One True God

Chapter 46: A Strange Man

"Hey! Wake up! It's time for the exam now! You are already healed by this beautiful babe! You won't be able to fool me!"

Asgo said as he kept shaking Lucifer's body. It seems that he really decided to go and act normal boldly considering that he was scared of Lucifer.

After all, there was just no way that Asgo would do something like this to someone who he's afraid of.

What's more, Asgo personally felt Lucifer's power up-close and personal when Lucifer threatened him.

That was why...Asgo knew that he could never win against Lucifer.

He could never win even if Asgo tried to train himself for, millions of years.

Asgo felt the difference between their powers right then and there and just acted accordingly to save his life.

That was why this was an act of bravery coming from Asgo. Right, and he was just betting that Lucifer would understand the situation as well.

Well, even if Lucifer does understand the situation and he also understood that he was the one who told Asgo to act normal, that doesn't really mean shit.

It didn't guarantee Asgo's safety and life at all.

After all, understanding things and accepting them were two different things.

Lucifer may understand that Asgo acting like this was necessary, but he may also not accept it.

That was why Asgo was literally betting his life as he kept shaking Lucifer's body strongly and ferociously.

And it seems that Asgo's efforts finally paid off as Lucifer showed signs of waking up.

Right, and that was...his eyes started to twitch and his hands started to move as well.

Of course, Lucifer then opened his eyes. It was all just an act, but to the one who was watching from behind, Rachel, it truly looked like...Lucifer just woke up.

"A-Asgo? What happened?" Lucifer said as he raised his right hand to his head.

His voice was a little bit husky, but that was only normal. After all, he just 'woke' up.

"Oh, you finally woke up! I thought you were gonna stay still until you were dead!"

Asgo said as he finally stood up with a smile on his face. It seems that he was really happy now that Lucifer woke up.

Well, behind that smile was fear and wish that he would never die because of what he did just now.

Of course, now that Lucifer woke up, Rachel spoke as well.

No, before she spoke, she first walked forward to enter Lucifer's field of vision as Lucifer was still lying down on the ground.

"I'm the one who healed you okay!"

It seems that she wanted Lucifer to remember the favor. Well, it was only normal that she would want something like that.

After all, who knows if Lucifer would become a strong figure in the future?

Rachel was just trying to secure her future by making sure that Lucifer would remember her.

"A-ah...thank you. But...I don't remember what happened? What do you mean healed? Did something happened to me?"

"The only thing I remember is that we met an old man..."

Lucifer tried to explain his situation and what he could remember, but...he soon stopped talking.

No, he was forced to stop talking as a voice cut in between his words.

And it was a different type of voice. It wasn't Asgo's nor was it Rachel's.

And what that voice said was..."Oh? A fucking bastard who dares to come late to the entrance exam of a school calls a professor an old man?"

"Don't you have a lot of balls under that pretty face of yours, piece of a shitty bastard?"

It was a new voice, and even Lucifer couldn't identify the owner of the voice.

Well, that was just because he hadn't met the person who spoke yet.

Right, it was the first time Lucifer and the new guy would meet, yet the new guy was already talking shit.

And that caused all three of the demons to look for the owner of the voice.

They were able to find the owner of the voice very quickly as was walking, and it seems that he came from the direction where Professor Malbath disappeared in this place.

Right, the man came from the room where the entrance exam was currently ongoing.

The man then stopped walking right in front of the trio, and he then continued speaking as he looked down on Lucifer.

The man's face was just the very definition of arrogant as he spoke with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing, pretty boy! Get the fuck up or I'mma beat your ass that you won't be able to get up!" The man then proceeded to kick Lucifer with his right foot.

It was so sudden that Asgo and Rachel couldn't react, and even Lucifer!

Right, Lucifer was kicked away by the man who suddenly appeared here.

Well, it was only a few miles, but that was only because the man really didn't put any strength into it.


"AHK!" Lucifer shouted out loud as he touched his shoulders with his right hand.

Right...Lucifer was kicked right in the area where he was injured by Professor Malbath.

That was why...even though the man didn't really put any strength behind the kick, it still hurt.

Well, that was just according to the script that Lucifer was playing.

However, it seems that it was really believable as Rachel spoke as she walked right in front of the man.

"What are you doing?! I just healed him! Why did you suddenly kick him in the area where he was injured?!"

"Woah, woah, woah." The man said as he raised two of his arms right in front of his chest.

His face...looked like he was annoyed by this situation, and that was only normal.

After all, a woman suddenly came up to him and started talking shit.

"I have no business with you, little missy. Calm your tits down."

"Besides, I was sent here by Professor Malbath himself. You sure you wanna interrupt me when I'm just doing my job?"

The man said with clear annoyance in his voice as well, but he was not done speaking as he whipped his head towards Asgo, who was just looking at Lucifer.

And as soon as the man saw what Asgo looked like, he had a thought in his head.

'Ah, is that why Professor Malbath said that this guy is no good despite being around the guy who was good?'

Right, he remembered what Professor Malbath said to him, and that of them was good seed, and the other was trash.

Now that the man finally saw the two for himself, he finally could understand what Professor Malbath meant by those words.

After all, it was just so obvious now that he saw them.

'Hmm...I guess that guy is his lackey? Whatever.' The man thought as he whipped his head back to Rachel.

Rachel was just...her face was beet-red right now due to what the man said to her.

It seems that she was somewhat offended by what the man said.

Well, Professor Malbath's name affected her decision to not stick her nose in this business.

Of course, now that the woman shut her mouth, the man didn't plan to talk to her anymore.

That was why the man turned his body as he looked at Lucifer.

He then began to walk towards Lucifer, who now was sitting on the ground while touching his left shoulder with his right hand.

Of course, for the man who was looking down on Lucifer, Lucifer...looked like he was really hurt as Lucifer also had his head looking down.

"Hey, pretty boy! What are you sitting around for?! I said to get your ass up or I'll beat you to death!"

"Didn't you hear me the first time!? Do you want me to kick you again and send you back to your momma's womb?!"

The man said all those words without missing a single beat as he was walking towards Lucifer.

His smirk and arrogant attitude really made him an annoying demon. Well, at least, this man was annoying for Lucifer.

Of course, it's not like Lucifer would fight back against this man now that he heard that Professor Malbath was involved in this.

That was why...Lucifer stood up immediately when he heard what the man said.

"W-who are you...why did you suddenly kick me?" Lucifer said as he played the role of a fool.

Well, he 'just woke up' and he was not supposed to remember things.

His role here play confused. Right, he was supposed to be confused, and now that the man appeared and kicked him...he should be more confused and frustrated that these things were happening to him.

He understood and planned all these in just a matter of seconds. No, he already understood what he needed to play when he first heard what the man called him, a pretty boy.

Pretty boy...well, to Lucifer, he just needed to act as a youth.

A youth who didn't understand a single thing in this confusing situation.

It was then that the man spoke as he looked at Lucifer, the pretty boy.

"Now, now. Don't worry, pretty boy. I'll take care of you."

The man said as he stopped right in front of Lucifer.

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