One Piece Titan Awakening

Chapter 43 Confessions of a Lobster

Chapter 43 Confessions of a Lobster
The second child finally found a place to place the knife.

He felt that since he hadn't reached a dead end, there was no need to take things too far.

So he aimed at Dick's ass.

The knife in his hand approached a little bit.

The other three brothers could not bear to look directly at his movements.




A few people who were inexplicably a little excited made urgent sounds unconsciously.

"Ah, are you guys so hungry?"

A strange voice sounded, and the knife that the second child was holding firmly was suddenly frightened. It was originally aimed at the buttocks, but inexplicably changed to the indescribable area between Dick's legs.



The feeling of being suddenly attacked at a key position made Dick wake up instantly, and instinctively activated his whole body armament.

The body jumped up and jumped more than three meters.

Protecting the vitals with both hands, the shrill screams were heart-wrenching and tear-jerking.

"Uh, it seems that the timing of my appearance is not right."

Luo Song was a little embarrassed.


Going back to just now, Luo Song, who decided to give the old man a good shock, also began to carefully select his prey just like Dick.

Eventually, he found an oversized lobster.

The red shrimp body is more than three meters long, with a ferocious carapace, and a pair of powerful pincers are waving in the water.

"Suck it~"

"Such a big lobster must be delicious."

This time it is stable.

Luo Song was overjoyed, and quietly approached the big lobster.

And the lobster, which was thumping happily in the water, had no idea what horror would happen to it next.


My name is Xiaohong, and I am the largest lobster in the nearby waters. I have countless wives and concubines and beautiful women, but there are still countless small female shrimps coveting my strong and powerful body, sexy and domineering carapace, majestic tentacles, and my mighty and domineering body. Two large pliers.

But as a born extraordinary lobster king, I, Xiaohong, am not just a casual lobster, I also have strict self-requirements.

Today I came out to exercise my body specially, and by the way relieve my waist strength that has been a little weak recently.

As a lobster who aspires to become the lobster king, Ben Xia will never dislike his own strength.

"Armed color."

Huh?There seemed to be some noise.

Following the direction of the sound, Xiaohong, the lobster king, saw a blue figure.

Could this be the close relative of the legendary lobster, the Pipi shrimp?
Leaping on me so hungrily, it must be a female shrimp, and only female shrimp can be so hard to contain under my charm.

Looking at the other party's sexy blue-gold color, Xiao Hong was fascinated for a while.

I am such a low-key shrimp, I have already restrained to this point, but I still can't stop my unique charm from spreading out, even if I take a walk, there will be beautiful Pippi shrimps in my arms.

Xiaohong thought of it both helplessly and excitedly.

Forget it, since resistance is useless, then I can only enjoy it.

Thinking of this, Xiaohong quietly looked at the charming figure who was getting closer and closer to her, without any intention of resisting.

Finally, the two shrimps hug each other, and the next thing is...

"Crack clap clap clap..."

Xiaohong desperately found that things were not as beautiful as she imagined. When she took a closer look, she realized that the figure that confuses her turned out to be the hateful and cruel human being in the legend, not the female Pippi shrimp she had imagined. .

Damn, this human being, he is so obsessed with Ben Xia's beauty.

Ah, so strong, I can hardly breathe.

Xiaohong tried to stop the opponent with her powerful pincers.

"Crack, crack."

Something happened to make it even more desperate. The pliers that used to make it invincible in battle were broken by the terrifying human in front of him.

In horror, Xiaohong gradually lost consciousness.


After dragging the unconscious lobster, Luo Song started to return to the boat with satisfaction.

I don't know what's going on with this lobster. When I caught it before, it didn't move at all, as if it was stupid.

There should be no problem with the IQ of this shrimp, right?Will it be contagious if I eat it?
Luo Song began to consider whether to let Colonel Dick or Colonel Dick try the lobster for him.

Well, forget it.

Luo Song suddenly thought that with Dick's situation, even if there was something wrong with the shrimp, he might not be able to see it.

Dragging the big lobster, Luo Song returned to the warship.

"Wow, what a big lobster, it looks delicious!"

Little Edward, who came back earlier than Luo Song, exclaimed in surprise. He also caught a lot of seafood, but there was none as big as Luo Song's lobster.


Xiaosi salivated and kept sniffing the delicious looking lobster, as if she wanted to find a place to have a bite right now.

"Don't worry, don't worry, eat it after it's cooked."

Luo Song appeased Xiao Si who couldn't wait, and cast a disdainful look at the old man Tonks who was not far away, who was very surprised.

"I didn't realize that, Luo Song, you are so good at water!"

Little Edward laughed.

"That must be. Who am I, the proud son of heaven, Luo Song? Swimming is as simple as swimming, and you can do it once you get into the water."

Luo Song said triumphantly.

After a while, Ryder also came back with a large bundle of abalone wrapped in water plants.

"I saw that the abalones here are quite fat, so I brought some back."

Ryder smiled shyly.

Of the four players in the competition, Dick is the only one who hasn't come back so far. According to time, he should be back soon.

After a while, little Edward became a little impatient.

"Something must have happened to Instructor Hanhan, he hasn't come back for so long."

"Wait a little longer, you should have swum far. I personally trained that kid's swimming skills, so there is absolutely no problem."

The old man Tonks spoke.

After a while, Dick still didn't come back.

"Did something really happen?"

Luo Song was also a little worried.

"Or, let's go find it."

Ryder suggested.

"That's all it can do."

Luo Song nodded.

The three of them went into the water again, picked their own directions, and started looking for Colonel Dick.

The old man Tonks wasn't in a hurry at all, he sat leisurely on the recliner without rushing.

It's not so much that he has confidence in Dick, it's better to say that he has confidence in the devil training he gave Dick.

Anyway, the instinct to escape has been firmly imprinted in that guy's bones, as long as there is no irresistible force, he can still do it to save his life.

Luo Song on the other side, after swimming a certain distance, found a small boat not far from the warship.

Could Dick be here?

Luo Song quickly swam to the boat, and the four big men were looking at something urgently.

Seeing that no one noticed him, Luo Song climbed into the boat, trying to see what they were doing.

However, as far as he could see, Luo Song almost laughed out the whole meal of the previous night.

Dick was indeed here.

Looking at Dick who was unconscious for some reason, he was putting on a shy gesture.

Four big men were staring at him somewhere.

"Ah, are you guys so hungry?"

Luo Song couldn't help but speak.

(End of this chapter)

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