One Piece – Halfway Broken

Chapter 14: Checkups and Chefs

Summary: Planting seeds for future crewmembers...

Warning: Chapters 13-18 were all post back-to-back! Make sure you don't miss any!

Chapter 14: Checkups and Chefs

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After taking several days off to not train, instead just trying to recover from Garp's efforts to 'encourage' their skills, the trio finally set out to sea again. Their first stop, considering that it had been longer than intended already, was to Syrup Village. Thankfully, they hadn't actually given a firm date for returning, beyond the one additional quick stop they'd managed back before Garp arrived. Which meant Usopp was only a little annoyed with them and Kaya not annoyed at all. She was doing better than she had in years, looking mostly healthy, and had even been able to find a few family journals that gave her some hints about farther developing her ability to use Spiritual Energy. Much to Luffy's shock, she'd actually managed to recreate something like a crude form of Spiritual Healing, and had been using it to help Usopp intensify his workouts.

Despite the fact that Kaya wasn't angry, Luffy did feel a bit guilty for having let additional treatment lapse for over three months, despite the fact he couldn't have done anything about it. As a result, he decided they would spend a full month at Syrup Village, both helping Usopp train and Kaya to heal. The fact that he wanted to see what Kaya could do with a few more examples of Spirit Energy skills to work with was merely an added bonus, as far as Luffy was concerned. Though, at the moment, he was fairly sure he was experiencing the irritation other people went through when they dealt with his learning curve…

"I can't believe you picked that up so fast."

Kaya hummed happily as she followed Usopp's jogging around the island with a finger…from inside her manor. Admittedly, she was more attuned to her 'friend' than anyone else, and likely wouldn't be able to follow others so accurately with Observation at a range of several miles. But the fact that she could already use it at all, let alone already having more range than Kuina had managed after years of use…it was just surreal. Given that even he had actually had to work fairly hard, despite the System, to unlock it in the first place…yeah, Luffy could see now just how irritating his randomly picking up new abilities from seemingly nowhere might be to others. Of course, as he studied the wistful look on her face, it also brought up a point he hadn't really considered until now.

"Kaya, what do you want to do with your life?"

The no-longer-quite-so-pale girl blinked at his question, finger falling from where it had been following Usopp's track. She hesitated, then frowned and sighed.

"I'm not sure? In truth, I had given some thought to your mention of how I might be able to heal others with Spiritual Energy. That's why I experimented with using it that way at all. Yet, despite the joys I've found in exploring it and how much I like that thought, I also quickly realized how dangerous it would be. I might not have, had you not thought to mention that it might be dangerous if certain people knew about it…"

Kaya trailed off, expression stormy. Curious, but sensing she was merely thinking, Luffy patiently gave her the time to form her thoughts properly.

"…I found some disturbing implications in the oldest of my family journals. I could tell there was a lot being left unsaid. But from what I could read between the lines, I think there was a reason my family retreated to this isolated island. That we attracted the attention of a group of dangerous people. Without knowing about my…gift? Whatever it is that makes it so easy for me to use what you've shown me, at any rate. Without knowing about it, I'd have thought it was for our money. But some of the comments take on a very different light if you already know about it."

Luffy frowned but nodded. There was no question that the World Government, at least, would be very interested in someone who could use Haki so easily. If her family had also known other tricks like Spirit Healing, that interest would have been a hundred times as strong. When he said as much out loud, Kaya sighed and nodded.

"Yes. That is my concern. If I choose to use my ability to heal, I will become a target. My family is wealthy enough that the powers that be might try the carrot, rather than the stick. But that they would try something is almost certain."

That made his own idea a bit more likely to interest her. Still, she was a gentle soul, so…best walk softly here.

"And Usopp? He's going to leave to follow his father. Yet I've seen how you look at him. Did it occur to you that your gift would allow you to follow him?"

From the pure look of surprise on her face, it clearly hadn't. Luffy had to chuckle at that.

"Kaya, Observation Haki is normally a combat ability. Add in your ability to heal and intent to study medicine, and you'd be incredibly welcome on virtually any ship traveling the Grand Line. The Marines would probably take you, and joining them would actually protect you somewhat from the World Government's other agents. But virtually any serious bounty hunter and pirate crew would take you too, including mine. Which is the one Usopp is most likely to join."

