One Piece: Overlord Buggy


That news shocked the world, and when I read it after finishing my workout, it put a giant smile on my face. 'Captain finally became the King of the Pirates. Man, Big News Morgan works quick. I should probably figure out a way to hide from his eyes, it would be better to come out as a pirate without him knowing anything, just so I can stay under the radar.'

And I started to wander around the deck while staring blankly at the newspaper. 'Speaking of staying under the radar, I should probably learn armament and observation right now, so I can master it over time. And the things to do are gonna continue to stack up when I finally decide to train with a sword. I gotta have another weapon besides a sword, a spear would probably work, but a halberd would be better. Though, I should start with Haki, it'll make me a bit overpowered in any of the Four Blues and most of Paradise, meaning I could then focus on my One Punch training, and work on Haki while fighting. Maybe I should ask Rayleigh for help.'

And as soon as I looked up from the paper, I realized Rayleigh himself was a couple feet in front of me.

"Ah! Rayleigh, I was just about to look for you. I need some help with something."

I looked at Rayleigh, and he answered "I was looking for you too, Buggy! Me and Captain Roger were wanting to talk to you about something."

"Okay, lead the way then."

And I followed Rayleigh to the captains quarters, where Rayleigh opened the door into a dark room, I followed him in, and when I was in the room, the door closed behind me.

"OH MY GOSH." I said as I jumped.

I tried looking around the room, but due to there being no windows, it was impossible. And then, I heard a noise, with a lantern turning on afterwards, near a face. Captain Roger's face. And him sitting on the floor didn't exactly make me feel any better.

All I could say was "This is kinda creepy, what did you want to talk about?" 'Did I do something wrong on the ship? What did I do?'

Captain set down the lantern in front of him, and said "Come, sit down, I got some things to talk about."

'WAIT. Could they know about my secret?'

"I've got a question for you."

'Frick. FRICK FRICK FRICK. How'd they find out? Did I do something to give it away?' I nervously asked with some sweat starting to form: "Yeah? What did you wanna ask?"

Captain's face changed to a serious expression. "What did you do with Buggy?"


"What are you talking about? I'm right here."

I then felt something next to my neck that appeared in my peripheral vision, and turned my head to see a sword over my shoulder and surprisingly close to my neck. The only other person in the room, was Rayleigh, which is how I figured out it was a sword way quicker.

Rayleigh's disembodied voice in the darkness, making it creepier, said "You aren't Buggy. Captain Roger here first told me about it, and  got confirmation from Oden to know you aren't Buggy."


I tensed my body crazily, becoming a statue with a really high blood pressure. "H-h-how'd you f-figure that out?" I asked.

"If you must know, not Buggy, then I will tell you. When I first saw you on Lodestar, I knew something was off after you knew the name Laugh Tale and about the One Piece, because it could never be a coincidence. The second thing that gave you away, was all of the things you came up with, most of those things do not exist or won't ever exist in this current time. But you came up with them like nothing." He crossed his arms. "The third thing was a not so obvious thing, but I asked Rayleigh to check out your room, because I only needed confirmation that I was going a little crazy, but Rayleigh found that notebook and Devil Fruit Encyclopedia tied together in your room, and he looked in it a little, only to find some of the most suspicious things ever: names of people on devil fruit pages, along with lists of other devil fruits Buggy would have never known or thought about before. But the final thing, you've been questioning what me and Oden have in common, right?"


" The thing that me and Oden have in common, is the 'Voice of All Things'."

I swear that I tensed so much I stopped breathing for a second when hearing that. 'FRICK! HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THAT! I SHOULD'VE REALIZED IT AFTER KNOWING ONLY ODEN AND CAPTAIN HAVE IT ON THIS CREW!' And I felt tears welling up. I was crying.

I don't think Captain or Rayleigh we're expecting it, because Captain's face showed some shock.

"I didn't want anyone to find out about it. I thought you didn't know any part of it, and I was hoping you were oblivious to it. But I guess t-that I can't fool the strongest man in the world."

I layed down and immediately continued talking. "I don't know if Buggy is fully dead or not, b-but I couldn't tell you anyways, since I took over his body. I was forcibly put in this body though, as I didn't have a choice. I actually, myself, died, and was then put in this body, which is why this body stopped being sick, because someone new was in it. I don't think all of Buggy is gone though, since I've noticed my own personality change a little, so me and Buggy might be slowly becoming one personality. I still don't have concrete evidence, so it's just what I think." And I cried a little on the floor. "I just... Didn't want to die a second time... So I tried to become Buggy the best I could, and failed. I was... Kinda hoping to live longer than a month though."

The room was silent for a couple minutes while Roger and Rayleigh thought on what I said, and I just simply cried, and slowly calmed down, only a little though.

I looked at Roger, and all I could see was him nodding slightly. I then closed my eyes. 'So, this is how I die. Only a month-ish after being brought to this world. I'm sorry, Director, that I couldn't do more, you gave me a second chance and I couldn't do much with it. I hope you'll forgive me.'

And then I heard a sword going into it's sheath.

"What?" Is the only thing I could say at that moment. I opened my eyes to find Roger smiling at me a little. 

"Well, I didn't know all of that. Guess you'll have to take over buggy's name then, right Rayleigh?"

I turned my head to see Rayleigh nodding his head.

"All I wanted was to make sure that you weren't going to be evil, and thanks to the 'Voice of All Things', I could tell you were being genuine during that speech. I didn't want to find out you were breaking apart the crew or something."

"Oh-h. Oh-kay. But aren't you disbanding the crew due to your sickness?"

I saw Captain tense at that. "Yes, I will be. How'd you know about that though?"

'Im just gonna come clean, I mean, he trusts me now, right? I don't know how he'll take me being from another world though, so I might keep that secret, unless he calls me out on it.' I then wiped tears off my face. "Well, to put it bluntly, I have knowledge about a lot, mostly events or secrets of the world that I learned about before I last died. I know of tragedies, I know of your sickness, I know of future events."

"Like that little shark Fishman girl."

"Yes, only kind of though. While Sharley only knows about future events and sees them through a ball, I've seen whole events and not just vague prophecies or small visions. In fact, I've seen the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, your death, the reasons why you die, and-. Wait, Rayleigh, can you leave, this is something I think only captain should hear."

He just turned and left the room, letting some sunlight in for only a second before closing the door.

"Well, Captain, I've also seen your child, especially his life, before."

"You know about my child?"

'He was more surprised about me knowing about his child than his own life. Guess he accepted his death a while ago.' I coughed a little. "Yes, I know the island and the mother as well. Portgas D. Rouge on Batarilla island."

He was shocked, to say the very least. And I was about to say something until I heard him say "Huh, you really are telling the truth. Guess I'm gonna have to trust you now." And he smiled.


"Yeah, I'm gonna have to trust you with a task. I want you to become the best Buggy you can. Since you tried to be him to keep him alive, I'm gonna trust you with becoming the best version of him you can. You think you can do that for me? As a last wish?"

I was the one to be shocked now. And when I stopped being shocked, all I could answer was with a smile on my face, saying "Of course, since it's your last wish, I guess I have no choice but to do it." I smiled with slightly teary eyes.

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