One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Armament Awakening

I somehow ended up outside. I tried to go to sleep and ignore Rayleigh for the day, but I think he decided it was easier to carry me out to train, because I somehow was sitting down again, like when I first used Observation Haki. I was still bandaged, but I very much was being forced or something, I dunno, I wasn't busy thinking, I was busy trying to relax so much I couldn't even tell I was moved.

"Are you going to do anything Buggy?"

'Of course not! I set my mind of relaxing and doing nothing today, so no!' I decided to answer with silence.

For a few moments, I didn't hear a single thing except for the waves, but that beautiful semi-silence was broken by Rayleigh speaking again. "If you aren't going to do anything, I can hit you with a stick until you awaken Armament."

'Okay, that's just a blatant threat. He seriously just wants me to try and awaken it is fast as observation! Why? Is it that interesting? Or is he trying to find out how to awaken it fast?'

And then my observation went off ringing an alarm in my head to put it simply. Why? Well, while training my Observation, I decided to see if I could use it subconsciously, and it just simply worked, no idea how, but now it's on constant surveillance of my surroundings and basically yells at me about any incoming thing. And it was seriously loud, which I think I set as extremely dangerous. 'Wait, is Rayleigh really going to hit me with a stick until I awaken Armament? I don't want to be more hurt than yesterday, so I gotta say something quickly.'

I started to feel air bring pushed down over my shoulder, but the actual object hadn't even started to come close to hitting me, that's just how much force he was putting behind this swing.

"WAIT, RAYLEIGH! I'LL DO IT JUST DONT HIT ME WITH THAT THING!" And I started sweating bullets, hoping he would stop.

And with my eyes closed, I felt the air blow downwards on my shoulder, and I opened my eyes quickly to see the dust kicking up from the ground just due to the air moving. I was still sweating when I turned my head to look at Rayleigh, only to be met with the stick he was holding right next to my head, hovering above my shoulder.

'HE REALLY MEANT A STICK.' Then I looked upwards and found Rayleigh towering over me, and heard him say "You will?"

"YES. Only if you don't train me to use it the rest of the day. And ONLY if."

He thought for a second and agreed. "Okay, now do you need the explanation for Armament or can you do it yourself?"

"Considering I'm not high energy right now, and my memory also sucks especially right now, yes, please explain it."

He moved the stick in his hand and put it over his shoulder, and then walked in front of me to start explaining: "Armament Haki is an ability that allows you to manifest your spirit into the world. You can use it offensively or defensively, especially against a logia Devil Fruit user. You essentially turn your spirit into a sort of invisible armor of sorts, and then from there, you can grow it to the point of hardening your body, creating a stronger armor that basic Armament. Is that enough for you to try and awaken it?"

I sat for a second. "Yeah, it should be, I'm still not entirely in the zone, so don't expect the quickest of results."

I closed my eyes and started to think. 'Now, how do I make my spirit turn into an armor? That's easier to come up with since I can just condense my own spirit down around my body to have the armor. But what is the spirit? I don't have any preconceptions of what a spirit is. Is it the soul? If it is that would be easier, but I don't even know where the soul would be. Maybe Observation could help. I never actually looked at my own body with observation, so it might work thanks to it being able to sense the presence of people, which could be their soul, sorry, spirit, right?'

I started to use my observation and concentrated simply on my own body, trying to find a signature that would tell me where my spirit was. For a couple minutes, I didn't find anything, and just about gave up on that before I had a thought. 'What if my spirit isn't just a tiny thing in my body, but it takes up the same space as my own body? Didn't Charlotte Linlin essentially take souls? If they're the same thing, I remember watching her take someone's spirit from their whole body as it stretched out of their body, so it should be like that right?'

I expanded my observation to slightly outside of my body, and I found something. It was exactly as I thought. 'GREAT! MY THEORY WAS TRUE! Assumptions are great! Wait, no they aren't, not all the time anyways. But now I gotta flow it out and around my body. What is the best place to do that? From my hands? Or do I just expand it outside of my own body to make it work? It should be easy to visualize, especially just going straight to Hardening, but I should start with the basics and work up from there. But, back to what I was doing.'

I decided to visualize the flow of my spirit outside of my body, and the best way was to just imagine water flowing in canals, with the resivoir being my own body and the canals being right outside my own body. I was watching my spirit using Observation just to see what happened with my method, and I felt my spirit, even though I didn't know what it felt like, moving from inside my body to outside my body, and since Rayleigh was watching, I might as well strengthen it the best I can. So I imagined my spirit turn into basically snow to go along with the water visualization, to make it slightly simpler. And of course, I decided to use a lot of my spirit and pack the visualized snow spirit pack down, becoming more dense, and my spirit did exactly that.

So I pushed most of my spirit out of my body into one place, and condensed it down until I swear it started to feel like a solid object. And then, with my observation still working, I opened my eyes to see... nothing. Absolutely nothing. 'Wasn't I supposed to see something? I can still sense it happening, so it does exist, but why can't I- Oh yeah, it's supposed to be invisible. I'm really not in this today.'

And when I was about to say something to Rayleigh, I looked up at his face, only to notice a very shocked look.

'Was he that shocked about this? Or is it about how quickly I did it? It felt like maybe a minute, not horribly long, but it couldn't have been that quick, right?'

I almost said something before being interrupted by him saying "Buggy! HOW'D YOU DO THAT!?" As he grabbed on to my shoulders, dropping the stick he had to the ground, crouching down to my level while I was still sitting, and then not caring at all if he hurt me.

"What do you mean? I just imagined what I thought Armament was like, and then visualized it happening, so it happened. I did basically the same thing as before with Observation."

"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" And he started shaking me back and forth. "I MEANT WHAT DID YOU DO I MAKE IT THAT STRONG?"

'I didn't intend to make it strong, only really intended to awaken it, but is it strong?' I lifted the hand covered in my condensed Armament, and slammed it into the floor, and to my surprise, I caused the entire ship to shake, and the floor to break where I hit it.

'Theres no was I just did that. Right? It has to be a fluke. I couldn't be this overpowered already, right? I still haven't even worked on my devil fruit and I can already destroy ships with like one punch? No way.'

And then my body felt tired. 'Wait, I remember this, it's when you use your spirit enough that it causes you yourself to get tired, Luffy did it on Dressrosa. But it was just one hit, right? Oh, using most of my spirit at one time would make sense, condensing it down and using it all at once probably isn't a good idea.'

I was still conscious, but very much drained. Rayleigh let go of my shoulders and I fell back on to the deck.

"You just shook the whole boat with a single hit. Everyone started to freak out but while you were daydreaming, I calmed everyone down. Now, since you awoke Armament, I won't train you today, but starting tomorrow, don't expect me to go easy." And the evil smirk I wasn't so afraid of anymore appeared on his face. And he walked away, with me still on the ground.

The only thing that I got out of that entire thing was that my shoulders felt a little sore.

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