One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 137: A Monumental Event

"Hey, how 'bout instead of Rocks, why don't you come along in my adventure? Let's turn the world on its head!"

The question alone left both the Roger Pirates and even Solomon flabbergasted. Meanwhile, the distant Rayleigh face-palmed, sinking with irritation of his impulsive Captain.

"Hell no."

The blunt reply washed away the surprise, leaving the rest even more speechless—a pin-drop silence swamped the area.

"Wahahaha! I expected as much." Roger then sheathed his cutlass and loudly declared, "You guys, no need to worry, there won't be a big fight anymore!"

[Five Minutes Later]

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Solomon sat at the deck of the mighty Oro Jackson, inhaling litres upon litres of saké. Roger's crew members cheered him from the side while enjoying their own drinks.

"Let's celebrate the Navy's ashes!"

A boisterous environment befell the ships while being at arm's length to over three thousand fallen marines.

Rayleigh leaned against the solid frame of the ship, sipping away at a canister. "Damien," he whispered, ensuring no one else would hear him. "How's Shakky?"

The pirate who was asked the question twitched. He returned a sharp glare, "Why don't you go ask her yourself? You've already found where she is."

The swordsman cleared his throat and sat up straight. He took a refined sip of the saké and expressed his troubles, "I don't want to seem too pushy."

Roger grinned from the side, slapping his right-hand man's shoulder with a resounding thwack, "Partner, you really seem to like that girl."

"Women like her are rare on these seas," Rayleigh shrugged a reply, long used to his Captain's loud nature.

The random banquet lasted a few hours, leaving quite a few of the Roger Pirates in a drunken mess.

"Should we worry about marine retaliation? Three dead Vice Admirals alongside 3000 troops… it's not a small amount," Scopper Gaban asked out loud.

Such a question would usually damn anyone nearby. So many losses in a chaotic time could see even an Admiral respond!

Rayleigh waved his canister in the air, sighing at its emptiness. "They'd need to dispatch all Three Admirals to deal with us," he casually stated. "The only thing they can do is quietly watch from afar and hope we don't ally up to sink G-1 out of sheer boredom."

A few other pirates laughed at one another at the possibility of that going down. After all, G-1 was the wall put up to protect the Holy Land from the New World; if it were to sink, even the Five Elders would be left on edge!


"I hear you reached the final island, Roger."

The man extricated himself from his drink and glanced at Damien. There was a brief silence before the reply: "Mhm."

The future Pirate King then heaved a helpless sigh, "But something tells me that it wasn't the true end… It really left me wanting more!"

Damien smirked, challenging the bold claim, "You think there's another island out there?"

"I know there is!" Roger declared, his eyes carrying a yearning desire as he smashed his spanning cup to shatter on the deck below.

*Tap* Damien placed his empty barrel of saké and looked at the pirate thoughtfully. "So, what now? Do you plan on stopping here?"

The words visibly pissed the man off: "No one's stopping anywhere! I, I just don't know what to do now…Perhaps it's time to hang up my hat, at least for a little while."

His words created a solemn atmosphere, even leaving the pirates feeling melancholy at the thought of ending their adventure on such a sour note. Naturally, such thoughts bounced off a man as charismatic as Roger as if it were nothing, and he returned to drinking.

"So, why did you become a pirate?" the older man questioned with curious eyes.

"Let's just say that there was a time when my life was left in shambles, and I was too weak to do a damn thing about it," Damien candidly said, breathing in the salty sea air.

The undying pirate glared at Roger with conviction, "The Government labels it as a sin, fighting for what you want to protect. Rahaha! No matter what, I will never let that happen again!"


Roger didn't respond for a while; instead, he absorbed the look of his young frenemy, trying to decipher everything.

"The World Government will always get in your way. Are you ready to rip them off at that height?"

The question may force many into second-guessing their attempts, but it didn't work on Damien: "Rahahaha! I'm ready to die trying if that's what it takes!"

"You really are a crazy guy, Wahahaha!"

Roger's voice suddenly warped into a more serious tone, and he warned, "But you know, Damien, it's easy to get lost on that path to power, much like your Captain."

"But then again, you're smart enough to see that yourself." These thoughts fuelled his true question: "So why stay under that madman?"


Another deafening silence arrived. Rayleigh curiously awaited the response alongside both Roger and Solomon. 

All that came in reply was a smirk. Yet it was enough for Roger to get the idea. "I see," he chuckled. "You're using Rocks."

"It's a bold move," Rayleigh quipped, sighing at the thought of the Abyssal Sin.

