One Weird Succubus

Chapter 6: Bastards be bastards…

Bastards be bastards…

|||Content Warning|||

Some transphobia in this chapter

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Sophie didn’t hesitate, she did groaned about it, but quickly moved away from the gap next to the curtain and undid the buttons of her pajama shirt, releasing her breasts to the air while using her tail to support Anastasia’s body together with one arm

“Only once” and distract her with the wiggling tip that she tried to grab, while making her mana stir inside her chest, she let Anastasia put her right nipple on her mouth

Nothing came out, no matter how hard she tried get milk from her while squeezing her tail, and Anastasia had an angry bite… that was because the succubus was focusing the change on her left breast


“I know” Sophie pouted back at the baby hungry protest while pinching her left nipple “I haven't done this before you know? Give me a moment- ow… don’t do that, please…?”

Her nails were sharp too… and Sophie asked Amelia to remind her about telling Theresa that

Luckily, her body quickly started to produce milk in her left boob. The liquid was clear at first, but after rubbing the sides of her breast for a few seconds, in which Anastasia released the other one, she started to produce the white liquid. A quick taste, revealed that it was sweet and it was almost fruity, but she hadn't taste a fruit quite just like it

Still, she didn’t had time to worry about that, and moved the baby’s head to feed her, her tail now captured inside an even stronger grip…

“What do you mean by it tastes weird?” and started to pout after her next whine for a moment before smiling patiently “I’m not your mom. Of course it tastes different. Don’t worry, next time she will give you the one you like best~” listening for a few seconds as the baby sucked, and ignoring the noise they were making outside, Sophie noticed how comfortable she was feeling while doing that “Ow…” if she ignored the occasional hard bite

After making sure the door of the room was still closed, she covered her right breast and moved back to the gap… where the two of them now looked ready to punch the other…

‘Why…? What reason he has to be proud of…?’

[Future Calculations are revealing that his pride will collapse soon] hearing such good news, made her look back at the suckling baby to keep making happy noises, and faces at her

‘But not the why…?’ even if she could intuit the ‘But’ coming


Sophie started to hum a little tune that Theresa used with the baby, to make sure her annoyance wasn't showing while checking her mana… telling her body to start making milk wasn't hard, but the current need for an immediate amount, and because she knew the average time Anastasia took while eating to satiety, she couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. Just using mana to jump start the process, according to an instinct that felt like Theresa talking, would use almost none, but she would need time to produce the milk like that, and the baby wasn't going to give it to her before crying very loudly

Which is why she was using more mana to speed up the milk production…

‘Half an hour tops…?’ she wasn't sure of that number, but she was certain that she was going to be starving if she passed that point… not that her mana would last longer than that

[Your calculations seem to be correct according to the information in the biology book]

“Sweetie, how hungry are you?” she took a pause from humming to ask that

“Hmm?” but the baby couldn’t understand her, she was happy with just being held, and have the bad feeling in her stomach go away thanks to the milk

Her cute little frown made Sophie giggle, which in turn made Anastasia smile, before focusing on eating again-

“Ow” still biting a bit too hard every now and then… “I wonder when you are going to get teeth…”


Anastasia took nineteen minutes to finish, according to the clock inside her Palace, and she was very tired after that happened, burping a few minutes after falling asleep

Which was a relief, even if her grip on her tail remained strong for four minutes more, before she was able to free her tail and hide it again. Luckily for Sophie, the same instinct from before let her stop the trickle of milk at the perfect time to not stain her clothes, more than what the clear liquid she made at first did anyway, or the floor, because she had no other places where to squeeze that fluid


“Yes…?” so Antonia didn’t saw anything weird in the darkness of the room after knocking on the door and entering

“Good… I was worried about where she was…” relief was obvious on her face, while looking at the baby sleeping on her arms

Sophie quickly explained with whispers that she woke up before Theresa left the house, and found Anastasia wiggling in her crib. When asked about food, she replied that if she had needed Theresa, she would have gone out to give her the baby… and punch the idiot, preferably on the dick…

“A kick is better, that way you don’t have to wash your hands immediately after…” the nurse showed her something on her hand, the same plastic thing that Theresa was carrying with her “These are baby monitors, if Anastasia is in her room and cries, then this thing is supposed to catch the sound and send it out on the one that Theresa has… did you heard the weird sound just now?” she had heard something, but it sounded like a mess of static and told her so “Well, it came from this and it sounded a bit like Theresa screaming. I removed the plastic cover on the bottom and…”

She showed it to her, revealing that she had removed the batteries of the thing too, and how the screws on that side had been…

Tampered…” some of those them were even installed sideways, and had melted plastic around. Sophie met eyes with Antonia for a moment, before glaring at him through the gap… not attempting to use her Hostile Suggestion, because his wounded (Again) pride made her feel that he could become violent towards Theresa

Yes…” the nurse was doing the same, and both found amusing how he flinched and looked around while Theresa was tearing him a new one “How long…?”

