One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 02

As I aproached the gates to re-join civilization, one of the guards calls out to me, he was dressed like sailors but with light leather armor over their uniforms and what I guess is this city's logo. I didn't know there were guards stationed at the gates, they were never showed in the anime do I have to pay to enter... Hope mr. Guard accept some produce instead... 

"I said halt, come here and show your face to see if you are a wanted pirate and don't try anything funny." The guard yells at me and some other guards and some marines are looking at me with judgemental eyes...

I walk toward the guard and was about to greet him but he stopped and looked at me, then at my clothes, I think he is staring way to much at me. Then after what felt like an hour he start looking at some of the wanted posters.

"You are clear, move along... and get some clothes, you look like a hermit raised in the woods." said mr. Guard with clear disdain in his voice. Atleast he didn't insulted me directly and this clothes are temporary anyways... Better get moving either way, need some information and some place to rest.

The first thing I noticed when I entered is that the roards are made of stone, feels horrible to stand on it. I missed the soft soil... I'm really thinking about soil... guess I really am turning into plant lady. The buildings are not that high either, maybe two or three stories tall, mainly white with red tiles on the roofs. Need to get to the market to sell some produce to buy some proper clothing. Now that I look properly, mr. Guard was really short for a man... Odd those kids are all staring at me and the look so tiny... how tall am I exacly... 

At least my leaves robe, hide some of my curves and my twins... I can see some men looking at me with lecherous eyes guess the haven't seen a woman as hot as me in their lives... hope they would stop thouhg, I think I heard a slap or two in the background.

What a bunch of wonderfull smells, guess I need to look at the quisine of this world... except I have no money... What is that child sitting in the corner of that alleyway there doing... I think she is asking for money or food... Well I can give her some food since I can make a lot of it. Walking closer to the girl, I can see her better, she has light pink hair bellow her brown cloack. Her eyes are a darker shade of pink, maybe purple, she looked like a 9 years old, and its bear footed like me. Wait a minute... is that Bonney?

O crap it is no wonder they are so many marines in here. Guess this is the timeline were she just escaped from the world goverment's hand and it's trying to gather resources to get her own crew, maybe. She could have her crew already for all I know. Wait does she have her fruit here too or does she ate it after she scapes... Maybe she can help me grow the Adam tree... I might be able to protect her a little until she gets stronger, maybe get her out of the island. Is that her original age in this timeline or is she using her powers... I can't just ask that to her face she would think I'm stalking her, even if it is true, I can't give her a bad first impretion, she looks adorable.

After I aproach her she asks for some spare food, but then look at me that have even less clothes than her and looks at the ground, how rude. I present my hand to her and once she looks at it I made an apple bloon directly on top of it, offering her the best smile I can muster. She looks at the apple full curiosity and wariness. I offer her the apple and look as she just eats it in one bite an looks at me with exited eyes.

"So, what is your name cute little child?" I asked her expecting that she would fake her name. And she starts to shiver a little and backs away. Great job idiot I scared her away. "It's okay, usually one has to introduce ourself but I haven't a clue on what to call myself yet, so I can't give you a proper answer in return if you ask for mine." I said to her in hope to calm her down a little since I don't want her to turn me into a baby.

She must be weak from hunger if she can't even use her powers to get away from me. Maybe she still doesn't know how to control her powers yet. "Are you ok little girl you are shivering."  I ask trying to sond like I don't want to cause her harm. "I'm Bon... Bones" and I'm not a little girl, I'm just like this to preserve energy, since little children eat less and I don't have a stable food supply." Ok she is talking to me atleast but she is so adorable that... "It's ok to act like a kid." I said while patting her head and playing dumb. She was about to say something when I presented her a mango with my free hand, maybe she likes mangoes. I know she doesn't like carrots and that she loves pizza.

What to do about her circumstances, I also need her help to accelerate the growth of my Adam tree, so that I can use my Dryad form. I don't want to fuse with any normal tree since there could be a limit to the amount of trees I can fuse with and I already have the seed to grow one. I also need to set a name from my self maybe an alias for now "You can call me Green Sage if you want" I said to the girl while offering her a peach, which ate in one bite like apple. "Want to come with me, I will feed you, protect you and shelter you from the world if you want to." I can't believe I said something so crige worthy. She looks at me and looks at the floor thinking then she looks at me.

My maternal instincts are tingling and before she could answer I hug the tiny girl. I can feel her struggling to part with my bear hug in vain, I can see her powers activating and I glow pink but nothing happens. I look at her an see her shivering... now I feel sorry about her. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you... I guess a part of me just wanted to hug and... that isn't helping." Think stupid she probably think I'm a pedo or something... "Please don't hand me over to the marines..." She said crying... "Why would I hand you over. I just really need your help growing a tree with your powers." She looked at me with wide eyes, and I just realize that she hadn't telled me about her powers yet... 

I sigh and tell her that I know her and that I really need her help. "I'll get you off the island somehow if you help me age an Adam tree for 5,000 years worth using both of our powers. I'll shelter you and we can be friends too, I can help you get stronger if you want." I said with the most apolegetic face I can muster, then I realize that I'm still hugging the girl while she is sitting on my lap. "Will you really help me get stronger and cover my food expenses." She asked me while looking at me over her shoulders smiling. "I can only make fruits, vegetables, roots, some herbs and spices. I can't make cheese to make the pizza you love so much." I answer her and she gets surprised again and then laugh. 

"Wow you have been stalking me haven't you. Guess also found a way to counter my Time fruit's power. Please keep that a secret." She said after laughing. Well she isn't wrong since she was one of my best wifus in the anime back when it was not my reality... though I don't know why her powers don't work on me though. "Wait your fruit was called Time Time fruit? And I really don't know why your powers don't work against me." I answered which got her to stop smiling. "Don't play dumb with me, my fruit is called Age Age fruit it's common knowledge. It allows me to manipulate the age of any living thing around me. I only use it for self defence though so I have never tried on a tree like you want me too."

"It's ok, I finally found a way to make Adam grow, you can train your powers while helping me age him the I'll fuse with it and be out of this Island. You can come with me and join my adventurers party." I said while offering her a pear, which she eats, again in a single bite. "What's an aventurers party? Is that the name of your pirate crew? Or are you with the revolution?" She asked me back and I gave her some grapes while answering her question. "I meant to say pirate crew but I mixed up some words there. You can be my first mate if you want, since you are the only person I have talked to since coming to this place, not counting the rude guard." 

She finished her grapes asked me for something spicy so I gave her a jalapeño and handed her my trusty water bottle. Which she takes and drink a whole off not thinking that jalapeños were that spicy. If only she knew about the ghost peppers she would probably cry... I offered her a tangerine and she start pealing and eating with increased vigour. "Want to go with me to the woods? It is a lot easier to keep blooming fruits for you if I'm standing on fertile soil and been inside this alleyway sitting in this hard stone floor is hurting my bum. It's only a matter of time before someone spotted us."

"You want to take me to the woods on the first day of our metting, aren't you a bit too bold" she said while blushing a little...


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