One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Deal For The Shipyard Part 4

All Branson did in response to Rosalina was grunt.

"You very much may think that it is impossible to do so, and I can see where you are coming from, but let me tell you something, Branson. I once thought that some things were impossible. My family? I never thought that it would be a possibility to get them to leave our home, but I had done it. Regarding Buggy? He has done some things that even I regarded as something entire out of the realm of thought. So please, give me your thoughts on how you consider this to be a horrid idea."

He took a sip of his drink again before setting it down on the desk, and then lifting up his sunglasses. He then looked at me.

"Hmm. I took your suggestion, Buggy, and it was very helpful to do." He sighed before continuing. "I wasn' in tha right mind when ya sprung that up on me. Not havin slept fer a couple ah weeks was too much, an I freaked out on ya. Sorry bout that."

I nodded back, just saying "Thanks for that? It was just a bit odd for such an outburst from you, but the sleep explained it, so don't you worry about it."

He nodded back at me, then continued to speak.

"I do agree with sum things ah had said before though. Mainly jus that I don't want ta go to the Grand Line personally. If ya want ta go and grow tha business out there.. then fine. But I'm not gonna come with."

"That is perfectly fine. As we have said before though, you do not have to leave this Island if you do not want to. It was his ORIGINAL plan, but he has adapted it."

"Hmm? Why don't I remember such ah thing?"

"... Probably because you were on no sleep."

He looked at me, then a spoke "..... Anyway.. what was this new plan? Since Rosa can vouch for this one, what is it?"

"This new plan of mine? Well, to put it simply.. just open a second Shipyard to go to the Grand Line. Although it's a bit more complicated than that, only slightly though. You still keep this Shipyard open as the..... Flagship store, the main one where all others branch from. And then, well, just opening one in the Grand Line will bring even more customers, not only to here, but to every other shop open. And while there may be some doubt that it would work, think about this: pirates need ships to sail. There may be a great chance that they try to run away with a ship once it's done without paying, but here's something else. If Rosa takes complete control of this Black Blood group, then brings them to the Grand Line with her....."

I could see the cogs turn in his head, figuring out what I was putting down.

".... A second Shipyard is what ya need fer this, ya said? So if she goes to the Grand Line with that Shipyard AND those bounty hunters, she can take tha pirates down if they don pay."


He leaned farther back in the chair, and was surprised about my simple train of thought, just expand the business however possible, and use all resources possible.

"Ya thoughts are simple, yet yer intention is not. Ya said YOU wanted ta become a pirate?"

"Yes. I think I said I wanted to become a pirate, but not just some stereotypical one, one that only kills other pirates, and maybe take money sometimes."

".... Hmm." Sighing, he continued: "Well, seein how ya were before, and while you do be doin things weird.... I guess I can trust ya."

"Okay the-"

Branson grimaced. "BUT! If I hear ya have done somethin that I consider MORE 'pirate' than whatcha say, consider MY Shipyard no longer a part ah tha deal!"

He leaned foward with his arm outstretched towards me, smiling with his hand open, ready for a handshake. I grabbed his hand, and had a small smile plastered over my face.

'Oh sure, another thing for me to do. First to become the best Buggy I can, and now to do it without becoming like any average pirate? Great.'

"Oh-o-okay then, Branson. I can make sure to not do that. If I do, you can disregard any connection to me. Well, if you so chose to just completely ignore me, that works too."

He raised an eyebrow, and then asked "Ya shure ya won't wanna get revenge or anythin if I do so? You are becomin a pirate, for whatever reason."

"I never actually intended to do anything to you if you declined, and I wouldn't want revenge, it's not like I can't change the plan, I already have been able, and forced to do so with... like.. all my plans."

"Heh. Buggy, never change. Now.." He picked up his drink again, looked at Rosalina and I, then lifted his drink, saying "To capitalizing yer ideas, Buggy!"

And then, instead of taking a sip of his drink the time, he chugged the rest down. Me and Rosalina didn't have drinks, or cups, or really anything, so we just watched as Branson smugly slammed his cup down on the table.

"Well, I hope you can bring them to life then! Rosa!" I turned fast enough that I could have gotten whiplash. "Stop what your working on, and let's, the three of us, make this contract, one that will never be made public!"

For the next hour or so, we worked on the contract, and the basics of the contract were as follows:

- Branson Forwilth and Rosalina Thallise will be the ones that the public sees.

- Buggy D. Clown will be the owner of the Shipyard.

- The ideas that the actual owner comes up with will be implemented no matter how it gets done.

- Branson Forwilth will be the sole proprietor of the flagship store on Logue Town, and if he deems the new owner as in the wrong, he has the ability to cut off all connection between the flagship and the one owned by Rosalina Thallise.

- Rosalina Thallise will be the public owner of the Grand Line branch of the Forwilth Shipyard, as the private owner is Buggy.

- Alongside the ownership of the Grand Line branch of the Forwilth Shipyard, Rosalina will also publicly become the leader of a group of bounty hunters known as 'Black Blood Works', with Buggy as the private owner.

Basically, I would own everything in secret, except for the original shipyard, which Branson could chose to cut ties with me, and therefore, the original shipyard.

And so, finally, Phase 2 had come to a close.

I had decided that the same day we had created this new contract, of which I kept locked inside the vault, would have the rest of the time be for lesiure.

So, I decided to walk around, very few people still pointing at me and saying "Hey, isn't that the Joker?" Or something along those lines. No one was with me, it was just me, wandering around town aimlessly, no point in doing so other than to satisfy boredom. And then, I happened upon a store.

The Logue Town Arms Shop.

Where I got Surya what felt like years ago, even if it was only one year, aproximately.

I didn't keep much track of time, but I had no doubt it had been forever. So, I just wanted to check on the place and see if anything new was there or not. When I walked in, I was met with an empty store covered in a massive number of weapons, ranging from swords, spears, knives, even guns. It didn't look like much had changed, except for the stock of everything.

I looked over at the old man with his still shifty eyes and wafty hair in weird places on his head. He was reading a newspaper, and I gained a slight sense of deja Vu.

'This has happened before, is everything gonna play out the same? Did he forget me?'

The newspaper moved from in front of his face down onto the counter, and when he saw me, he flipped.


"I'm just here to take a-"


I had leaned a little back, simply because he was leaning forward while yelling at me.

"Uhm.... I was just wanting to look. I don't have anything else to do, so I wanted to see your inventory is all."

I smiled awkwardly at his exhasperated reaction.

"HMMMM... Ahem.. sorry. I just don't need YOU taking another weapon. The last time when you left with... THAT.." he pointed at Surya on my hip. "People kept asking for free weapons, I had to fight some guys to make sure that I didn't lose anything. Harder than you'd think. Now, take a quick look, and then leave! I don't need anything else from you!"

Author's Note: Sorry about the recent inconsistent chapter releases, I had trouble with this short little section of it, and I had a bunch of planning for the future of the story, so thank you all for keeping up with the story, and I hope you all continue on this, what I hope to be, really long journey.

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