Damien shrugged, "You seem to hate him."

The words were confirmed accurate as a spiteful look passed by Roger's boisterous face. "Rocks, the guy wants to grab the seat as the King of the World. And if he can't get it, he's ready to take the rest of the world down with him!"

The light in the pirate's eyes suddenly transformed into a seething inferno. "I want to be the freest man in the world. I can't do that if someone like Rocks is around. It just can't happen!"

Damien matched the crazy pirate's eyes, dropping his thoughts, "Even you, Roger, can't take down the entirety of the Rocks Pirates."

One may interpret his words as demeaning, but they lacked any strands of falsity.

"I know, but I'm not the only enemy of your Captain." Roger tilted his head, recalling a piece of news. "Just recently, the Celestial Dragons have been running around like headless chickens; I'm sure some big thing is about to happen."

"I can feel it. That event will decide the fate of the world!"

Damien exhaled heavily, Roger's words leaving him contemplative: "Then I guess I'll be seeing you soon, Roger."



Where there was laughter and joy in the New World, there was gloom and turbulence in another part of the Grand Line, one caused by the other.



"What do you mean you saw Roger and the Sin Incarnate meet up? Just what the hell happened!?" 

The snail formed the face of a Vice Admiral, the same man at the helm of G-1.

"F-Fleet Admiral, a few scout ships identified the Roger Pirate's ship and made an identification on Damien the Undying, both drinking together. They seem to be in good tidings."

Kong massaged his temples, his seat creaking from his frustration. "One problem after another, that damned D family is nothing but trouble!"

With a resolute punch, the desk before the weathered marine crumbled, and the transponder snail squeaked as it fell onto the rubble. "The death of three Vice Admiral and 3,000 marines, does he really think he can do as he pleases!?"

The snail wobbled a little before the call proceeded. The Vice Admiral at G-1 saw it as a chance to impress his boss. "I-If you command, all our men at G-1 are ready to march at the pirates and take them down!"

Yet his courageous remarks were met with disdain from Kong. "Do you think you can take on a force with a combined bounty of over ten billion berries?"

"..." The dry and stern voice left the Vice Admiral shaken. "N-Not at all…"

"Then don't waste my time with your nonsense and remain on standby." "Katcha~!"


The burly man leaned back in his chair in the serene, well-organized, and tidy office. A large banner reading "True Justice" was hung up.

Yet its peaceful ambiance after Kong's roar was once again disrupted as the door flew open.


"Knock next time."

The marine who had blasted his way froze in his steps, "Apologies, Fleet Admiral, but it's a word from Tensai, the head scientist!"

Kong nodded, "Go on."

"He said that the lightweight metal suit has been prepared and is awaiting your permission to equip Admiral Masao."

It was finally a piece of good news, and Kong gave the green light instantly, saying, "Begin immediately."

"Roger that!"

The marine ran out after a salute, not wanting to stay in front of the perpetually annoyed Kong. If anything, the Era of Rocks had left him pulling his hair out.

The Fleet Admiral leaned back into his seat again, looking nostalgic and disappointed.

"Masao," he muttered, a memory of a young boy coming to mind. "Endou-san overruled my authority the other day just to make me remember that even if my position isn't set in stone… Don't fail me anymore!" 


Roger and Damien were only one half of the storm plaguing Marineford and Mariejois. The other was the Underworld.

The shaky bridge between the World Government and the Underworld Emperors had been upset by Fulcrum's actions, forming cracks and tears.


[Tomb of Storms, Unso Island]

A tired Fulcrum sat at the throne at Hell's Peak. The white marble decorating the esteemed location gave off a brightness uncharacteristic of the Underworld.

The elegantly-clothed woman was in a conversation, speaking directly to a dark-skinned, white-haired snail.

"Fulcrum?" the snail asked in a dignified voice, one fit for a king. "I wasn't expecting this."

The masked woman leaned forward as if in the same room as the mysterious ruler: "Now, now, Sovereign Kairo, I'm sure you weren't expecting Sol's downfall either."

"..." The snail briefly paused and even narrowed its comical eyes at the woman it knew was sitting across from it.

The bright room was reflected in the elusive Underworld Empress' mask as she continued, "Arkaos will soon become of interest to the World Government and other crews now. Perhaps it's time for you to consider alternatives now that Sol is no longer protecting you."

The Sovereign hummed at the offer, not shaken at the slightest. "You are after Arkaosi treasures, no? Our Elastium."

"Of course," Fulcrum candidly replied.

