One Piece: Overlord Buggy

We All Got Problems

'This is just great. Juuuuuuust great. Not only do I have issues myself, yes, I'm talking to you Lucifer.. I have stuff to deal with just by leaving, I have to make two ships BASICALLY FROM SCRATCH, I have the problems WITH SENCO, PROBLEMS WITH REM, although less "problems" and more "trauma", I now have to deal with ANOTHER PERSONALITY THAT ISN'T EVEN MINE.'

I groaned, followed by a sigh, and fell backwards onto a recently propped back up couch. I looked up at the wooden ceiling and continued my thoughts.

'Why are problems and issues and all that piling up now? Like, immediately after I start my Grand Line journey? Is this like.. a continuation of karma for not having any bad weather or something for a couple weeks? If it is, SCREW WHOEVER DID THAT!'

I exhaled once more, then looking down from the ceiling to across from me, and noticed Rem trying to flip the other couch, and split my hand to grab the other side. And just like that, the entire living room area was fixed, and I ended up sitting there, grabbing the unconscious Taki and putting her in the matching chair. Rem sat opposite me on the other couch, and looked at me, directly, unsure of how to feel.

"What did you do to her?"

"I just made her go unconscious. One of the abilities I have."


"Don't worry. It was necessary..."

"I-I know it was.. it's just..."

I took one look to realize she was nervous about what that could entail.

"Rem.. don't worry about it. I don't have enough control over the ability to do anything else.. besides, why would I need to knock you out? Actually, I don't even know what would happen to you if I did.. aaaaaand I don't need to find out, especially if it does something bad to you.."

I sighed once more, ending the conversation, and in silence we sat for several minutes. That silence ended abruptly when Rem asked something else: "I-is there.. something else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are there.. other things? To worry about?"

"... Other than my other personality and the need for your help, no. With me, anyways."


We just looked at each other, Rem and I both with questioning looks.

"Okay. Uhm.. I'm gonna be honest here.. there's a LOT more problems to deal with."

"........ Like what?"

"... Well, on top of your trauma with who have now become Djane, and my personality.. thing.. there is now a second person who needs something to do with multiple personalities. What's more.. Senco, the guy we talked to yesterday? Yeah, uhm, I think I might've stopped him from doing anything to us, but.. well.. I don't know exactly. He basically tried to steal the ship, and now it has to be rebuilt, not because of him, sadly. Need to watch him, very closely. And even more so, the Ark Valus should be reworked and built while I basically teach Lona how to design, really. The best thing? It would be much better to have all these issues resolved alongside each other! The worst thing? NOT all of these things will be able to be resolved quickly!"

Rem took a second and thought about what I just said before her eyes started to water.

"... di-didn't know there were... so many.."

"Oh, Rem, please don't worry about them all! I only need you to worry about yourself! While I will be depending on your help, I don't need you to think about anything else! Just... relax, and work through your trauma.."

"... Why... Why are you doing all of this by yourself?"

".... I didn't think about why before...."

In the stillness, I sat contemplating.

'Why AM I doing this... It's because they're.. my problems, right?'

"Well, they are my problems, right?"

"I... some of them aren't..."

"How's that?"

Taken slightly aback, Rem looked at me like I was a little crazy.

"N-not all of the problems are yours... I don't think..."

My brain has finally slowed down, a bit too much in fact. I tried to think but couldn't really at that moment, so I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she was saying.

"Is... something wrong?"

"No.. kind of. I don't see what you're trying to say..."

"Uhm.. well, uh... You aren't the... Hmm. Taki.. has a problem with herself, that I just found out today.. and I don't see why you are the one to deal with it.. the same goes for me... I do see why you're doing it... I do thank you for the help... but why are you helping other people and finding other problems that don't have anything to do with you?"

I didn't have any answer, so I replied slowly "Because I like to help? Even if I don't know how to? And.. wait.. some of them are my problems!"

"What.. which ones are your problems?"

"Well... you and Taki are.. uhm.. your problems are mine? Because I'm the captain? I'm already helping by bringing you around the world and exploring and because I'm gonna get Taki to her homeland, so thanks to you being a part of my crew.. your problems have become mine. And I want to, or already have started to help with them. I think."

I had laid my head back on to the back of the couch, and someone finally joined us: Xetalona. From how she was acting, she was very defensive while walking ever so slightly towards Taki to join in the conversation.

Regretting laying back, I turned my head to watch and Xetalona was... posing. It looked like she was ready to karate chop Taki while she drew ever so closer to the living room area.

"She's not gonna wake up... right?"

"If she does, I can knock her out again. Regretfully. I'll do it regretfully."

With an eagle-like gaze laser focused on Taki, she walked around, or shuffled around, to the other side of me, and sat as far away from Taki as she could, me in between the two.

"Are you REALLY sure she won't wake up? And attack me again?"

"Yes. Well.. no. With my experience with multiple personalities, they kinda.. just take over. Mine is a bit weird, but I experience everything no matter if I'm the one in control or not."


"Although.. there are times where I just let it happen, recently with you, it happened without me knowing. Which is why I need to get them under control. Hopefully, I just need to talk to them for that, but I need to actually.. find them first."

"Oh-kay? What're you talking about?"


With one look around, but Rem and Xetalona were giving me puzzles looks.


"A-are you... what were I asked about if she'd wake up.. not.. what did you just talk about?"

"I was talking about why she might have almost smashed you into pieces, but I guess I ranted? And changed to talking about me?"

I saw Xetalona shivered for a second, and then asked "What were you talking about before?"

"What were we talking about before... Rem?"


"Oh! Yeah, that! We were talking about problems!"

"You were talking about problems? Why?"

"... Uh... Why were we?"

"I think maybe because you got to talking about all the things you have to do? And then found out that you don't have to do all of it?"

"No. That was complaining, my dear Rem. I do have all of those things to resolve, but it requires a lot to do. Especially when the list continues to grow. Like with how Taki just acted. We need to figure that out before the whole island is dead."

"Whole... island?"

"Is that.."

"Another reason I need you to learn and get over your trauma faster? Yes. The bad thing is I know it won't.. better yet, can't be done very quickly, so I'm left to deal with an even bigger problem if all these freaking personalities continue to run lose!"

"... whole island.. dead...?"

"Oh, right. Lona."

She was staring at Taki with a newly questioning gaze, before it turned into a look of her not just being scared, but terrified. A blank, terrified expression.

"Senco was right..."


"He was right to do that... to get rid of them..."

"Uhm... No. He wasn't right. I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're talking about why everyone from the outside should be dead or something... no, he's not. You see, this is a completely, brand new issue that even I, the captain of my own ship, didn't know about. In fact, I don't even know if I'm right! I do think it's a second personality, because you can't trust some other personalities! I'm a prime example!"


"Besides, why are you still here.. on the couch, if you think he was fully right? I'm gonna guess you want to believe his words, but can't because of... Probably Rem. Yeah. She's not got any new... do you have any new problems aside from your... what's a better word? Psychological trouble? I guess? Eh, trauma's easier to say. So, do you?"

"No? I am a personality trait..."

"Hm. Your right, let's hope nothing new happens. Now..."

I had been switching from Rem to Xetalona throughout whenever I need to, and landed on Xetalona once more.

"... We all have problems. The only difference between other people and the three of us? Especially me trying to solve all of them? They have all shown up relatively close.. within..... the past like.. two-ish days? Yeah. That's about right. Other people who've shown up probably had some intent to raid the island or something.. but us? We're literally just traveling.. going on a journey to do a bunch of stuff. Sadly, that requires a lot of complications, like problems to show up. It's too bad I want to fix them."

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