One Piece – Halfway Broken

Chapter 26: Return to Loguetown

Summary: The crew prepares for the Grand Line. Luffy and Nami take their relationship up a notch...

- LEMON WARNING! This chapter contains the first Lemon for this fic. As with all of my fics, the Lemon is clearly marked with -Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here- so that it can be skipped by those who aren't interested in that sort of content! Lemons are not the focus of this work, but will occur periodically, and will always be clearly labeled.

Chapter 26: Return to Loguetown

With their vacation wrapped up at the end of the Orange Town festival, there was only one more stop the Discovery and her crew needed to make before hitting the Grand Line. Technically, as they already had a log pose, they could have skipped it. The truth was, however, that Loguetown was the traditional last stop before Reverse Mountain for a reason. It was the closest port with decent resupply options to said entrance to the Grand Line, and only a complete idiot went into that ocean anything less than fully provisioned. Islands on the Grand Line were very sporadic in everything from population numbers to supply options. Meaning dotting every i and crossing every t before you entered that infamous stretch of water was the only rational thing to do.

Particularly important was stocking up on extras of worked goods. Nails, sails, and similar sundries that only islands with a proper population could supply you with. Food wasn't quite as important, as even many unpopulated islands could be hunted, and fishing could supplement things to a degree. But even there, things like preserved foods, seasonings, and so on were all critical must haves that you might not be able to easily replace on an ocean that's everything made trade difficult. At best.

Sanji, having only recently been inducted into the secret of the 'Spiritual Technique' that allowed Luffy to store large amounts in his inventory, was particularly adamant. Both about general food-related items…and certain specific fruits and vegetables that would keep indefinitely in his inventory instead of withering away. Nami and Nojiko's Mikan trees were a marvelous extra source of vitamin C. But there were other things the body needed that were in all too short supply at sea.

It was with these needs in mind that they docked with little fanfare at Loguetown, this time using the purely civilian docks as they had no bounties in need of cashing in. The Discovery got rather a lot of attention, particularly as its broad beam meant it took up a dock meant for a Galleon, drawing all the more attention to its extremely unusual construction. A part of Luffy would have preferred doing what they had previously, leaving the ship anchored out to sea and taking one of the launches ashore. But the amount of stocking up they intended to do made that a less-than-practical choice.

Equally unfortunate to his own mind was that, unlike his previous chance at a quasi-date with Nami, on this visit Luffy was stuck with Nojiko and Sanji in their roles as Quartermaster and Chef. Kuina and Zoro had split off to handle training supplies, Usopp and Kaya to handle medical and chemical needs, and Nami headed off alone to the Gold Rodger Bar to check and see if the proprietor had managed to acquire a Devil Fruit Guide for them. To Luffy's mild jealousy, he knew she also intended to ply him with whatever questions she'd come up with after reading more about the Grand Line. The man might not have the answers, or they might be wrong, but he clearly had enough connections she thought she could wring some useful bits out of him. Which sounded much more fun that buying seemingly endless different varieties of fish, fruit, and sundries.

"This one too, Luffy. It will give us some variety for a little while, at least."

Luffy just nodded as Sanji pointed to another giant hunk of meat. Not fish this time, at least. Some variety of beef, he thought. Which really would be variety. Likely expensive despite Sanji's haggling, but they weren't exactly hurting for cash. He grabbed the 100lb slab and loaded it up on the wheeled pallet they'd rented. The moment they were out of sight, he'd store it in Inventory. But the pallet gave them some plausible deniability. Sanji shook hands with the market stall owner, then nodded to Luffy as they moved on.

"I think that's probably at least fours weeks work of meals, Captain. With a decent variety. It's a bit hard to estimate with how much training can make our consumption vary. But that's my best guess. You said you wanted at least a month worth of fresh stuff, on top of what we already have, right?"

Luffy nodded.

"Yeah. I want to operate on the assumption that for every one island we can properly stock up at, there will be two we can't. I know a month is still a lot even then, but keep in mind that anything we stock here in the East Blue will effectively be trade goods on the Grand Line as well. There are places that wouldn't give a damn about Belli there, but will cheerfully barter for food or goods they can't easily get on their own island."

In particular, their first island. Luffy was hoping he hadn't butterflied away Vivi being on Cactus Island. And if things on that island were going the way his notebook of remembered details said, they might be hurting for food. If the crew didn't have food to trade, they might have to fight the whole island anyway, despite not having bounties for Baroque Works to collect. Since Luffy wanted to minimize what information Crocodile could get on them, fighting the whole island would represent a failure. Sanji frowned at the idea of trading away the food he was carefully buying, but nodded a moment later.

