One True God

Chapter 55: Give Me The Food!

Lucifer was able to arrive at his destination without much trouble.

Of course, his destination was the entrance examination site of the eight academies.

However, there was one problem that even Lucifer didn't think of or expected to have.

And that was...

"Ah, right. He's taking his exam, isn't he?" Lucifer said as he looked around at the site.

There were many people standing around in the streets in front of the building. It was probably the parents of the young demons who were trying to get to a good academy.

However, the number of parents right now actually dwindled down a bit compared to the start of the exam.

Why? It was because the sun was about to set and the night was about to take over the sky.

It was natural that the parents would go home after some time of waiting for their children.

Anyway, there were also people who looked like to be the official staff of the various academies as they wore uniforms.

One of the uniforms was something Lucifer had seen before on his closet, so he was pretty sure that these were the various academies' men on site.

Anyway, since Asgo was taking his exam, there's no way that Lucifer would be able to take Asgo away and talk to him now.

After all, he was taking his exam. Besides, Lucier would want Asgo, his underling, to actually be in the same academy as he is in so there's no way that Lucifer would interfere in his exam.

That was why...this trip to the entrance exam was actually a waste of effort.

'Hah. Fuck this shit.' Lucifer thought as he began to shake his head.

After all, he didn't expect that he would have to wait for his underling.

In a normal situation, it should be the other way around; the subordinate waiting for the boss.

To think that Lucifer, the boss, would actually have to wait for the was truly abnormal and weird that even Lucifer could only laugh at this situation.

'Hmm...what should I do to kill time?' Lucifer thought as he didn't want to waste his effort in coming here.

There were a lot of things Lucifer could do in this spare time. He could walk around in the capital city, Epitel, and gather information about the Zacharath Kingdom.

He could also take the time to find the library of Epitel city and try to think of how to create his book.

Either way, there were a lot of things that Lucifer could do, but...he didn't know what to prioritize in this case.

However, Lucifer soon decided on doing something, and that was...

"I guess I'll eat something." Lucifer said as he tried to smell the place.

As Lucifer's senses were better than normal, he should be able to smell the good food even if it is located far away from him.

Of course, he was also able to smell the bad smells flying in the air, but...Lucifer filtered that out with his control and just sniffed out the good smell.

It was crazy if you think about how he was able to do something like that even though his body was in a mess.

Anyways, Lucifer didn't take a long time to find a good smell, and that was why he began to walk.

He began to walk as he followed the smell to try and find the source of it.

Of course, it didn't take long for Lucifer to finally be able to reach his destination as a certain house came into view.

That house was quite big, but Lucifer could tell that this house was nothing special at all.

And that house...was letting some kind of steam out of their window.

'Oh, so it's in the process of being cooked.' Lucifer thought as he walked towards the house.

Although Lucifer didn't know if this was a shop that sells food or something, Lucifer didn't care about that at all.

After all, he didn't even have money to buy something from someone.

What Lucifer cared for was the smell alone, and the food that would soon come into his stomach.

Right...Lucifer never had plans to pay for food.

That was why...when Lucifer was right in front of the house, he quickly switched up his senses as he tried to feel if there were someone who was observing him.

After all, it wouldn't be weird for Sebastian or the First Academy to send someone to monitor Lucifer's movements and actions. 

However, Lucifer was not able to find someone who was observing him, and as soon as he found out that there was no one, Lucifer made his move.

Right, he made his move as he infiltrated this house to eat food.

It was crazy if you think about how he was a Hell God or some high being praised by all demons, but well.

Lucifer just wanted to eat something right now, and that was why...without even a sound resounding out in this place, Lucifer was able to enter the house without any problems.


Inside the house that Lucifer decided to get some food from, there was a woman who was currently eating.

The food was some kind of soup and inside that soup were some meat.

And there was smoke coming out of that soup. It seems that the steam was coming from this food.

There was a lot of food that it seems like the food was cooked for a family or something.

However, when Lucifer looked around, there was no one else except for the woman who was currently eating the soup.

Of course, the woman who was currently eating wasn't able to notice Lucifer as Lucifer used some kind of magic to hide.

He wasn't completely invisible, but that was enough.

After all, Lucifer was just checking things out for now if it was safe for him to take the food.

That was why Lucifer was currently checking the woman out if the woman was strong or something like that.

The woman was...she was extremely beautiful that even Lucifer would be able to give a compliment of her beauty.

She was blonde, and she was really slim. Judging from how she was moving, Lucifer could tell that the woman was used to fighting.

However, while Lucifer was checking out the woman, there was a thought that crossed his head.

And that was...

'Hah. What the fuck am I doing?'

Right, he didn't know what he was doing right now. Well, he knew but...he doesn't understand why he ended up here, hiding and looking at a woman eating food.

After all, who would have thought that the mighty Lucifer would actually end up doing something like this?

Even Lucifer didn't expect that he would do this, but well...he had to kill time.

'Ah, fuck it. I should just ask.' Lucifer thought as even he felt creepy about himself checking someone out while in their own house.

Although Lucifer was definitely evil and a cruel bastard, even he wouldn't stoop so low that he would do disturbing shit like this.

That was why Lucifer undid the magic that he used to keep himself hidden.

He then walked forward as he began to speak with a clear voice.

"Give me your food."

And when Lucifer said that, the woman quickly reacted as she stood up and pulled up some kind of sword.

The woman's movements and reactions were so fast and smooth that Lucifer finds her praiseworthy.

"Who are you!!" The woman shouted out loud as she aimed her sword at Lucifer.

No...she didn't just aim, but she continued to push the sword to strike at Lucifer!

After all, no one would take their time when someone literally infiltrated their home and threatened their safety.

The woman knew better than to converse with a stranger, and that was why she also churned up her mana.

Her blade started to shine with some kind of light as the tip of the blade was about to scratch Lucifer's neck!

Of course, that didn't happen as Lucifer...caught the sword with his right hand.

His right hand was also shining in light as he used his mana to strengthen his hand.

"You're aggressive, eh. I guess that's how demons should be." Lucifer said as he looked down on the woman.

His voice was cold as fuck that even the woman could feel the chills literally.

However, Lucifer was not done as he continued to speak.

"Well, I won't be pretty cruel to you. Give me the food that you are eating, and I will let you go."

"Or else...I won't hesitate to kill you."

Lucifer said with a heavy voice that just seems ready to kill the woman.

He seems really cool about this, his mind, Lucifer was screaming.

'What the fuck?! When did I start to threaten people for food?! Am I that low now?!'

Right...Lucifer started to scream at himself for threatening this woman for food.

It seems that...Lucifer really got no ways to kill time except for reading books as he got into this awkward situation right away.

And since he was already in this situation, Lucifer spoke again.

"Now...give me the food!"

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