One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 36

After we arrive at were their ship was docked at the side of the cliff, it resdembles a giant blue fish with a set of 5 sails. The other sun pirates are putting out fires everywhere... but the helm and the sails are fine it's just the deck, guess they put the other areas out first since they are more important.

"We have arrive at my ship, the Snapper Head, I built it myself when I started adventuring, guess it suffered some cannon fire but other than that it's fine... guess I'll have to contact Tom to help me with the fixes since I'll probably need a new ship after today... but enough rambbling." He said to me then looked at Jinbe, "Bring them here Jimbei and also tell the guys to prrpare for sailing we might need to ditch our ship and use one of the marines that aren't that beet-up..." He let out a sigh after finishing... guess this ship is way more important that I though it was.

"I might be able to help with the ship if it's made of wood. I have rested enough to restore it back to new." I said to Fisher while walking towards Jinbe. 

"You really are full of surprises... well let's hurry then." He said and jumped of the cliff and I jumped after waving at the girls and Fisher.

When we landed on the deck the ship didn't even rocked, there were a bunch of fishmen looking terrified at me right now, but after looking at Jinbe they relaxed a little. "Yo!" I waved at then and some even rose their weapon and others just shielded the wounded ones.

"It's okay, guys... she isn't an enemy... she also was the one who saved Fisher. He is out in the camp getting everything ready for sailing, you guys should do the same and prepare the ship." Jinbe explained and the were relieved. Maybe it was because I wasn't an enemy... or maybe it's because Fisher is alive.

"Uhhh, what he said. I'm Lily and I'll help fixing the wooden parts of the ship, you guys will probably need to paint it later and fix the metal parts too." Everyone started getting ready looking for what to do or whatever, Jinbe went to the captain's cabin and I put my hands on the ship and started to send my powers inward to feel the ship and started with the micro fisures and work my way arround the holes and broken pieces. I reinforce the deck who suffered some damage, the 5 masts who suffered some minor damage and the hull, who wasn't damaged, along with the outer walls who suffered the most damage.

"What do we have here..." I felt a heavy killer intent heard someone running towards me... I wish I didn't have to meet him... but still, he hasn't met Nami yet, so he isn't that bad... yet.

Before his sword impacted me on my back I raised my arm and covered my hand in haki, in less then a second his weird looking sword inpacted my hand. I didn't even budge and clamped his sword between my fingers. Some of the other fishmen are bound to look this way and explain the situation. I looked at Arlong in the eyes, he is filled with hatred just like I remember, do he still treat everything luke a business. 

Looking closely he is also pretty beat up, oh yeah, he was unconcious being carried by Jinbe when the ambush happened. Even if Arlong is strong, he still fall way behind Jinbe and Fisher... 

"What are you guys doing, there is an enemy onboa..." Before he could finish speaking he started coughing blood... I used Conquerors Haki to knock him unconscious... even if it is really hard to control at this distance and for how weak his constitution is right now... it didn't take much.

Some of the fishmen looked at me with apologetic eyes others were a little angry at me not going easy on a wounded man... whatever. After taking Arlong to rest I continue fixing and reinforcing the Snaper Head, and Jinbe came to me and handed me a large box. After he open it inside were 3 devil fruits, really... "This is too much, I-"

"Nonsense! what you have done for us is not little either and Fisher already told you, this stuff... even if it's useless to us, to you land dwellers... it should give you an upper hand in some cases. I know you will not use them to hurt our fish folks and money isn't on our priority list right now. You should also get out of Foulshout Island, before more marines arrive and thanks for everything, Wahahahah." He said and slapped my back almost tipping me over the chest with the 3 fruits.

I close the box and put it in my storage, after laughing with the crew a bit and talking about our next meeting, Nel came in her beautiful Dragon Form, to pick me up with the girls. Guess is time to get back to Amazon Lily, and meets with the Boa sisters... they should be on their way with the previous Empress, Glorioasa. 

After jumping on the Saddle on her back, we fly towards the sky in case someone were to follow us they will only see us flying up and dissappearing above the clouds. We finished our rescue, which felt like we spent 2 month doing, but it only took us a bit more than a week since we landed on the island. 

We enjoyed the ride back home, Lexy is still reading that Fishman Karate Manual that Jinbe has given to us, she can't probably wait to start practicing. I checked the 2 notifications I got during the fight... apparently if one of my creations, kills a devil fruit user... I get their fruit... not that I mind but... that was a bit overpowered.

I used the system to check the 5 fruits I got, the first is a Logia-type, breeze breeze fruit, basically a wind manipulation fruit, pretty good maybe I can hold it for the right time. Next is a Zoan-type, Snake Snake Fruit model Black Mamba, that one is nice probably gonna help with the Boa sisters, maybe I can give it to Daisy. 