"In that case, I think we might want to fill up on a few weeks worth of staple items that would trade well. Stuff that's more believable to have ready-to-trade than fresh food. Along with some delicacies that would be unique to the East Blue to trade earlier on, if needed. If we don't trade the latter before common sense says they'd be no good, we can always save them for when the crew wants a taste of home."

Luffy nodded at the idea, even as Nojiko rejoined them with a list in hand.

"Captain. I think I've located most of what I need. A lot of it was easily to have arranged for delivery, since it's general ship supplies that every ship wants. But we'll need to pick up some of the specialty stuff ourselves. And we still need to find a better source for our gun's needs. The crap quality the merchants here have isn't good enough for your and Usopp's needs."

Translation, she hadn't found suitable sources of the acids needed for nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. The downside to the Discovery's amazing guns was that the crude black powder still favored in the One Piece world wasn't nearly potent enough for the ranges they could fire at. The high explosives of the Buggy Ball formula that Luffy really wanted to experiment with were much the same, requiring a level of chemistry that actually impressed Luffy with Buggy's ability in that area. Well, hopefully Usopp and Kaya would have better luck finding what they needed as a decent quality. Looking in the general market streets for adequate sources of those acids had been a long shot from the start.

"That's fine. Technically we're good on ammo for quite a while. I just don't know how hard it will be to find what we need on the Grand Line. So if we can get it in Loguetown, we should."

Nojiko nodded at that.

"On that note…clothing. I think we should probably stock up on some general clothing items, in case we pick up new crew in situations where they don't have much."

Luffy blinked, then groaned. She was right, given how the original crew had found most of their people. Well, at least Nojiko was proving to be quite good at this whole Quartermaster thing…

... ...

Luffy had finally managed to break away for a bit to do some shopping of his own, both for a few actual needs…and to disguise the fact that he'd made several purchases from the System Shop in preparation for the Grand Line. It was when, out of curiosity, he passed by the infamous execution platform, that he spotted a figure he hadn't ever expected to see. In fact, he almost missed him, his brain stuttering with recognition only after he'd already passed the young Marine by. Trying not to be too obvious about it, Luffy took a look back and confirmed it with a quick use of Observe.

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Title: The Fool's Fortune

Level: 15

Age: 16


Strength: 20

Dexterity: 35

Endurance: 45

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 12

Luck: 23

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

For long moments, Luffy just stared. Then he shook his head, dismissed the status box, and went on his way. Another reminder of the Butterfly Effect a work. He'd noted Alvida being caught very early compared to what he remembered, and had to wonder if the Marines doing so was a knock on effect from his bounty hunting. With him removing so many Big Fish, the Marines might well have needed a few successes to prevent themselves from looking bad to HQ.

Whatever had happened, it was good to see that Coby apparently hadn't ever gotten caught up in it. Or, if he had, he'd been young enough for the Marines to believe his story about essentially being kidnapped. Though those intelligence and wisdom scores certainly did show how he might have mistaken a pirate's ship boat for a fishing dingy. Seriously, had someone repeatedly dropped him face first on a rock as a child? Ah well, none of Luffy's business…

... ...

Luffy blinked as he returned aboard the ship and saw something unexpected. Felt it too.

"Kaya? What are you doing with a Cursed Sword? And why is there a frilly pink bow around it's handle?"

Luffy stiffened in alarm as the look she gave said sword. Was that Kaya's angry face? Did Kaya have an angry face? Her maliciously happy voice when she spoke was even more disturbing.

"Grumpy Baby Knife-kun tried to bite Usopp when we were buying some general weapons! I had to educate it about the error of its ways."

Luffy winced at the feeling of calm menace that his Spiritual Senses picked up as Kaya directed a another look at the blade…which seemed to radiate low-key terror in response. Okkkkaaaay then. He was not asking for more information. A wise man knows when not to speak! Or something like that.

"Well, just make sure to clean up after any messes 'Grumpy Baby Knife-kun' leaves…"

Yep. That was all he was saying about that. Time for a strategic withdrawal into the pilot house…

... ...

