One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Against Rayleigh

The oncoming fist was covered in an aura of despair. It felt like it WAS going to hit me, but I kept calm, and continuously visualized the different positions of his arm, it felt like I was having a stroke while watching and thinking so much, but I had to continue pushing, otherwise growth would never happen.

'Hopefully this crude version of future sight will work, otherwise I got nothing else to help myself.'

The entire world felt like it was going so slow, and I could see the movements of Rayleigh, from his muscles to his own heart, I was able to focus on his movements.

And then, a short glimpse of Rayleigh hitting my left side popped into my head. My eyes widened as I tried to move out of the way. And I almost made it without a scratch. Almost, anyways. Moving my side out of the way, he grazed my left side, causing me to fly away spinning, and to fly to the same spot I had crawled out of.

But I was too focused on what I had done to notice the pain. 'I JUST USED FUTURE SIGHT! AND ONLY A COUPLE MONTHS OF EXISTING HERE AND I CAN ALREADY USE FUTURE SIGHT! THIS IS AMAZING!' I smiled while laying on the broken parts of the ship.

'Did he just try to dodge where I was aiming for? I know his growth is quick and a little about his past, but to be able to learn how to see the future in only about 3 months?'

Most of the crew didn't fully notice, but some who looked closer and knew of other ways to use Haki, saw what generally happened. They saw Buggy start to move and almost get out of the way of Rayleigh's punch, but still got hit.

I layed for a second before jumping back out of the pile of ship rubble, and then tried again, this time using Faux-Soru multiple times in quick succession to circle around Rayleigh, completely focusing on observation Haki, and watching the area I was moving around Rayleigh himself. I was solely focused on that area, and trying to activate future sight again. I kept going past him while trying to punch him at the same time, only to be deflected or hit away, but I was solely focused on hitting Rayleigh himself. I felt like I was doing what Bellamy did when making fun of Luffy in Mock Town, bouncing around him off of everything.

But that's only partially how it felt, since I was running instead and too focused on my Haki usage, I didn't feel any pain, probably because of adrenaline. I swear that in a couple seconds of time, I ran past Rayleigh about 20 or 30 times, I was too busy to count the number.

'This is using up too much of my stamina that I trained so hard to gain. I need to end this quick so I can be done by the end of today.'

I kept throwing punches when passing Rayleigh, and kept trying to visualize where he would hit me, at first it didn't look like it was working, until I saw another glimpse of what he was going to do. He was going to swing with the force of his whole body, and throw me into that wall again. And so, with a little more speed than before, I moved to dodge as well as I could.

And it worked.

With his momentum, Rayleigh had to step forward a little, missing my body by a hair. As I was going past him, I was going to have to come up with something quick to actually hit him, seeing as I missed my swing. 'What can I do in less than a millisecond to garuntee hitting Rayleigh? Could I try to twist my body around? No, I'll already be across the deck before I could move again, and he'd be ready to attack again. Could I maybe use Geppo? How do you use Geppo again? I know you basically step on the air to walk in the sky, but how do you step on air? Do you just move your leg fast enough to make the air solid and walk on that? Does that mean I can use Soru as a base to walk on air? I mean, I don't have any other choice except for trying to find another opening, but I'll be worn out before then. I need to try that right now, otherwise I won't know how to hit him, and fail at hitting him once before the day ends. I've just gotta go for it, time to grow in power!'

And I started to jump in the air as I was right next to Rayleigh. I think he was confused on what I was doing, as well as interested in what I was going to try and do.

And then with one of my legs lifted in the air, I attempted to use Soru, hitting the air three times as quickly as possible. The first hit did nothing, the second hit barely did anything at all, but on the third hit, It felt like I was stepping on a tarp over water, but it was something somewhat solid. Using it as well as I could, I pushed my lower body upwards, turning upsidedown and facing towards Rayleigh.

'I CANT BELIEVE THAT WORKED. Now to hit him! I haven't trained much with my devil fruit, have I? Now is as good a time as any to use it, he did say anything goes.'

I was still using observation Haki to my limit, and was checking every single option I thought Rayleigh could have, over and over again, I was still solely focused on the fight, so my adrenaline was high enough to not make me think about any pain at all.

I punched towards Rayleigh, using all the momentum I could, and started to twist my own body to increase any force I had. Using that force, I pushed my arm fast and faster, thinking of how Rayleigh could either attempt to block, or elbow me hard enough to be thrown into the wall.

But I was also focused on hitting his back, at the very least, so I decided to tense my muscles forcefully to make any more speed as I could. Still carefully watching Rayleigh, I watched my own arm grow ever closer to Rayleigh, and once I was about to hit, he started to move forward.

'What? He decided to dodge my attack? Seriously? I guess I really do have to use my devil fruit. He's still got his arm outstretched the same way he's moving, so he shouldn't just turn around and attack, he'd probably dodge again just to show any difference between us. I really need to make this hit land, I better be able to eject my hand fast enough to actually hit him!'

I watched in slow motion how Rayleigh was stepping away, and decided to just hit him as quickly as possible. 'He might not be expecting me to use my devil fruit, he should know about it, even if I was focused on Haki. Now, go hand, hit Rayleigh!'

And I very quickly detached my hand the exact moment my arm was outstretched. I was only a couple inches away from hitting him, and I imagined my hand being launched like a cannon towards him. I swear I was watching everything in slow motion, as very slowly, my detached hand started to speed up towards Rayleigh's back while he was still stepping forward. I could see his face slightly turned towards me, and his peircing gaze looked directly at my face, as if he knew everything. But I was too close to stop, so I forced my own hand to move even faster, which slightly surprised Rayleigh.

And then, without hesitation, I muttered just loudly enough for everyone around to hear "Chop-Chop: Hand Cannon."

And my hand, at a super quick speed, hit Rayleigh square in the back.

I had finally hit Rayleigh.

After three months of training, I had finally landed a hit on him.

I finally felt the world speed up, and I then landed hard on the ground, and my hand recoiled back to my body.

And then, the adrenaline subsided, and I felt the full pain of everything that had happened. I was too tired to actually yell out or anything from the pain, so I just decided to let the tired take over, and I fell unconscious.

I felt Buggy land a punch on my back, and it was as if he forgot completely about his devil fruit ability to split apart. It did surprise me a little, since I thought that he was just focusing on haki rather than anything else, but I guess my assumption was wrong.

He did hit me, meaning he was finally done with Observation training. When he wakes up, I should start his Armament training. With that quick growth, it should be easy for him.

I noticed that everyone around us was shocked when he landed a hit on me, most became sad, and one became ecstatic. The one who was most happy was Captain, who was watching in secret, and had bet on Buggy landing a hit on me. He wasn't discouraged from betting on Buggy, and was laughing extremely hard for winning everything he had bet before.

"HAHAHAHAH! All of you bet wrong! I knew Buggy would do it! HAHAHAH!"

All the rest of the crew could yell back was "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO LOST THE BET FOR MONTHS IN A ROW!" All of them had anger painted over their faces.

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