“Thirty-three minutes and twenty seconds” Sophie answered immediately, more surprised than Antonia by how good her timekeeping was, because the woman was tiredly rubbing her eyes

[Correct. Your structure is working properly, congratulations]


While she wasn't particularly happy by the circumstances… it still was a good thing to know… but she really needed to see a clock: her own was still in zeros, because she had no point of reference for that

“It should end soon then…” Antonia finally answered with a sigh “The only reason their last fight lasted more than an hour, was because one of her ‘Friends’ was on his side…” Sophie looked at her while scandalized… “I hate that two-faced bitch…”

“Someone that agrees with him, can’t be a friend…” she was disgustingly aware of the Sins that the bastard was radiating, like he was some kind of radioactive refuse from an energy plant in Wasteland… so, she felt that her words held some merit at least…

“That’s what ‘Two-faced bitch’ means, Sophie” she said with a smile confirming her belief, and with a glance at the baby “Let me carry her for a bit?” she asked that. Sophie could keep carrying her, but she had no trouble with doing that… because there was something on Antonia’s eyes that told her that she needed to carry the baby…

It reminded her of many things that she had seen in other’s eyes while on Wasteland…

Two minutes later the fight was over, Theresa just ‘Flipped the bird’ as the nurse called it, and got back inside. They got to hear a male voice increasing volume for a moment coming from below, but soon the door closed, and locked, and she was loudly going up the stairs

Obviously, both of them were already walking towards the mom the instant she opened the door, but they waited up the stairs. Where the redhead looked at the thing on her hand with alarm, before Sophie told the same thing she had told Antonia

“Almost wish you had kicked him…” she smiled as they placed Anastasia on her crib “Almost. You can get into problems by doing that without witness to vouch for you…” then she raised an eyebrow and looked at Antonia “Specially if the police gets involved…”

Both of them grimaced at that… before the nurse told her about the tampered monitor, and about how she was going to take Selene to report him in the morning. Which Theresa agreed with a steely glint on her eyes…

After that, and telling her about the baby’s sharp fingers, there was little else to do, so, Theresa shooed them to sleep. Before doing that, Sophie managed to see the time to adjust her inner clock, and eat a fruit to not awake later due to hunger

She still had to learn a few things in the Ark after all


The results of learning about Lucid Dreaming were inconclusive, going from the Ark to a dream, was completely different to going to sleep directly. There was also a small disruption caused by the accelerated time inside the Ark that didn’t really let Sophie dream, which was a complete surprise to Amelia, but quickly explained because she was the first one to attempt dreaming inside the Ark

Meaning that they needed to wait for Sophie to practice that on her own the next night. The rest of their training was instead used to give her an idea of the steps that were involved in a ritual, and how to get permission to go and practice

“Walking on the forest…?” even if the explanation she gave Selene didn’t seemed to make the woman happy

“Yes! It’s a pretty place and I want to see more” even if that motive was also true, the main reason was to practice the motions (Dances) and patterns that Amelia had shown her “Or… I can’t go…?”

“Of course you can…!” Selene looked almost hurt by the question “It’s just…”

The look she gave Theresa made obvious the reason why she was worrying while getting ready with Antonia and Polly, who also had things to do near the station

“Let her go” Theresa sounded bored by the worrying of the brunette “I made perfectly clear that I don’t want to see him ever again, if he gets annoying then I’ll call the police or a lawyer”

Sophie started to rethink about doing that ritual practice that day when she saw how the other three were looking at the mom in the room… but Antonia’s sigh broke the mood that had appeared between them

“Don't go too deep, make sure to keep part of the town visible, if you see one of your friends drag them with you, and take a water bottle with you” and gave the succubus some instructions while looking thoughtful “We need to get her a purse…”

“Ugh… I’m not good with those…” and Polly whined at the idea

Selene still looked worried, but relented and since she was going to be with Antonia, she gave Sophie her house keys with the instructions to not be out until too late, mostly because she still needed to come back to eat, and to not talk with strangers, not even if they offered candy, or a new phone, or clothes. The stream of conditions (That both Antonia and Polly had to physically get her to stop) were more than reasonable, so, soon after they left she was ready to go out too

Denim pants, a flannel shirt, a black jacket and her boots. She felt good on those clothes and they made sense to her to go walk around the forest, and after entering Theresa’s room to say goodbye to her (Anastasia was sleeping), she walked out and locked the door-

“Who the fuck are you?!” before an obnoxious voice called from behind… the wrath and lust let her figure out who he was, but as she turned to him her face was scowling…

“I’m not supposed to talk with strangers…” it was the idiot, with a package of diapers under an arm and clothes that remind her of the Shitheads. He said his name “You are still a stranger to me” but she interrupted whatever he was going to say next and prepared to walk around him

“I’m the father of the baby!” the way he said that word while looking at her hair didn’t felt right to her, and that was without taking into account the wounded pride he had, nor how he had spread his arms to block the way “Open the door! Theresa is waiting for me…”

Sophie snorted, looking down at him and making his pride and envy scream some more at the height difference

“Oh…? You didn’t heard…?” but she tried to look a bit friendly after a flash of inspiration. She had no idea if she succeeded, but in the pause that followed she didn’t care about it “Since she found and reported some tampered diapers, the company gave her some money~” again, she had no idea if that even was possible, but if she was going to get money because a police bastard tried to attack her, why couldn’t Theresa earn money from the mistakes of the bastard in front of her?