Despite the entire crew's desire to get on with traveling to the Grand Line, there was no speeding up properly provisioning a ship. Especially when they were more over provisioning it than anything. Even with copious clandestine use of Luffy's Inventory to help things along, they'd known from the start that it would eat up their entire day to get everything done. Rather than pointlessly sailing out into the dark when they didn't need to, they'd decided to stay docked overnight and get an early start in the morning. Lougetown was close enough to Reverse Mountain they'd easily make the trip by mid afternoon the next day even doing so. Though that was really only true with the Discovery's speed. A more ordinary ship might have taken twice as long to cover the distance even in the same weather.

All of which explained why Luffy was alone in the Captain's Cabin, studying his notes again before he turned in for the night. What it didn't explain was the soft-but-firm knock on his door as the hour grew late. Blinking, he focused on his Observation Haki even as he stood to answer the door. As he crossed the cabin, he nearly stumbled as he discovered it was Nami at the door. More importantly, his identifying her had brought up the custom heads up displays he had so recently created. Including, crucially to his stumble, the arousal indicator he'd specifically created for Nami in a fit of questionable hormones. He gulped as he realized that indicator was fluctuating quite a bit, but was remaining fairly high despite the flux. Attempting to calm his own suddenly racing heartbeat as the situation started processing for him, he opened the door with his best smile.

"What can I do for you, Nami?"

-Lemon Starts Here-

Belying the flutter of nerves he could feel radiating from her, Nami smirked up at him and gently pressed a hand into his chest. What she wanted was obvious, so he stepped back and let her into his cabin, the door closing behind her as she stepped through. She left out a soft sigh as it did…and Luffy decided to take the moment to pounce. Nami squeaked as he physically picked her up by the hips, pressed her back into that closed door, and kissed her thoroughly.

That indicator of her arousal wasn't in flux any longer, instead being flat red-lined by the time he pulled back to let his dazed girlfriend breathe. He took the moment to fully process what she was wearing, a surge of appreciation filling him as the thin half-transparent cloth of a naughty negligee showed her nipples poking through firmly. Coming here in an outfit like that, crossing the public areas of the ship to do so, was a pretty clear indicator of what she'd come her for…

A few backward steps took them to his bed, where he pulled her down onto his lap, that negligee riding up and letting him feel that the only thing she had on under it was an extremely skimpy thong. A thong which was already feeling a bit damp as it was pressed firmly against the bulge in his pants. His Empathy caught her arousal spiking again at that contact, her body instinctively moving her hips to grind for a few moments, before he carefully caught her chin with one hand and lifted her eyes to stare into his. Glazed over a bit at first, they quickly focused, seeming mesmerized by his just as much as he was by hers in the moment. Still, when he saw the spark of intelligence return to them, he asked the important question, already knowing the answer, but needing both of them to hear it.

"Are you sure?"

Nami smiled softly, an expression that washed away the mischief of her more usual smirks as she nodded. That was enough for him. He moved to kiss her again, only for a tiny spark of that mischief to reignite as she pulled away, her body grinding on him for just a moment before it pulled away too. Not sensing any desire to leave from her emotions, he was curious what she was up to…right up until she pulled back far enough to let her legs fall over the edge of the bed and her body slide down until she was face-to-crotch with his trapped erection, one hand already working the button of his pants.

Surprised at what she apparently intended, he wasn't about to protest as she deftly popped that button and pulled on his pants. He lifted himself just a little to ease her efforts at sliding them off him, the action letting Nami take his boxers along with the lightweight silk pants he'd come to prefer. Free from the confines of cloth, his erection very nearly smacked her in the face as it sprang free. Not that she seemed to mind as she eyed it appreciatively. With the frankly absurd sizes of some people in One Piece, Luffy honestly had no idea how he rated on a size scale. But Nojiko had seemed pleased and Nami's emotions were saying she was wildly oscillating between extremely aroused and a bit intimidated.

He'd take it.

Nami was, ultimately, Nami. She only hesitated over his size for a few moments before tackling her self-assigned task head-on by literally grasping it in both hands. Despite her outsized personality, Nami was normal-human-sized, and Luffy was big enough her fingers couldn't make it all the way around his shaft. Even with both hands on his dick, less than half of it was concealed, which made Nami hum incredulously. She seemed more fascinated by that size than anything as she began to stroke just a bit. It wasn't unpleasant, but would become so soon if she didn't add some lube.

