One Piece Comics Heritage System

Chapter 2 Titan

Carl suppressed his excitement and asked: "Then can you tell me what templates I have to choose from?"

"Of course, there are many templates, such as Yuan Tiangang in Painting Rivers and Lakes, Gai Nie in Qin Shi Mingyue, King Power and Wealth in Demon Fox Little Matchmaker, etc. Each template has unique skills and talents. As long as the Host draws If you find the right template, you can show great strength in the world of pirates."

"The template only allows the Host to have the abilities of the anime character, but various moves and skills require the Host to practice on its own to enhance its strength. It will not directly inherit the peak strength of the anime character."

Carl's eyes sparkled with excitement. Although his ability needed to be exercised on his own, it was still better than knowing nothing.

"The system allows me to use several templates at the same time."

If he could only use one template, he would have to choose it carefully, otherwise this wonderful opportunity would be wasted.

"Host can apply multiple panels at the same time without any impact."

That's not bad, various animation abilities can be used superimposed.

"By the way, system, do you have a gift package for newbies?"

Karl was a little confused, and then showed a look of doubt. After all, without the novice gift package, it would be very difficult for an ordinary person like him to survive on a desert island.

"Yes. Although traveling across time consumes a lot of energy, in order to quickly gain a foothold in the pirate world, the system has specially prepared a gift package for newcomers."

"Then the system will open the novice gift pack first."

Karl said impatiently.

Night gradually fell, and the cold wind howled by, so cold that Carl's lips turned purple. He clung to the tree trunk, his body trembling, trying to find any warmth.

The roars of various beasts on the island kept coming, making him fearful and he scanned his surroundings carefully.

He understood that if he did not quickly gain the ability to save his life, tonight might be the end of his life.

"Congratulations to Host for opening the novice gift package: a talent lottery, a skill lottery, and an unspecified lottery."

"System, give me all three! There is no time to hesitate now."

Karl spoke a little anxiously, because he heard the footsteps of a beast running towards this side deep in the woods.

He knew that the lottery might be his only chance.

A huge golden carousel suddenly appeared in front of me. The golden light was flashing, and the various reward areas were clearly visible. Karl stared at the turntable, preparing to draw talent rewards.

The carousel is marked with various talent options, including steel balloon, titan power, emaciation, etc., ranging from good to bad.

Karl silently prayed in his heart, hoping that he would not be gifted with such a talent as being too thin.

"Congratulations Host, you won the Titan Power!"

The sound of the system came, and Carl suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as if a stone in his heart had been put down.

Fortunately, he didn't get drawn, he was very thin.

He seems to have some memory of the name of Titan Power, but he has almost forgotten the specific abilities.

"System, please open the introduction to Titan Power."

He was somewhat eager to know what kind of power the talent he had just drawn could bring him.

After all, the power of Titan sounds very powerful, and he can't even imagine the specific effects.

"The power of Titans comes from the world of domestic fairy tale animation. Adult Titans can reach a height of 10,000 meters. However, in the world of pirates, the power of Titans has been weakened by the rules of the world, but they still have the courage of thousands of people. You have the power of Titans." As long as you stand on the earth, you have unlimited physical strength, and can quickly heal all wounds in your body with the help of the power of the earth."

The systematic explanation shocked Karl. At the same time, he also had some doubts about whether the ability of Titan Power might be a bit over the top.

"System, what is the upper limit of this ability in the pirate world?"

The system seemed to know what Karl was thinking.

"Host, please wake up. The reason why you drew the power of Titan is completely for the novice benefit. This draw is considered a talent-type unspecified draw."

"Ah...oh, haha, is that so!"

"Oh, my God! This means that when I combine this talent, I will have endless physical strength and powerful recovery capabilities!"

"No, because the power of Titan is too powerful, it is a phased integration. The development progress can be viewed on the system panel."

"Uh... ok!

Karl was actually a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect that the system's ability to throw cold water should not be underestimated.

But on the other hand, the power of Titan made him feel extremely excited and looking forward to it. He couldn't help imagining the powerful strength he would show in the world of pirates.

"System fusion talent!"

Karl couldn't wait, he wanted to experience it as soon as possible.

After all, the roars on the island are getting closer and closer, and he is afraid that the beast will suddenly come here. He has no ability to protect himself, but will put himself in danger.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Guoman system immediately started talent implantation.

At that moment, Karl's body felt a tearing pain all over his body.

The implantation of the Titan Power talent instantly disrupted and reorganized his flesh and blood and bones in the body. Although the time was only a short minute, Karl felt as if a year had passed.

He could clearly feel his blood boiling and his bones creaking, as if he was undergoing a test of life and death.

"Why does the system hurt so much? Can you block the pain?"

Karl gritted his teeth in pain.

"There is currently no function to turn off pain sensation."

He wished it would end immediately. The pain of this tearing was really unbearable.

But since the pain-sensing function was not turned off, he couldn't make any sound now, so he had to grit his teeth and resist the pain in his body.

He could feel the blood flowing down the tree trunk, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

This smell attracted more beasts from deep in the woods. They were attracted by the smell of blood and gradually surrounded Karl.

Karl's forehead was soaked with sweat, but he still endured the severe pain unswervingly, knowing that this was to gain great strength.

In that short minute of suffering, he kept telling himself to persist and not give up.

He knew that only by going through all this could he survive in this cruel world of pirates.

Finally, a minute passed, and the tearing pain dissipated, replaced by a powerful force.

Karl felt a warm current surge through his body, filling his body with strength. Even the teeth in his mouth fell out one after another, and 40 new teeth grew on them. This is the mouth of a saint on Blue Star.

The body also expanded from about 1.8 meters to 2.5 meters. From a distance, he looked like a little giant.

He even has a feeling now that he can punch a hole in the sky and crush the earth with one kick, but he also knows that this is only caused by the sudden increase in strength. In fact, he does not have such power.

Karl clearly felt the surge of strength in his body and the expansion of his muscles, making him full of confidence and strength.


At this time, a huge white tiger nearly ten meters long walked out of the woods. It was seen assuming a hunting posture and walking step by step towards Karl's tree.

Apparently attracted by the smell of blood.

Karl's eyes were fixed on the white Madara tiger under the tree, his feet stepped on the tree trunk, and his body was slightly arched, preparing for the upcoming battle.

The tiger's huge body shimmered a faint white in the moonlight, but its body exuded a wild majesty.

Its eyes were fierce and full of murderous intent, as if it wanted to tear Karl into pieces.

Karl took a deep breath, tensed his body, and powerful power gradually erupted from his feet.

The tree trunk under his feet began to tremble slightly, and the leaves fell one after another, as if responding to his thoughts.

The blessing of the Titan's power made him feel like he was standing on an unshakable boulder, without any fear.

The tiger approached slowly, its every step carrying an unparalleled pressure, and it was very patient with its prey.

Karl clenched his fists and stared at the white tiger. He knew that only by defeating it could he spend the night smoothly, otherwise he might be eaten on the spot, but he clenched his fists and he Know that the identities of hunter and prey have changed now.


Suddenly, the tiger accidentally stepped on a branch and made a crisp sound.

. . .

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