“W-what…?!” and the panic in his whisper-shout cracked the pride he had

“Yep~” which made her smile more genuine “She is using that money to do a photoshoot for Anastasia in the forest~” specially because she really liked the sound of that idea… it had gone poorly in one of the movies that they saw the day before, but she still liked the sound of it

He stopped blocking the way and quickly dropped the diapers to write something on his phone. Wrath and frustrated sloth radiating from him…

“Ah. My purse!” and Sophie used his distraction to unlock and go back inside the house-

“Wait-!” in which he tried to follow her


But she was considerably stronger than him, so, even with him tackling the door, Sophie had no trouble holding him out, and closing it with a hand after he bounced, before locking it and rushing back to Theresa

‘How did I do that?!’

[You are physically stronger than a human, curious how that didn’t became relevant before]

Sophie would have started to discuss that topic with Amelia, but the worried Theresa was just outside of her room looking at her get closer. So she had to quickly explain the interaction that happened just outside, while Theresa’s phone vibrated a few times…

“Two-faced bitch…” making her whisper at whatever had appeared in the screen. Her anger was sudden, and made both of them look at the sleeping baby, to make sure she was still out, before the mom grabbed one of her purses, emptied it, and gave it to Sophie “Here, since you are going to the forest…” her expression became one of fear “N-no, wait, you shouldn’t go alone there with him following-”

“Ah…” she didn’t understood why that would be something to be afraid of, but the idea of him following her was a good one

So she quickly grabbed one of Anastasia’s blankets and stuffed it inside the purse, leaving a corner coming out of it, with the drawing of a cute cat visible on it

“I’m not going to the forest~” before explaining herself to the mother “I’m going to walk around Silvermist with the purse that you lend me, because I’m new in town” she smiled widely “I just forgot to take this out~”

Theresa’s eyes widened and suddenly pulled Sophie into a strong hug that she returned after a moment of surprise

“Remain in places where you see people… avoid alleys or narrow passages…” she still sounded fearful, and against the idea… “I’m going to call Antonia-” her phone buzzed again and she huffed in anger “So, go to the mall and wait for her there” she stopped the hug and started to tap a message while giving her instructions of how to arrive there from the general store “His car is of an ugly yellow, don’t get inside it, or, in another car whose driver is a woman that ‘We’ told her about you” before giving her another advice

“I escaped a very bad place” Sophie gave her a reassuring smile “I’m going to leave this idiot eating dust in five minutes~ don’t look out the windows” and gave her a suggestion of her own


It was a very ugly yellow…

But it did made it easily noticeable as she walked towards the general store, even while being slightly distracted by what Amelia was saying about her body. Her species ended being more resistant to extreme temperatures, having better reflexes, and noticeably stronger and faster than the average human

‘How much damage I did to the bastard with my punch…?’ just, not in the realm of the physically impossible: with enough training, a human could become stronger and/or faster than her (But following that, she could use her Formless side to go beyond them, so…)

[Unknown, since he was under the effects of Hostile Suggestion, he might have received a boost to his pain resistance due to the Sin of wrath. Not knowing if this drawback exist, makes it difficult to measure potential damage without further testing]

Testing that was difficult to do, even if the driver of the yellow car was a viable target…

‘I can’t go punching innocent people in the crotch…’ Sophie would need a large amount of test subjects, far more than one

[Nor I’m suggesting that you do that, it might happen with time, but there is no need to know this detail at this moment]

‘Sorry for delaying the training, this feels important’

[There is nothing to worry about Sophie. We can go further into the theory tonight after you test Lucid Dreaming, and you can practice the motions again while in the Ark, even if you don’t use mana during them]

Sophie used a moment where two small boys were staring at her, to wave at them with a smile, and check in the corner of her eye to confirm the ugly car was still following her… for some reason she was happy that the boys had no lust towards her, but as she passed the general store while glancing inside it, she saw that the person she was looking for, was a few meters ahead of her

“K!” and not inside the shop, walking towards his work while looking up from the ground to her with surprise clear on his face. Still… she felt a twinge in her heart at how sad he looked even after seeing her, so she rushed and hugged him

“W-wha- Sophie!” he just patted her shoulders after a moment before she let go with a smile on her face “Y-you look good”

She spun on a foot, to make sure the mixed envy and lust were coming from the car, and to show off her clothes to K… who also felt envious… but she ignored that (And the envy of the boys aimed at K) and hugged one of his arms before resuming walking on the sidewalk towards the mall, accidentally pressing a breast against him

“Thanks~ but…” she enjoyed seeing him blush and the small amount of lust that he produced “Don't look behind us, a yellow car is following me” those things didn’t lasted for long, he stiffened immediately and stopped his protest about needing to go to work without looking back “He is the father of Theresa’s baby, and he is acting very suspiciously”

“S-should I call the police…?” he offered with his tense hands taking a ‘Casual’ position in the pockets of his hoodie, raising an eyebrow at her grimace, but changing the topic easily “Why is he following you?”