Thankfully, a moment later she set about doing just that as she leaned in to kiss the tip of his cock. It jerked a bit at that, causing her to giggle, but also giving her a surge of confidence his empathy could feel. Her next action proved that fact as her hesitation faded, her tongue darting out to swirl around his cockhead. That tongue was clumsy compared to what he remembered of her sister's, but she certainly seemed to have some experience, or at least practice. And, frankly, it felt good enough that he realized he was already unconsciously fisting his bedsheets, even as he let out a low groan.

That sound only egged her on, though she abandoned his tip with her tongue, replacing it with fingers that just lightly teased as her tongue headed down instead to his now mostly-uncovered shaft. She placed her tongue right above where her other hand was holding his base, then drug it upward along his underside. He outright moaned this time as she hit several sensitive spots, though relaxed a bit as she then repeated the action with the slightly less sensitive sides of his shaft.

Lubed properly now, both of Nami's hands returned to his shaft and began to stroke, the sensation feeling divine…but still paling in comparison to what happened as she returned to his tip. There, she skipped anymore teasing and popped his entire cockhead into her mouth, sucking gently and exploring with her tongue. Nami eagerly tested the waters, her enthusiasm a heady feeling as she poked, prodded, swirled and licked, trying to see what made him tick. There was a distinct difference in the flavor to her emotions, compared to what he'd felt in a similar situation from Nojiko. Her sister had been an indulgent teacher, refraining from taking control so he could learn. Nami positively radiated pleasure and enjoyment at every positive noise he made…

When that fact finally fully processed in his pleasure-addled mind, one of Luffy's hands left the bedsheets and came to rest gently on the top of her head. To his surprised glee, the action didn't put her off. Instead, as he used gentle pressure to guide her attentions this way and that, he got nothing but excitement out of her emotions. Swearing he was finally going to read the 'sexual interests' section of his girlfriend's relationship panel after this, Luffy took the initiative to move things along, pressing hard enough to show her what he wanted. She obeyed without hesitation, doing her best to take more of him…and she had definitely practiced on something or someone, as she managed to push past her gag reflex with only a few, admittedly rather hot, moments of struggle.

Unlike Nojiko, Nami didn't manage to take him all the way. But she did get far enough down his shaft to meet her hands, before rolling her gaze up to his and winking mischievously. He gasped a moment later as she began to work his entire cock, her hands sliding in opposing motions to her mouth as she began to bob up and down on his cock, meeting every few seconds at the middle of his shaft. Luffy saw stars as she picked up speed, knowing he wasn't going to last long but determined to hold out just a bit longer…

He made it all of two minutes before warning her.

"Nami! I'm going to-"

She didn't give him a chance to finish. Instead, she plunged down two inches farther than she'd managed yet and began to swallowed rhythmically. The new sensation was far too much for him as he came down her throat with a roar, some wildly delirious part of his mind noting he was grateful he'd installed sound proofing…even if it had been because didn't want to hear Kuina and Zoro going at it in the cabin next door.

Nami took it like a champ. Mostly. By his fourth pump of cum, she choked a bit and pulled off of him, with three more giant spurts instead coating her face and neck. Her hands didn't stop moving, drawing everything out of him, trying to drain him dry…even if he knew something she probably didn't. Well, not unless Nojiko had warned her. The bluette herself had been gleefully surprised to discover that Luffy never actually ran out of cum. He didn't know why. If it was something to do with his absurd Endurance, Gamer's Body, Spiritual Energy, or some of the other Perks he'd taken over the years. But he'd fucked the older woman completely senseless on his first time, despite Nojiko's far greater skill and experience.

He also recovered quickly.

Something Nami discovered when she was pulled out of her panting, half-dazed state by a gentle hand using an Inventory-supplied cloth to clean up the mess. Her eyes met his, and it was her turn to gulp at what she saw in his eyes. She barely had a moment to react as he pulled her back up onto his lap and captured her lips in a searing kiss. She moaned into that kiss, heated body instinctively grinding on the already-hard-again erection pressing into her very sodden thong. The action only spurred Luffy on as he pulled a trick he'd considered before but never had a chance to properly test.

Nami gasped as her negligee abruptly disappeared. Luffy discovering that yes, he absolutely could put someone else's clothing into his Inventory, even if they were still wearing them! He didn't bother giving Nami time to figure out what had happened. Instead, he rolled them over, angling so that Nami ended up tits-up on her back…and with his face planted right between those tits. He gloried in simply faceplanting between them for a moment, before shifting to capture her left nipple between his lips and sucking gently.

