One Piece: Legendary Family

Chapter 9: The Hiberfield Family Will Be Great

Chapter 9: The Hiberfield Family Will Be Great


Charlotte grabbed the hilt of his sword and slowly drew it. "Enough, I don't want to drag this out any longer. This guy has thick skin and resisting longer will waste a lot of energy. A decisive blow will be enough."


Defeating him in one blow shouldn't be a problem. Although this sword wasn't a legendary sword, but a normal one, the moment Charlotte drew it, a strong killing aura rose. The giant shuddered. The sword began to emit a blue glow. That glow gave him goosebumps, a sharp and terrifying sensation, like needles. As a member of the Elbaf giant tribe in the Grand Line, a born warrior, his combat intuition was extremely sharp. The giant tried to move, but his size was too large. That light had completely blocked him, there was no way to dodge it.


I will be defeated!


That killing intent is incredible!


I will die!


This guy wants to kill me!


"One strike...!"


"I won't fight anymore!"




Charlotte's movement to strike stopped, he tilted his head and looked at the giant. He saw the giant throw his huge club. With a loud "boom," the club fell to the ground, creating a large crater.


"I've lost, do what you want." The giant stepped closer with big strides and sat down, casting a huge shadow.


"So, you won't fight anymore?" Charlotte thought and decided to let it go. After all, it was the result he wanted. "Ha, ha! Tell me about yourself." Charlotte was very curious, as giants almost always stayed in Elbaf, and were rare even in the New World.


"My name is Dahl, I'm an exiled giant from Elbaf."




Charlotte was surprised. What had he done to be expelled from his country?


"I... accidentally killed a companion."


An intense sadness and guilt filled the air. Charlotte felt Dahl's inner pain. It wasn't something he had wanted! At that moment, Dahl's stomach growled loudly.

"Sorry, I'm hungry." Charlotte smiled and quickly ordered his companions to bring food. Soon after, a hearty meal appeared before them. However, seeing Dahl devour the food, Charlotte couldn't help but twist his mouth.

 He had prepared enough provisions for the trip, but Dahl had devoured a tenth of the meat reserves in one meal. It was more than much, it was ridiculous.

Not even "big eater" adequately described his appetite. So he couldn't help but ask, "Did you really eat all the animals on the island?" Hearing Charlotte's question, Dahl responded a bit embarrassed, "I just eat a lot."

 Well, thought Charlotte, this giant really had destroyed the island's food chain. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Thinking about it, the island had endured many years of Dahl's eating habits, and that was already impressive.

Dahl, with a satisfied expression, said, "This is the first full meal I've had in a long time. Thanks for your generous hospitality."

Charlotte couldn't help but grimace internally. With this kind of appetite, no wonder giants were so rare. He, not understanding, asked, "Never thought of building a boat and sailing away?"

"Uh... I don't know how to build boats." Faced with Dahl's honest and simple response, Charlotte didn't know what to say. It's true, in the New World, without a sturdy enough boat, sailing is practically suicide. He had never thought of such a simple and logical reason.

Charlotte looked at Dahl and thought about recruiting him. Such strength could greatly strengthen the Hiberfield family.


"Dahl, would you like to join the Hiberfield family?" Dahl tilted his head, and after a moment of silence, said in a low voice, "As long as I can eat well, I'm willing." Hearing Dahl's response, although he was a big eater, he was also very strong. It just meant they would have to hunt sea creatures more often.

For Charlotte, this wasn't a big problem. "No problem." "Dahl, welcome to the Hiberfield family." Dahl also felt happy.

He had been alone for so long that he had forgotten what warmth of companionship felt like. "Welcome, welcome, big guy," Beta said cheerfully and joyfully. The other companions were excited. Their leader had really recruited a terrifying giant.

The Hiberfield family will be great. That was Ivan's favorite phrase. Charlotte, happy, didn't forget the purpose of their trip. "Dahl, do you know if there's anything strange on this island?" The giant Dahl looked with a pensive expression, but soon shook his head. Charlotte felt disappointed.

It seemed Dahl didn't know anything. That meant they would have to search for a long time. "Eh... does a ruin count?" Charlotte was surprised. A ruin? If Dahl called it a ruin, it must be very old.

"Of course it counts." "Good, I'll take you there." With that, he set off. Charlotte and the others naturally followed Dahl to the ruins. Soon after. Before their eyes appeared a vast mansion ruin, with crumbling walls and a desolate atmosphere that spoke of an ancient prosperity.

Charlotte slowly approached a large black stone stele.

The cracks and blurred letters spoke of the cruelty of time. Charlotte tried to decipher... "Yokeshir!" "It's... Yokeshir." His mind was filled with noise.

He remembered reading about the Yokeshir in a book. This was a legendary clan from more than two hundred years ago, known for their power and wealth, which drew the world's attention.

More than two hundred years ago, they were known as the kings of trade and weapons. One of the reasons Charlotte had founded the Hiberfield family was the inspiration of the legendary Yokeshir clan. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, the Yokeshir family disappeared completely.

There were many theories: an attack by powerful pirates, an unimaginable curse, or that they had discovered the "truth of the void century," leading to their destruction. The reasons varied, but it was unknown which one was true.

But one thing was certain: most of the enormous fortune of the Yokeshir family was looted. The biggest beneficiary was Rocks D. Xebec, a figure so infamous that even the World Government had to deal with him cautiously, a man who aspired to be the "King of the World."

His crimes were so great that history had tried to erase him.

Charlotte never imagined that here he would find a hideout of the Yokeshir family. Unfortunately, it was also destroyed, a victim of their family's fate.

But... if the treasure was related to the Yokeshir family, even a small part would mean enormous wealth.

Thinking about it, Charlotte couldn't contain himself and began to search.



(End of chapter)


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