“Antonia and Selene are already going to the pi- police, to report him…” she shook her head and gave him a smile at an angle that let her see the car behind them… she also noticed how the boys were pointing at the car while talking with a woman that just came out of the farmer’s market “I’m going to the mall, whatever that is, and wait for Antonia once she is done with that-”

There was a spike of wrath coming from the idiot at the same time his car stopped suddenly, which made her stop while trying to not look back at the car…

“He is trying to harass Theresa” she briefly hoped that she was using the right word, that she heard from a very boring movie… “So I told him that she is in the forest taking pictures of Anastasia and…” she got the blanket out of the purse and showed it to K “I decided to act as bait” pride spiked from the idiot in the car…

“That’s…” her smile seemed to blind him for a moment “I’ll go with you” and after rubbing his eyes he nodded and gestured in the direction that Theresa had told her. After she put the blanket away, this time placing it properly in the purse, she hugged his arm again walking happily in that direction

Wrath, envy, lust, and pride spiked again and she heard the car move again…

‘He really can’t tell how obvious he is being…?’ the noise the wheels were making on the cobblestone was particularly… there

“A mall is…” K said, interrupting her mussing while looking stiff “Think of it as a bunch of general stores stacked on top of each other and forming a single building” she nodded, it made more sense that a lot of buildings on Wasteland “But some of those stores are for clothes… medicines, games, places to see movies…”

“Ah!” and with the explanation she understood where they were going “We watched a few movies yesterday! I think I know what place you are talking about now~” she giggled and hugged his arm harder in thanks as they took a corner, she was partially aware of three people that aimed lust at her, from the front of what Theresa called a bookstore (It had books drawn on a hanging piece of wood in front of the shop) “But what got you on a bad mood…?”

K flinched and stuttered, before sighing and looking down to the ground… she was again partially aware of the three people splitting, one going to the bookstore, one standing there, and the other crossing the street, but she was mostly focused on K, and the idiot that stopped the car again after taking the same turn as them

“I…” a spike of wrath came in front of her, but again she ignored it “I’ll tell you later…” K looked honest, but worried at the time “Let’s just deal with this situation and-” a shouted name interrupted him, making both of them look at the source of wrath in the way, K palling visibly

“So I was right!” that now had pride and lust on him now that she actually looked at him “All that shit about ‘Being’ a ‘Girl’ was just a plan to get as much pussy as you can!” she got angry at that weird accusation

“I’m not-!”

Shut up!” he pointed at Sophie, making her anger increase as she started to understand what was happening… “Not happy with all the boob you fondled yesterday?! Making more lies about ‘Being’ a bitch called Kerry?!”

“My name is Kelly!” Kelly shivered and looked alarmed at Sophie’s expected reaction…

But the succubus wasn't looking at her, she was glaring at the asshole that was making that scene while she was trying to help Theresa. So she pulled the girl at her side behind her, and pointed at the idiot in front of her

Back off…” the anger on her voice made Kelly shiver behind her, and she could tell that by the hand she was holding

Wrath spiked again, and with a grimace, plus some envy at her height that replaced the lust he had, the idiot took a step back

“Eww… I see now, you are one of those freaks too, uh?” Sophie almost used Hostile Suggestion there

[Look to your left] but Amelia stopped her just as her mana churned, and did what she said…

“You better shut up-”

“Why would I?! Uh?! You freak! You think that you-?!”

Sophie just pointed to the bastard on the other side of the glass holding a book

“He is a cop” and said that loud enough for both of them to flinch, then she looked to the other one across the street “Him too…” who also flinched

[Behind you]

That one was someone that she recognized more easily, he was the guy that was with the woman walking close to the blond bastard that she identified as a threat

“A third cop…” unlike the other two, he just looked confused at the scene, but his eyes show that he recognized his coworkers in civilian grab as they got closer “So, shut up. They might do their job otherwise…” she finished that by glaring at the idiot in front of them

“What’s going on?” the third cop asked very confused while the one in the bookstore got to the side of the bully

“This idiot is harassing my friend” Sophie said plainly, and pulled Kelly with her in the direction of the mall, ignoring the three others

“Hey-?!” that tried to get in their way, before the bookstore cop pulled him by the shirt out of the way “The fuck is wrong with you?!” he turned to the cop “You told-!”

“Shut! Up!”

There was a lot of wrath coming from those three, and the last cop to appear wasn't radiating anything, but Sophie ignored them all and went back to hug Kelly’s arm, talking after making some distance from the group

“You all right?” the asshole that was following them, resumed moving by then…

“Y-yes…” but the girl that was with her felt more important at the moment, she was trembling and had tears on her eyes “I…” while trying to calm down her breathing… “I…”

“Years ago…” and Sophie got a hunch “When I was young, I got into an accident…” she wasn't sure if it was her Succubus, or, her Formless side “I was rescued by a man trapped inside the body of a woman, and he taught me a few things…” but she felt that saying that, at the very least, was the right thing to do at the moment “Nice to meet you Kelly~”

Kelly blushed, and some tears fell down her cheeks, that she cleaned before Sophie had the chance to do it

“N-nice to meet you too, Sophie…” she gave her a small smile, and exhaled like a heavy weight got lifted from her shoulders, fighting to not sob there…

‘D-do you think that twenty orgasms, for every time I misgendered her before, are going to make up for thinking she was a boy…?’ Sophie’s attraction for her was still there, she had just confirmed that she was only interested in girls regardless of appearances

[Unknown, but wouldn't giving her a more appropriate body, be enough to repaid that mistake?] Amelia made a very interesting point… even if the drawback associated with it was… [Remember your stalker]

She also reminded her of what she needed to be doing… and an opportunity appeared near the end of the street

