One Piece: Harem King

Chapter 31 – System

The old man moved faster than Alexander could follow, but he still wasn’t in time to reach him, before the self-proclaimed ‘god’ could touch him he was sucked in the space crack that appeared right behind him.


Even while the old man disappeared into the darkness of space, he didn’t stop throwing insults and threats their way, after he was gone everything returned to normal.


“And he’s gone.”, said the talking dolphin as if it had nothing to do with him.


Alexander regained his ability to move, turning to the only other ‘something’ in the vicinity and spoke, “Thank you.”, he didn’t know the dolphin’s intentions, so he wasn’t sure if he was safe yet but he did indeed save himself.


“Don’t thank me kid.”, it responded as he turned his gaze to Alexander, “I didn’t have a choice, or I wouldn’t have intervened.”


“What do you mean by that?”, Alexander had no idea what was happening, he didn’t like the feeling of having no say at all.


“Very well, I will tell you so listen carefully.”, he paused for a few seconds and continued, “First, that old man is no god, I had never seen a god, he is a parasite.”


“A parasite?”, Alexander didn’t understand what he meant.


“A parasite, he sends people like you on other worlds and makes them open a way for him into the world, then he would eat all the life on the planet.”, by this point his voice became very serious, “Before I tell you more I have to speak about you.”


“Me?”, Alexander wondered what he had to say about himself.


“Your race to be more specific, I don’t know the name, but you aren’t human.”


Alexander didn’t have any reaction, he just accepted it after wall it wasn’t the strangest thing he saw or heard.


“What makes your race so special is the fact that they are born together with another living organism you call ‘system’, the two cannot live separately, they have a symbiotic relationship required for the survival of both sides.”


This did leave Alexander with no words, he thought about many possibilities as for what the system was, but he didn’t think it was a living organism nor that its origin was himself.


“But I don’t understand this, what does it gains in this relationship? And how it can offer such incredible benefits?”, he didn’t get that, what he had to offer to the system.


“I don’t know much myself, I am just a remnant of my former self and I don’t have many of my memories.”, he paused then continued, “What I think is that it gains its energy from whatever you kill, as for how I don’t know.”


If the only source of energy was from the killing, then it must be a very strong and rich energy to be able to give him so much.


“Then how would the old man make me open a door for him?”, he was the most worried about this.


“By controlling the system, he can slowly influence your behavior without you even noticing anything. By controlling the system, you can be controlled too but the old man didn’t think there was someone else on this world who could interfere. He was overconfident”


“Who are you then, or what were you?” Asked Alexander.


“That you don’t need to know for now, what you should understand is that I removed the control the old man had over you when the devil fruit reached a certain strength. You were lucky as only the Rumble-Rumble fruit could enable me to find you, now the system will be different than how you remembered it. Also the control can only be placed before there is a soul in the body, so you don’t have to worry from now”


Alexander had more questions with every answer he got, while he somehow understood his words he also didn’t.


“Then I should thank you.”, After Alexander spoke such, the dolphin shock his head, “You don’t need to thank me, as I said, I didn’t have a choice, I couldn’t let the plans of the old man continue. But all I gained for you is time, the old man will be back, and I don’t know what he will do, but he will not be able to come in a short time, it will take years. Before that I added a quest of my own to your system that will put you on the right track, that is if you chose to follow it, I will not force you to do anything.”, saying this the dolphin sighed like a human, “ I lost the energy keeping my existence so I will disappear, will tell you one last thing, don’t think the Admirals or four emperors are the strongest being in this world, far from it, and don’t underestimate the Dragons, there is a reason they weren’t exterminated a long time ago.”

After he finished his words, he disappeared without warning, then Alexander found himself back on his bed, all seemed like a dream.


He stood up feeling tired, but he had to check if everything was right with the system.


Sitting at his desk he opened the logbook.

The story will resume the normal plot from now.

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