One Piece : Paper-paper Fruit

Chapter 4: The so-called justice of Koby

  "Thank you so much, Luffy~~"

  On Roman’s boat, a pink-haired boy wearing glasses turned the rudder while looking at the chart.

  His name is Koby. He was previously exploited as a handyman by the fat captain of the "Alvida Pirates". He was able to escape because he hit the Roman duo. He is currently working as a sailor on Roman's ship.

  Of course, the so called Iron-mace Alvida pirate group  is just a show-off. The female captain's real name is Alvida, and she was the one who turned from a fat woman to a big beauty in an instant after eating the slip-slip fruit.

  As for the previous battle between Roman-Luffy and the Alvida Pirates, it was roughly:

  Got flying up with a punch in seconds.

  Roman is not very proficient in sailing, and Luffy... the person who dares to use small wooden barrels to go to sea, don't expect him to have the navigation skills! So Koby, who had escaped from the Alvida pirates, just played his expertise in navigating merchant ships.

  Now, there are only three people on the deck of this 600-ton merchant ship: Koby sailing, Luffy with a paper bandage on his face, and:

  Roman who is doing push-ups with a load on his back.




  "····Luffy, for the great route..."

  The boy with glasses sailing hesitantly glanced at Roman, who was constantly going up and down like a human-shaped driller. Compared with Luffy, who made people look him like a friend at first sight, this person Roman just... Felt intimidating.

  "I heard that it is called the'Pirate Grave', it's very dangerous..."

  Although he had only met for less than a day, Koby was really worried about his friend Luffy.

  "Yes, so I'm looking for some great companions!"

  The energetic straw hat Luffy faces the sea, with lofty ambitions.

  "By the way, the naval base you are going to is not closed by a guy named Zoro-"

  "If it's a good guy, then let him be my companion—"

  "No way, no way,"

  Koby shook his head in horror.

  "I heard that Zoro is like a bloodthirsty hound, taking pleasure in killing! People in this sea call him 'devil in human skin'!"

  "Moreover, he must be caught by the Navy because he is a bad guy—"

  "Ha ha,"

  The sneer beside him interrupted Koby, and Roman who was sweating profusely, stood up, took the towel from the bucket next to him, wiped his body, and said casually.

  "Bad guys, good guys—"

  "The navy is the good guy? The bad guys are who are caught by the navy?"

  I'm really sorry but in this world it won't take long for your three views to be subverted immediately.

  "A great man once said, not talking about the position, just talking about the good or the bad. That's hooliganism!"

  Speaking of this, Roman pointed to Luffy.

  "Luffy rescued you, do you say he is a'good guy' or a'bad guy'?"

  "Hey, hey, of course Mr. Luffy is good..."

  "But it's this guy," Roman stretched out his hand, and the'bandage' on Luffy's head automatically spread out and flew towards him, revealing a silly face.

  Hey, this recovery speed is really unscientific.

  Although Roman’s “paper bandage” is a medical product that has been soaked in various potions, it’s too much to leave no scars in just a few days...

  "It's this 'good guy' who took my boat a few days ago and forcibly let me be his crewmate. You say--"

  Roman looked at Koby calmly, making the cowardly boy tilt his face.

  "Is Luffy still a 'good guy'?"

  Roman ignored Luffy who shouted, "Hey, hey, it's your decision!"

        Roman sneered and said.

  "This ship is actually a merchant ship that was driven to extinction by the pirates!"

  "The pirate group has been poisoned by their captain."

         "It can be regarded as an indirect revenge for the merchant shipping. Tell me: Is that captain a'good guy' or a'bad guy'? "

  "At the same time, the captain was killed by his battle captain-that is, I! Speaking of it, I have also recovered justice for those pirates who were betrayed. Now I ask : am I a 'good guy' or a'bad guy'?"

  Roman smiled contemptously and knocked on the side of the ship again, and pointed down.

  "And this merchant ship, in fact, carried all weapons, which were sold to the royal family to suppress civilians who could not survive!-The Pirates killed the caravan, theoretically speaking, it saved the lives of tens of thousands of people. , May I ask now: Are the pirates 'good guys' or 'bad guys'?"

  "Extending it further, the king who bought the weapons was trying to suppress the 'turbulent people' to maintain stability, while the rebelling civilians simply wouldn't survive. Now I ask for both of them: Who is the good guy? Who is the bad guy?"

