One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 06

After an hour of running while still carrying little Bonney on my back we reached the city of Baterilla. I didn't want little Bonney to be seen by the guards since she is wanted by the marines. 

After circling from a distance I reached a perfect spot and jumped the wall, I landed on top of a building and dropped down a near-by alleyway. After checking on Bonney I started searching for the market place to sell some produce and get my cooking supplies and scented soap. 

All those building look the same... maybe Bonney will know something. "Do you know were I can sell some produce?" I asked her and she started thinking. "I think there is a store over that street near the docks." She answers with a little shiver. "Don't worry I'll protect you, if I can't fight them off, I'm still confident on being able to get us to safety. I did promise to take care of you, and I intend to keep that promise." I said to her while pating her head, need to reasure her.

After some iddle chatter with Bonney, I reached the store that she mentioned and went inside to talk with the owner. I see an old man giving instructions to some other workers, he had a white shirt with some blue overalls, he was wearing some hard leather brown gloves and boots. He has the look of a farmer, maybe he is the owner of this shop, better get this over with and get some food.

"Good day mr. Owner, may I interest you on the best produce this side of the world has to offer." I said to mr. Owner and after he looked at me he said something to his workers. They continued working while mr. Owner goes to the counter and look at me in the eyes and said, "Those are some pretty big claims you are saing there young lass. Show me what you got, but I'll warn you, I have been working the farms for almost 50 years so I know my stuff." I extended a hand and grew the reddest, most juicy tomato I can make and offer it to him for sampling.

He look at the tomato with wide eyes, after a minute of staring at it he took it and started the inspection. After a couple of minutes he took a bite at it and started crying before he put the rest of the tomato in his mouth. After a while he finally got out of his trance and ask me, "How much tomatoes can you grow and how much you want? Also can you grow other vegetables?" 

Better preserve some ability points in case the marines or some pirates attack me... Also I don't what is a good price since I have never even seen a real belly in my life... After drinking some water I answer his questions "I can grow about 30 tomatoes, and yes I can grow other produces. As for the price I'll live it to mr. Owner since I know that you will give me a fair deal." 

After some Iddle chat with mr. Owner I also got a lot of meat and some spices, along with some cooking tools, a set of knives with a wet stone and a fishing net. And most importantly, some soap and shampoo, which I plan to use later at home, as well as some cotton and fabrics to make a better bedding. After my purchase I stored everything inside my dimmentional storage gainning some funny looks from mr. Owner, his wife, his workers and even Bonney.

After my shopping I asked mr. Owner if there is any place that seel good food and I went on my way after saying good bye to everyone. After about 10 minutes of walking I finally reached the Sleepy Fat Sheep Inn and went inside.

After sitting Bonney and my self on the stools in front of the counter, an old lady aproached me and asked me with a big warm smile, "What can I get you two. Will you be staying the night or just for lunch." 

"I'll be having lunch for two please, can I get the menu please." I answered with a smile of my own. And she gives me the menu. Lets see... today special is Fried Rice with Grilled Terry Chicken for 250 belly, Vegetable and Seweed Soup with smoked Husk Eel for 300 belly and Sea Cow Steak with Mashed Ground Potatoes for 500 belly... they also sell the cola that Franky likes in the anime for 50 belly a bottle. This is hard...

"I'll take two of every special and also four bottles of your coldest colas, please." I said passing 2,500 belly to the Old Lady, she looked at me with wide eyes and accepted the money and I went to a clean table with Bonney. 

After about a 15 minutes a couple of waitresses in maid outfits came with our food and drinks. Then we started eating and eating, it was so good... I tasted the Cola and wow... Now I know why Franky loves this cola so much... it tastes just like Coca-cola... after we were done eating there was a crowd watching us with wide eyes... guess it is not normal for 2 young and beautiful ladies to eat so much food.

After a coupple of minutes after we were done eating we went to the counter and thanked the old lady for the food. I picked the sleepy Bonney up and went for a walk on the park to help with digestion. 

I wonder I battle break off... will I be able to protect Bonney... will I be able to kill to protect those that I love... I wonder, if I become strong enough will that deter people from attacking Bonney and everyone that rallies under my wing. Will be able to fight an Admiral... or a Yonko... maybe I can be a Yonko in the future, since I really don't care that much about the One Piece treasure and be crowned Pirate Queen.

Speaking of Yonkos is Shanks a Yonko yet or is it to soon for that. Will I turn out too be a tyrant like Kaido or LinLin... or free spirit like Shanks... maybe a valiant warrior like Edward... Yeah He was like one of the most epic characters in the anime, maybe I can be a little like him... 

After resting a little on the bench while Bonney is still sleeping I better get back to my hideout to prepare dinner. Guess I shoud eat some of the spices to to see if I can replicate them, maybe some are plant based. I exited the park and entered the nearest alleyway then jumped to the roof and made my way to the wall goin from roof to roof. I don't think I'll be returning anytime soon since I have enough soap and shampoo for like 6 month and I can fish too with my new net, I purchased all the cooking tools.

After a couple of minutes I reached the wall and jumped over it, and kept running toward the hideout. I'm gonna have my first real bath since comming to this world.

Status Check:


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