One piece : Celestial Rose


By the time Sengoku and Tsuru ran towards the training ground, both Smoker and Kujaku had been captured by the CP agents.

Kujaku still didn't understand what was going on, but looking at the CP agents around them, Smoker figured out something.

Mark was related to the world government.

And he must be in a high position too, or CP agents won't capture them, although he didn't have to think for long about their situation.

He immediately realised who Mark was supposed to be.

"Bastard! Immediately apologize to Saint Mark!"

Sengoku's voice echoed around the training ground, he purposefully yelled while he was rushing over.

He wanted to Smoker to understand the gravity of the situation he was.

And Smoker did understand, the colour drained from his face and his eyes shook.

'Saint Mark? He is a world noble?! What have I gotten myself into.'

'I attacked a world noble! My Marine life is over.'

Smoker finally understood the gravity of what he had done, what Kujaku had done, and there was only one place for them now, Impel Down or execution.

"Lord Mark! We really didn't mean it!"

"We didn't know you were a world noble, I swear I wouldn't think about training you if I knew it!"

Kujaku exclaimed while getting up from her crouching position at the ground, hearing her bold words everyone's face drained color.

Was this girl crazy?! She was thinking of training Saint Mark?!? And she actually moved from her position when she was captured?!!

"Kujaku! Don't move! "

Smoker said as his forehead crazily dripped sweat, he should have stopped her from disturbing Mark when he had the chance.

Kujaku normally did whatever she wanted in the Navy HQ because of her grandmother, but she didn't have many friends.

That's why Smoker let her talk with Mark before, Mark could easily handle her intensity, yet it seems he should have stopped her when he had the chance, it was too late now.

"Smoker! Do you want to get shot?! If you don't then let me tell Saint Mark that we didn't know-"

"Get down"

The CP agents had enough and immediately pushed Kujaku back to the ground in a captive position.

Sengoku and Tsuru had arrived by now and they could see it clearly, Mark's face was cold, he seemed pretty angry.

Mark meanwhile was pretending to be angry, he wanted Smoker to quit navy and join him, so he was trying to frame Smoker with the crime of attacking a celestial dragon.

This way it would be much easier for Smoker to join him if Mark 'saves' him from getting punished.

'Oh no, Saint Mark seems pretty angry, we might not be able to save these two.'

Sengoku's sharp mind immediately saw Mark's anger, and he assumed the worst.

Mark didn't speak right away, he wanted to show that he was angry, so he gestured to the CP agent besides him, who took it upon himself to enact standard protocol.

"Marshal, they attacked Saint Mark, we should follow the protocol."

Sengoku looked at the CP agent's face and then unwillingly looked at Mark again.

He hoped Mark wouldn't let them die for something like this, he was not a regular world noble, he had conqueror's haki.

Both Sengoku and Tsuru had spoken to Mark before, there was one thing that Mark said which always stuck to them.

Human's make mistakes, it happens.

This was Mark's philosophy and it was different from other celestial dragons, so what was the problem now?

"Saint Mark, neither of them knew about you, they were fighting pirates so they didn't see the notice, I hope-"

"Fleet admiral, do everything according to protocol, attacking a world nobel and disgraceful behaviour."

"There should be immediate execution."

The CP agent didn't let Sengoku speak and pushed for their execution.

Tsuru clenched her fist after hearing the CP agent's words, she didn't want her granddaughter to die.

Nobody wanted to move now so time stood still, seeing that Mark was still not speaking, Sengoku did one last attempt.

He bowed down and spoke humbly.

"Saint Mark.. they didn't know about you being here, can you please let them go."

"I beg you, please save their lives."

Mark finally smiled, this was what he was waiting for, now he can safely take away Smoker, as long as he pretends that his anger had died down it was all good.

But he still needed a legitimate excuse to let go of his anger, and he had just the plan in mind.

Sengoku meanwhile didn't know Mark's schemes, he wanted to keep bowing but froze abruptly, he suddenly felt a chill.

Standing back up he saw Mark stare at him with a frown.

Then Mark said in an cold voice.

"If Who's who didn't save me that time, I could have been injured."

"I can't just let it go Marshall, but I can give your personal request some value."

"So this is how we will do it, I will fight against you and your partner Tsuru, if you win, I will let Smoker and Kujaku go."

"I heard you are legendary Marines, fighting someone like you will help me gain practical experience, let's do this."

Cracking his fist, Mark looked at the two veteran warriors before him, they were good training dummies to gain experience.

Normally they would never fight him seriously, but if Smoker and Kujaku's life was on the line, they would do their best to defeat him.

This way he will not only gain fighting experience, he will also gain Smoker as a reward after the fight.

And Sengoku and Tsuru will think he was doing it for them, so he will also gain their favor, It was a win win situation for him.

He had laid a trap and the Marines had walked straight into it.

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