  "This this······"

  Facing Roman's series of questions, Koby with glasses was speechless.

  "Justice or not, it's just a touch of lips."

  "As long as they are willing, anyone can find the excuse of 'justice' for their actions."

  "So smart people know how to whitewash themselves as 'justice'," such as Crocodile, such as Doflamingo, such as the people of the navy!"

  "And only certain idiots shout every day that they want to be the Pirate King——"

  Speaking, Roman glanced at someone wearing a straw hat, but what caught his eye was a dumb face full of question marks.


  "But, but I believe that justice must exist—"



  A paper knife crossed his neck, interrupting Koby's retort.

  "The 'justice' of the weak is just a slogan!"

  "It's like now," Roman began to exude cold murderous aura, "I can just wave gently, and your 'justice' will turn to ashes--"

  "All right,"

  With a hand between Roman and Koby, Luffy's calm voice interrupted the'dispute' between the two.

  "Roman, don't scare Koby."


  The paper knife in his hand collapsed and turned into a piece of paper to'melt' into Roman's arm.

  "I'm just telling the truth, Luffy."

  "The one with more people is'justice'? The weaker is'justice'? The one who is bullied is'justice'?"

  "Don't be kidding, how do you know that your 'justice' is not 'evil' in the eyes of others? Human beings do not rely on'justice' to stand on top of all things,-'justice' is not such a weak thing."

  "Justice is just the stronger evil, the smarter evil, and the better evil..."

  "Okay, Roman."

  The silly spirit on Luffy's face has disappeared, leaving only seriousness.

  "I don't understand justice or something, and I don't want to understand it."

  "The one who gets along is my friend, and the one who isn't pleasing to the eye will be beaten!" Luffy bluntly put an end to this argument.


  Roman was stunned for a moment and then shook his head while laughing.

  "That's right, what's the truth, what's the justice..."

  If you look pleasing to the eye, you are a friend, and if you seem unpleasant, you are an enemy.

  It's that simple.


  "Very well, we are at the naval base!"

  Standing at the dock, Luffy shouted with elation. Looking at his excitement, who would have thought that he was a pirate? People who don’t know him would think he was a relative of the Navy!

  "Koby, you are amazing!"

  Luffy sighed sincerely, even Roman had to admit this:

  Three men drove a hundreds-ton merchant shipand were able to reach the destination smoothly. This:

  "Luffy, if you really want to sail, you'd better find a professional navigator, by drifting..."

  "Eat! Eat!"

  However, Luffy didn't even listen to what he said, and rushed towards the port in a hurry.

  "Let's go,"

  Roman patted Koby on the shoulder, causing the cowardly teenager to tremble.

  "Although I don't like you very much, but—"

  "Who told you to be the captain's friend?"

  "After eating this meal, you will be your navy, and we will continue to be our pirates—"

   Although it is estimated that in the future of my pirate career, I won't be serious about doing a pirate work again...

         Looking at Luffy who was eating plates of food, don't know how miuch money... 

         Forget it, as a transverser you represent the face of four bilion people!   

         And so:

  "So full~~~"

  "Boss, how much is it?"

  After seeing the pile of empty plates, Roman got up to check out.  To count on Luffy to have the concept of money is as magical as to count on the World Nobles to know what compassion is.

  As for Koby?

  Is it possible that the handyman who has been bullied in the "Alvida Pirates" has something like Berries?

  "By the way, that Zoro is in this naval base, right?"

  In an instant, the whole restaurant was quiet, and all the movements in their hands froze.

  'Hey, Luffy, look. '

  Koby whispered to Luffy who was confused.

  'Everyone was terrified, and Zoro was a big bad person as expected. '

  "So that's it..."

  Facing the seemingly enlightened Luffy, Koby said with a sigh of relief and smiled.

  "By the way, I just looked at the notice. The highest officer of the base here is the captain Morgan—"


  The people in the restaurant where the 'freezing technique' had been cast just now seemed to have heard some forbidden curse! Their complexions changed and they just stood up and ran away!

  "Hey, hey, you all haven't paid yet!"

  Roman, who yelled, turned around helplessly, and nodded apologetically to the boss of the restraunt.

  "Sorry, it seems that my friend caused you trouble."

  " problem..."

  Facing the trembling lady boss, Roman could only shrug his shoulders, then turned back, holding both Luffy and Koby in each hand:

  "Let us go, Luffy."


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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