One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Final Touches

We broke the hideout.

It was the only way.

There was no other way it could have been done.

Not one.

Not taking things out so we could bring the bags out without issue and then putting stuff back in them, doing some packing outside. Nope.

The first idea that we had was to break the hideout and go up a ramp that Taki would make by controlling a moon to roll through it.

Was Taki reluctant?


Did we do it?

Also yes.

Did we realize it could have been easier with my suggestion a couple sentences ago?


Did we do anything about it afterwards?


We just left.

"How about we just.. don't talk about that? Okay?" I was smiling and regretting the decision all together, with some of that regret showing.

And as we walked to the beach with giant bags of stuff, I had one thought: 'I never checked out that room off the main hideout.'

We got to the beach, seeing a ship on it, along with some people camping around.

These people were the ones I saved as 'Lucifer'', and the ship is one extra one I happened to find randomly. 'It seemed that whoever owned that ship didn't care for it. It was just empty, and no one claimed it. So I just took it as a way to save money. I couldn't just rent rooms at hotels forever, and these people need someplace to stay. So thanks to whoever left this ship, it's being used well.'

Everyone greeted me, saying 'Hi Lucifer!' and 'Luci! Hi!'

All I could do was put up a smiling face and say "Hi everyone. Can you all call me Buggy? 'Lucifer' is a nickname for a.. persona of mine, and I'm just Buggy. Also, quick announcement, I'm going to be leaving the island for.. I don't know how long, but I want to tell all of you to maybe find a job here. I suggest trying Forwilth Shipyard, I don't know what you all will be able to do, but ask for Branson and you'll be able to make a living. You can all keep this ship here, just live a life you would want to live. Just a bit of motivation from nowhere to do something other than sit around. I won't exactly be able to help you all, so don't just count on me to save you from whatever. That's all I have to say before I leave. Have fun with your life, and goodbye until we meet again."

And I just walked past the twenty or so people to go and sit on the beach with my bag and Mariga's, because Mariga couldn't lift the surprisingly heavy bag of food and clothes.

While sitting on the beach, someone came up to me while I was watching the ocean.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Buggy?"

While saying "Yes?" I turned my head to find.. 

A person. Another young girl, who was definitely older than Taki, but still. Another one.

"So, whatcha want from me? I would make an assumption, but it may be wrong."

She fidgeted with her fingers a little. "Would I be able to come along.. with you? I don't have anything to do, especially with.. my.."

I looked at her, understanding what she was gonna say. And then shook my head.

"Nuh-uh. I understand, you don't have to say a word more. But, did you hear my short speech? I'm just gonna guess here, but what YOU want to do is come with me, am I wrong?"

She nodded her head slightly.

"Now, I want to say no.."

She grew dejected, lowering her head down.

"..but, I don't really want to be mean and just say 'No you can't, go away'. So.. *audible inhale and sigh* what can you do?"

She was about to say something, but I cut her off for a second.

"Sorry, um, let me elaborate. I already take care of two other people than myself. Now, while Taki can take care of herself.." I pointed at her, as she was sitting with a cloak over her. "..she still needs some help sometimes. But Mari.." I then moved my hand and pointed towards her. "..needs me to basically take care of her since she's so young, and well, attached to me. I currently take care of three people, Me, Mari, and Taki. And I don't want the stress of taking care of a fourth person. Now, what would make it worthwhile for me to even THINK of taking care of four people?"

She was very visibly taken aback by my question, and then her whole demeanor turned to nervousness.

I sensed it and decided to come up with something on the spot.

"Well, *sigh* to make it easier, what can you do? Can you.. cook? Can you.. clean? Can you.." I snapped my fingers while thinking. "Ah, can you help steer a ship? Or maybe.. do you have ANY experience with sailing ships?"

I sat there waiting for her to say something, but an idea popped into my head. My eyes widened a little, and I then asked "What do you think about taking care of Mari? Or helping take care of her and Taki? You seem to be older than both of them, closer to me in age. What would you think of that?"

