One Piece – Halfway Broken

Chapter 23: Two Men’s Dream

Summary: Picking up a blonde...

*Warning* Chapters 22-25 were all posted back-to-back! Make sure you don't miss any of them!

Chapter 23: Two Men's Dream

Luffy swept into the Baratie with Nami on his arm, both of them dressed to the nines, with the rest of the crew trailing in behind them in their own best dress. As much as he sort of wished this could be a proper one-on-one date, the truth was that they were really here to check in on their final crew prospect. Well, that and they honestly needed some R&R. Wrestling their trio of captured ships into a hidden harbor had been just as taxing as they'd expected, and none of what they were currently doing was honestly any of their first choices in adventure. No one was complaining. Every member of the crew was disgusted by the idea of slavery and willing to put in the less-than-enjoyable work needed to complete their current mission. But, aside from Nami getting to chart some of the few remaining bits of the East Blue that she hadn't seen yet, none of them were truly progressing toward their dreams.

Well…no. That actually wasn't really true. Kuina and Zoro both continued to refine their Haki and Swordsmanship. The time training with Garp and Luffy had shown the duo just how big the world actually was, and neither had hit the plateau for their new jumps in ability yet. Particularly with Haki. They would, eventually, as combat with real danger was by far the fastest way to sharpen their skills, but for now they were both still making enough progress not to complain. Both had begun to work on cutting steel, their Haki helping a lot in grasping the concept behind it that Kuina's father had explained to them years before. Kuina could already manage iron, and Luffy suspected Zoro wasn't far behind. He had less of a connection with his blades, but the final alloy he and Luffy had settled on actually took Haki better than even Wado Ichimonji. The blades lacked their own will, Luffy having no idea how that was accomplished, but they took Zoro's Haki better. It meant he had to be just a bit more understanding of the mental aspect of the trick than Kuina did, since Wado Ichimonji's spirit helped with the concept of 'cut.' But he'd get there soon enough.

Kaya still had plenty to work on and study as well, and the various bits of combat he'd been involved in were slowly giving Usopp some actual confidence. Nojiko's dream was far more nebulous, and honestly freeing slaves fit right into her half-formed 'be the change you wanted' sort of idea. Honestly, if not for Nami, he half expected he might be at risk of losing Nojiko to the revolutionaries. But the sisters were far too close for that to happen, particularly when she had fresh evidence Luffy wasn't going to just sit back and watch horrible things happen if he could help it.

In truth, he supposed it was him that felt the most stifled. Though he expected that Zoro and Kuina would begin getting antsy to hit the Grand Line within another month or two. Unlike them, Luffy was beginning to hit a bit of a wall with his own abilities. He needed a greater variety of serious opponents, at the very least, than he could still find here in the East Blue. Still, he was willing to hold out for both Sanji and the Tequila Wolf situation.

Speaking of the blonde. Luffy was pretty sure he'd just seen him glare from the kitchen doorway. Smirking, Luffy tugged Nami tighter to him. He supposed continuing to keep Sanji ignorant that Nami was 'off the menu' so to speak would have been the more logical thing to do. But he was beginning to care too much for the redhead to really like the way Sanji eyed her. He didn't really give a damn about random men, or even Nami flirting with store clerks and such for better prices. But since Sanji was hopefully going to be part of their crew…the idea of him constantly lusting after Nami was irritating in a way that Luffy hadn't actually expected. He supposed he still had a lot to learn about relationships?

Shaking his thoughts off as they were all seated and placed their orders, he set about enjoying the good company and fantastic food. Tonight was for celebration. Tomorrow, they'd see if they couldn't either lure Sanji to go with them, or at least wedge the idea into his thoughts a bit deeper…

... ...

To Luffy's surprise, it was Sanji that came to them the next morning, not the other way around. Zeff was with him as they both stared curiously at the unusual double-hull of the Discovery, having called up to hail the ship. Thankfully, the crew were all early risers, most of them already out and about either training or performing normal ship chores that needed doing. Sanji's 'ahoy the ship' had gotten attention from everyone currently on deck, which happened to be everyone but Nami, with Nojiko making a quick assessment that had her heading to retrieve her sister.

Luffy popped his head over the side of the ship to greet the pair and was politely asked for permission to come aboard. He quickly granted it, already having a good idea where this was going given that Sanji had a duffle at his feet. A moment after he granted them permission both men leapt up onto the spacious rear deck of the Discovery. Sanji blinked down in surprise as his metal reinforced shoes made a clang against the deck.