Nami arched under him, but couldn't move far with half his weight pinning her, forcing her to settle for mewling and grinding her panty-covered pussy on the thigh that had ended up pressed between her legs. Luffy captured her other breast with one hand, delighting in its size and softness, groping and exploring even as he continued to nibble and suck on the first nipple. Nami was moaning and gasping freely now, fists clenching the sheets even as she continued to frantically grind. He was caught by surprise a moment later when she half-stilled and shuddered.

Had she just cum?

Given her abrupt surge in sensitivity, coming unglued when he tentatively ground back against her with that thigh, he was pretty sure she had. He was delighted to discovered that, unlike Nojiko who had needed at least a few moments to come down from that peak, Nami only radiated an intense spike of pleasure and moaned helplessly at the action, caught up in the intense pleasure. She was multi-orgasmic! And Luffy was going to take full advantage of that fact, thank you very much!

He set about doing just that as he worked her body over, giving equal attention to each nipple and breast for several minutes each before kissing his way down her body. He stopped for a moment when he discovered her belly was slightly ticklish. He smirked as he took a few seconds to abuse that fact, reveling in the unique mix of giggles and moans as he kissed and nipped, all while free fingers of his left hand teased her sex through utterly-ruined panties. Eventually, he took pity and moved on…even as he vanished her panties into his inventory too. She whimpered needily at that, even as he paused to soak in the view of her finally revealed sex.

She was a natural redhead, of course. Though there was only a cheeky little landing strip, shaved into an arrow pointing down, to show that off. Below that slim strip of hair was a neatly symmetrical pussy, whose outer lips almost fully concealed the inner. Almost, but not quite, with those equally symmetrical inner lips just visible in the gap. A gap that widened as he captured her legs and spread them, Nami's breath catching and body shuddering as he moved in close enough to blow a stream of air across her heated center.

Despite aching to do something else entirely, his cock throbbing almost painfully, Luffy was intent on returning her favor from earlier. Doubly so as he had no idea how she was going to handle his size, and wanted to make sure she had a good time no matter how that part went. Dropping off the edge of the bed to get a better angle, Luffy got his hands under Nami's ass and squeezed, enjoying her moans as his fingers lightly dug in and kneaded.

Dragging her toward him, he left one hand where it was to keep her hips slightly raised, even as he freed the other to tease her core. He pressed two fingers into her lower lips and drew a line down the slightly-parted furrow between them. Nami writhed and tried to arch into his touch, but he simply let his hand ride with her, not letting her have any more friction just yet. He chuckled at her whine, rewarding her with a firm set of rubbing strokes only when she obediently stopped trying to grind on his fingers. She got the hint, letting him play, and he rewarded her again by applying pressure and splaying his fingers to fully reveal that magic little button that Nojiko had been so careful to educate him about.

Deciding he was done with teasing, Luffy lowered his mouth to capture Nami's newly exposed clit, sucking gently even as he plunged a middle finger home in her tunnel. He marveled at how sensitive she was, or perhaps how worked up she was, as that combination of sensations instantly sent her howling and spasming through a second climax! With Nami already proven to be multi-orgasmic, he let up only for a second or two, before beginning to flicker his tongue across that magic button. A half-remembered piece of advice from his old life caused him to begin drawing letters over it with his tongue, even as he began to thrust with his buried finger, blessing the combination of Perks he'd taken that let him operate his hands truly independently.

Nami writhed and moaned, rapidly building toward another orgasm as he added a second finger. She was already almost painfully tight with just those two, making him wonder just how she was going to feel on his cock, though she seemed to be adjusting as he finger-fucked her roughly. A third finger seemed to cause her a bit of pain, but she was riding so high that the pain barely registered as anything but more pleasure, and she soon peaked for a third time. Sensing she would pass out if he tried for a fourth without giving her a break, Luffy backed off and began slowly kissing his way back up her body.

By the time he'd made it back to her lips, her desperate panting had leveled out a bit…and he'd managed to tease her back into a frothing fury by hitting all the sensitive spots he'd found on the way down. She captured his head and pulled him into a kiss the moment she could. The taste of both him and her mixing on their lips. Her torso twisted, trembling legs steadying as they came up to wrap around his waist, his arching erection pressed against her heated and leaking pussy. She pulled away, speaking for the first time since they'd started.

"Don't you dare ask."

Luffy almost laughed, his lips twitching into a smirk as he ground himself against her. She moaned, the intense look of the moment gone as her eyes fluttered closed. Well…the lady had made her intentions clear. And he'd certainly done his best to ease any discomfort this might bring. Half hovering over her, he reached down. She loosened her hold with her legs just enough to let him pull back, lining up his tip, running his cockhead up and down her soaked lower lips to gather some extra lube. She whimpered and whined, but he took his time, then shifted just that last little bit to press into that still-tight passage.

