One Piece: Legendary Family

Chapter 37: One Word: Perfect!

Chapter 37: One Word: Perfect!

Sunflower Island! It consists of a group of nine circular islands. The main island, the largest, is in the center and is surrounded by eight smaller circular islands. From the air, it looks like a sunflower. It's amazing!


"Is this Sunflower Island?" Gillian asked excitedly, looking at the huge archipelago in the distance. This time, she knew Charlotte had set out to find a famous doctor for her to learn from, and she couldn't contain her excitement and curiosity.


Especially because there was a legendary doctor whom she, as a doctor, deeply admired.

"Yes, it is." According to the stories, around the main island of Sunflower Island, there are many hidden reefs, so you can't reach it directly by ship. You can only access the main island through bridges that connect to the smaller islands. These tall and majestic iron bridges span the sea and lead to the main island, offering a spectacular view.


"What an impressive place! I wonder how this peculiar island formed in the world of pirates," Charlotte thought, intrigued. The main island of Sunflower Island is a kingdom with a very advanced medical system. There, a doctor named Lyell gained a great reputation for curing a terrifying disease that had baffled all the doctors on the island. He saved all the inhabitants without losing a single life, and for this, he is highly admired and considered a legend.


Our goal this time is to find that person.

Our ship headed towards one of the smaller islands, and soon, a huge white arch appeared before us. "How impressive!" We couldn't help but exclaim in amazement. The ship quietly passed through the arch and arrived at the port. Upon disembarking, we were surprised by the bustling and prosperous atmosphere of the place.


"Come on, we need to attend to our business first," Charlotte said, drawing everyone's attention back to the mission. However, this only heightened our interest in the next part of the journey.

"Charlotte, to get to the main island, we need to go to the center of the village and rent a local bird called Youtor to cross the bridge," explained Lina, with the information she had received.


"Alright, let's go," Charlotte responded, and we all headed to the center of the village. Along the way, there were many curious and unique things that caught our attention.

Not long after, we arrived at the animal rental hall. An employee approached us and asked, "How many of you are going to the main island? How many Youtor birds do you need to rent?"


Charlotte looked at her team: Beta, Barrett, Lina, Gillian, and herself. "Five, please."

After completing the paperwork, the employee led us through a tunnel to where the Youtor birds were.

Huh? These creatures... They looked like ostriches, but they were bigger and had a strange bump on their heads. "How interesting!" Beta exclaimed with bright eyes, especially intrigued by the bump. Charlotte gave him a light tap on the neck and, without looking back, climbed onto the back of a Youtor. The others couldn't help but laugh at the scene while Beta looked visibly offended.


Sitting on the Youtor, Charlotte realized that the seat was comfortable, with an umbrella for shade and a backrest for support. It was quite spacious. With a light touch, the Youtor began to move steadily towards the bridge.

As we crossed the bridge, the sea sparkled under the sun, creating a magnificent view. Colorful fish jumped out of the water, and large birds flew in the blue sky. What a peaceful moment! This is the kind of life one should have, Charlotte thought.

Soon we reached the main island, returned the transport animals, and found ourselves in a small village connected to the other side of the bridge. There were eight villages like this, each connected by a bridge.


The commercial atmosphere here wasn't as strong as on the outer islands; it seemed simpler. Leaving the village, Charlotte looked around. The main island was large and had green hills stretching as far as the eye could see, creating a sense of openness and freshness.

Following the main road, we occasionally saw people walking towards the central city of the island, which was our final destination. As we advanced, we saw many curious animals: hopping rabbits, boars with apple tails... It was a peculiar sight. But in the world of pirates, these strange animals were common, like balloon octopuses, Nanana birds, super-fast ducks, and marathon lizards with coiled necks.


Finally, after a while, we reached the large central city. A white tower stood out on the horizon, and the city was surrounded by thick walls and enormous trees. Following the crowd, we arrived at the city gate, and the guards didn't stop us, allowing us to enter without any problems.

The landscape changed immediately. There were buildings of different sizes and styles, all lined up neatly. The snow-white structures looked sacred, like carved works of art. The streets were lined with exotic plants that seemed valuable.


As we explored, there was suddenly a commotion in the distance. The crowd around us was confused, as were we. Charlotte frowned and looked towards the noise, when a patrol of soldiers quickly approached. The leader stepped out and said loudly, "Dear visitors, we apologize for the interruption. We were chasing a thief, but he has been captured. Please continue to enjoy your visit."


Hearing this, the crowd calmed down, and some even praised the soldiers for their diligence. With the small incident resolved, we continued on our way.

(End of chapter)

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