Luffy shrugged. He wasn't exactly sanguine about giving away the Discovery's secrets. But, honestly, he didn't expect either of these two to be the type that would say anything about it. And it wasn't one of the more important secrets.

"The entire ship is actually a custom metal alloy of my own creation. The wood is only a veneer to keep anyone from easily noticing that particular oddity and asking questions I'd prefer they didn't."

Zeff nodded in appreciation of the deception, while Sanji looked curious for only a moment before turning his attention fully to Luffy.

"Captain, is your offer to join your crew still good?"

Luffy grinned widely.

"It is if your dream is still the same. I only accept those with the willingness to dream big. Only that sort of thing can keep you alive in the insanity that is the Grand Line, and I don't want to bring along a bunch of crew who are just going to die on me."

Sanji was taken aback by the statement, but Zeff's entire self was basically radiating approval.

"Damn right, kid. The will to challenge everything is what separates those who survive the Grand Line from those that wash out. I knew you were the real thing the first time I talked to you."

Sanji's expression of surprise only grew at the high praise from his mentor. But he smirked and fished out a cigarette to light as he answered.

"Hell yes it's the same dream! I told the Old Man I'm going to find the All Blue or die trying…and I don't intend to die. If I do, I do, and that's all my dream was worth. But the reaper will have to take me kicking his face in the whole way."

Luffy laughed, with several of the crew that had closed in around the discussion making their own sounds of amusement. Even Zoro snorted, making Luffy wonder if the two would actually butt heads…or if Zoro had changed enough from Kuina's presence that it wouldn't happen. Honestly, he kind of hoped it didn't. Zoro already had a rival in Kuina, and he could see his and Sanji's constant arguing being one hell of a headache if it happened. Besides, with all the training Luffy had given Zoro over the years, the truth was that Sanji likely wasn't in the same league at this point. Given Zoro wasn't standing still, the blonde might never catch up, in point of fact. Though the bonuses he'd get from Luffy's training initially might help close the gap.

"Then the offer is still open. Are you taking it? Completely squared away here?"

Sanji nodded.

"Aye, Captain! If you'll have me, I'm offering my services. I've spent some time since you put the idea in my head helping train up one of the other chefs to take my spot. His soup is still terrible, but the Old Man can handle kicking him farther into shape."

Zeff snorted, but didn't say anything, only giving a gruff goodbye and a handshake to Sanji before leaping back off the ship. He made it several steps away before pausing.

"Straw Hat? You'd better be everything I think you are. Shit happens, but don't get my kid killed by being stupid."

Sanji's eyes widened at that statement, even as the older man walked away. Seeing their new crewmate was struggling not to choke up at the sudden acknowledgement of being more than just a student to Zeff, Luffy covered for him by clapping him on the shoulder and calling out. First to Zeff, then to the crew.

"Sure thing, old man! Don't die before we can get your restaurant moved somewhere cooler!" Shifting to orders, he called out to Nami, who'd joined everyone else on deck halfway through Sanji's joining. "Navi-chan! Prepare to set sail! We've got a lot to tell Sanji here, but I want us well out to sea when we do!"

Nami snapped him a playful salute.

"Aye, aye, Captain! Kuina, Zoro, get the anchors up! Usopp, cast off the lines! Kaya, Nojiko, with me!"

Luffy smirked as everyone snapped to follow Nami's commands, turning away from Sanji and Luffy. After giving the other man a moment more to wrestle his emotions under control, Luffy clapped Sanji on the shoulder again.

"Come on, Sanji! I'll show you to the quarters so you can pick one. Then show you to the kitchen, too. It's got quite a few nice features I think you're going to love…"

... ...

To say Sanji had been stunned by the time he got his full tour of the Discovery was, to say the least, underselling things. Unlike the rest of the crew, he hadn't gotten the chance to see it during the construction process. And unlike Makino, he'd gotten the full tour, including them running out the guns to show off. The result was immensely satisfying to Luffy, who deeply appreciated how blown away Sanji was by just how awesome he'd made the Discovery!

Of course, Sanji had been more interested in the kitchen than anything else. But that was fine. The others hadn't really quite understood just how awesome the things he'd done to it were, since none of them were really cooks. Getting to show off his successful reproductions of a full range of modern industrial cooking appliances to the appreciative audience that was Sanji was much better. Just like showing the guns off to Usopp had been equally awesome. Personally, Luffy admittedly took greater pride in the guns. But seeing Sanji go ga-ga over the far more sophisticated-than-he-was-used-to equipment in the kitchen was still satisfying. And it's not like the man hadn't been impressed by the engines, guns, and the ship's sheer speed, too.

