay that sounded pretty cool actually.

"... Fine, I am in."

Mark gave up and Who's who gave a broad smile.

Mark shook his head and climbed on top of the massive saber tooth tiger.

He paused for a second after doing this, he was now feeling the sheer rawness of riding an actual tiger, Mark felt this might not be so bad after all.

The only problem was, this was still Who's who, he would have liked to get an actual tiger to ride on.

But enough about that, it was time to meet Sengoku, the ship had already touched down.

'Man all this feels pretty unnecessary.'

Mark thought lazily, he was sitting down on a tiger while his servants quickly got down, they were arranging a perfectly straight path for him.


A man rolled down a big red carpet and the guards of celestial dragons stood on both sides of it, marking a clear path.

They created a complete performance with practiced skills, both Sengoku and Mark resisted a sigh at this.

But neither changed their faces, Mark had a I don't care expression on his face and Sengoku had an emotionless face.

"Saint Mark, welcome to Navy HQ."

Sengoku bowed his head and so did every single marine in the headquarters, Mark's observation haki could capture all that.

Sengoku was still without any expression but his actions didn't have slightest bit of flaw, this ability was what made him the fleet admiral.

This is what gave him the big bucks, the ability to bullshit his way out of any situation.

"The pleasure is all mine.."

Mark smiled at the thoughtful general, this level of calmness and resourcefulness was something he expected from someone like Sengoku.

Mark felt slightly emotional looking at all these marines, bowing to him, even beyond what a regular human could see, they still didn't stop the etiquette.

'Ridiculous isn't it, these guys are the ones who fight tooth and nail against vicious pirates, but look at them now, look at this contrast.. it's preposterous. '

Mark felt weird, he didn't know how he felt about such men lowering their head to him, but he forcefully maintained his etiquette.

He smirked and his Goku black face morphed into it's standard 'Ningen!' look, he softly patted Who's who, and the saber tooth tiger walked down with grace, with Mark sitting on top of it like a king.

Mark acted like a king because that's exactly what he was supposed be right now wasn't he, he ruled over them, Marine were his subordinates and he? He was their king.


His acceptance of this position, once again inspired his conqueror's Haki, this time to a much greater extent than when he had practiced alone.

He was now on the scene, amongst his subjects, this was not practice but real world, he had to face it whether he liked it or not.

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