One True God

Chapter 58: Cold

The next moment should tell the truth! Lucifer's instincts told him.

And it seems his instincts were right as Rachel spoke once more.

"It's because...I have you." Rachel said as her hands kept touching Lucifer's body. 

Her voice resounded out in Lucifer's ears, but Lucifer wasn't able to understand that statement.

However, Lucifer could feel that he...should hear Rachel out.

Why? It was because...Rachel's arms were like snakes that were trying to rip out Lucifer's flesh and organs.

At least, that's how it felt for Lucifer as Rachel moved her hands to Lucifer's neck.

She was touching his neck seductively, and it seems that she knew what she was doing as she tiptoed to raise her height and speak near Lucifer's ears.

"Don't you know? I have you in my palms."

Rachel said with a voice that seems so heavenly that even Lucifer...found it alluring.

What's more, her smell was so good that Lucifer could probably sniff her out even though she just came from an exam.

However, it seems that she wasn't done yet as she continued to speak.

"Your injury."

"You faked it, didn't you?"

And it was then that Lucifer...was finally able to realize why he was feeling this way.

It was because...the woman, Rachel, had dirt on Lucifer that could possibly ruin his life here.

Right...Lucifer could already see where this conversation was going.

However, there was something Lucifer didn't understand in this situation.

'She knew? Then why didn't she say anything back then...'

He couldn't understand why Rachel didn't do anything about it.

Although he could understand the point that Rachel would want to keep it a secret to hold dirt against him, he didn't understand how...she knew.

He couldn't understand how she knew how the First Academy was trying to scout him at that point.

He also couldn't understand how she knew information about how...the First Academy was trying to scout students already.

Because...this situation would only make sense if she knew about it and tried to 'trap' Lucifer when she noticed that Lucifer had no injury.

Of course, Lucifer was glad to know that Rachel was just acting shit when she mentioned the injuries that Lucifer couldn't feel.

Knowing that Rachel was just acting would take the load off from Lucifer's mind, but since this wasn't the time to focus on that, Lucifer...let it go and decided to think about it in a more appropriate time.

It was then that Rachel spoke once more.

"You faked the injury that Professor Malbath thought that you had."

"And since you were able to tough it out, without spilling blood, Professor Malbath thought that you had a good body that could be trained."

"And are a top student of the First Academy."

"Now...what do you think would happen if I told this piece of information to Professor Malbath?"

"What do you think would happen if I said to him that...a student, who is supposed to be weak, was able to take a strike from him and even faked an injury?"

"What's more, this supposed student...was from the Luciferian Empire!"

"How odd this situation has become, eh? Lucis."

Right, this situation was so odd and it was so advantageous to Rachel because of two established facts.

One was...Lucifer was 'from' the Luciferian Empire. And the second was...he faked an injury.

Once this information was released to other people, it was obvious that they would get suspicious of Lucifer.

No matter what kind of excuses or reasons Lucifer has to offer, Professor Malbath won't look at him the same way anymore. won't only be Professor Malbath, but also the deputy headmaster of the First Academy.

To be honest, it wouldn't really hurt the First Academy that Lucifer faked an injury or something like that.

In fact, they would be happier about that since they just got a student who could take a hit from a professor.

However, the established fact of Lucifer coming from the Luciferian Empire would cause them to be suspicious of him.

That was why...all the hard work that Lucifer did would be undone in just a single word that would come from Rachel.

Of course, Lucifer didn't care about that as he spoke as he looked down on Rachel's beautiful face.

Their face was so near with each other that one would think that they were kissing each other.

"How come you knew about the First Academy was trying to scout me? come you know about them scouting in the first place?"

Lucifer asked the points that he couldn't understand. Even though Lucifer could guess why Rachel was doing something like this, he couldn't really guess these points.

That was why he just asked them straightforwardly. In a way, Lucifer is an awkward man.

Anyway, when Rachel heard what Lucifer had to say, she...smiled a little bit.

And it was with that smile that Rachel continued to speak.

"With a face like this, it would be easy to gather information, no?"

"I believe you are not that naive, considering that you were able to act even with Professor Malbath's strict eyes."

Indeed. Lucifer could already guess what Rachel meant by saying those words.

Of course, Lucifer's questions didn't end there as he continued to speak as he looked at Rachel straight in the eyes.

"Then...why are you doing this?"

"No, is it stupid of me to ask that?"

"You probably want me to bring you to the top or somewhere along those lines."

And when Rachel heard those words, the smile on her face became wider.

It seems that Lucifer guessed right as Rachel spoke.

"So you understand."

"Right, I only want you to bring me with you. And I won't tell this information to anyone else."

"If you are at the top, the First Academy won't mean anything to you anymore, right?"

"So...this information won't really matter much if you become strong."

Rachel said, but before Rachel could say anything else, Lucifer cut her off.

"However, it would also become a great deal if I don't become strong."

Right, if 'Lucis' couldn't become strong, then that means that he would be useless to Rachel.

Rachel then could snitch since Lucis was useless to her.

It wouldn't really matter to her anymore.

"That's why you need to become strong." Rachel said as she brought her lips close to Lucifer's lips.

"Besides, you would also have me by your side."

It was then that Lucifer snickered as his eyes...turned completely sharp.

He then spoke with a condescending tone as he released...a tiny bit of his killing intent. be exact, Lucifer didn't really release his killing intent. He just...let Rachel feel it with his skin.

"Do you think you would matter to me?"

And when Rachel felt the killing intent, her eyes immediately widened.

She could feel her muscles tingling and she could feel her blood rushing to her brain.

After all, she hadn't felt something like this ever since she was born.

In other words, it was her first time to feel a killing intent. What's more, this killing intent was just not any killing intent. It was Lucifer's!

"A peasant like're not worthy of me, woman."

Lucifer said, but...he really didn't do anything to harm Rachel.

Why? It was because they were outside. They were literally standing in a public place.

What's more, they were right in front of the entrance examination site.

Although Lucifer could feel that there was no one near them, he doubted that there was no one watching.

That was why...he really couldn't kill Rachel in this place.

Of course, he also couldn't kill her even if they were to go to a private place or something like that.

Since Lucifer suspects that there is someone watching them, then...if Rachel suddenly became missing, he would become the most suspected person in the wide city of Epitel.

However, there was something Lucifer could do in this situation.

And that make Rachel realize that she was messing with the wrong demon.

That was why Lucifer...released all of his killing intent in just a single point.

And that point was...Rachel's right eye.

Of course, he made sure that his killing intent wouldn't leak even a single bit since other demons would be able to feel it immediately.

Anyway, when Lucifer did something like that, Rachel...suddenly started seeing illusions.

No...she only saw darkness and Lucifer's two eyes.

Two red eyes of anger that looked down on her. Two eyes that were so big that Rachel...had to look up with her head all the way up.

It was then that Lucifer spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Act like this around me one more time, and I won't regret killing you right away."

He said, but he was not done.

"Spread this information that you have, and I would make sure that you would experience the devilish death that no one has yet to experience."

"I'll make sure that you...would experience my thousands of years of knowledge in torture."

Lucifer then raised his right hand as he unwrapped his neck from Rachel's grasp.

He then moved away a little bit as he knew that a river would soon form around Rachel.

And it was true as Rachel...started to wet herself with piss, saliva, tears, and sweat.

It was...the natural reaction when one is fully exposed to Lucifer's killing intent, especially when their guard is down.

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