Ahead of them there was a T junction, they were on the left sidewalk of the street, and needed to cross to the right side to take that turn. Then, on another junction, turn north again to be on a straight, if long, path to the mall. But, on the second floor window of a building right in front of them, a toddler pointed to the left road while pulling on his mother’s shirt

“Car cop! Car cop!” taking his head out of the window while waving

“Get ready to run” Sophie took that opportunity and looked back at the group discussing something behind them, before looking at their pursuer

Looking at his face for the first time since she left her home, and using Hostile Suggestion on him

His face twisted in pure wrath and wounded pride, with the motor of the vehicle roaring as he speed up-

‘Crap!’ and twisted to ride on top of the sidewalk, Kelly screamed upon seeing that, but Sophie ran while pulling her

Luckily, they were almost at the corner, so they just needed three steps to turn on it, before moments later the vehicle tried to take the corner while scrapping against the wall-


And impacted directly against the front of the cruiser that was moving right there, with the horrifying sound of metal crushing against metal. The impact felt too close to them, even if they managed to clear the length of the cruiser before the impact

Later she found out that no one got hurt, but at the moment she was regretting using her magic like that… even if she couldn't stop using it yet…

They were still moving away from the crash, walking this time, and observed how two cops got out of the vehicle, obviously shocked, but looking unharmed. The idiot on the other hand, got out of the car with some blood flowing from his nose and shaking his head, struggling to remove something tying him to the seat

At that point, one of the cops from the other group, not the confused one, arrived and tried to get him out of the car, but he punched him. Making the two closest cops rush at him while screaming to subdue him-

“Let’s go!” and that was enough for Sophie, she stopped her Suggestion and ran holding to Kelly’s arm


When they arrived to the mall Kelly’s breathing was ragged, both from running and some of the profanities she said while said running, so they sat on one of the benches in front of the large building, for her to recover

Screw…! Him…!” that was the first (Tame) thing she managed to say, making a couple of nearby people look at them with confusion

“Not sure what any of that means…?” Sophie wasn't as tired by the mad run they did, but she did got sweaty from it, which was worse for Kelly, because she shook her head and removed her hoodie before leaning against the back of the bench with a groan and closed eyes. Taking that as a good idea, she removed her jacket too and stuffed it in the purse, before noticing the water bottle she had forgotten about, and giving it to Kelly

Who downed the whole bottle, but Sophie wasn't thirsty, just happy to wait for a few minutes until the girl next to her recovered enough to groan again, and stiffen before looking down… at Sophie's legs. One was across her lap and the other was between her legs…

“Hmm?” which didn’t felt wrong to the succubus, she didn’t even noticed when that happened “Want me to move? Do your legs hurt?” but feeling the lust in the other girl, gave her an idea of what was happening, an idea that she liked even with the envy…

Kelly’s envy made sense to her now…

“I… I’m going to feel this one tomorrow…” Kelly winced and looked away, but said nothing about…

Sophie noticed that her right hand was gripping her shirt, as if Kelly was afraid of touching her, while the other was holding onto the hoodie at her side. So, the succubus grabbed Kelly’s right hand and placed it on her knee with a smile, and while the heat coming from the blushing girl was burning her skin through her pants…

‘Ugh…’ she didn’t felt fully in the mood to try and take things further… ‘Did I screw up…? I wasn't expecting that…’ that didn’t meant that she wasn't getting a bit aroused, but her worries about her actions were really affecting her

[Unknown, but this should create an opportunity to remove him from Theresa’s life] and that was a good thing…

She still was afraid of what she could do though…

“I don’t know Theresa…” Kelly said, taking deep breaths “But her taste in men… leaves a lot to be desired…”

“She herself admits that she had a better time with women so far…” Sophie said casually, making Kelly stare at her… “We all talked about dating yesterday and she mentioned it…?” which made her explain herself while blushing a bit

“Oh… you really are… open minded…” it sounded almost like a question “That’s… good…”

“Why wouldn't I be…?”

Kelly sighed at her last question, and looked at the sky with Sophie looking too, appreciating the shape of the white clouds above them

“Barus isn't open minded… specially with people like… me…”

“Oh… that’s why you didn’t told me” she looked back at Kelly before shaking her head, her tone wasn't an accusing one, she was just stating a fact, but the girl looked worried “Good thing I’m not…” ‘From Barus’ “Like that…” Sophie smiled and squeezed her hand, enjoying the blush in the other girl’s face, slightly regretting placing her hand on her knee and not on her thigh… or boobs…

“N-no…!” Kelly shook her head while blushing, and after a moment of silence she sighed “Not completely… it’s difficult to be open about this, specially because I can’t take the treatment and…”

She looked away while biting her lip, regret obvious in her face…

“There is a treatment…? How does that works?” and Sophie realized that one of the things Kelly didn’t said, wasn't going to give her an answer if she asked about it… so she went with the other thing that made her curious

“It’s…” while Kelly looked at her and hesitated with what to say “Err…” or how to say it… “Basically, male assigned bodies make a hormone… do you…?” Sophie nodded and mentioned the biology book that Lily gave her “All right, then… female assigned bodies make a different hormone. The treatment consist in blocking the hormone that the body produces naturally, while taking an artificial version of the correct hormone, it doesn’t fix everything…” she looked down at her crotch, but it didn’t looked intentional “But it does gives… err… it helps” the succubus nodded at the simple explanation

‘So, what I can do is better…?’

