One Piece: Overlord Buggy

A New Being

"Huh. First time doing this? Yeah, seven million is what I can give you for it." And the man smiled widely, showing his teeth.

Still stunned a little, I said "Yeah, um.. that's a bigger amount of money I thought I was gonna get, mister...."

Still smiling, he said "Branson Forwilth, people call me Branson though."

"Ah, Branson, I didn't expect that much, so I was a bit surprised."

"Well, the past few years were a little hard on my business, but I knew I could jus' buy an' sell ships eventually, and I wanned to make sure people knew I was good, so I make sure dat when I inspect a ship, I give the best inspection ever, and give the actual price of it rather than cheap out. I'd like to actually.. stay.. in business for as long as I can, my business partner is very good at helping me get stock to sell. She's the reason why I'm still able to give the best amount of money I can for any ship! Raharharharhar!"

'Was that a laugh at the end? Maybe he's gonna be an important person later. I mean, some of the most important people have different laughs, right? Or maybe I'm just coming up with this on the fly, and it's nothing. Oh well, guess I'll find out later.'

I shook my head and smiled at Branson. "Well, since you're the best person I can imagine doing this, I'm gonna tell you now! I'll be back with more ships for you to use as inventory once more pirates start to come here. Especially since I won't have use for multiple ships."

"Ah, I hope ya don't die before I see ya next then. I'll be back with the money for ya, since you seem to like the offer, if ya could just wait over there, I'll be with ya in a couple minutes." His jolly aura swept over me as he left to the back room, and I just stood there smiling before I realized 'Wait, how much charisma can one guy have? I mean, he made me smile like nothing just via aura. He better not freaking die. I can have him help me out. Maybe I can buy his shop, and have him still run it, as part of that bounty hunter group idea from a while ago. Eh, I can think about it later, I still got a while before I could do that.'

And I went and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting area. There was nothing to do though, so I just sat there staring across the room at a wall.

That was, until I ended up checking up on my observation to see what was around, and I locked on to a very.. special.. person..? I could only think that it was a person, since the aura of said being wasn't entirely human, but at the same time, completely was.

'What is that? It's.. human, and not a human at theee.. same time? What is it? It.. um.. doesn't really.. seem hostile, but that um.. doesn't mean it isn't. Whaaaat? I'm more confused now, it's not human, but it's also not a mink, and it's got a human form, so it's not a different race or anything, but.. uh.. what? I can't think straight apparently. I haven't actually seen who this being is, or where it's going. Maybe that'll help with.. um.. figuring out what it is. Wow. Just it's existence is breaking me. I guess I'm still imperfect, can't do anything about that. Now, back to the.. insanity that is a weird being.'

I fully used observation to find... A girl.

"Um. What?" 'Crap, I say things aloud still. Gotta get a hold of that. Anyways, who is this? I don't remember anyone in the story like this, what? I'm just stuck on what. I seriously don't remember anything like this.'

I started to fully pay attention to this.. girl.. being.. thing, using all of my observation and taking myself out of physical existence for a minute, looking directly at what this being is.

'Haki, you can take me out of my physical body a little. Guess it can't be helped. Oh well. Now, to fully realize what.. she?.. is.'

I pushed my observation into her body, and she shivered at it, like she noticed me. And then she looked around, trying to find what caused it, to find nothing. I, meanwhile, was trying to find differences between.. her.. and a normal human.

'Okay, so, there is no noticable difference at a glance, but what if I look close at everything?'

So still in my observation, I basically saw every single interior organ of her, only to realize there was no heart or brain.

'Again, what? No heart, no brain? That only explains a little as to why she isn't human but is at the same time. But, what's.. the rest?'

And then, I solely focused on her heart and brain area, to initially find nothing.

'No heart, no brain, that sounds like an ability of Moria. He should be able to potentially just take all organs out of a person, put a shadow in it, and it would still work, right? But why would he have a zombie here? Besides, she shows no actual.. zombie.. to her? There's too many differences between her and a zombie, like, I can tell her organs are all working, but she's just missing her heart and brain. I done know what's going on here.. still.'

And then a silvery glimmer showed up while I was watching the area of her heart and brain.

'Wait. Silver. Is it a devil fruit? It would be a logia, right? No, this would be a partial logia, it doesn't seem to even spread past the heart area and the brain. What? Still what?'

I thought for another couple seconds 'Okay, silver.. what includes silver? Iron? Is it shiny? Or is it a metal at all? It could be a Paramecia, but what would it be? A brain-brain fruit? No, then there would be two, one for the brain, and one for the heart. I don't think people would think past just the brain or the heart... Could it be.. like a.. organ-organ fruit? That could be it, but wouldn't they do more? Nah, people here don't have extensive knowledge of many subjects at the same time. Looking at her, it's kind of improbable that she's a doctor, since that could probably help, but what do I know, Kureha was 120 or something and was a doctor, still trying to be young, which was slightly weird but now I'm getting off track. What else was silver? Maybe I should start with the type. I don't think it would be a Zoan, unless it's like a mythical or.. ancient Zoan that I have no idea of. Man, Oda, why'd you have to include beings from mythology, there's like, thousands of them, I can't just pinpoint one out of all of them. Back to the topic. Um, Logia? Maybe, although i think it's a bit weird to only have those two organs made of.. slivery.. material. Man, the material it would be is killing me, stop thinking about it and put Logia as a maybe. Still don't know exactly what it would be though. Now, Paramecia? Um.. it would most likely fit in that, but what would it be? Thats seriously the only question I can ask right now.'

Then I put my hand up to my face, holding up my chin.

'Silver. What is silver? Maybe I just saw the color wrong. Could it be.. white? There are several it could be then, but, it all depends on the user, since I don't think Galdino with the Wax-Wax fruit would be able to control people using his wax, he wasn't smart enough for it. Um.. white. White, white, white. What devil fruit used white? Um...'

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

'Could it be Big Mom's Soul-Soul fruit? I mean, the color matches well, so why couldn't it be? No, it couldn't be. Linlin PULLED people's lives out of their body, not just had a small part be in a person. Besides, again, she wasn't smart in the original, so she shouldn't have changed since I haven't really done anything yet to cause her to want to become smart in the first place. Um.. could it be.. soul? It might have something to do with them, but what could it have to do? It seriously is only using the soul part, but how? It should be impossible.'

I started to sweat a little. 'Wait, am I taking everything to matter of factly? Could it really be that this world is different to the one I know? Could it be that Big Mom is controlling this person from the New World for some reason? If she is, I could be in big trouble.'

I then finally realized that she was walking towards Branson's shipyard, the one I was currently at.

'Crap. Crap, crap crap crap. Why is she heading here? Wait no, I need to worry about my observation! Quickly! Pull it back and put yourself back into your own body!'

And I ended up stopping using my observation as quickly as possible, trying to act normal as I was sweating a little when she opened the door and came in.

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