The straightforward nature of the mysterious Empress left Kairo without words. His dark brown eyes closed in thought before he responded, "...I am willing to consider it, but now is not the time."

"Do you think you can survive the coming chaos?" Fulcrum questioned, her tone carrying audible pessimism.

However, the Sovereign of Arkaos was unshaken as before. "Far too many titles have changed hands in the past few years. I am willing to bet that even the monstrous Rocks isn't free from such a fate, let alone the World Government."

"If you seek our Elastium, perhaps we will have a fruitful talk some years later down the line. Until then, I bid you farewell, Fulcrum." "Katcha~!"


Hell's Keep remained brilliant as the snail hung up, but the woman on the throne was annoyed: "Tsk," she clicked her tongue.

*Hisss* A sharp gust of air whistled while the beautiful face hidden under the mask was revealed.

Aurora stood up from her seat and walked toward the spanning window. 

The two purple eyes scanned the Empire before them but carried turbulence. "As expected, the Sovereign of Arkaos isn't easy to shake even after losing Sol's protection."

The assassin sighed in her recent helplessness. First, her 'reckless' declaration to protect Yozora sparked much turbulence in the Styx Accords. On top of this, there was the heightened lookout for agents snooping in her Empire under the order of Typhon Kade, the Deputy Chief of Cipher Pol.

She could still remember the conversation regarding Yozora between her and the young bird some time ago.

"Huh, you want me to cover it all up!? The big news? Don't joke around, Fulcrum!" The young Morgans squawked through the receiver.

"I find it as irritating as you do, but if I use the Styx Passage to blackmail them anymore, they will connect the dots between Damien and me immediately. I already have Kade breathing down my neck!" The Empress argued back.

"Do you know how quickly they'll send Admirals to obliterate Unso Island down to the ground once they figure out that they gave the reins of the Underworld to a pirate under Rocks?"

The tension caused a brief silence before the woman continued, "I was able to buy a full week before the Buster Call commences. In the meantime, I'll be sending ships to every island to evacuate their people."

"Are these his words?" the disgruntled star reporter questioned.

Fulcrum's eyebrows furrowed under her mask, and the grip on the phone tightened. She gave the young lad no room to disagree: "They're mine, and you will cover it up, Morgans."

"This is not a request; it's an order. My loyalty is to Damien, not to your 'big news.' Don't let your position at the WENP get to your head, or I'll have to remind you of your cage."

The albatross on the other end felt a chill run down his spine. He saw the intense eyes conveyed through the snail and caved in, "...Yes, Ma'am."

Aurora hung up the phone. The only thing Damien told her to do was to ensure the safety of the Dracule. And such compromises were the price of protecting Yozora.

Although annoying to relent to the World Government, there were other things Fulcrum was busy with. Elastium was one such treasure she wished to acquire for Damien.

Arkaos, like dozens of other islands, was once under the umbrella of the Overlords of the Sea. After the fall of Borealis, Enigma and finally, Sol, these lands of the New World were left open. 

Aurora absently bit her fingernails while watching the Sea Kings in the distance, feeling overwhelmed. Ultimately, she heaved an annoyed sigh.

"Cheh, what an annoying old man, that Kairo!" she cursed. "It's so tempting to raid and steal all your wealth; no wonder there are so many pirates out there!"

Although the twenty-year-old Emperor was pouting her frustrations, her words reflected the recent surge of piracy.

Although the one outside of the New World had been quelled, the Government did nothing for those in the New World! The nations previously under the Overlords were now sheep stuck in a wolf's den.

"It's getting harder and harder to keep any semblance of control." Aurora tapped the thick pane of glass, drumming an uncertain melody: "I hope everything is well with you, Damien…"


The young man at the center of the recent storm was making his way through the latter end of the New World Sea and toward the Red Line.

"Get ready. We will dive to Fishman Island soon."

Solomon smiled wildly, "I really want to see the life 10,000 meters below; the outside world is amazing! I also wonder if these fish people eat fish or not."

Damien left Solomon to his devices, and they stayed in a borrowed Navy Warship—convenient transport with installed coating devices.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

The Sin Incarnate's heavy steps echoed the empty vessel. He sat down on Nouveau's leather seat, his mind busy with something.

"Sibyl, I've been feeling an itch since Roger. Outline his strength for me."

'Sibyl, outline Roger's strength.'