She hadn't spoken in a couple minutes while I asked questions, and when I finally finished asking, she realized what I asked.

"So.. if I help take care of both Taki and Mari.. I can come with you?"

I leaned my head on the backpack behind me.

"Obviously you can't JUST do that, you'll probably have to help with a couple other things too, but basically.. yeah. That's what you'll have to do. Well, besides NOT having me take care of you. Other than that, you can join me."

"Can I join you on your journey then?" She smiled while saying that.

I then said "Yes." And she went to sit down next to Taki and Mariga, and I realized what I did.

Facepalming, I thought 'How in the world did I happen to have another person join me? I even was the one who convinced myself to let her join. I must have something subconsciously letting me do this, but I can't just go back on that now.'

And at that moment, I realized that Taki was punching my arm, and I knew she was asking "Who's that?" And I then said "Oh, that's.."

As if she knew what I was going to say, the girl I didn't ask the name of, stood up, and introduced herself proudly, stating "I am Alice! And I-"

Cutting her off, I continued "That's Alice. She's gonna be joining us on our journey, helping ALL of us out in one way or another. So, get to know her, I'll just be sitting over her contemplating."

I just leaned my head back and went into 'Chillax Mode', barely thinking about anything, and just staring at the sky that was slowly getting a little darker.

'Hmm. Another person on my journey. Wonder what's next.'

It didn't take very long for a ship to come into view from the beach. And with a quick glance using observation, I found Rosalina piloting the ship.

I was a little relieved, but it wouldn't have been an issue if it was a pirate ship, since I could take care of it pretty quickly.

Once the ship stopped the anchor was dropped, and Rosalina came to the side of the ship closest to the beach and yelled to me "Where did you get that ship from!"

I was slightly confused until she yelled again.

"I swear that I had that ship from a group of pirates and it disappeared on me! Why is it here, and why do you have it!?" I could hear the animosity in her voice.

All I could think of, while chilling out, was to yell back "Ya know, how about ya help move stuff onto the ship and I'll answer while you're down here?"

She scowled a little and agreed, and used what was basically steps on a long plank to get to the beach itself from where she was. She then immediately came up to me, stood in front of me, and said "So, would you like to explain why one of MY ships from MY bounty hunting, is here on this beach?" She tried to say it calmly but failed a lot at it.

Since I was still laying on the ground against a bag full of clothes, suitcases, and blankets, I looked up at her and said "Well, that ship there was just sitting in the dock. No one claimed it, and my mind went to using it as a place for those people behind me to stay. Since I.. didn't exactly want to pay for a hotel room for each of them for.. ever, they now use it as their home. Don't ask who they are, or why, because it's an act of goodwill from me to them."

All Rosalina could do was scoff a little, cross her arms, and then turn her head. I noticed her gaze sweep over Taki, Mariga, and Alice before she asked "Who are these children?"

I then realized a mistake I made.

"Uh.. mmm. These are Taki, Mari, and Alice. Some companions of mine that I forgot to ask if they could come along. I would say I can't bring them, but that's not possible at this point. So.. can they come along?"

Rosalina, with an arm still crossed, facepalmed, and then sighed.

"You are a ridiculous person, Buggy. It's too bad you're a part of the business, and someone with interesting ideas, otherwise I would actually say no."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, really. Thank you for just going on a whim of mine. Now, how about we go and fund the future?"

Rosalina also smiled, before exhaling and smiling back. "I'm guessing you still want to move the Shipyard to the Grand Line?"

"Yep." I stood up.

"*Sigh* Fine, I guess we'll be funding expansion. Let's go, that money won't wait for anybody." Rosalina smirked and walked up the ship, while I was doing that, watching Taki, Mariga, and Alice go up to the ship, I thought 'Huh. That was a lot of setup on one island. But it will be worth it to have money when we need it. Watch out world~, your gonna be flipped every which way when I'm done.' I smirked and dragged some heavy bags onto the ship.

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