[Seems that way, you would be changing the DNA of the target too, removing the need of a constant treatment]

The idea of helping her was… almost forcing her to reveal everything to Kelly right there… in public… instead she managed to held it back with a frown, and looked up, remembering something important

“That medical checkup is the reason you can’t take the treatment?” before smiling at the girl next to her, trying to keep the concern she had from showing in her face

“What…?” it didn’t worked very well “Did I mention that?” but Kelly looked confused while Sophie nodded and told her it happened the day they met “Well… I know that for some medical things, you need to stop taking the treatment… but this is for my headaches, not… I have no idea if an MRI would make me stop taking the pills, or not…” she frowned and shook her head “I’m not in the treatment anyway, don’t worry about that”

“Then…” Sophie rubbed the hand on her knee, making her stiff a little “Can you tell me more about you? Like… how did you found out?” while she hoped that the surprised Kelly would tell her why she wasn't taking the treatment on her own, she knew that it would take time for her to learn about it, but she wanted to see how their experiences matched together, if at all…

Even if she couldn't tell her that she had gone through something similar… and that omission pained her…

‘Yet, not yet…’

“Doesn't…” Kelly’s surprise turned into another blush “Isn't it weird how…? I…?” that faded as she gestured at herself, and Sophie giggled

“Not weird at all~ if anything you just helped me confirm that I like girls regardless of their appearance and I’m not suddenly liking an oddly cute…” Kelly blushed like she had only seen Alexis do so far… then what she said hit her, as her eyes widened as much as the brunette

And then it was the turn of the succubus to blush

With hints of her arousal surfacing past the unease that her magic caused, using the lust she was feeling from Kelly as fuel to get ready to suggest-

“Sophie!” both of them jumped once Polly called out to her and saw her jogging to the bench they were, a relieved expression on her face “There you are~” she smiled at the succubus before noticing the state of her legs, and raised an eyebrow to Kelly “Who is your friend~?” but she had a teasing tone despite her now somewhat serious expression

“She is Kelly” saying that made the stuttering girl blush again, with her lips trying to not turn into a smile

“Ah~ a fellow companion of us~” the seamstress giggled at the confused expression they gave her, but clapped her hands soon, going into a concerned mood “Did you two saw the crash of the idiot?”

“Y-yes!” Kelly jumped at the change in topic “He nearly ran over us!” the shock in Polly’s face was intense, but she groaned and covered her face after hearing that

Then… we need to go to the police to give a statement” once she said that, one of her hands landed on the grimacing girl’s head with a sympathetic smile “You just need to say what happened, and the idiot should rot in prison”

Sophie groaned, hating the idea of going there again… still, she wanted to help Theresa and Anastasia, so keeping quiet wasn't an option, and she untangled her legs from Kelly’s and stood up. Offering her hand to…?

“Are you alright?” Kelly was blushing again… holding her hoodie against her vacant lap

“Your legs got numb~?” Polly was teasing her for some reason, but the little lust that Kelly had didn’t quite let Sophie figure out why…

“J-just give me a minute…” she coughed, grimacing at the sound

“I’ll get you two a drink before we go then~”

And the succubus got confused by the pride that Polly was feeling for something that she did…


It took them two hours to give their declarations, and that was even after the idiot noticed that Sophie arrived, and loudly screamed that he was going to ‘Fuck and murder the shit out of her’ before actually screaming that he was going to kill her… the policewoman holding his arm, twisted it in an impressive way, before dragging him away, but even with the spectacle she still had to explain what happened

Sophie did noticed that she had something to do with the time they were trapped there, because she (With Amelia’s help) pointed out the three cops that were in civilian clothes, and accurately described the guy that had harassed Kelly

Two of those cops tried to deny that event, but she was there when one of them got punched in the face by the idiot, and it was obviously bruising at that moment. The third cop had actually corroborated her version of the story, glaring back at the other two, because unlike for them, it actually was a free day for him. Sadly, his statement meant that the cops were just falsely taking a ‘Sick day’ and the bully was ignored while those two got a scolding for the whole time she was inside the damn place…

Asshole cop was quiet at least… annoyingly close to where she was, but quiet as he simmered in wrath… that she couldn't quite understand…

Luckily, they gave Kelly a note that indicated that she had gone to the station to give a declaration, so the asshole of a manager she had couldn't say anything about being late. The way she smiled with relief once she got that paper, made her certain that she was going to punch that man…

But now she was ready to forget all of that, except for Kelly being cute while giving her a goodbye hug and a kiss on the cheek, and enjoy being the last one to take a shower… even if the water turned cold soon after starting. Not that it really bothered her, unlike what Antonia had hinted at before (And now that she knew more about her body), she didn’t disliked a cold shower, a warm one was still better, but a cold one wasn't a deal breaker…

And the cold water running along her body had the benefit of getting her nipples rock hard rather quickly…

With a sigh she lifted her breasts, the water giving her a shiver that was unrelated to the temperature

[I have finished an observation related to your Formless side~] Sophie almost yelped when the aroused voice of Amelia started talking [You should be able to produce sperm due to your prolonged contact with Kelly~]