Kaya gaped at him, her brain seemingly frozen as she tried to process the sudden tilt to her understanding of reality.

"I-I'm not a fighter, though?"

Luffy shrugged.

"You don't really have to be. If you learn enough about regular medicine to add to your Spirit Healing, you'd be valuable just as a doctor. Personally, I'd want you to have enough self-defense skills and basic fitness to at least escape from most situations. But simply taking Observation Haki to a high level and getting yourself in good physical condition would take care of most of that. Add in some throwing needles dipped in a sedative, or something similar, so that you'd have a way to disable assailants, and I'd be perfectly fine taking you along. That would be true even if you explicitly stated you wouldn't fight in anything but self-defense."

It was true, too. Doctors were normally specialists, even on Marine and Pirate crews. Most of those on Grand Line crews could at least take care of themselves, but only rare exceptions were truly strong fighters. Even among groups like Whitebeard's extended crew, doctors who were also high-level fighters weren't the norm. For good reason. Risking your healer getting injured themselves in the fighting, was generally considered the height of abject stupidity, even by the more muscle-brained pirates out there. In a lot of ways, a doctor whose entire ability set was defensive, was actually nearly ideal for a serious crew. Given how far she'd already come with Observation, in just a day, all Kaya needed was some pretty basic fitness and self-defense training to keep herself out of trouble with eighty plus percent of even Grand Line pirates. At least in Paradise.

"I…don't know, Luffy. Part of me, a large part, wants to leap at that idea. Not just to stay with Usopp, but because some of his desire to see the world has rubbed off on me in the time I've known him. But would I really be doing any good? Most Pirates are monsters, not saints. And you warned Usopp you'd likely be labeled a pirate eventually."

Luffy shrugged.

"That's why I'm not eager to declare myself a pirate from the start. I'm just pretty sure my own morals are going to make me do things that will piss of the World Government, given enough time. And, in this age we live in, anyone that does that is either labeled a Pirate or a Revolutionary. Given I have no desire to rule, Pirate is more likely."

Luffy paused to let her consider that, then offered up an open chance.

"You know me, a bit. You'll get to know me more. I'd like to think you'll realize I won't be a normal pirate, even if the WG sticks me with that label in the end. But don't think too hard on it right now. Just remember what I said. Getting physically fit should be a goal for you now that you're healing anyway, and I doubt you'll stop learning how to use your gifts, despite the risk. So just remember that the option is open, if you decide you want it. Right?"

That much at least, Kaya nodded firmly to, after only a bare moment of hesitation.

... ...

It was Luffy's birthday. Now that Garp was aware of his wandering, a part of him had wanted to spend it back at Foosha with Makino. He'd seen his pseudo-big-sister figure far too rarely since Garp tossed him to the Mountain Bandits. Yet, there was still one last person of the 'original' crew that Alex had known about, that Luffy wanted to check out. Well, a last one in East Blue, at least. He was determined to find at least Robin in Paradise, possibly Chopper too, if he could. The others he cared a lot less about, as they didn't have specific skills he very much wanted. That aside…Luffy's birthday had been the perfect excuse to take their little crew to a certain floating restaurant.

The Baratie hung around the Sambas Region in the western side of the East Blue. Dawn island and the Goa Kingdom, on the other hand, were on the far Eastern edge. With the shortness of Luffy's trips away from Dawn in the early days, trying to get across essentially the entire East Blue, twice, once going and once returning, had been too much to ask for. With Garp now aware he was roaming the East Blue, and unlikely to be able to return after how long he'd spent training them this time anyway, Luffy felt it was a good time to make the trip. One made all the better by having managed to get Nami to the Gecko Islands via a message drop, alerting her that they were planning another bounty soon.

Nami had arrived a few days before his birthday and had been thoroughly surprised to be invited along. Given that he had not in fact fibbed, and they really were planning to chase down a lead on the Eldoraggo Pirates who'd been sighted not far east of the floating restaurant, she'd hesitantly agreed. All part of Luffy's plan, as it meant she'd spent the journey to the Baratie getting to know Kuina and Zoro better. Not to mention getting the chance to meet Usopp and Kaya, since she'd skipped town after the Black Cats affair without meeting them. The two currently-tagalongs had enthusiastically wanted to go along for the party at least, and they'd obliged. Though since his small Catamaran wasn't really made for that many people, Usopp and Kaya had taken the Going Merry. Merry, Usopp, and one of her family guards were easily able to handle the caravel as Nami set their course from Luffy's ship. It slowed them down a bit to be stuck at the caravel's speed, but that was fine. After all, part of the goal was to spend more time with Nami in the first place.

