One Piece: Harem King

Chapter 15 – Aftermath

“Did we encounter any hostile ships?”


Alexander knew that after everything he did, the marine will send someone after him, he didn’t know who, but they will not leave someone like him unobserved in the blues.


Too bad for them he didn’t have any intentions of leaving the blues just yet.


“Yes, we encountered some marine ships, but they didn’t get close, they left on their own.”


That was to be expected, the marine isn’t stupid so they will never send their men to die for nothing.


“Where are we now?”

“I have hidden the ship in a small golf on an uncharted island.”


That was good, it wasn’t good for the marine to know their every move, they also needed some time to recover.


“You did good, Robin.”


“Of course.”


She had a smug face, in his eyes it looked very cute.


They stopped talking and were just looking at each other, Elis was already getting tired of this, but she didn’t say anything.


“I will go and see the rewards we got from the fight, then we should explore to island.”


Regaining himself, he told that to the girls and left for the cabin.


This time, he got lucky and survived, but he made too many mistakes, he had to take some time and think about that.


But at least he should have a plentiful reward, he hopped.


Sitting at his desk, he took a deep breath and opened the book.


Warning! Too many screens to be displayed. Merging… Information merged


(1 of 3) New function unlocked.

Dead Sea

You may now enter the dead sea! (?)


“What is this?”


Dead Sea?


He focused on the (?) to get more information.



Dead Sea

The user together with his crew and ship can now enter the dead sea.

The user can stay in the dead sea for up to one hour every ten levels up to 24 hours a day.

Time in the Dead Sea is ½ the time in the outside world.

Distance traveled in the dead sea is directly translated in the outside world.


Dead Sea? The name alone was scary, he didn’t want to imagine what was inside, but the system won’t give him useless stuff.

“I will have to go there later.”


Thinking of that, he pressed the next button.


(2 of 3) New function unlocked.


You may now appoint a vice captain.


That was straight forward.


(3 of 3) New function unlocked.


Flags are available in the story at 50G each, the user can claim a territory using the flag.

Conditions are:

·         If territory is already occupied, the leader of said territory must insert the flag themselves.

·         At least half the population must be willing.

·         Flag must be placed in the most visible place.


·         If territory is under attack, user will be able to use the Dead Sea highway, enabling the user to reach the territory in one hour. Attacks planned by the user aren’t recognized.

·         Flag can only be removed by the user even if the conditions are no longer met.

·         Every flag gives various effects to the territory and user.

·         The flag will automatically sound an alarm when the territory it covers is under attack.

·         Locked

·         Locked

·         Locked

·         …



This is, a cheat.


A very, very big cheat, doesn’t that mean that his territories will be envied by all?


The conditions can’t even be called so, there are many ways to go around them.


Alexander can’t wait to test that, but not now, now he still has more screens to see.



13x Ships + 1 Sai + 1 Don Chinjao

+8 levels + 591G


This, he was indeed happy, the gold was good, but shouldn’t there be more levels? Those were 13 ships and not to forget the Chinjao guys.


It looks like he will have a hard time grinding.


Maybe the Death Sea will help with that?


His intuition told him that.


“This is good, at least I can get going with haki, I didn’t like to be on the running side in the fight with the old man.”


That was a bad memory, if he didn’t pay attention the old man could have smashed his head at the first mistake.


“This time the rewards are good, but the risk was also high, now I understand why the quest gave such a high reward, that quest was de beginning of this calamity.”


The system couldn’t be underestimated, it liked to put him in dangerous situations.


“Let’s see the stats…”


Captain Management










Free Points












Devil Fruit

Rumble-Rumble Fruit




Fast Learner (?)

Hyper Focus (?)





This was what he wanted to see, when everything was put in order it gave him a clear view of his strength.


Seeing the stats, he decided to postpone the distribution of his free points for now, he had to put more thought into it.


Now he had to judge his recent actions and mistakes.


First, he should have set sails as soon as Robin return to the ship, there was no point in waiting there.


Second, there was no point in keeping the haki pill for Elis, she should first improve her body then they can speak about haki, he should have taken it himself and by the time Elis was ready he could have just bought one more.


Then there is the way he fought Don Chinjao, there were many ways he could have handled it, but in that situation and under that pressure he wasn’t able to make a good plan.


Even if he is strong, but he is still just a newcomer in the world of violence, the few times he was in contact with violence he had the overwhelming advantage, so he didn’t feel any pressure.


In other words, he lacked experience.


Understanding this, Alexander took the first step towards becoming something great.


From now on he will slow down, he wanted to consolidate his current level of strength, and that was true for Robin too.


Looking out of the window, he saw the sandy beach that expanded into a forest, they should use this free time to relax on the island, and then they should start their training, he should also upgrade the ship and take the haki pill.


Standing up, he left to find Robin and Elis to explore the island.


Check this out, this is the rough sketch for the cover!

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