One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 431: Going Merry Farewell

Zoro, Sogeking, Nami Sanji, Chopper, Porche and Franky all were on the deck of the Going Merry. They were all lying on the deck, struggling to breath. Luffy spat water out as he sat at the front of the ship. They looked to see Grandma Kokoro wearing her coat. Chimney was drying her hair.

“We all made it,” Kokoro laughed.

“My eyes,” Sanji remarked.

They all thought back to the intense moment when they leapt from the Bridge of Hesitation. Luffy had wrapped his arms around them. The wind howled in their ears as they plummeted through the air. Tumbling and spinning uncontrollably, the group Luffy, Zoro, Sogeking, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Porche, and Franky braced themselves for the inevitable impact with the water below.

“Luffy,” Nami shouted as tears started to leave her eyes.

“I am going to die,” Sogeking replied.

“You idiot,” Zoro added, eyes widened.

“I don't want to die,” Chopper cried out.

“You idiot,” Franky added.

“You fool,” Sanji said.

The cold shock of the ocean hit them hard, their bodies crashing into the water like rocks.

Suddenly, from the depths, they saw a shape approaching. It moved gracefully through the water. They saw a large tail. The top half looked like a woman. She had long hair.

Sanji muttered, “Mermaid.” He thought of one of the most beautiful women in the world, who were the legendary mermaids. Sanji looked closely and saw Grandma Kokoro, swimming. His mouth opened in shock and despair. Zoro, Sogeking, Nami, Chopper, Porche, and Franky all opened their mouths in despair. They inhaled seawater. Luffy was not paying attention.

Kokoro's massive form parted the water with ease, and trailing behind her was a large net. Kokoro scooped them all up before they had a chance to fully comprehend what had happened.

"Hold on tight," Kokoro’s voice echoed through the water.

“Noooo,” Sanji said underwater.

Kokoro's powerful tail propelled her forward as she swam towards the Going Merry.
As they broke the surface and were dragged aboard the ship, everyone gasped for air, soaking wet and exhausted but safe. Luffy laughed, “Shishishi.” He added, “We made it.”

Luffy looked around to see Sanji, Zoro, Sogeking, Nami, Chopper, Porche, and Franky all gasping for air. They looked like they inhaled a lot of seawater.

“Merry,” Luffy remarked. He smiled and saw the Going Merry away from Enies Lobby. He looked to see something coming back behind them and smiled. “Party time Ben,” Luffy remarked.

Luffy walked up to see his spot on the bow of the ship and sat on the head of the sheep and smiled. “Merry you, come for us,” Luffy remarked.

Back to the present, Sanji slowly stirred. “It can't be my eyes were lying to me,” Sanji said as he looked at Kokoro. He saw an old woman with a large stomach and the tail of a mermaid. “Noooo,” he shouted.

“You are not a mermaid,” Zoro said as he walked away.

“I had a nightmare,” Sogeking said. He looked to see Kokoro. “I am still in the nightmare,” he added. Sogeking looked around and saw the Going Merry. It was still intact. He looked around and saw the ship still together.

“This ship,” Franky said. “How?” Franky questioned. He got up and looked around. He thought it was a miracle but for how long.

Chopper smiled and got up. “Merry is alive,” Chopper shouted. He looked at Kokoro. “Monster,” he shouted.

Porche then got up and walked around. She touched the mast. It felt weak but it was there. “It still is going,” Porche added.

Nami looked around and agreed. “She is,” Nami said.

They sailed onwards. The Going Merry sailed for another hour until they saw a ship approaching them. Luffy saw Iceburg. “Ice-pops,” Luffy said. At that moment, the sail broke apart. There was a large crack on the bow and the ship split apart forward. Luffy almost fell into the ocean. A chunk of the deck crumbled into the sea from the side.

“It is at the end of her life,” Iceburg replied.

They Strawhat knew what that meant. They all nodded in tears and left the Going Merry for the last time. Iceburg sent a small boat towards them and they all boarded. Luffy looked at the Going Merry. His hand gently resting on the worn wood. "Merry... I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice trembling. He looked at the ship with tears welling in his eyes. "You carried us so far, Zoro and Sanji are idiots and keep breaking you but you came through for us all," he added.

Zoro stood with his arms crossed, silent, but his face betrayed his emotions. "Damn... even a ship can make you feel like this," he muttered.

"Goodbye, Merry..." Nami said, wiping her tears. "You saved us more times than I can count. You were part of the crew." Her voice cracked as she tried to smile through her sadness.

Sogeking cried behind his mask. He stood silently.

Chopper was crying, his small body shaking as he hugged Nami`s leg for comfort. "Thank you for always keeping us safe, Merry," he added.

Sanji lit a cigarette, his eyes shadowed under his blonde hair. "You were always there when we needed you," he said quietly, exhaling a puff of smoke. "Sailed through hell and back with us. We’ll never forget you,” he added.

"You were one fine ship, Going Merry," he said with a heavy heart. There were tears coming from his eyes.

“You were not on this ship,” Chimney replied.

“A man knows a true ship,” Franky replied with tears in his eyes.

Even Porche, who had only been with the crew a short time, was tearing up. "You really were amazing, Merry," she whispered. "You brought them and me this far," she added.

In his mind, a soft voice spoke back, kind and grateful: "Thank you, all. I was so happy to sail with all of you," she muttered.

The ship cracked further, the mast snapping and the wood splintered. Lufffy lit a touch and set the Going Merry on fire. They watched as the fire engulfed the ship. They all said goodbye to their crew.

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