One piece : Celestial Rose

Saint Saturn

It was morning of the next day, Mark was eating the whole night while constantly using life return.

He stopped only when he had to relieve himself, eating so much was producing a lot of waste.

Although he was also compressing it as much as possible, he still had to go and relieve himself after a long time.

It's good that life return made this easy too, his intestines squeezed themselves automatically and the waste was passed quickly.

"Mark sweety!"



An enthusiastic voice came from outside his room, his mom was knocking on the door out of courtesy.

"Please enter mom, dad."

Mark called both his parents in, even his dad, who hadn't shown in presence by talking yet.


Both of Mark's parents entered the room and his dad was smiling happily because Mark had guessed he was here too.

But before any of them could ask if he was okay now, they saw Mark was shirtless and eating food, but that wasn't all.

"Sweety! What happened to your body!"

"Oh my god! How could this happen?"

His mom practically jumped on him and held his arms and chest, which was currently full of muscles.

These muscles weren't as lean as swimmers nor as buff as weightlifters, his muscles were instead the best of both worlds.

He had a Medium build with dense muscle fibres, giving both speed and power.

He looked a lot like how a gymnast would.

"Mark my son! How could this happen to you!"

His father was about to go crazy and shoot someone, how can the caretakers let this happen.

Mark just twitched his lips at their reaction.

'They act like I have some kind of disease.'

'I have become super fit alright!'

But he had already expected something like this and had created a plan for this very scenario.

He knew that he would change a lot after using life return, so he had decided to simply let them call a doctor.

He knew his case won't be considered unique, this world had it's fair share of people changing drastically within a short period of time.

The most extreme example of this was big mom.

"Mom, dad I felt really hungry when I got back yesterday, as if my body was very weak."

"That's why I was feeling so tired back then, I am still hungry, I think you should call a doctor."

Mark said slowly, this way he won't have to stop eating until he reached his absolute maximum potential.

The doctor will help giving him the much needed cover.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

His mother screamed loudly and within three seconds, a couple of cp agents came into the room with a doctor in tow.

The agents used geppo to rush here and picked up the doctor along the way.

This was how great the authority of celestial dragon's was.

One scream and people would frantically run to complete their orders.

"Look what has happened to my son!"

"Heal him! Immediately! "

His father grabbed the doctor's collar and yelled in his face, the doctor nodded frantically with a fearful expression.

He didn't even know how he got here, one second he was in his room and now he was here, on the cp agent's back.

"I.. I'll get to it immediately Saint Charles."

The doctor stammered a reply.

Charles scowled and left his collar, he had to reign in his anger because fixing his son was top priority.

The doctor gupled with fear and came tremblingly towards Mark, he slowly began asking Mark his problem.

"What exactly happened, please tell me so I know what to look for."

Unlike his parents, Mark gently nodded and began recounting what he had told his parents a second ago.

The doctor frowned after hearing that.

"I see, please allow me to check."

Bringing out his equipment, he began checking Mark and as the minutes passed, he was getting more and more confused.

But his parents had enough waiting.

"What is it?!"

Yelled Charles, hearing which the doctor was shaken out of his thoughts.

Remembering that he was still in the presence of celestial dragon's he immediately began telling what he found.

"Saint Charles, Saint Mark is in perfect health."

"But his body is using up energy at an abnormal rate, if he doesn't keep eating, he will die within an hour."


This news made Luna Rose screamed so loudly that she was heard throughout the holy land, alerting many people living there.

The whole morning quickly passed after that as multiple doctors were called one by one, all the while Mark was just eating while his body kept getting stronger.

"Mark sweety, everything will be fine!"

Luna was hugging Mark tightly, she was trying to give him support.

But Mark didn't say much beyond a simple nod.

He hated to worry his parents like this, but he needed some more time before his body reached it's maximum potential, he wanted to finish everything in one go.

But no matter how much he wanted to continue, he had to stop, because a literal magical circle had just appeared in his room

This glowing circle had a five pointed star in the middle and the number 5 scattered around that star.

Mark, Charles and Luna, all three were shocked and looked wide eyed at this circle, before a human figure emerged from within it.

The figure was an old looking man wearing a black and white suit who was walking towards Mark on a cane.

"Elder Saturn!"

Charles was taken aback, he didn't know why one of the five elders came into his son's room, and in such a spectacular manner too.

Elder Saturn just gave Charles a small nod, he greeted the Rose patriarch but didn't bother to explain his bizzare way of entry.

Seeing this, both Charles and Luna assumed this must the work of a CP agent with a devil fruit ability, he must have teleported Saint Saturn to their room.

Saturn meanwhile proceeded to walk up to Mark.

"I heard you were sick? Can you let the old man look into it?"

"I might be of some help."

Mark froze in his place, he was cursing this sudden intrusion in his mind, but nodded with a gentle smile nonetheless.

Luna not knowing that her son didn't want this, immediately moved back a little to make space.

Still, she didn't leave her son's side completely, even if the Elder himself was here, his way of entry was just too bizzare.

Saturn didn't seem to mind this and slowly walked forward on his cane.

"We can't let you get sick can we Mark."

"You are a future elder."

Saint Saturn's spoke to Mark in a low voice and put his hand on the boy's heart.

"Hmm.. just as I thought."

Saturn murmured, his face was lowered and his eyes were shadowed.

Mark meanwhile had to resist the urge to get away from Saturn, there was a weird pressure on his head as soon as Saturn came into his room.

Because of his mastery over observation Haki and life return he could feel that this pressure was increasing each second.

He had a feeling that if this pressure passed a critical point, his head will explode like a bloody watermelon.

But Mark still didn't move, there was a sinking suspicion in his mind that Saturn was testing him in some way, as for what he was being tested for, Mark figured he would know about it soon enough.

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