[Here it is…]


[Gol D. Roger]

[Age: 37 years, 9 months, 5 days]

[Height: 9' ] (2.74 m)

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Weapon: Ace of the Supreme Grade Series]

[Skills: Incredible Talent in all Colours of Haki, Will of D, Plot Armour, Primitive Rokushiki, Great Talent for Swordsmanship, Voice of All Things, Liberation Sense, Laugh of Revolution]

[Haki: Observation Haki (Grandmastery (I)), Armament Haki (Advanced Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Grandmastery (II))]

[Strength: Top Tier Yonko]


"His Conqueror's is ridiculously dense... And just the little push I needed to upgrade my own!"

A notification appeared in his mind to support his thoughts.

[Conqueror's Haki Mastery has reached the Grandmastery (I) Stage.]

It prompted Damien to clench his fists, subconsciously releasing thick strands of black lightning. 

A relaxing Solomon at the top felt a shiver run down his back. He looked to see the clouds trembling and whispered, "That the roar of Supreme Kings… It feels even heavier!"

Solomon's thoughts were reflected in Damien's mind:


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 19 years, 7 months, 20 days]

[Height: 11' 7"] (3.53 m)

[Status: Thriving]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Grandmastery (I)) ↑]

[Fruit Rating: 6.5 Stars]

[Weapon: Ryūshi of the Supreme Grade Series]

[Ryūshi Combat Arts Comprehension: 89% ↑]

[Notable Characteristics: Black Bones (MAX), Black Body (II), Fishman-Hybrid, Seastone Resistance, Undying Anatomy, Body Dismantling Form {New!}]

[Skills: Voice of All Things, Will of D., Rokushiki, Life Return (Grandmastery) ↑, Deprivation, Equal Exchange, Destiny Perception, Empathy, Primal Charge (New!), Natural Dread (New!)]

[Haki: Observation Haki (Grandmastery (I)), Armament Haki (Advanced Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Grandmastery (I)) ↑]

[Strength: Top Tier Yonko ↑]


Surely enough, many things had changed, so many that even the author had to re-read the data.

Damien felt a little overwhelmed by all the words and gave a simple order: "Bring up my newly unlocked stuff."


[Body Dismantling Form – Combines the Awakened nature of the Pulverization Fruit, the Future Sight of Observation Haki and Paper Arts. It grants the ability to emulate a Logia fruit user.]

[Primal Charge – Combines the Awakened nature of the Pulverization Fruit and Grandmastery of Life Return to amplify and manipulate the bioelectricity of cells to surge out from the user's hands.]

[Natural Dread – A unique Ultimate Skill unlocked by reaching Grandmastery over Conqueror's Haki. The body naturally releases Conqueror's Haki, making others with weaker strength tremble in fear and vanquish thoughts of treason.]

"It's like Rocks' Shadow of Despair. Heh, did it manifest because of my unease for the coming fateful day?" Damien shook his head with amusement but welcomed the abilities with open arms.


[A Week Later]

[Mortem Island, Paradise]

"Is it actually true?" Is Damien-san coming back!?" came a question from a chipper young voice.

A green-haired girl softly sighed at the incessant young boy beside her. "Like I said for the sixth time, Kuzan-kun, he should be returning today."

The ice-boy sheepishly smiled, though unable to hide his excitement. Even the girl before him had similar thoughts, smiling in memory of a figure.


The two remained at the core of Mortem Island.

It had resumed its peaceful nature after the battle that had taken place last time. The sun shone brightly, lighting up the new day.

Birds flew around, making habitats and feeding their young. The plants flourished under the bright ambience, bathing in the sun's warmth. Though suddenly enough, the entire island seemed to tremble.

The greenery shifted to the far South, similar to plants' tendency to grow in the direction of sunlight.

The animals, even those in hibernation, felt a homing instinct to wake up. An island blessed by a particular individual gave birth to entire ecosystems that were more aware than most living things.

Toki felt their cry of joy, matching them with her bright smile.

At the same time, a mighty vessel docked on the coast of Mortem Island, and two people disembarked, taking in the fresh air.

Damien felt the familiar atmosphere upon his first step on the soil and could feel Mortem's welcoming hand. He had stayed here in the past; it was a home away from home.

He gazed back at the curious Solomon and said, "This might be one of the few sunny days in the coming future… A storm is brewing, Solomon, and we'll need all our strength to weather it."

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Primal Charge only leaves from Damien's hands. The rest of his body generates the electricity to exit from his fingers. Beyond that, you may want to keep Kairo and Arkaos in mind for later. Much later.

As much as Damien wants to relax at Mortem, other more pressing matters are at hand. For your information, the date is October 13, 1485.

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