The trip had gone smoothly, with Kuina and Nami once again proving to be fast friends. Something which Luffy was glad to see, as it softened Zoro to Nami as well, with the Santoryu user seeming to appreciate how happy having an actual female friend made his girlfriend. Of course, the fact that Nami had taken the day on Gecko island to do a 'limited' wardrobe overhaul for Kuina, which had apparently included a not-so-modest bathing suit for sunbathing on the trip, might have also contributed. Though Luffy had gotten a nasty glare for getting to enjoy the view as well…

Regardless, they'd all arrived at the Baratie in a cheerful mood, and well-dressed curtesy of Kaya's insistence on getting clothes tailored for them beforehand. Unsurprisingly, they'd drawn some attention, and actually been seated by a fairly polite waiter instead of any of the cooks. That was…actually a potential problem for Luffy. He was here to get a feel for one of the chefs after all, and once again hadn't taken into account any differences there might be between what Alex had watched as a show, and what actually existed in Luffy's reality.

Thankfully, that problem was resolved in part by at least one characteristic of his target apparently being the same. When their food came out, what could only be a slightly-younger Sanji appeared with the expensive bottle of wine that Kaya had ordered for the table. He made a subtle beeline for Kaya herself, who just-so-happened to be sitting next to Kuina, both of them dressed in the gorgeously dresses Kaya's seamstress had provided.

"Ah! And you must be the exquisite beauty who ordered the equally delightful wine. An excellent choice to pair with your meals."

Luffy blinked, then sighed as he saw Kaya blush. Okay, that was something he should have expected. It may have been played for laughs in the show Alex saw. But here, Sanji had possessed the time and targets to actually be…smooth. The line was perfectly delivered, with a bow that was just right, and a kiss to Kaya's instinctively offered hand. He'd clearly picked her out as actually from wealth, and tailored everything just right to strike the 'handsome rogue with perfect manners' stereotype. Given Usopp's reaction, that could be a problem, but the bigger concern was…

"And to her equally delightful companions, a drink on the house that I think you'll enjoy."

The sparkling cocktails given to Nami and Kuina got two very different reactions. Nami, of course, leaned into it and casually flirted back. Kuina just looked amused and put her hand possessively on Zoro's arm in a subtle gesture that was nevertheless a statement. To Luffy's pleasant surprise, there was instant recognition in Sanji's eyes…and he backed off to focus on flirting with Kaya and Nami. To the blushing of one and smooth rejoinders of the other. That backing off, which had been accompanied by a subtle nod from Sanji to Zoro, was both utterly unexpected and a very good sign that Sanji might not be the annoyance Luffy had feared. A bit of mental tension drained as he saw the shift in action. Like with Usopp, he'd hoped for the best…and it at least seemed it was possible he'd gotten it. That still left them needing to pique his target's deeper interest, however. Just as Sanji turned away, he spoke to grab the man's attention.

"Say, sous chef? Ah…that is what you are, yes?"

Sanji turned to him with a blink of surprise. Clearly, he hadn't expected that to be readily apparent. In truth, Luffy wasn't actually sure he was at this point, so it was mostly a guess.

"I am. Is there an issue?"

Luffy quickly waved that idea off with a smile.

"Oh, far from it. I'd just wondered if the rumors were true, and figured you'd know if anyone did. Is the owner of the Baratie truly the former Captain of the Cook Pirates? It must be fascinating to work with the man if so, as I understand he was just as good a Captain as he was fantastic as a chef."

Sanji's eyes had widened at the question, and a smile of good humor flitted onto his face at the honest compliments Luffy sent his boss's way.

"Well, it is true. Though I hope he's a better Captain than a Chef, since I'm already far better than him!"

His grin was disrupted a moment later as a flying kick took him in the back of the head, an old man with a peg leg abruptly standing over him.

"I HEARD THAT, YOU EGGPLANT! It'll be a cold day in hell before you're a better Chef then me!"