The final reward from the Sun Pirates is another Logia... how... how did it ended on Sixis... maybe these 3 devil fruits were meant to be destroyed along with the ship, making them respawn on another part of the world... anyway the name of the fruit is the Flare Flare fruit, Ace's fruit back in the anime. Needs to be careful with this one... with all the way I'm messing up the anime's past it is bound to alter so much of the main plot. In eigth or so years Ace is gonna set sail, need to find Sixis Island by the time he gets stuck there so that he doesn't starve to death. 

The first fruit I got from the girls is the Sling Sling fruit a Paramecia-type devil fruit that make thrown projectile fly with better accuracy, speed and power, so bassically the user don't need a gun it can just throw the bullets and they will deal similar damage, not a bad one. The last one of the my devil fruit stock is the Aura Aura fruit, a Paramecia-type devil fruit, that basically increases the physical stats the more damage the user has taken. Guess it will release aura attacks on impact, maybe one of the kujas prefer bare-handed combat.

That was a lot... I can see Amazon Lily from the distance. There is no ship around the island guess they haven't return yet. Getting closer I can see some of the young kujas and some of my dryads waving at me. Even though the dryads are about two years old they are growing really fast, they looked like are 5 years old.

We landed at the docks and Nel went back to her human form, and we are greeted by some of the warrior kujas and the Valkeries, for some reason the Valkeries seemed a little more defined, must be my imagination.

"Your highness welcome home, the Kuja Pirates have found three of the missing kujas. They were brought by a man called Rayleigh they arrived with the previous Empress too. They are at the palace resting, Gloriosa mentioned that she wanted to meet with you." One of the warrior reported. 

"I'll speak with Gloriosa and see what she wants. Thanks for your hard work you guys can continue doing what you were doing. Bonney I might need your help with this, you girls can do what you want for now." I said to everyone present. I'm still not used to this whole Empress thing... wonder how my tree is doing.

"Yes your highness!" The warriors said and left with the Valkeries who saluted at me. "Guess I'll return home and study Master Jinbe's hand book on my Fishman Karate, maybe I can start my own dojo with the kids." Lexy said to me and went off on her own.

Nel and Luc returned to their Mythical Forms and went to the sea, they send me a message saying that they will be hunting more Sea Kings. Hope they don't go after the really big ones. Lapis went to town, guess she is gonna visit one of the dojos.

A 16 year old Bonney and me go in the direction of the palace were my tree is, guess she is still not confortable being her normal age, or maybe that is her normal age and that adult Bonney was her powers to age herself?

Reaching the tree I see several kujas taking care of it and harvesting some of the fruits, I can see some kujas offering some prayers to the tree, ooook. 'Welcome home mom.' Wait what, were... a child voice came in to my mind, well it is more of a teens voice. 'Mom, focus, it's me Yggdrasil." Wait what? Really? "Yes guess once I'm strong enough, I will make a body to help you, acourding to Aunty I will be your last independent follower, along with big sis Nel and Luc. Aunty told me you were getting really strong so she put that limit on you.' She told me in a shy tone.

"Wait Aunty? Is that Iris by chance." I said getting a head tilt from Bonney, oh right, we were talking with a pseudo telepathy so she probably doesn't know about Yggdrasil. "Guess Yggdrasil is talking to me through my mind." I said to her. "Who is Yggdrasil?" She asked me with a curious expression. "She is the tree." I said pointing at Yggdrasil. 

'Ugh, rude.' Yggdrasil transmit her message with a pouting face. "Tree? But Lily that looks nothing like a tree. It has an aura of divinity for some reason, reminds me of a legend I heard once were there was a godly tree which had golden fruits. There was a mythical snake guarding them, said fruit said to grant knowledge and power." Bonney said with some stars in her eyes, didn't know about said leyend... reminded me of Adam and Eve's tale back in my old world. Any oppinion on that? I send her my thoughts.

'Sounds awesome but I have no clue what either of you are saying... sorry.' Yggy answers me. Don't worry about it, just focus on growing, oh by the way does hurt you when they pick the fruits? 'Not really I feel kind of ichy when take the fruits but they are watering me every day and also adding good compost yesterday, luckily I can't smell because acourding to some kujas it smells a little, but it is supposed to be good for plants.' That is nice to hear.

"I never though you were into reading leyends and other fantasy tales Bonney." I tell her and she blushes a little bit. "It's not like that, I heard some people talking about it." I just gave her a headpat and after conversing for a while with the girls, I bid farewell to Yggdrasil and went with Bonney to meet Gloriosa and most importantly the Boa Sisters at the palace. 


Sorry for the long wait, I just needed some time for personal reason and couldn't write more chapters I plan on finishing this novel though so don't worry about not finish them, pobably gonna try and release 2 or 3 chapters a week. Don't think this novel will have thousands of chapter but hopefully it contains atleast a hundred.

Status check:


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