Nami gasped as something much thicker than fingers slowly stretched her virgin body. But Luffy had done his job right, and Nami hadn't exactly been shy about exploring toys, even if she'd never been with an actual flesh and blood lover. Luffy was a fair bit bigger than any of those toys, stretching her to an extent she'd never felt, and she gasped as his head finally breeched fully. He gave her a moment to adjust, feeling from her roiling emotions that it had been far more pleasurable than painful…but that there had been a bit of pain from his size. Slowly, carefully, he worked just a few inches in and out, Nami's body quickly adjusting to the new challenger as her pleasure built. A quick flick of her clit with one thumb helped things along, and two more inches sunk in. Slow, careful thrusts, sucking on a nipple, flicking her clit, burying ever more of his length in her as her body molded itself around him like clay.

Then, finally, almost to his own surprise…he got the last inch in. He could tell she was stretched just a bit beyond the limit of comfort and pulled back out a couple of inches. She sighed in relief and he nodded. She couldn't quite handle it all comfortably. Not yet, at least. But she could take most of it. Doing his best to memorize the feel of just how much, he began to thrust again. This time, instead of the slow effort to see how much she could handle, he began to build up speed. Nami, who had already been gasping and moaning with every thrust, began to completely lose control of her voice. Babbled words mixed with moans as her body rose to meet his with every thrust. Despite his best efforts, he slipped too deep more than once, feeling little flares of pain from her as he did. That pain was still a distant second to the overwhelming pleasure as she rapidly built to another climax…and then it was suddenly too much for both of them.

Nami clenched down hard, in her most powerful orgasm yet, and the sudden increase in pressure set him off with no chance to resist. Thick ropes of cum blasted deep as he instinctively hilted himself fully, Nami riding far to high on her own climax to notice any pain. They both shuddered, quivering through a release that seemed to last forever…and then collapsed onto the bed. He managed, at the last moment, to shift most of his weight to one side, avoiding crushing her under him. The motion had pulled him halfway out of her, but only halfway.

For long minutes, they just tried to catch their breath. Then Nami wiggled, noticing something important. She met his eyes with wide ones of her own.

"You're still hard?"

Luffy blushed at the incredulity in her voice, then chuckled and pulled out of her. She protested a bit as he did, but he pulled her into a sideways hug and whispered in her ear.

"A challenge for another day, love. I need my navigator able to actually stand when we head up Reverse Mountain tomorrow."

Nami blinked, then giggled and swatted his shoulder.

"It might be too late for that. But if we go again it definitely will be. Still, I could…help in other ways?"

Luffy smiled, appreciating the thought, but just snuggled into her. Her eyes were visibly drooping, after all.

"It's fine. This time you can just owe me a couple, hmmm?"

That comment seemed to ignite a bit of competitive spirit for a moment. But, after a few seconds, her tiredness won out. Slowly, her eyes drifted closed and her breathing evened out. Luffy smiled gently at the sight, even as his own Endurance let him stay awake. Once she was fully asleep, he'd clean them both up a bit, before joining her in the realms of Morpheus…

-Lemon Ends Here-

... ... ... ... ...

A/N - So, this is one of the oddest Author's Notes I've ever needed to make. When I actually got to the Lemon in Chapter 26...I stumbled over a detail I hadn't considered before. This Luffy hasn't had his growth restricted by the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which means he favors Garp and Dragon for size. Dragon is 8 Foot 5, and Garp is freaking 9 foot 5. A lot of the powerful people in One Piece seem to be SUPER tall, like they have giant blood maybe? Regardless, while I haven't explicitly given Luffy a height, I'd generally say he's at least 7 foot tall and likely has a bit of growing left to do.

Nami, meanwhile, is a comparatively sane 5 foot 7.

If we consider this weird giantism of the setting to extend to...other things...than Luffy might actually have one of those giant hentai dicks that can't exist in reality. Yet, I've always found people writing about genitals you could club a baby seal to death with just flat weird. Which left me with a very strange situation in which I needed to at least allude to the size issues, without explicitly defining it. Essentially letting the reader decide how ridiculous Luffy's Giant Hentai Penis is.

Like I said, this is absolutely one of the strangest Author's notes I've ever had to write -_-.

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