Luffy smirked as he watched the two get into a brief argument. Still, he had seeds to plant. Multiple of them.

"Chef Zeff. Did you ever find any hints about the All Blue?"

Two sets of eyes snapped toward him, blinking in surprise. Zeff's eyebrows climbed right into his hat as he gruffly addressed Luffy.

"Might be I know something about that old legend. Theories, anyway. Who are you that you've heard about it?"

Luffy grinned and tipped an imaginary hat, his own currently away in his inventory.

"Monkey D. Luffy! Pleasure to meet you! As for the All Blue, I've met a couple of people from the Grand Line that have mentioned it. I think Shanks might have known something, but he was always cagey about stuff like that, said it was better to go out and find things for yourself. He was right, of course, but it could still be frustrating as hell!"

Now he had Zeff's full attention.

"Shanks, huh. How did you meet someone like him?"

There was clear doubt in the old man's voice, but that was fine. Luffy simply shook his head.

"It was before he went and got himself his fancy title. His crew stopped in the far parts of the East Blue for about a year in the run up to that. Little place called Foosha Village on Dawn Island. Which just so happens to be where I'm from. Friendly crew, thankfully. Had a lot of crazy stories that made me want to take to the sea myself and see some of them. Sky Islands, Sea Trains, even Prehistoric monsters from islands out of time. The All Blue was just one story they told, though he never would admit if they'd found it. Only that there are apparently places along the Red Line where currents like the one powering Reverse Mountain carry fish from one Ocean to another."

Zeff's look of disbelief had faded as Luffy spoke, even as Luffy had also gained the attention of everyone else at the table. Not to mention Sanji's.

"Well, you certainly know a few stories. The Sea Train is real enough, but usually only Grand Line vets ever believe it." He glanced at Sanji out of the corner of his eye. "As for the All Blue…I think it exists. I was looking for it, once, before I lost my crew and decided to just become a chef for good. And, yeah, those currents are part of what makes people like me believe it could be real. You can get things like Elephant Tuna, that should only be found in the South Blue, in Loguetown from time to time. There are other places like that in the other Blues, too."

Luffy grinned hugely.

"Another mystery of the Grand Line then, most likely! I'll have to keep an eye out for it when I head there myself, though it'll be another year until my ship is ready! Nothing built to the normal standards of the East Blue would last long there, after all."

Zeff was a visible mix of impressed and amused by now.

"True, kid. You're also the first in a long time I've seen realize that before trying to take on the waters there. You want some advice?"

Luffy shrugged.

"Not stupid enough to say no if you have some you want to give. Like where the heck to find a log pose before I get there?"

Zeff blinked, then laughed.

"That's a little too practical, kid. I was going to say, 'don't say anything is impossible,' when it comes to the Grand Line. But if you want to know where to get a log pose…there's a couple of places you can get them in Loguetown. The marines might not like it, but they are too common in the Grand Line to keep a few from filtering out into the blues periodically. There's a place called the Gold Rodger Bar where you'll be able to find out who has them for sale, if you're lucky enough for one to be up for grabs when you stop there."

Luffy grinned, mentally cheering. Technically, he could simply buy log poses from his System Store. Heck, he could even buy Eternal Poses that way, though they were expensive in shop points. But the System Store was something he hadn't told even Kuina and Zoro about yet, and wasn't sure he ever would. Having his crew hear about a legitimate way to get one was perfect. It was a bit too tied up in the idea that the original Luffy had died…and that was something he was never going to share. Particularly as he'd long since come to view himself as Luffy in truth, as Alex's memories faded with time.

"Thanks! And I'll take both pieces of advice! If I ever find the All Blue, I'll even send you a post card!"

Zeff laughed, long and loud, before stalking off with a grin and a mutter of 'cheeky brat.' Luffy's attention, however, was drawn to Nami's curious question a moment later.

"Luffy, what the heck is a log pose?"

Grinning, he turned to his hopefully-future-navigator.

"Why, Navigator-chan, that's exactly the right question to ask for someone like you! You see, ordinary compasses are completely useless on the Grand Line…"

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A/N: The Kaya thing is building up to something meaningful. I wanted to do more with her than just drag her along as a tagalong to Usopp. I intend to turn her into a significantly more robust character than most of the fics that develop her at all.

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