Of course, after the tour had come the combat assessment. Luffy had come away impressed…though Sanji had ended up depressed. As Luffy had expected, the man had no training in Haki. Considering that every member of his crew had, by now, unlocked at least one aspect of that ability, Luffy had expected Sanji to struggle greatly. Which is exactly what had happened. Due to the limited space, Sanji had eventually been able to put down Usopp, but had found himself half-exhausted from the length of time the sniper had managed to evade him before that happened.

After he'd recovered, the real humiliation had begun. He'd refused to fight the women on the crew, which was a problem they were going to have to deal with sooner or later. Luffy would leave that to Kuina as both First Mate and someone of the right gender to make the equality lesson sink home, though. In the moment, however, it had left Sanji facing down Zoro…and the green-haired man had been pissed at what he saw as Sanji dismissing his girlfriend's hard-won strength. Zoro had proceeded to pull up armament Haki more easily than ever before, catch Sanji's kick bare handed, and deliver a very professional beatdown without ever drawing his swords.

Despite that. Sanji had shown a lot of promise in his fight to Usopp. In fact, Luffy was fairly certain that the kick-based fighter was already strong enough with said legs to learn Soru. Though it would take some more work to learn Geppo. They might get him there before they hit the Grand Line, even if there was pretty much zero chance that he would unlock any form of Haki in that short a time. This Sanji likely wasn't destined to be a member of something like the 'Monster Trio,' but he'd be strong enough to handle the Grand Line with a little work. And his other skills were where his real value was to Luffy, anyway. As everyone else dispersed to normal duties, Luffy took the chance provided by Sanji being unconscious in the ship's small infirmary to pull up the man's stat sheet.

... ... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... ...

Name: Vinsmoke Sanji

Title: Elite Chef

Age: 19

Level: 28

Spirit Fruit: N/A


Strength: 85

Dexterity: 93

Endurance: 73

Intelligence: 72

Wisdom: 49

Charisma: 77

Luck: 63

Description: After fleeing his family during their attack on Cozia and escaping aboard the cruise ship Orbit, Sanji cut all ties with his past and sought to become a chef. When both the Orbit and an attacking pirate ship were caught in a storm and lost, he was saved by Red Leg Zeff. After a period of starving after the shipwreck, they were rescued and Zeff took Sanji under his wing, training him to become both an Elite Chef and a competent kick-based combatant.

Relationship to Gamer: Crewmate. Sanji's loyalty to his new Captain has yet to solidify, as he knows little about him. Yet, the fact that his mentor clearly respects the young Captain means Sanji is more than willing to give him a chance. Though he's slightly annoyed to discover that most of the women on the ship are already attached.


Cooking: 87

Black Foot Style Martial Arts: 83

... ... ... ... ... ...

Honestly, despite how he'd faired against the crew, Sanji was another blatant outlier for the East Blue. Made all the more so by the fact that cooking was actually his highest skill. The fact that he was that strong without it being his primary focus said a lot about what a monster he actually was. It was just his bad luck at the moment that every other member of the crew has similarly monstrous potential, and more time to be guided into that potential by Luffy's early efforts. For the time being, Luffy suspected Sanji could soundly beat only Kaya, assuming he could make himself fight her. But he wasn't that far from Nami and Usopp. Depending on his talent, he might even be able to catch up to Nojiko in time. Though Luffy doubted he'd ever catch Kuina or Zoro no matter how much time he had to work with. A pity, in a way. But also not, since he still had the potential to rise to New World heights in time. It was just that he was already in amongst the monsters and would remain there.

Satisfied with what he had learned, Luffy left the man to recover and headed toward the lounge where the rest of the crew would be gathering shortly. They had recovered information about many of Don Krieg's plans from the captured Galleon, and now that they'd had a little bit of downtime, it was time to get on with their self-appointed task. The fact that the fighting, no matter how minor, would help Sanji begin to gel with the crew was really only a bonus…

... ... ...

A/N: Dun-dun-dun-da! You have acquired a Sanji! The fact that he actually serves as a good way to show just how much stronger the crew is, is really only a bonus. He's not even in shouting distance of their stronger fighters due to their early boosts to training...

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