One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Ideas, Deals, & Time Part 3

Branson was shocked, with his mouth wide while looking at me, and there was silence for a minute before he started to sweat.

"Th-that's a funny joke! Ra! Harhar! Just like the first time.. right?"

I just stared at him with as serious a look as I could, while still smirking.

"I wasn't joking the first time. I did make it out to be a little bit like a joke, I re-thought over all I said, and this time, I'm one hundred percent serious. I'd like to become a co-owner of the Forwilth Shipyard."

He stared at me, I think he tried to look into my soul or something for any ulterior motives, which I had, but not anything evil, I don't think. He just stared at me like that for what felt like eternity.

'Okay, can he stop, I'm seriously starting to feel uncomfortable here.'

"Um.. Buggy, that would require Rosalina to be here. I can't just make that decision here. Ya have a.. good idea there, but ya know I can't jus leave out a co-owner of this establishment. She's gotta be here to give her part, otherwise, if I do it, she ain't gonna be happy."

'Oh, that makes sense. I mean, it's like an investment or something. I make even more money for the company, and then basically buy the company and own it, then just have passive income at that point. Still gotta obviously do something, hopefully bringing the company to the Grand Line and expanding from there will be enough. Treasure hunting? Here I will soon come. Ooh, maybe I can have this shipyard as a part of "The One" as well.'

And a knock was heard at the door behind me.

I think Branson was ready for me to not continue with what I was saying before, because he very quickly said "Come in!" to the person behind the door.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Forwilth."

"It's fine Daven, you can come in."

I looked at the door and saw one of the workers peeking through a crack in the door, and opening it fully to come in.

"So what is it, Daven?"

"Boss Rosalina is here."

After hearing that, I turned to Branson and said "Perfect timing Branson. Guess we can ask her now." And I smirked evilly. 'Oh thank Director, I didn't really want to wait, but if I needed to I would have. Thank Director for perfect timing!'

Branson started sweating more. "Um, Daven, can you tell her to come back later? I have some important business to attend-"

He was cut off by someone else coming in the room.

"Branson, what is this very important business you have to attend to? Does it perhaps concern me in any way?"

I turned to see Rosalina standing behind the now known Daven, with a smiling but not smiling face. She emitted an aura of slight anger, I guess she was mad about it possibly concerning her.

I did see Daven sweating as if he was just caught in the middle of something, well, he technically was though.

"Well, Rosalina, I brought a proper proposal this time, you know, not just an idea. But when I proposed it to Branson here, he said he'd have to have you here as well so the two owners can come to a.. an arrangement."

I felt the air around her dissipate, and she spoke "Daven, you may leave."

Daven ran out of the room, and after Rosalina walked in, he closed the door, leaving the three of us in the room.

Rosalina walked over and sat in one of the chairs across from Branson. "So, what is this proposal you have brought for conversation over, Buggy?" She sat with her legs crossed, an arm rested over her legs, her elbow on the arm rest, with her hand under her chin, and looked at me.

I think my face was about to break from just how big my smirk got. "Well, Rosalina, I have proposed to become a third co-owner of this company, bringing in more stock to sell, and then make this business way bigger than you could have imagined."

'Maybe it could be bigger than Water 7. Wait, maybe absorb Water 7 and become a bigger company than ever! Stop! Stop going crazy with ideas for a moment, and get back on track. You can think about that later.'

Rosalina was surprised by hearing my proposal for the first time. It wasn't as intense a reaction as Branson, but it was a reaction nonetheless.

She put her fist up to her mouth for a second.

"Ahem.. sorry about that. I did think over the idea from before, and after hearing about you more, I had thought about needing to give you a trial run to even become a part of the company, but I am guessing it is no longer needed, am I right, Branson?"

Me and Rosalina both turned towards Branson, directly putting him on the spot. He had stopped sweating after Rosalina dissipated her aura of anger, but now he was back to sweating simply because he was fully put on the spot.

"Um.. uh.. har.. *ahem* yeah. Um, now that I think about it, he wouldn't need a trial, cause he already proved himself with today. Isn't that right, Buggy?"

Branson and Rosalina then looked at me.

'Hmm great trick there Branson, but I feel invincible right now, with no feeling of anxiety anywhere, so you can't just make me nervous right now.'

"Yeah, that IS right Branson, over the course of the last month, I've done a lot. And as proof, I've gotten the bounties of at least 22-ish people." I turned to Rosalina. "And on top of that, I've been able to take 17 total ships, which I brought Branson to see earlier today! And that was all within the span of a month. I personally wouldn't go with a trial period, or you could consider what I just did as a trial period, but that is up to both of you. Seeing as I'm not currently a part of this business, anyways."

I leaned back in my chair, smiling this time. 'Man, this phase is going well already. Just need to give it time.'

I noticed them looking at each other, and then they both nodded.

Rosalina spoke first "While you have proven yourself to be a possible business partner, we would like to talk it over between ourselves on wether or not we would actually have you join as a co-owner."

And Branson spoke next, saying "It'll be tough to come ta a decision, but why don't ya come back in two days to find out our final decision?"

'Thats some great communication skill. Seriously, being able to understand what the other is thinking by nodding? That's crazy. But if this goes through, then I have a little bit of work to do before having some passive income to fund myself. And then.. oh wait. I'll be able to use that opportunity to watch Rosalina and see if it really is Big Mom controlling a body in the East Blue for some reason. Besides, while watching, I can still make money, especially as one of the owners.'

"That sounds good to me. I guess now if that's all, I'll take my leave." I was about to get up when I remembered the eight total suitcases of money sitting in front of me. 'How do I bring that many cases with me at the same time?'

I sat back down for a second, staring at the cases.

"Do you need help with that?" Branson asked "If you do, I can have someone help bring them to your home."

It was my turn to actually turn nervous. 'Um, there is no way anyone is helping me only to find out about the hideout. And even if the person is sworn to secrecy, there will not be an actual way to make sure they don't say a thing, and while silencing them would be an option, I can't just kill a worker of the place I'm trying to turn into mine. What a freaking mess already.'

"Um.. nah, I can do it." I said as I started to grab four cases with one hand, and then the other. The cases themselves thanks to the widths spread out like a fan, making it even more awkward to hold.

Rosalina asked "Are you positive that you do not need any help with carrying those cases? I can help if you need-" she reached out to grab a case, I assumed to be helpful, but I stopped her by moving back a little.

"Nope, I'm seriously fine with carrying all of these. No help needed." And holding out my arms, I started to walk towards the door.

And then I realized something. "On second thought, would one of you want to open the door? I would appreciate it." I turned my head towards them and smiled while sweat dropping.

Both were confused a little, but Rosalina got up and opened the office door.

"Thank you. Um, see both of you in like two days, yeah?"

"Yes, two days will be enough time to consider everything. Have a good rest of your evening, Buggy."

"You too. Branson, have a good rest of your day."

And Rosalina just closed the door, with me on the landing next to a staircase near the high ceiling.

Still holding the suitcases as awkwardly as I could, I made sure no one was watching before Geppo-ing and Soru-ing out of the giant opening at the back of the workshop, since it was the best idea I could come up with on semi-short notice.

'Im not gonna carry 72 million berri outside like an idiot! If I do anything, it's gonna be in secret! Not for the world to know, especially if it has to do with money!'

As soon as I exited the building, I noticed the time. It was starting to get dark. 'I should get back quickly to the Hideout to put this money in the pile.'

And then I looked at the moon, and my eyes widened. 'I do need to get back faster. Taki'll kill me if I don't at least say hi before she goes into Sulong form. I guess that did take longer than expected, I hope it's fine.'

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