‘Oh~?’ that idea made her sigh and slowly pinch her nipples, enjoying the shiver that moved down along her spine towards her rubbing thighs ‘I wonder~’ and her mana started to heat up making the water clinging on her skin slowly turn into steam as her clit stiffened and pushed out and up

Making her release an unrestrained moan that loudly echoed inside the curtains, becoming louder that the falling water as the cleft formed in the tip of her growing member. Another moan turned into a scream as she grabbed it with both hands, letting her see how big and long her toy was

Sophie would need another hand to cover what was left outside, and her fingers still couldn't wrap around the smooth penis. Hairless and of a cute pink color, very feminine-looking to her if she ignored the size, and what it was… and she could make it bigger, or smaller, depending on her partners desires

Partners that were waiting for her outside the…

‘…?’ outside the… ‘I already masturbated today…?’ she had done that, three continuous times without needing a rest, and she would have keep going with that- ‘I’m practicing Lucid Dreaming!’ but Selene had knocked on the door to make sure she was fine, which made a moan escape her lips despite her attempts at being quiet, and she got teased once she was out of the bathroom…

At least the smell wasn't a problem…

She shook her head and took down the curtain that surrounded her, revealing the forest that she had walked through with the girls she liked… the shower head was still there, attached to a branch that now was making mud under her feet at the contact with the ground. A mental command shut the water, followed by another that left her body clean and dry, before the same clothes she had been wearing while going out, appeared on her body…

“Did I just changed my body again?” with the addition of the bulge her penis was making…

The rainbow mist expanded from behind her and in a moment she was standing in front of Amelia, back inside the Ark for the…

“Third time?” her mind was clearing completely now that she was inside, and she remembered the two previous attempts to do what she just did. Playing with Cutie inside the library that turned into a panting Alexis that requested belly-rubs, and feeding Anastasia while sitting on a rocking chair, both were good dreams… the baby having a red horn was weird, though…

“Correct, I don’t think you will need much more practice on Lucid Dreaming, so let’s continue with it tomorrow” Amelia looked at her crotch “But, you changed your body in this instance, what caused it?”

“Ah…” Sophie chuckled, embarrassed because she didn’t noticed how odd an ‘Aroused Amelia’ sounded… “I was remembering the shower I took today… and… let me change it back”

Maybe in the future…

Sophie quickly entered her Palace and did the change right on the entrance, before going back to Amelia, who confirmed that now her clit was back to the usual shape

“What do you remember about rituals?” before saying that, giving her a marker and gesturing to the whiteboard

“That…” Sophie pouted “Do I really need to remember it?”

“Yes. I do this, to help you make positive, or neutral, memories about remembering things” she pointed at the list of structures on the board, specifically, at the Memory Booster “Like I said before, negative memories are heavier, and in this case, using positive ones to remember things, sounds healthier for your mind”

It was such a good point, that Sophie first instinct was to kiss her… but while tempting, very tempting, she shook her head and moved to the board with the marker

“Rituals are…” she took a deep breath, annoyed by how difficult it was to remember, even with her paying attention to the explanation… “Almost like asking a strong… being? Power?” Amelia just waited for her to continue, and with a sigh Sophie made a big circle with the marker “Asking Them for something… and offering them something in return” then she added five thumb size circles inside the first, but none of those touched the first one, or one of the others “You talked about using… elements? Fire, water, earth, and… wind?”

That sounded a bit weird to her, mostly because fire was a reaction as far as she knew, but they were talking about magic, so… the incredible source of knowledge that was teaching her, probably knew more than her…

“You also mentioned void as an element…” something even more weird to think about, while pointing at the inner circle that was on top of the other four “That is there to… take everything that isn't supposed to interact with the spell, from either the outside or the inside…” she stared… and stared some more at the drawings, before making a dot in the middle of the top circle “I can’t remember the other symbols…”

“That is fine” Amelia walked closer and Sophie gave her the marker. Not that she needed it, the very detailed symbols, were already there before she grabbed it: a flame for fire, a teardrop for water, a crystalline structure for earth, and many spirals for wind… “The symbols themselves aren't important, what is important, is the conceptual meaning of what is inside the inner circles. You can fill them with living plants, and as long those plants mean what you need them to mean, the ritual will be able to work”

“But we are going to use the symbols at first, right? Or do I need to ask for the meaning of local plants?”

Amelia actually stopped moving completely for five seconds before touching her chin

“Could be useful” she blinked “But due to the specifications of this ritual, as the world starts filling with mana, physical instances of the elements are going to take form inside these circles” she gestured to the drawing “Meaning that eventually, you will only need to provide the mana to start a ritual inside the circle, because the elements would be there already. This will change the nature of the offering, but this can be discussed in time”

The marker on her hand extended until it became a long piece of wood, and while trying to suppress a smile Sophie started to get naked… yes, she could will the clothes away, but she liked doing it the slow way

“Let’s do the motions for the ritual once more, this time try to make the inner circles while rotating your body, instead of tracing it with your arms, if time permits us, then you will do an attempt at making the symbols once you get comfortable with the circles”

“Will do~” once Sophie got comfortable, she took the staff and moved to the empty space between her Palace and the bookshelves, while her hips deliberately swayed as she moved. The drawings that she had made the day before (The wooden floor turned into sand as she practiced), were gone, but the succubus had no problem with doing them again

