One Piece: Legendary Family

Chapter 42: A Noble Person!

Chapter 42: A Noble Person!

What a surprise!

What a big surprise!

Charlotte looked puzzled at Bain and Lyle, who were standing in front of him.

What's going on with these two?

It made some sense for Bain to be here, but Lyle?

Full of questions, Charlotte asked uncertainly:

"Um, is there something I can help you with?"

Bain paused and then smiled, "It's Lyle; he says he has a gift for Gillian."

But there was something strange about all this, a gift for Gillian?

Were they very close?

It didn't seem so.

Charlotte frowned slightly. Why give a gift for no apparent reason? He didn't believe there wasn't some hidden intention behind this.

Bain, apparently noticing his doubts, continued, "He just wants to entrust his collection of medical knowledge to someone who truly has a calling as a doctor."

Hearing this, Charlotte relaxed a bit. He thought some unexpected accident had happened. It seemed Bain had told Lyle about Gillian.

Bain had already given his medical notes to Gillian.

And now, in addition, he brought Lyle to give her his collection of medical books unconditionally.

Wow, that selfless attitude is admirable.

Turns out, in this world of pirates, there are also many good people who expect nothing in return!

Like him, who hides in anonymity...

Charlotte looked at Lyle, who wasn't talking much, and thought: "How generous."

At that moment, Charlotte felt relieved and, without hesitation, accepted.

"Then, I thank Dr. Lyle on behalf of Gillian for his generous gift."

Lyle shook his head, "I will no longer be a doctor."


Charlotte was surprised.

From what he knew, the people had understood Lyle's reasons and had forgiven him; they didn't attack him for his previous lie.

One couldn't deny the simplicity and kindness of common people.

So, why give up his identity as a doctor now?

"Why?" Charlotte asked.

Lyle fell into a deep silence, lost in his memories...

That cold winter, with a snowstorm, his mother had fallen ill after caring for him, exhausted to the limit...

Despite his desperate pleas, the doctors couldn't help due to the kingdom's restrictions.

Thus, young Lyle watched helplessly as his mother slowly died before his eyes, filled with despair, unable to do anything.

All because they had no money, because of the king's absurd prohibitions, they missed the ideal moment to treat her.

Running through the snow, tears as big as grapes fell incessantly, despair and pain filling him completely.

That night was the most desperate of his life.

That pain was something he could never forget.

Many other people in the kingdom shared that pain and suffering.

Since then, Lyle had hated that country, willing to do anything to change things...

Charlotte wondered about Lyle's sudden silence.

But with her Observation Haki, she could sense the wave of emotions in Lyle.

That intense sadness and pain affected Charlotte too.

She felt moved.

Looking at Lyle, without saying a word, Charlotte knew that deep in his heart there was irreparable pain.

Lyle didn't respond. Despite all the reasons, he couldn't forgive himself for having used good people for his own purposes.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Charlotte and said, "Thank you!"

Charlotte's eyes widened, and the emotional impact dissipated immediately, putting her on guard.



Thank him?

What did that mean?

Why suddenly thank him?

Lyle left, leaving the key to his collection room, and quickly departed.

Leaving Charlotte confused and surprised.

Then she looked at Bain, seeking answers, "What does this mean?"

Bain smiled and bowed deeply to Charlotte, "Thank you for helping this country..."

"No, I didn't... Don't say that."

Surprised, Charlotte shook her head vehemently.

What a joke was that? Charlotte, being such a serious person, was he someone who got into trouble?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

There was no chance.

What an exaggerated guy, how could he say something so terrible?

Bain, seeing her reluctant expression, didn't insist.

Simply, internally, he thought she was a young person who didn't seek recognition.

A noble person!

At that moment, Charlotte just wanted to see Bain off, not wanting to see anyone.

She didn't understand how Bain had figured everything out, she simply didn't get it.

When Bain left, he gave Charlotte a thumbs up with an "I understand" expression.

Charlotte couldn't help but grimace.

Though there was a risk of being discovered, it seemed only the two of them knew.

No information had been leaked outside.

Knowing the character of those two, they wouldn't mention it.

So, probably, she wasn't exposed.

No, she should leave as soon as possible. When more details were known, it might attract unwanted attention.

Staying there would be dangerous.

She had more than achieved her goal; she shouldn't stay any longer.

Charlotte became more aware of the risk.

Two weeks later, on Ratti Island.

Charlotte read the newspaper, feeling relieved.

There was absolutely no news about her in Senflevor Island.

Of course, what happened had caused some stir, and there were speculations about the mysterious hero who eliminated the band of pirates.

However, after careful investigation, Charlotte saw that they didn't relate it to her at all.

That reassured her a lot.

Besides, Dr. Lyle's gift was a valuable collection of medical notes, enough to create a medical library, greatly boosting medicine on Ratti Island.

One could say the reward was enormous.

After putting down the newspaper, Gillian entered.

Charlotte noticed that Gillian was a bit disturbed.

"Charlotte, what kind of person do you think Dr. Lyle is?"

At Gillian's sudden question, Charlotte looked at her and, after a brief moment of reflection, responded.

"There's a saying: 'Do not judge by actions, but by the heart; for no one is perfect.'"

Gillian seemed a bit confused.

It was a somewhat deep phrase.

She didn't fully understand it.

Where did that phrase come from?

"Ahem, ahem!"

Charlotte coughed twice, realizing Gillian's confusion, and patiently explained.

"Don't worry so much about appearances and external actions; what's important is the true essence and morals of a person."

That's right!

Then, Charlotte smiled at Gillian, "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart, you're just not sure, right?"

"Just keep being good and hold onto your principles."

Gillian looked at Charlotte.

Her soft voice was full of strength, as it had always been, and this strengthened her.

"I understand, Charlotte."

Charlotte, seeing Gillian regain her determination, smiled pleased.

Sometimes, a little emotional support is all that's needed.

(End of Chapter)

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