And the idea of having to do one of them naked, while pouring her Lust Mana, on the waking world…

Made her sleeping body moan softly…


At one in the morning of Judgment, an old computer beeped loudly, and the man struggling to remain awake almost fell from the chair in surprise, before cursing and opening a program in it

“Finally…” he rubbed his eyes while something inside the computer started clicking, suppressing a shiver at the ominous sound until a black square appeared on the screen “Hello Ace…” he tried to sound cheerful, but the day had been a tiring one

“Hello Jack” the voice that came from the ancient speaker was completely synthetic, and unable to be processed back into human sounds (He had asked a few people to try as a joke, almost making them quit in frustration), the other side of the chat was supposed to sound just like that too, but he had never seen the person on the other side, so, who knew if that was true…? “Ready for the report?”

“No. I want to be awake until three in the fucking morning discussing your fetish…” that code-word was so ridiculous, that there was no way for him to forget it, or the need to write it down. The only tricky part of it was the right intonation in the word ‘Fucking…’

Ace was the one that suggested it…

“Several eye witness confirm that the ‘Falling Star’ seemed to land in the forest next to Silvermist. None of them heard anything, and there is a seismic detector in range that was silent”

That ‘Star’ was the newest big headache in Lost Pearls: a multicolored something that had been seen floating in space for a very short time by a satellite of another country, before it launched and landed somewhere in the country. Not crashed, like space things are known to do. Landed. To make things worse, there were no recordings. At. All. Of the thing, the only reason it was even seen, was because someone accidentally pressed the wrong key and the satellite aimed the wrong way, for just enough time for someone to see it and to call them first, to aim a different satellite and see that land in the country…

Normally, he would be firing the people responsible for the joke, if it weren't for the fact that he was one of the witnesses… and that Ace themselves confirmed the non-existence of any recording

Fuck…” was there any other way to react…? “So… aliens?”

“Don't be ridiculous…” hearing that synthetic voice deadpan, was a relief “There must be an explanation, and I will find it” Jack desperately wanted to believe that, Barus had been obnoxious for a while, so, moving the military there, despite not being close to the borders, would just make them more annoying for months… “Next, the girl from Barus…”

“She isn't…?” that pause made Jack worry…

“I’m not sure, actually…” and that worry was becoming a priority… “If I ignore her height, then she matches some of the characteristics of the people that have joined the country, but there are other… things… that really don’t match at all…”

Jack’s mouth dried… was Ace, of all people… hesitating…?

“If you can get Calypso to deliver me a blood sample, then I can confirm that” Jack coughed and drank some water before answering

“Problem: I like Caly” he rubbed his forehead “She is competent, her reports are to the point, she is competent, she doesn’t kiss any ass in a non-sexual way, and I don’t really care to know, or judge, if she does that in the bedroom, and… did I mention that she is competent?”

“You did”

“Then, since she asked for favors, which she never does, and you know who I work with, I hope you understand why I don’t want to piss her off…” it was a flimsy excuse at best, but Calypso was a magnificent person to work with. If she was doing all that to bang an eighteen years old hottie from Barus? Again: he wasn't judging, and she was eighteen “If you are unsure, is there any other idea of where she could actually come from?”

There was silence on the line, and if he weren't using that computer, then he would have checked if the connection failed or something…

The sigh that eventually came out of the speaker, almost made him wish it had…

“I have no idea…” what a scary thing to heard coming from them… “She was a mess when she entered the town, but not nearly as much as she would be for someone that was alone for weeks in the wild. The local police also made some catastrophic mistakes…” aka: they fucked up “I’m actually angry at them…” correction, they royally fucked up “They hired a… that made her freak out, which made the women helping her be the ones to answer the questions”

That pause made Jack assume that the idiot was as good as dead… but the fact that there weren't recordings of the girl herself making the declarations, was annoying

“And just today… never mind I just saw the time, yesterday I got some evidence that another policeman is trying to interfere with her… I’m going to have a hard time getting information out of her, even if I do that personally”

Jack slammed his fist on the table, struggling to not scream… but…

“Is this ‘Policeman’ the one related to the bark issue…?”


There was no way he could stop himself from screaming at that


At Judgment’s sunrise Ace woke up, did their morning routine, and sat in front of one of their laptops, specifically the one that had the recordings and videos of both sides of the interrogation room

Watching them side by side again, now with many arrows added to it by a few programs of their own making… made them sigh

Those arrows confirmed that ‘Sophie’ met eyes with Selene, and followed movement from the other side of the mirror. The glare she gave the man that tried to flirt with Selene, was the thing that gave them the idea of using that program… those were some of the things that Ace found… curious, even if they didn’t explained them to the president

Other unusual things were how she rejected the drugged water she was given, but that one could just be paranoia, how she perfectly avoided the slap despite her lack of training being obvious, how easily she lifted the metal chair and maintained it up for the duration of the struggle without looking tired by its weight…

How the air around her, and the idiot, seemed to boil under the recording of every camera that saw both of them, until after he was dragged away and the conflict was over…

“Damn it Jack…”

Aliens… how funny…


Ace is also competent in their job, don’t you think?

Not much to say today…

Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

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